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Dr. Paul Marik

The smallpox vaccine was introduced by Dr. Edward Jenner in 1796. Inspired by the belief that cowpox infection could prevent smallpox, Dr. Jenner experimented on an 8-year-old boy.

When the boy didn’t develop smallpox after exposure, Jenner concluded that the cowpox vaccination was effective. This early single-person study evolved into the modern narrative being told in our textbooks for hundreds of years.

A 2018 paper in The Lancet Infectious Diseases carefully revisited the complex and obscure history of smallpox vaccines and concluded that the virus strains used by Dr. Jenner remain a mystery.

The idea of injecting a contaminated fluid or tissue into a human from a diseased animal to prevent another disease in humans, defies common sense and logic, creating scientific skepticism among contemporary physicians which we will explore in a future episode.

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Dr. Paul Marik

Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla: "Right now, Pfizer enjoys the highest reputation of all pharmaceutical companies in the world."

Considering the reputation of pharmaceutical companies has sunk to an all-time low, that's not exactly saying much. 🤡

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Dr. Paul Marik

Joe Rogan: "I Know a Lot of People With Pretty Severe Vaccine Injuries"

"I have two friends that have pacemakers now," Rogan disclosed to Aaron Rodgers.

And just before Rogan intended to get injected with the COVID-19 shot (he never actually received it), two people he knew suffered from strokes.

Moreover, according to a recent Rasmussen poll, 53% of American Adults believe it is likely that COVID-19 vaccines have caused a significant number of unexplained deaths.

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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 ‘Absolute Disaster’: Pharma Whistleblower Slams Popular Weight-Loss Drug

Pharmaceutical consultant-turned-whistleblower Calley Means told Tucker Carlson that Ozempic poses medically dangerous gastrointestinal + mental health risks but fails to address the root causes of metabolic conditions.


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Dr. Paul Marik

CDC Admits It Has No Records Supporting the Idea That COVID-19 Vaccines Prevent New Variants From Emerging

The CDC revealed it has no records supporting the COVID-19 statement that "high vaccination coverage in a population reduces the spread of the virus and helps prevent new variants from emerging."

In response to a journalist's letter, the "CDC admits that it embraced pseudoscience when promulgating the idea that the COVID-19 vaccine prevents new variants from emerging, with no high quality science to support it," explained Dr Jay Bhattacharya.

In other words—they're making this stuff up.

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Dr. Paul Marik

UK HAS A PROBLEM: Excess deaths are up a staggering 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds.

Notably, this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.”

2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected
2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected
2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected
2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected

Additionally, the United States continues to experience a high rate of excess deaths among individuals under the age of 25:

2020: 10 percent more deaths than expected
2021: 20 percent more deaths than expected (mandates)
2022: ~20 percent more deaths than expected
2023: 16 percent more deaths than expected

UK health officials are quietly investigating a 10% rise in deaths across all age groups. They believe “circulatory diseases and diabetes are ... behind the increase.”

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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 A NY County Pays $750,000 to Families Whose Unvaccinated Kids Were Barred From School During Measles Outbreak

Rockland County’s 2019 emergency order prohibited children without measles vaccinations, including those with religious exemptions, from attending school or visiting public places for months, following a measles outbreak in the region.



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Dr. Paul Marik

BOMBSHELL: Scientist Confirms “Fluoride Lobby” Has Infiltrated the WHO

Dr. Philippe Grandjean: "The WHO asked me to help them develop what they called an environmental health criteria document on fluoride. So I drafted that document that reviewed the sources of fluoride in the environment, including drinking water, the animal data, and the epidemiology. [...] And they inserted changes in my draft indicating that fluoride could perhaps be toxic, but only at immense concentrations. I protested and said that in accordance with the scientific documentation, it would be wrong to insert the word immense."

"And so WHO published a document, without my name because I'd asked to have my name stricken, but then they inserted some other colleague's name as the author of the draft, which is, of course, erroneous. But that was what WHO felt was necessary in order to protect the interests of water fluoridation."

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Dr. Paul Marik

The Resistible Rise of The New Normal Reich

So, the German authorities have filed an appeal to overturn the acquittal of CJ Hopkins in criminal court last week. Apparently, their plan is to keep putting Hopkins on trial until they get a judge who is willing to convict him of something, or to bankrupt him with legal costs.

We highly recommend that you read CJ's important new article.


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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 Kids in New Jersey Schools Can Win Cash Prizes by Shilling for Vaccine Makers

“This type of insidious manipulation of children for Pharma profit is cruel + inhumane.” — Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E.,


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Dr. Paul Marik

What a first day! Thank you all so much for helping us kick off our third FLCCC Educational Conference, 'Healthcare Revolution'!


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Dr. Paul Marik

To close the first day of FLCCC's # HealthcareRevolution conference, Dr. @ PierreKory and @DrPaulMarik shared updates to FLCCC's I-RECOVER Post-Vaccine Treatment guide.

Read and download summary and full guide here:


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Dr. Paul Marik

Holy smokes. Suspicions confirmed.

Former Pharma insider tells Tucker Carlson that the true goal of pharma ads on TV is not to sell drugs but to BUY OFF the news media.

This is described as an "open secret" within the pharmaceutical industry.

TUCKER: You're saying that pharma buys TV spots not to convince people to ask for specific drugs from their physicians, but to subvert the news business?

CALLEY MEANS: This is an open secret working for pharma. This is an open secret. The kind of silly ads you see between the news breaks, the points of that is not — it's largely to impact the customer. But the pharma has already got that. They've already bought off the doctors. They're good on that.

No, this is an open secret. The news ad spending from pharma is a public relations lobbying tactic, essentially to buy off the news. They're not investigating pharma. The news has become basically a referee. That you are a terrible anti-science luddite for asking why the shots that we require our kids to get, that fundamentally by their own advertising change the immune system of that child for life...

To even ask that question, the news referees that and calls you anti-science. When the two largest vaccine makers in the country are literally criminal enterprises, GlaxoSmithKline and Merck, in the past five years, have settled two of the largest criminal penalties in American corporate history for bribing doctors and creating misleading research for the two largest vaccine makers. So you literally have the media playing referee that you can't even ask a question.

TUCKER: If you have a vaccine injury and many people have, including some I know very well, even a profound vaccine injury, you're not allowed to complain about it.

CALLEY MEANS: No, you're "anti-science."

TUCKER: Even if it can be shown to us that this is a vaccine injury?

CALLEY MEANS: The media plays referee because they're funded by so, on all levels.

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Dr. Paul Marik


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Dr. Paul Marik

Main characteristics of a COVID Superspreader


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Dr. Paul Marik

Del Bigtree & Dr. Drew on How Quickly People Turned on Each Other During COVID

“I always knew everyone was capable of being a N*zi, it’s just during COVID I didn’t realize it only took five minutes. I mean it was so fast.”

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Dr. Paul Marik

CDC Warns CDC’s Own Scientists That Their Finding on Masks is "Not Scientifically Correct”

Nearly a year ago, the respected research collaborative Cochrane drastically reinterpreted its own "systematic review" of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on masking in response to media pressure, deeming them "inconclusive" after the review team found that masks make "little to no difference" against COVID-19 or influenza.

The CDC is following Cochrane's lead by publicly pressuring its advisers to revise their recommendations on masking in healthcare settings, which are based on its own systematic review that now undermines CDC preferences.

The CDC's Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee had asked agency scientists to review the evidence for the effectiveness of surgical masks versus N95 respirators worn by "healthcare personnel caring for patients with respiratory infections," rather than the mechanistic evidence from lab settings.

A presentation at HICPAC's meeting last summer by Office of Guidelines and Evidence Review analyst Erin Stone found "no difference" between the two, while emphasizing "overall concerns with the evidence" due to "serious confounding" factors, the "retrospective nature" of most studies and failure of many to track compliance "objectively" or at all.

Scientists searched several research databases through Aug. 3, 2023, and the draft "systematic review and meta-analysis" confirmed no difference for lab-confirmed infections. While N95s did better for "self-reported" infections, respirators were also more frequently reported for difficulty breathing, headaches, dizziness, "skin barrier damage" and fatigue.



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Dr. Paul Marik

Aaron Rodgers: “[Big Pharma] Is F*cking Controlling the Message”

Rodgers cited a Tucker Carlson interview with Calley Means, where he revealed that the true purpose of pharma ads on TV is not to sell drugs — but to BUY OFF the news industry.

“So when you come out and talk about what you use to heal yourself during COVID ... they get absolutely railroaded and censored and silenced and attacked and slandered,” lamented Aaron Rodgers.

“It’s not the news; it’s corporate controlled. It’s completely controlled, and it’s not good for us,” Joe Rogan added.

Among all the countries in the world, only the United States and New Zealand permit the broadcasting of pharmaceutical advertisements on television.

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Dr. Paul Marik

Audio Recording Leaked from AstraZeneca: COVID Was Classified a National Security Threat by the US Government/DoD on Feb 4, 2020

🇺🇸On February 4, 2020, AstraZeneca and other Big Pharma companies participating in the DoD Pandemic Preparedness consortium received a phone call from the DoD saying that “novel Covid virus posed national security threat.”

This explains why PREP Act declaration in the US was made retroactive to Feb 4. The US Government organized itself for war, but lied to the public that it was a zoonotic virus and a healthcare event. Anyone who suggested otherwise was heavily censored and surveilled online.

They continue to pretend it was/is a natural virus evolution to this day. It appears that the DoD initiated the COVID plandemic and did not tell Trump until after. Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone has a very good hypothesis on how that likely occurred. Trump made a U-turn on his position on lock down between March 9 and 11.

The recording contains both video and audio, but Sasha Latypova is only releasing the audio portion for now.

Listen here: 👇

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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 Exclusive: NTP Scientific Director Tells The Defender What He Couldn’t Tell the Court

“The public has a right to know what the evidence is so that even if the EPA is not making a change or the FDA or whoever the regulators are, then at least people can make informed decisions." — Brian Berridge, DVM, Ph.D.



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Dr. Paul Marik

WOW! Our third FLCCC Educational Conference, 'Healthcare Revolution: Restoring the Doctor-Patient Relationship' is over, and our hearts are full. A huge thank you to all who helped make this event possible - we couldn't have done it without you!!!

Thank you, Team FLCCC


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Dr. Paul Marik

'Healthcare Revolution' FLCCC 2024 Excellence Awards!

Outstanding Clinical Scientist: Dr. Suzanne Gazda @ dr_gazda
Freedom Award (Investigative Journalism): @ marybethpf
Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Elizabeth Mumper
Contributions to Research Excellence: Dr. @ FlavioCadegiani


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Dr. Paul Marik

A recent preprint co-authored by the CDC U.S. Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Network Investigators found that repeat annual flu vaccines are associated with an INCREASED risk of getting the flu.

As early as the 70s, studies have signaled that repeat flu vaccination was linked to reduced vaccine protection. Repeat vaccinations against the same virus have been shown to diminish the body's antibody response.

Natural immunity obtained by contracting an infection is generally suggested to be more effective than the short-term immunity gained from flu vaccines, according to many experts.

Do you trust Big Pharma over your own natural immunity?

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Dr. Paul Marik

Just considering the EUA drugs (monoclonals, oral antivirals), severe COVID-19 was avoidable. Can you imagine what the global impact of early ambulatory multidrug protocols would have had in reducing avoidable hospitalizations and deaths? Tragic.



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Dr. Paul Marik

“You can’t be blind to all the people dying suddenly. You can’t be blind to all the vaccine injured. You can’t be blind to all these young people getting cancer.” @DrPaulMarik during his opening remarks this morning.


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Dr. Paul Marik

Ed Dowd: “Safe and Effective” Is the Biggest Fraud of Our Lifetime

“And it’s unwinding,” he says.

“All you have to do is look at the Pfizer stock price – look at the Moderna stock price, and they are hitting new lows every day.”

“And there’s a reason why,” Dowd added.

“Even though the mainstream media and our medical institutions won’t admit what’s going on, the word’s gotten out and uptake of the magic juice inoculations is about 6% now.”

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Dr. Paul Marik

During today's panel discussion on 'Cancer: Practical Solutions', @DrPaulMarik announced that FLCCC and Dr. Kathleen Ruddy @ DocRuddy have partnered to begin a groundbreaking 5-year study to determine the efficacy of repurposed drugs in treating cancer.


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Dr. Paul Marik

Were vaccine mandates legal?

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Dr. Paul Marik

The ‘6-Foot Rule’ Scam

Yikes, that’s embarrassing, Fauci! You know it’s bad when the globalists at the World Economic Forum start calling you out for fessing up to your lies.

During the 2024 WEF Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland — in a session ironically titled “Rebuilding Trust in Science” — the moderator criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci for recently admitting that the whole six-foot social distancing premise was essentially a made-up unscientific sham, calling his statements “very damaging.”

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Dr. Paul Marik

UK HAS A PROBLEM: Excess deaths are up a staggering 22% among 1 to 14-year-olds.

Notably, this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.”

2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected
2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected
2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected
2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected

Furthermore, “Figures from the Office for National Statistics show about 10% more deaths (across all age groups) than expected since April this year.”

UK health officials believe “circulatory diseases and diabetes are ... behind the increase.”

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