05 Dec 2024 08:53
🔆#Advanced 🔆
🔸Can you speak louder please as I cannot hear you?
▪️MIND Would ................................................................................................. up as I cannot hear you.
🔸You look very similar to your grandmother.
▪️REMIND You ................................................................................................. your grandmother.
🔸She went to work even though she caught the flu.
▪️COMING In ................................................................................................. the flu, she went to work.
🔸I’ll set two alarms in case I wake up late.
▪️ORDER I’ll set two alarms ................................................................................................. wake up late.
🔸We finally agreed on what to do next.
▪️REACHED In the end, ................................................................................................. what to do next.
🔸I kept quiet so that I wouldn’t wake the baby.
▪️AVOID I kept quiet in ................................................................................................. the baby.
🔸I don’t think Rory will win the tournament.
▪️LIKELIHOOD There ................................................................................................. the tournament.
🔸Aly was disappointed not to win first prize.
▪️CAME It ....................................................................................... not to win first prize.
🔸I had no idea that she was so upset.
▪️KNOW Little ....................................................................................... that she was so upset.
🔸It’s the last time I’ll eat in this so-called restaurant.
▪️WILL Never ....................................................................................... in this so-called restaurant.
▪️I could not reach Mark by telephone.
🔸MANAGE I ....................................................................................... through to Mark by telephone.
▪️We left too late and that’s why we missed the flight.
🔸SET If ....................................................................................... we wouldn’t have missed the flight.
▪️You can trust her to support you if you need it.
🔸UP You can count ....................................................................................... if you need it.
▪️War is on the point of starting in the region.
🔸ABOUT War ....................................................................................... out in the region.
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30 Nov 2024 00:03
▶️ PLAY 🐾
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03 Nov 2024 18:16
🛑 #Vocabulary Exercise 🛑
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22 Oct 2024 20:07
🔔🎊 #quiz
#Prepositions 🎊🔔
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18 Oct 2024 22:22
▶SEED miniAPP🌱
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18 Oct 2024 17:39
🎊🛎 #quiz
#Collocations 🛎🎊
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16 Oct 2024 08:49
🔆I’m not used to staying up so late during the week.
🔅UNUSUAL It ................................................................................................. up so late during the week.
🔆The wind was so strong that many trees fell.
🔅STRENGTH Such ................................................................................................. that many trees fell.
🔆I do not intend to tolerate his nonsense.
🔅PUTTING I have ................................................................................................. with his nonsense.
🔆I don’t mind if we stay in touch or not.
🔅DIFFERENCE It ................................................................................................. we stay in touch or not.
🔆It is very important for you to pay attention.
🔅UTMOST It ................................................................................................. that you pay attention.
🔆I only understood the grammar when she explained it.
🔅DID Only when ................................................................................................. the grammar.
🔆The weather was better than we had expected.
🔅OUT The weather ................................................................................................. we had expected.
🔆It’s common for me to fall asleep early most nights.
🔅TENDENCY I ....................................................................................... early most nights.
🔆Rafa is much better at playing tennis than me.
🔅NOWHERE I ....................................................................................... tennis player as Rafa.
🔆She didn’t get the job because she didn’t speak French.
🔅NOT On ....................................................................................... she didn’t get the job.
🔆I don’t care what they decide to do.
🔅CONSEQUENCE It ....................................................................................... what they decide to do.
🔆I woke up early because I was afraid of missing the bus.
🔅FEAR I woke up early ....................................................................................... miss the first bus.
🔆It was heavy rainfall that caused the flooding.
🔅ABOUT The flooding ....................................................................................... heavy rainfall.
🔆I would rather not go out this evening.
🔅FEEL I ....................................................................................... this evening.
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08 Oct 2024 17:34
Choose the punctuation mark that is needed in each of the following sentences
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07 Oct 2024 09:41
🔘Choose the correct collocation to complete the given sentences :
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04 Oct 2024 14:23
🔆#Advanced 🔆
⚜♻️I disagreed with what the report said.
💭EXCEPTION I ................................................................................................. what the report said.
♻️Very few people attended the event this year.
💭UP Hardly ................................................................................................. the event this year.
♻️You must not forget about your final objective.
💭SIGHT You had ................................................................................................. your final objective.
♻️Sara gave me the impression that she was a nice person.
💭ACROSS Sara ................................................................................................. a nice person.
♻️What he said didn’t fool me.
💭TAKEN I ................................................................................................. what he said.
♻️“You ought to turn down their offer.” I told him.
💭ADVISED I ................................................................................................. accept their offer.
♻️It is the most interesting story I have ever heard.
💭YET I ................................................................................................. a more interesting story.
♻️The fact that Henrique was successful did not surprise his friends.
💭CAMEHenrique’s success ....................................................................................... his friends.
♻️I should spend more time studying English.
💭DEVOTEI should ....................................................................................... English.
♻️I haven’t had time to sorting out the laundry.
💭ROUNDI have ....................................................................................... out the laundry.
♻️No changes were made to the project.
💭AHEADThe project ....................................................................................... plan.
♻️I no longer believe Real will win the league title.
💭HOPEI have ....................................................................................... the league title.
♻️I was about to leave the house when it started to rain.
.................................................................................. the house when it started to rain.
♻️I have decided to reject the offer.
💭MIND I have ....................................................................................... down the offer.
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03 Oct 2024 21:38
🔘 Choose the correct reply :
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03 Oct 2024 01:27
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03 Oct 2024 00:02
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02 Oct 2024 07:24
♻️She had great difficulty accepting the bad news.
She struggled ................................................................................................. the bad news.
♻️It’s a matter of time before you get used to it.
You will ................................................................................................ or later.
♻️I was never told about the issue.
TIME : At ................................................................................................. about the issue.
♻️Someone is decorating our house at the moment.
We ................................................................................................. at the moment.
♻️We succeeded in passing the exam, which was a surprise to us.
Much ................................................................................................. to pass the exam.
♻️It was money that made her leave the job.
Her decision ................................................................................................. to money.
♻️“I don’t like what people are saying about me.” said John .
OBJECTED John ................................................................................................. saying about him.
♻️People think that students vandalised the school last night.
Students ....................................................................................... the school last night.
♻️It never occured to me to ask Teresa her opinion.
Not ....................................................................................... to ask Teresa her opinion.
♻️I had expected the film to be better than it was.
The film ....................................................................................... my expectations.
♻️Although we made an early booking, we had to queue to enter.
Despite ....................................................................................... we had to queue to enter.
♻️Rocio does not like parties so there is no point inviting her.
It ....................................................................................... because she doesn’t like parties.
♻️I regret declining the job offer.
wish ....................................................................................... the job offer.
♻️There’s a risk we won’t arrive at the station in time.
We ....................................................................................... to the station in time.
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30 Sep 2024 01:42
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01 Dec 2024 03:05
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10 Nov 2024 00:51
💎Telegram Play-Station
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25 Oct 2024 16:14
🛑 #Vocabulary Exercise 🛑
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21 Oct 2024 13:54
⚫️ choose the correct word to complete the given sentences :
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18 Oct 2024 17:42
#Collocations with WORK, JOB & CAREER.
~afulfilling job .
~a steady job.
~to offer someone a job.
~a permanent job.
~a demanding job.
~a high- powered job = an important job.
~to apply for a job.
~to carry out work
~to complete work
~to supervise work
~available to start work
~to work closely with
~to take on work
🔘CAREER :~to wreck/ruin someone's
~to embark on a career = to start a career
~at the height/peak
of your career.
~to have a career in
~to climb the career ladder.
~a promising career.
~someone's career lasted.
~a brilliant career.
~a career takes off = a career starts to become very successful.
📌NOTE : we say have a job, NOT have a work .
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16 Oct 2024 08:50
🔆 #Advanced 🔆
⚜Answer key⚜
is unusual for me to stay up so late during the week.
was the strength of the wind that many trees fell.
▪️I have
no intention of putting up with his nonsense.
makes no difference to me if/whether we stay in touch or not.
▪️It is
of the utmost importance that you pay attention.
when she explained it did I understand the grammar.
▪️The weather
turned out to be better than we had expected.
have a tendency to fall asleep early most nights.
am nowhere near as good a tennis player as Rafa.
account of not speaking French, she didn’t get the job.
is of no consequence to me what they decide to do.
▪️I woke up early
for fear that I would miss the first bus.
▪️The flooding
was brought about by heavy rainfall.
don’t feel like going out this evening.
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09 Oct 2024 21:05
🔘 Choose the correct words to complete the given sentences.
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07 Oct 2024 09:45
▪️The first important collocation involving sports is when to use the verbs play, do, and go.
🔸 We typically use play for team sports – you play soccer, play basketball, play tennis, play baseball, and play golf.
🔸The verb do is used for more individual sports – you do yoga, do gymnastics, do martial arts, and do aerobics. Also, in more general terms, you do exercise. Another common individual exercise is to lift weights.
🔸The verb go is used with most activities that end in –ing: you go swimming, go biking, go surfing, go rock climbing, go bowling, and go fishing.
🔸With the team sports, we can use the word game or match: a soccer game, a basketball game, a tennis
match, etc.
🔸 You can win the game, lose the game, or tie the game – that’s when the final score is 1-1 or 2-2, for example.
🔸A team can play a home game – when they play in their own stadium or field – or an away game – when they play at the opposing team’s stadium or field. When there are many teams that are playing many games to see which one is the best, we call this a tournament.
🔸When one team is winning in the middle of the game – for example, 3-1 – we say that team has the lead. However, the other team can make a comeback – score points from a losing position – and take the lead, 4-3.
🔸With the sports that use “do” and “go,” we typically use the word competition – a
gymnastics competition, a martial arts competition, a surfing competition, an ice skating competition, etc.
🔸The exception is sports where you go from one place to another – like running, biking, and swimming – in that case, we often call the event a race.
🔸Athletes can enter a competition and try to win first place. Some athletes try to enhance their performance with illegal substances such as steroids. But if they fail a drug test, they’ll be disqualified
from participating.
🔸If the athlete is performing well, they may achieve a personal best – and if they perform better than ANYONE ever has in the past, then they could even break the world record or set a new world record. If they get injured, however, they might have to withdraw from the competition (voluntarily leave the competition) .
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04 Oct 2024 14:24
🔆#Advanced 🔆
⚜Answer key
took exception to what the report said.
💡Hardly anyone turned/showed up to the event this year.
had better not lose sight
of your final objective.
came across as (being) a nice person.
💡I was not taken in by what he said.
advised him not to accept their offer.
have yet to hear / have not yet heard a more interesting story.
💡Henrique’s success
came as no surprise to his friends.
💡I should
devote more time to studying English.
💡I have
not got round to sorting out the laundry.
💡The project
went ahead according to plan.
have given up hope of Real winning the league title.
was on/at the point of leaving the house when it started to rain.
have made up my mind to turn down the offer.
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03 Oct 2024 21:41
So/Neither do I and I think so
A: So and neither
Vicky: I'm hungry.
So am I.1 haven't eaten anything all day.
Neither have I. I didn't have time for breakfast.
▪️We use so after a positive statement and neither after a negative one.~ I'm hungry.
So am I. (= And I'm hungry./I'm hungry, too.)
~l haven't eaten.
Neither have I. (=
And I haven't eaten./I haven't eaten either.) ➖
The structure is so/neither + an auxiliary + the subject.
➖The auxiliary is a form of be or have or a modal verb, e.g. can.~We're really busy at work.
So are we. ~Tom has gone to the match.
And so has Nick.~David can't drive, and
neither can Melanie.➖ The subject comes at the end. NOT
We're busy. ~
So we are.
▪️ In the present simple and past simple we use a form of do.
~I love old cowboy films.
So do I.
~This phone doesn't work. ~
Neither does this one.
~United won, and
so did Rangers.
We can use nor instead of neither.~Emma isn't here tonight. ~
Neither/Nor is Matthew.
B. I think so, etc
Vicky: It's 'Round the Corner' at half past seven, my favourite
soap opera. Are we going to be back in time?
I think so. We haven't got far to go now.
Rachel: We might miss the beginning.
Vicky: Oh, I
hope not. I want to know if Bernard really did stea
the money.
Here I
think so means I think we'll be back in time', and I
hope not means I hope we don't miss the beginning'.
▪️We can use so after be afraid, believe, expect, guess, hope, suppose and think:
~Do you think you'll get the job? ~
Well, I hope so.
~Are you going
on holiday this year?
Yes, I expect so. I don't know for sure if Henry is rich, but I
should think so. But we cannot use so after know or be sure.
~There's been an accident.
~ Yes, I know, NOT
l know so.
~Are you sure you're doing the right thing?
~ Yes, I'm sure, NOT
I'm sure so. ▪️There are two negative structures: NEGATIVE + SO POSITIVE + not~Is it raining?
~ I don't think so.~ Is it raining?
I hope not.
~Are you going to the concert?
I don't expect so.
~Have we won a prize?
I'm afraid not.
~With expect and think, we normally
use the negative and so.~With be afraid, guess and hope, we use
the positive and not. 🔸
We can use believe and suppose in either structure:
~Will there be any seats left?
I don't suppose so.
OR I suppose not.
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03 Oct 2024 04:01
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03 Oct 2024 00:34
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02 Oct 2024 07:26
🔅#Advanced 🔅
⚜Answer Key⚜
💡She struggled to come to terms with the bad news.
💡You will get the hang of it sooner or later.
💡At no time/point was I told about the issue.
💡We are having our house done up at the moment.
💡Much to our surprise, we managed to pass the exam.
💡Her decision to quit her job came down to money.
💡John objected to what people were saying about him.
💡Students are thought to have vandalised the school last night.
💡Not once did it occur to me to ask Teresa her opinion.
The film did not live up to my expectations.
💡Despite having booked/booking in advance we had to queue to enter.
💡It is not worth inviting Rocio because she doesn’t like parties.
💡I wish I had not turned down the job offer.
💡We are in danger of not getting to the station in time.
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01 Oct 2024 09:12
🔘Choose the correct answer :
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28 Sep 2024 08:40
🔘Choose the correct phrasal noun in each sentence.
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