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A Hadith a day keeps the Love of Rasulullâh صلى الله عليه وسلم revive everyday. 🤗 🔆 Hadith are shared from known Books #Bukhari #Muslim #Tirmidhi #AbuDawood #IbneMajah #SunanNisai And many More... 🤗 Powered by: @onepathtopeace

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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"Whoever protects his brother's honor, Allah protects his face from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"No Woman should ask for
the divorce of her sister (in
religion) in order to spill
what is in her container."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

‎ ‎ ‎ *هOه بِسْــــــمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم هOه*

*🌐 Short Islamic Course On Top 6 Most Dangerous Temptation In Today's Modern World*

*🗓 Starting:* 29th May, 2023 (Tonight)

*🕘 Sharp 09:00 P.M. (IST)*

*🗣Today's Speaker:* Shaykh Abdul Bari Jamai Madni (حفظه الله)

*🎯Topic:* Apostasy (An Act Of Leaving Islam) - Why People Leave Islam

*💻Zoom Meeting ID:* 998 2647 6130

*🔑Passcode:* (Direct Joining - No Password)


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"Whoever loves that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be prolonged
then he should keep good relations with his Kith and kin."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"Rinse your mouths after drinking milk for there is some greasiness in it."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"The worst of all mankind is the double-faced one, who comes to some people with one face and to others, with another face."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ *هOه بِسْـــــــمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم هOه*

*📚 Short Islamic Course On Top 6 Most Dangerous Temptation In Today's Modern World*

*📱 Register Here:* https://rzp.io/l/1path2peacefoundation

*🗣️Special Guest Speaker:* Shaykh Abu Zaid Zameer (حفظه الله) And Many Others ...

*🎯 Limited Seats | Register Soon | Join Soonnn*

*📞Contact:* +91 86303 92791 (WhatsApp)

*🌐 ©️ 1Path2Peace Foundation*

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Daily Hadith ﷺ

‎ ‎ ‎ هOه بِسْــــــمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم هOه

📚 Qur'an Waqf Project In Masjid-e Nabawi Of Madina, Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦

📖 DONATE A Qur'an Here: https://rzp.io/l/masjidenabawi2023

📹 Videos / Proofs Of Our Project

1. (Project In Masjid-e Nabawi - 2022) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfflgTmXWDp7snZW3FZlJV8mDBtcKTfu5

2. (Project In Masjid-e Nabawi - 2023) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfflgTmXWDp6hRLCK-7F6FBmykqDMb2pz

3. (Project In Masjid-e Haram - 2023) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfflgTmXWDp5sljrcTFzOoRfHZ7lTU9Ky

📝Note: ▪️You can donate Qur'an both entirely or partially by paying in full or small amount for this Waqf Project In Masjid-e Nabawi to start your Sadaqa-e Jariya in the mosque of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in Madina, Saudi Arabia.


©️ Al Fahad Tour & Travel

🌐 Powered By: Al Abrish Islamic Academy Pvt. Ltd. | 1Path2Peace Foundation |

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Daily Hadith ﷺ

‎ ‎ ‎ هOه بِسْــــــــمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم هOه

🕋 Sadaqa-e Jariya Project In Haram - 2023

🎯 Do you want to start your sadaqa-e jariya in Allaah's that most blessed mosque where 1 Prayer = 1,00,000 Prayer than any other mosque in the world.

💓 Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allaah we have started a project where we need everyone's Contribution even if it's as less as ₹1.

🤔 Don't you want to get endless rewards when the chairs will be used by people doing Hajj / Umrah ?

Donate now

Proof of Donations in Harmain 🕋🥹



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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"The best medical treatment you apply is Cupping."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

“The food of one person is sufficient for two, the food of two is sufficient for four, and the food for four is sufficient for eight.”


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"The righteous (pious people will depart (die) in succession one after the other, and there will remain (on the earth) useless people like the useless husk of barley seeds or bad dates."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

السلام علیکم

A good news to whole Mankind 🎉
1Path2Peace Foundation has launched a Zakat Calculator which is most finest invention as well as innovation in the field of technology.

🔗 Zakat Calculator Link: https://1path2peace.com/zakatcalculator/

🔗 How to use this Calculator: https://youtu.be/6b8XmK8RyW8

✅This Zakat Calculator helps us to calculate our yearly Zakat at one single platform.
✅This Zakat Calculator is Approved by Madni Scholars.
✅This Zakat Calculator is easy to access by anyone through mobile or desktop.
✅This type of Calculator has never been made till date which has been as per the Understanding of Scholars of Manhaj of Salaf Us Saliheen.
✅You may find many Calculators online, but 1Path2Peace Foundation Calculator is as per the Sunnah of Muhammad (Peace be upon him)
✅Through this Zakat Calculator one may be able to calculate the accurate Zakat.

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Daily Hadith ﷺ

“If food is served and the Iqamah for prayer is given, then start with the food.”


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

“Whoever is asked about some knowledge that he knows, then he conceals it, he will be bridled with bridle of fire."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

The Prophet (ﷺ) said : "The religion is An-Nasihah" three times. They said: "O Messenger of Allah! For Whom?"
He said:"To Allah, His books, the A'immah of the Muslimns, and their average people."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"If the wife gives of her husband's property (something in charity) without his permission, he will get half
the reward."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"The one who looks after and
works for a widow and for a poor person is like a warrior fighting for Allah's Cause."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"The Messenger of Allah used to perform ablution for every prayer, and we used to perform all of the prayers with one ablution."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"The Messenger of Allah was asked about prostatic fluid and he said: 'For that ablution (is necessary), and for semen, bath is necessary.'"


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"The most hated person in the sight of Allah is the most quarrelsome person."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

“If a morsel falls from the hand of anyone of you, let him wipe off whatever dirt that is on it and eat it.”


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

" When One of you eats food, let him not wipe his hand until he has licked it or has someone else to lick it."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"Do not eat with your left hand,for satan eats with his left hand."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

“The believer eats with one intestine and the disbeliever eats with seven intestines."

To understand the hadith fully one needs to know that overeating is disliked in Islam.

Allah says in the Qur’an:
But those who disbelieve enjoy themselves and eat as grazing livestock eat, and the Fire will be a residence for them.
(Qur’an 47:12)


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"Wash the vessel the dog has drunk from seven times: the first or the last of them with dirt. And when the cat drinks out of it, wash it once."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"Wealth is not in having many possessions, but rather (true) wealth is feeling sufficiency in the soul."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"There are two blessings that many people are deceived into losing: health and free time."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

"Cats do not invalidate the prayer, because they are one of the things that are useful in the house."


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Daily Hadith ﷺ

Fundraising for a needy Imaam saahb with 3 small kids, a Car Driver has hit and ran away on the road. Imaam sahb has met with the brutal injury on his leg (fractured), his hand, face and Bruises on his whole body.

⚠️All proofs and Donating details are available on this link

✅ Zakat
✅ Sadaqah

1Path2Peace Foundation
(Serving Ummah, Serving Hunanity)

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