A Hadith a day keeps the Love of Rasulullâh صلى الله عليه وسلم revive everyday. 🤗 🔆 Hadith are shared from known Books #Bukhari #Muslim #Tirmidhi #AbuDawood #IbneMajah #SunanNisai And many More... 🤗 Powered by: @onepathtopeace
On the authority of Anas in a narration ascribed to the Prophet [ﷺ]:
❝There is no slave of Allaah who goes to visit his brother for the sake of Allaah, except that a voice calls out from the sky, ‘You have been good so Paradise has been made pleasurable for you.’ Also Allaah says in His Dominion of the ‘Arsh: ‘He is My slave and was visiting for My sake, so his hospitality is upon Me and I am not pleased with any hospitality other than Paradise.’❞
[Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah of Al-Albāni, (No. 2632)]
Upon the authority of Abi Dharr Al Ghifaari [رضي الله عنه] who said that the Messenger of Allah [ﷺ] said:
❝Oh Abaa Dharr! Should i not indicate to you a treasure from the treasures of Jannah?: 'Laa Haula Wa Laa Quwwataa Ilaa Billah.'❞
[Collected By Ahmad In His Musnad | Sh. Al Albani: ‘Saheeh’ In ‘Saheeh Targheeb’, (No. 1585)]
Beware Of Loans With Interest!
The Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] said:
«الربا اثنان وسبعون باباً، أدناها مثل إتيان الرجل أمه...»
❝Interest has seventy two doors [i.e. types] and the lowest of them is equivalent to a man having intercourse with his own mother...❞
[As-Saheehah of al-Albānī, (No. 1871)]
The Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] said:
«أمرني جبريل أن أقدم الأكابر»
❝Jibreel ordered me that I give precedence to the elders.❞
[Silsilah al-Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah of al-Albaanee, (4/74, No. 1555)]
On the authority of Anas who said that the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] met Abu Dharr, and said to him:
❝‘O Abu Dharr Shall I not inform you of two characteristics which are lighter on your back and heavier on the scales than other than them?’
He answered: ‘Of course O Messenger of Allaah.’
He said: ‘You should have good manners and remain silent for a long time. I swear by He in whose Hand is my soul no-one has acted upon better than the likes of these two characteristics.’❞
[Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah of al-Albāni, (No. 1938)]
✒ Easy Dhikr For Relief 👇
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : من أصابه هم أو غم أو سقم أو شدة فقال : الله ربي لا شريك له كشف ذلك عنه
The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-'Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “Whoever is afflicted with anxiety or depression or an illness or a hardship and says:
'Allaahu Rabbee Laa Shareeka Lahoo'
(Allāh is my Lord, He has no partners)
Then that (affliction) will be removed from him.”
● [صحيح الجامع ٦٠٤٠ ، حسنه الألباني]
✒ Beware Of Oppressing A Soul
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : الظلم ثلاثة : فظلم لا يغفره الله ، وظلم يغفره ، وظلم لا يتركه ؛ فأما الظلم الذي لا يغفره الله فالشرك ، قال الله : إن الشرك لظلم عظيم ، وأما الظلم الذي يغفره فظلم العباد أنفسهم فيما بينهم وبين ربهم ، وأما الظلم الذي لا يتركه الله فظلم العباد بعضهم بعضاً حتى يدير لبعضهم من بعض
The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-'Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “Oppression is of three types:
• Oppression that Allāh does not forgive
• Oppression that He forgives
• Oppression that He holds off from
So as for oppression which Allāh does not forgive then it is Shirk (polytheism), Allāh says: 'Verily, ash-Shirk (joining others with Allāh in worship) is a great oppression.' • [al-Qur’ān 31:13],
And as for oppression which He forgives then it is the oppression of slaves upon themselves in what is between them and their Lord (i.e any sin less than major Shirk),
And as for oppression which Allāh holds off from then it is the oppression of slaves upon each other UNTIL it is settled between themselves (i.e until the oppressed one is compensated).”
● [مختصر صحيح الجامع الصغير ٣٩٦١ ، قال الشيخ الألباني : الحديث عندي حسن
Prophet ﷺ said: “May Allāh curse the briber and the one who is bribed.”
● {Sahīh al-Jāmi’ as-Saghīr wa Ziyādatuh (v. 2, p. 910, no. 5114)}
The Prophet ﷺ drew a square and then drew a line in the middle of it and let it extend outside the square and then drew several small lines attached to that central line, and said:
"This is the human being, and this, (the square) in his lease of life, encircles him from all sides (or has encircled him), and this (line), which is outside (the square), is his hope, and these small lines are the calamities and troubles (which may befall him), and if one misses him, another will snap (i.e. overtake) him, and if the other misses him, a third will snap (i.e. overtake) him."
[Bukhari: 6417]
The Day Of Resurrection | Easy Upon A Believer, Heavy Upon A Disbeliever
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : يوم القيامة على المؤمنين كقدر ما بين الظهر والعصر.
The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “The Day of Resurrection for the believers will be like the measure of what is between Ẓuhr and ‘Aṣr (prayer).”
● [أخرجه الحاكم ١/٨٤ وصححه الألباني في الصحيحة ٢٤٥٦]
As for a disbeliever, Allāh says:
تعرج الملائكة والروح إليه في يوم كان مقداره خمسين ألف سنة.
'The angels and the Rūḥ (Jibreel) ascend to Him in a Day the measure whereof is FIFTY THOUSAND YEARS’ • [al-Qur’ān 70:4]
Ibn 'Abbās RaḍiAllāhu-'Anhumā said regarding this Āyah: “It is the Day of Resurrection that Allāh has made to be the measure of FIFTY THOUSAND YEARS for the disbelievers.”
● [تفسير ابن كثير]
Prophet ﷺ said: "Beware of minor sins. For they add on until they destroy the man.
● {الطبراني في الكبير ١٠٥٠٠}
The Prophet ﷺ said: “A man who is known for his good manners has the same status as someone who prays all night.”
● [الأدب المفرد للبخاري]
Prophet ﷺ said: "Knowledge is only attained through seeking it!"
● [سلسلة اﻷحاديث الصحيحة ٣٤٢]
The Prophet ﷺ said: “Human wives will have more virtue than the Ḥoor al-‘Ayn because they worshipped Allāh…”
● [الترغيب و الترهيب ٤\٥٣٤]
Prophet ﷺ said: "The most beloved deed to Allaah is to make a Muslim happy."
● {Mu‘jam al-Awṣāt by Imām Ṭabarānī (6119)}
Dua For Forgiveness
From Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] used to say in his Sajda:
«اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي ذَنْبِي كُلَّهُ، دِقَّهُ وَجِلَّهُ ، وَأَوَّلَهُ وَآخِرَهُ، وَعَلَانِيَتَهُ وَسِرَّهُ.»
❝O Allaah forgive me all my sins, the minor of them and the major of them, the first of them and the last of them, the ones committed secretly and openly.❞
[Collected By Muslim]
Shaykh Muhammad Bin Salih al-Uthaymeen said:
❝This is from the practice of making a comprehensive and broad Dua. This is because Dua is worship so every time a person repeats a Dua then he increases in worship of Allaah [عز و جل].
Also, by him repeating the Dua then he will remember all sins those committed secretly and openly. Likewise, those he hid, also the minute of them and the major of them. This is the wisdom why the Prophet [ﷺ] elaborated after generalising.
It is necessary for a person to have concern for the Duas which were mentioned by the Messenger of Allaah [ﷺ] because they are the most comprehensive Dua and the most beneficial Dua.
May Allaah give us and yourselves success in that which is goodness and benefit.❞
[Sharh Riyadh As-Saliheen, (1/1633)]
Upon the authority of Abu Huraira [رضي الله عنه] who said: The Messenger [ﷺ] said:
❝There is no one that leaves out [from their home] except that at his hands [and in a variant version ‘His door’] there are two banners, a banner in the hand of an angel and a banner in the hand of a Shaytan. So if he leaves out pursuing that which pleases Allah, he is followed by the Angel with his banner. He does not cease to remain under his banner until he returns to his home. But if he leaves out pursuing that which displeases Allah then he is followed by the Shaytaan with his banner. He does not cease to remain under his banner until he returns to his home.❞
[Collected By Ahmad In His Musnad, (No. 8269, No. 8286) | At Tabaraani In Mu’jam Al Awsat, (No. 4786) | Mu’jam Al Kabeer, (No. 1012) | Declared Saheeh By Shaykh Ahmad Shaakir [رحمه الله]]
Sayyiduna Abud Darda رضي الله عنه reports that Nabi ﷺ said:
“Should I not tell you something that is better than (voluntary/optional) Fasting, Salaah and Charity?’
They [The Sahabah] said: ‘Yes.’
He ﷺ said: ‘Reconciling and making peace between people, for spoiling relations is the shaver (shaves/destroys Deen and good).
(Al Adabul Mufrad, Hadith: 391)
The Messenger [ﷺ] stated:
❝Death approached a man and when he had no hope of surviving, he said to his family, ‘When I die, gather much wood and build a fire to burn me. When the fire has eaten my flesh and reached my bones, take my bones and grind them and scatter the resulting dust in the sea on a windy day, for I swear by Allāh, if Allāh takes hold of me, He will punish me with a punishment that He has not punished any of the creation with.’ So that was done, but Allāh collected his scattered particles and brought him back together and asked him, ‘Why did you do that?’ The man replied, ‘Out of fear of you.’ So Allāh forgave him.❞
[Reported By al-Bukhārī And Muslim]
Ibn Taymiyyah [رحمه الله] stated:
❝So this man was in doubt regarding the ability of Allāh and in His resurrection of him if he was mere dust. Rather he was certain that he would not be resurrected; and this is disbelief by the consensus of the Muslims, but he was ignorant, and he did not know that. He was a believer who feared that Allāh would punish him, but He forgave him. And the one who has an [incorrect] interpretation or understanding from the people of jurisprudence, those ardent in their following of the Messenger, then they are more deserving of forgiveness than the likes of this man.❞
[Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā, (3/231)]
Wearing An Engagement Ring
This enters under the saying of the Messenger [ﷺ]:
❝Indeed incantations, amulets and Tiwalah [a form of magic] are Shirk.❞
[Collected By Ahmad And Abu Dawood ]
Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Uthaymeen [رحمه الله] gave the example that an engagement ring is a Tiwalah and he explained:
❝If the people believe that it can benefit or harm, then with this intention it is from the minor Shirk, and even if this intention is not there - and this is highly unlikely that he does not have this intention - it is resemblance of the Christians since it is taken from them.❞
[Al-Qawl al-Mufeed Ala Kitaab al Tawheed, (1/228-229)]
Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever loves that he is pleased by his record (of deeds) should seek (Allāh's) Forgiveness abundantly.”
● [سلسلة اﻷحاديث الصحيحة ٢٢٩٩]
✒ Allāh Protects His Believing Servants From The Trials Of This World And The Hereafter
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : إن الله تعالى ليحمي عبده المؤمن من الدنيا وهو يحبه ، كما تحمون مريضكم الطعام والشراب تخافون عليه
The Messenger of Allāh Ṣallallāhu-‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said: “Verily Allāh Ta'ālā protects His believing servant from the (wealth and share) of the Dunyā out of His love for him just like you protect your sick from (too much) food and drink out of fear (of harm) for him.”
● [مختصر صحيح الجامع الصغير ١٨١٤ ، صححه الألباني]
✒ A Supplication In Prayer That Amazed The Prophet ﷺ
عن ابن عمر قال بينما نحن نصلي مع رسول الله إذ قال رجل من القوم : الله أكبر كبيرا والحمد لله كثيرا وسبحان الله بكرة وأصيلا ، فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : من القائل كلمة كذا وكذا ؟ فقال رجل من القوم : أنا يا رسول الله قال : عجبت لها ، فُتحت لها أبواب السماء
قال ابن عمر : فما تركتهنّ منذ سمعت رسول الله يقول ذلك
From Ibn ‘Umar Raḍi-Allāhu 'Anhumā who said: Whilst we were praying with the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ a man from amongst people recited;
Allaahu Akbaru Kabeeran Wal Ḥamdulillaahi Katheeran Wa SubḥaanAllaahi Bukratan Wa Aṣeelaa,
(Allāh is Great, the Greatest, and praise belongs to Allāh in abundance, and glorified be Allāh at the beginning and end of the day),
So the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ asked (after prayer): “Who said such and such?!!”
The man replied: “I did O Messenger of Allāh.”
So the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “I was amazed by it, for it opened the gates of heaven.”
Ibn 'Umar Raḍi-Allāhu 'Anhumā said: “I have not abandoned them (i.e these words) since I heard the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ saying that.”
● [صحيح مسلم]
Note: Sh. al-Albānī Raḥimahullāh mentioned in his book (صفة صلاة النبي) that this Dhikr is from one of the supplications with which the prayer is opened (after the first Takbeer).
The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ:
“Whoever seeks the pleasure of Allāh by the displeasure of people, Allāh will suffice him against the people. Whoever seeks the pleasure of people by the displeasure of Allāh, Allāh will leave him to the patronage of the people.”
[Tirmidhi: 2414]
Grade: Sahih
Love Your Brother For Allāh's Sake
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ما أحب عبد عبدا لله إلا أكرمه الله عز وجل.
The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “No servant loves another servant for the Sake of Allāh except that he is HONORED BY ALLĀH ‘AZZA WA JALL.”
● [رواه أحمد في المسند ٩/٢٥٩ وحسنه الألباني]
Prophet ﷺ said,
Fasting in winter is an easily earned reward.
[Tirmidhi 797]
Best Deed
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : خير العمل أن تفارق الدنيا و لسانك رطب من ذكر الله.
The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “The best deed is that you depart from world while your tongue is moistened with Remembrance (Dhikr) of Allāh.”
● [سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة ٤\٤٥١]
Prophet ﷺ said: “The most loved food to Allāh is that which is touched by many hands (shared).”
● [صحيح الترغيب و الترهيب ٢١٣٣]
The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said: “The Qur’ān is an intercessor entitled with intercession (for its reciters) and it is an entrusted disputer (against those who neglect it), whoever places it in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise and whoever puts it behind him, it will lead him to the Hellfire.”
● [رواه ابن حبان في الموارد صفحة ٤٤٣ ، صححه الألباني]
So aim to make it part of your daily routine. InshaAllah we will see how good it feels to make the Qur'ān a priority.
Remember it will only take a short time from your day but the rewards you will gain in this life and the next will be unimaginable.
Every minute will be well worth it and well spent. It can only bring good to this life and the next إن شاء الله.
You no longer need to make excuses to yourself or feel guilty about not reading the Qur'an regularly.
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : اثنتان يكرههما ابن آدم ، يكره الموت و الموت خير للمؤمن من الفتنة و يكره قلة المال و قلة المال أقل للحساب
The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said:
“Two things are hated by son of Ādam, he hates death while death is better for believer than trial (Fitnah) and he hates little wealth while little wealth has less accountability.”
● [سلسلة الأحاديث الصحيحة ، المجلد الثاني ، رقم الحديث ٨١٣]