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معلومات مهمة جدا جدا! 📍📍
من يسيطر فعلياً على الامم المتحدة؟! وما علاقة ترمب بالوباء؟ هل في مجاعة قادمة؟

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As received

US Supreme Court ruling:
Covid vaccines are NOT vaccines. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won his lawsuit against all pharmaceutical lobbyists.
Covid-19 vaccines are NOT vaccines. In its decision, the Supreme Court confirms that the damage caused by Covid mRNA gene therapies is IRREPARABLE. Since the Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States, there are no further appeals and all avenues of appeal have been exhausted.
In a statement, Robert F. Kennedy stressed that this success was only possible thanks to the international cooperation of a large number of lawyers and scientists. Of course, this ruling sets an international precedent.
Especially in Switzerland this ruling should have an impact, because Switzerland has a special position with its federal constitution. On the one hand, it is listed in the Nuremberg Code in Article 118b of the Constitution and in Switzerland the misuse of genetic engineering on humans is prohibited according to Article 119 of the Federal Constitution. This is supplemented by Article 230bis of their Criminal Code and this means that perpetrators RISK spending up to 10 years in prison.
However, this historic ruling should also give pause to the rest of the world, because the Nuremberg Code is internationally valid and is also contained in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
In the case of criminal charges, the Declaration should refer to the Contergan scandal to give special weight to the importance of such charges or accusations.
In these cases, the German lawyer Rainer Füllmich and more than 100 other German lawyers are actively involved. NO media outlet is TALKING about it, neither in Switzerland nor in Europe.
Unfortunately, it is almost mathematical that, being a disruptive issue capable of upsetting the financial and economic plans of the powerful PHARMACEUTICAL LOBBIES, public opinion is not informed. We are in the middle of a promotional campaign aimed at inciting people to get vaccinated and then get vaccinated again, in view of the coming winter.
It is very likely that if news of the historic ruling ever circulates, it will do so late to allow the corrupt medical class, aligned with the positions of the pharmaceutical lobbies, to advance as far as possible with the vaccination campaign.

LET US therefore INVITE all honest and well-intentioned people to give maximum publicity to this historic ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States. For our own good, but above all for the good of our children and grandchildren... Let us not allow the lobbyists to irremediably ruin our health and endanger our lives.

You can see the news at the following link:


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USA Congress now confirming that Hurricane Helene has government planes playing in it against its people

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ورق الزيتونة المباركة ليس فقط للسكري بل لعدد من الأمراض والسرطانات أيضا.. هناك حوالي 144 بحث طبي سريري رسمي حول هذا الورق ومستخلصاته🌱🌿🍃

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Methylene Blue Inhibits Nano and Microrobot activity and Microchip Self Assembly In Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Bioweapon - ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD. PHD, SEP 24
Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

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The People's Reset: UK Starts In 30 Minutes!

The big day is finally here!

The People's Reset: UK starts in less than one hour!

This is your chance to tune into the solutions you have been needing for our ever changing world!

If you are looking for ideas for building a better world with like-minded people this is your event!

We will be live from 10 am -12 pm UK time, and then resuming again at 2 pm to 5 pm.

All the talks will be released for FREE afterwards and the entire livestream is available for free!

To watch, please visit and you will see the livestream!

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بتطبيقات اسلامية وخدمية وألعاب بسيطة
المخابرات الأمريكية تجمع المعلومات و الإحصائيات عن المستعملين ...

انتبه من سرقة صورك الخاصة ومعلوماتك وموقعك وكل مايتعلق بك شاهد هذا الفيديو

إكتشف الحقيقة و انشرها من حولك !

رابط الإنضمام إلى القناة 👇

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The Pact for the Future Was Adopted Without a Vote

The Pact for the Future and the annexed Global Digital Compact and Declaration of Future Generations was adopted after a short round of statements, where Russia (backed by Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Syria, Venezuela, and Nicaragua) issued their discontent with the negotiation process and called for the inclusion of an amendment.

Read here:

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لمن يهمه ولمن يعتقد أن خطة القضاء على البشر وتهجينهم مع الآلة هي "نظرية مؤامرة" . هذه تسعة كتب عن Transhumanism الخطة التي تفشل يوميا مع زيادة وعينا لحقيقة ما يحدث

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•عندما يصر الشعب الحر بالتمسك بالعملة الورقيه ورفض التحول للعملات الرقميه تكون النتيجه هو فوز الشعب على اجندة الاستعباد‼️

•بنك كندا يتخلى عن خططه بشأن العملة الرقمية للبنك المركزي (CBDC)‼️

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WEF Unveil Tech To Forcefully Rewire "Dangerous" Conspiracy Theorist's Brains

The World Economic Forum has declared war on “dangerous” conspiracy theories, declaring that there is no place in society for non-mainstream “wrongthink” that threatens to disrupt the roll out of key planks of the globalist vision including Agenda 2030.

According to WEF-funded research scientists, so-called conspiracy theories about Covid mRNA vaccinations and the goals of the globalist elite including Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum must be scrubbed from the internet, and the perpetrators behind the conspiracies must be silenced.

This assault on free thought and independent research is troubling enough, but it’s the punishment for those who defy the globalists’ agenda that truly reveals them as transhumanist Nazis and eugenicists in disguise.

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Very good response to Candace’s post.

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More than two weeks ago, on August 29, employees of the American University Medical Center in Beirut received this email, saying their 'old pagers' will be replaced

There was an explosive inside them.

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Special Polio Vaks to Gaza, Indonesia & Others - SHARE EVERYWHERE ACROSS ALL MEDIA PLATFORMS

ملقحات خاصة إلى غزة وإندونيسيا وغيرهما - شارك في كل مكان عبر جميع منصات التواصل


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تمرد في سلاح الجو الصهيوني
4 عمداء انسحبوا من القواعد العسكريه الجويه ومعهم 200طيار ومساعد
وما أُشِيع عن هروب مجموعة كبيرة من الجنود الصهاينة من أرض المعركة صحيح، و انتحار الجنود

وبدأت الان تصل أخبار عن خلافات حادة داخل الكبينيت نفسه

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موقع علاء السيد

النخبة تشعر أنها لم تعد بحاجة إلى 90% منا على هذا الكوكب"

النائب البريطاني السابق أندرو بريدجن: "من الواضح أن لدينا أجندة تقليص عدد السكان بسبب اللقاح... وسوف يتم ذلك من خلال الأوبئة المتكررة والحروب والمجاعات، وكل ما يقومون بترتيبه في العالم يهدف إلى ضمان أن يكون لدينا الكثير من الحروب".

"وعلاوة على ذلك... فإن الحكومات تتخذ قرارات وتشريعات غريبة، مما يجعل من الصعب للغاية على مزارعينا إنتاج الغذاء".

"إذا لم يقف الناس، ونحن بحاجة إلى الوقوف معًا في جميع أنحاء العالم... فإن مستقبل البشرية يبدو مظلمًا للغاية".

⏯️ @RealWorldNewsChannel
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🚨FULL INTERVIEW: Geo-Engineering Watch Director Dane Wigington Exposes The Federal Government’s Secret Weather Weapons System Now Targeting All Life On Earth
☑️Stream on Rumble:

CIA on Geoengineering + Docs ☠️: /channel/followsthewhiterabbit/80142

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ليس هدفهم حرب ناجحة بل حروب مستمرة.. الغاية المخفية عن الناس هي تبييض أموال الضرائب في أميركا والضرائب في أوروبا.. مثلما فعلوا في أفغانستان يفعلون اليوم.. ونحن نصدق السياسيين الممثلين البارعين 🤡

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We are live NOW for Part 2 of Day 2: Permaculture & Food Independence!

Angus Soutar is currently speaking!

Nick & Rich Stone, and Charles Dowding will be up next!

You are not going to want to miss this!

We will be live from 2:30 to 5:30 pm UK Time!

All the talks will be released for FREE afterwards and the entire livestream is available for free!

To watch, please visit and you will see the livestream!

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ماذا تعرف عن الخطر القادم(ميثاق المستقبل) ...

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The government can project voices into your head -

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The United Nations Pact for the Future represents an unconstitutional effort to establish a treaty that undermines the sovereignty of the United States by allowing international organizations to declare a global state of emergency without our consent. This is detrimental not only to the U.S. but also to the entire world.

Listen. Share. Take action.

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لا يمكن إخفاء الحقيقة مهما كانت البرمجة قوية.. مع زيادة وعي البشر سنرمي كل السياسيين في الحاوية وتتوقف الحروب والحدود

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دعوني أعطي تحذيرًا شديد اللهجة لجميع أولئك الذين يشعرون بأنهم قد يستسلمون للهوية الرقميه او البصمه‼️

•هذا ماسيحدث لك عندما تطبق او تتحكم الهويه الرقميه على حياتك‼️

•الشعوب الواعيه يدركون جيدا المخاطر القادمه ‼️

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اقمار ستارلنك تفعل الانترنت 5g في اليمن لمن يهمه وجب الحذر من اي شي فيه بطاريات ليثيوم وعدم استعمال وشراء اي هاتف 5G

ربما الافضل فك البطاريات والعودة لبطاريات جافة او بطارية الاسيد القديمة 🤔

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And finally, an important warning from Mike Adams:

“To anyone saying that the pagers in Lebanon were outfitted with extra explosives, that's the COVER STORY to try to make people believe that lithium ion batteries themselves can't explode. But they do indeed explode quite readily, which is exactly why it's illegal to ship lithium ion battery items by air. Because they would catch on fire, explode and bring down aircraft. But an even bigger question: Even if you assume the pagers were outfitted with explosives, how do you know YOUR OWN PHONE doesn't also have explosives in it? Have you checked? Would you even know what a 4-gram packet of explosives looks like? Probably not. And I bet you've never even opened your phone enough to check the main circuit board anyway. If you are carrying a phone, you are carrying an explosive device, pure and simple. The question is: WHO CONTROLS THE REMOTE TRIGGER? It's not you. It's your government. Let that sink in. You are essentially a non-consenting government-controlled suicide bomber. And if you happen to venture into some area where they want an explosion to occur, they've got your number.”

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From Edward Snowden.

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تقوم المنظمات الدولية في الهند برش مبيدات حشرية رغمًا عن أصحاب هذه المزارع بحجة مكافحة الآفات.

وبالنظر لأن أصحاب المزارع يمنعونهم من دخول المزارع صاروا يستعينون بطائرات الدرون لرش المزارع عن بُعد.

لكن الهنود لم يتوقفوا عن مقاومتهم.

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