Say, "This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me. And exalted is Allah; and I am not of those who associate others with Him."[Qur'an 12:108] Also join: ➡️ @alBaseeroh_Ins ➡️ @Tafseer_Benefits ➡️
ALLĀH says: "Is there any reward for goodness except goodness?" {Ar-Rahman || Verse 60}
"The reward of an evil deed is an evil one like it." {Ash-Shūrā || Verse 40}
Abdullah ibn Amr (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said, "Whoever would love to be delivered from Hellfire and admitted into Paradise, let him meet his end with faith in ALLĀH and the Last Day, and let him treat people as he would love to be treated." {Muslim #1844}
Abu Huraira (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said, "Whoever relieves the hardship of a believer in this world, ALLĀH will relieve his hardship on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever helps ease one in difficulty, ALLĀH will make it easy for him in this world and the Hereafter. Whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim, ALLĀH will conceal his faults in this world and the Hereafter. ALLĀH helps the servant as long as he helps his brother." {Muslim #2699}
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said, "Do not cause harm or return harm. Whoever harms others, ALLĀH will harm him. Whoever is harsh with others, ALLĀH will be harsh with him." {al-Sunan al-Kubrá lil-Bayhaqī #11384}
Abu Huraira (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "A woman entered the Hellfire because of a cat or kitten she had imprisoned. She did not let it eat, nor release it to eat the vermin of the earth, until it died emaciated." {Muslim #2619}
Ibn al-Qayyim (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "For that reason, the recompense of a deed resembles its type of good and evil. Whoever covers the faults of a Muslim, ALLĀH covers his faults. Whoever eases one in difficulty, ALLĀH will make it easy for him in the world and the Hereafter. Whoever relives a believer of hardship in the world, ALLĀH will relieve his hardship on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever cancels a sale someone later regretted, ALLĀH will cancel his slips on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever seeks the faults of his brother, ALLĀH will seek his faults. Whoever harms a Muslim, ALLĀH will harm him. Whoever is harsh, ALLĀH is harsh with him. Whoever abandons a Muslim in a situation in which he needs support, ALLĀH will abandon him in a situation in which he needs support. Whoever is tolerant, ALLĀH is tolerant with him. The Most Merciful will show mercy to the merciful. Indeed, ALLĀH only has mercy on his merciful servants. Whoever spends in charity, HE will spend on him. Whoever is miserly, HE will be miserly against him. Whoever foregoes one his rights, ALLĀH will forgo one of HIS rights over him. Whoever overlooks people’s faults, ALLĀH will overlook his faults. Whoever searches for faults, ALLĀH will make his faults known. This is the law of ALLĀH, HIS decree, and HIS revelation. HIS reward and punishment are entirely based upon this principle." {Iʻlām al-Muwaqqiʻīn (1/150)}
The reward or punishment we receive from ALLĀH in this world and the Hereafter directly mirrors our conduct towards other people in this worldly life. If we are harsh, cruel, and arrogant, ALLĀH will punish us harshly to humble us. If we are kind, gentle, and humble, ALLĀH will reward us by granting us its equivalent or more in this world and exalting our status in Paradise.
Q5: Do pregnant or breastfeeding women have to fast during Ramadān?
Ans: Yes, it's obligatory except if they fear for their health or the fetus.
A pregnant Muslim woman must fast like any other individual, unless it poses a threat to her own health or that of her unborn child, in which case it is allowed for her to abstain from fasting.
Ibn Qudāmah (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "A pregnant woman can only break the fast if she fears for her health or that of the child (not all women react the same way to fasting, it depends on different factors). If this is proven by experience or by the advice of a trusted doctor, she is allowed not to fast and she will have to catch up after childbirth." {Al-Mughni}
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymīn (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) was asked: What is due on the pregnant woman and the breast-feeding woman if they break their fasts during Ramadān, and what amount of rice suffices them for feeding poor people?
He said: "It is not permissible for the pregnant woman or the breast-feeding woman to break the fast during the daytime in Ramadān, except with an excuse. If they break their fast with an excuse, it is obligatory on them to make up for the fast, due to the ALLĀH’s Statement concerning the sick person:
فَمَن كَانَ مِنكُم مَّرِیضًا أَوۡ عَلَىٰ سَفَرࣲ فَعِدَّةࣱ مِّنۡ أَیَّامٍ أُخَرَۚ
"So whoever among you is ill or on a journey, then ˹he may make up for his fast from˺ a number of other days." {Al-Baqarah || Verse 184}
And these two types of women (i.e., pregnant and breastfeeding) have the same meaning as the sick person.
If their excuse is fear for the child, then they must feed poor people for each day along with making up for the fasts. They may give wheat or rice or dried dates or other things from the food that people eat. Some of the scholars have said that nothing is due on them other than making up for the fasts regardless of the situation, because there is no evidence from the Book and the Sunnah that necessitates giving food (for this). And the basic principle is freedom of responsibility until evidence is established that proves doing. This is the position of Abu Hanifah and it is strong." {Fatāwa Islāmiyah || Page 300}
And ALLĀH knows best.
Abu Hurairah (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said,
"ALLĀH the Exalted and Majestic said: 'Every act of the son of Adam is for him, except As-Siyam (the fasting) which is (exclusively) for ME, and I will reward him for it.'
Fasting is a shield. When anyone of you is observing fast, he should neither indulge in obscene language nor should he raise his voice; and if anyone reviles him or tries to quarrel with him, he should say: 'I am fasting.'
By HIM in Whose Hand the soul of Muhammad is, the breath of one observing Saum is sweeter to ALLĀH than the fragrance of musk.
The one who fasts, experiences two joys: he feels pleasure when he breaks the fast. He is joyful by virtue of his fast when he meets his Rubb.''
📖 Al-Bukhari #1904 and Muslim #1151
ALLĀH says,
يَٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ ٱتَّقُواْ ٱللَّهَ حَقَّ تُقَاتِهِۦ وَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلَّا وَأَنتُم مُّسۡلِمُونَ
O you who have believed, fear ALLĀH as HE should be feared and do not die except as Muslims.
This is a command from ALLĀH to HIS believing slaves, that they should fear HIM as HE should be feared and persist in that, remaining steadfast and adhering to it until death. The one who persists in something will die adhering to it. If a person persists in fearing his Lord, obeying HIM and turning to HIM all the time when he is healthy, energetic and able, ALLĀH will make him steadfast at the time of death and bless him with a good end. Fearing ALLĀH as HE should be feared - as Ibn Mas'ūd said - means that HE is to be obeyed and not disobeyed, remembered and not forgotten, shown gratitude and not ingratitude. This verse explains what ALLAH deserves of fear of HIM. As for what is required of people in that regard, it is as ALLĀH says:
فَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ مَا ٱسۡتَطَعۡتُمۡ
So fear ALLĀH as best you can...(64:16)
The details of fearing ALLĀH in terms of what is in the heart and actions that one should take are very many; fearing ALLĀH means doing what ALLĀH has enjoined and refraining from everything that ALLĀH has forbidden.
{Tafsir As-Sa'di}
ALLĀH's statement,
وَلَا تَمُوتُنَّ إِلاَّ وَأَنتُم مُّسْلِمُونَ
and do not die except as Muslims
means, preserve your Islam while you are well and safe, so that you die as a Muslim.
The Most Generous ALLĀH has made it HIS decision that whatever state one lives in, that is what he dies upon and is resurrected upon. We seek refuge from dying on other than Islam.
{Tafsir Ibn Kathīr}
ALLĀH says: "Verily, those who purchase a small gain at the cost of ALLĀH’s Covenant and their oaths, they shall have no portion in the Hereafter. Neither will ALLĀH speak to them, nor look at them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will HE purify them, and they shall have a painful torment." {Āli-Imrān || Verse 77}
"And protect your oaths (i.e. do not swear much)". {Al-Mā'idah || Verse 89}
Abu Umamah (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said, "No man misappropriates the right of another Muslim using a false oath but that ALLĀH will obligate his entrance into Hellfire and forbid his entrance into Paradise." A man said, "O Messenger of ALLĀH, even if it is something insignificant?" The Prophet said, "Even if it is a twig of an Arak tree." {Muslim 137}
Abu Qatadah (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Beware of swearing many oaths while trading. Verily, it helps trade but erases the blessing." {Muslim #1607}
Abu Huraira (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said, "There are three to whom ALLĀH will not speak on the Day of Resurrection, nor will he look at them, nor will he purify them, and they will have a painful punishment: A man who has extra water in his vessel but prevents a traveler from drinking it. And a man who trades goods after midday prayer, swearing by ALLĀH that he had taken it for a certain price but it is not so..." {al-Bukhari #2230, Muslim #108}
Shaykh ibn Bāz (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "What is prescribed for the believers is to use oaths sparingly, even if they are true, because swearing oaths a great deal may cause him to end up lying, and it is known that lying is haram, and if a lie is accompanied by an oath, it is even more haram." {Majmu' Fatāwā al-Shaykh Ibn Baz (1/54)}
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymīn (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "A person must be truthful whenever he swears, regardless of whether the issue relates to him or others. If he swears to an oath thereby usurping the wealth of a Muslim unjustly, even if it is insignificant, he will meet ALLĀH - the Mighty and Sublime - on the Day of Resurrection who will be seriously angry with him. For example, someone sues a person claiming: ‘I gave you one thousand riyals.’ The defendant says, ‘I do not owe you anything.’ And the claimant has no evidence. Then the judge requested that the defendant take an oath in the name of ALLĀH that he does not owe the man any amount. He swears by saying. ‘By ALLĀH, I do not owe him anything.’ The judge will rule that the plaintiff has no right to claim from the defendant. This is based on the principle that presentation of evidence is upon the plaintiff while an oath is upon he who denies. This man that swore falsely will meet ALLĀH who will be greatly angry with him, refuge is with ALLĀH. ALLĀH will forbid him from Paradise and condemn him to the Hell-fire. We ask ALLĀH for well-being." {Sharh Riyādhus-Saliḥīn}
Shaykh Ibn Uthaymīn said: "Refraining from using the toothstick during the daytime in Ramadān or during other days outside of Ramadān when a person is fasting is baseless. This is because using the toothstick is a Sunnah. It is as has been mentioned in the authentic Hadith: "Siwak is a means of purification for the mouth and is pleasing to the Lord." {An-Nasa’i #5}
It is legislated especially during Wudhu’ (ablution), for the prayer, when getting up from sleep, upon entering the house when one first enters, while fasting and at other times. It does not corrupt the fast unless the toothstick has a taste and an effect upon the spit. In that case you should not swallow its taste. Likewise, if some blood comes out from the gums when using the toothstick, you should not swallow it. If you cautiously avoid this, then it (using the toothstick) does not affect the fasting at all."
📖Fatāwa Islāmiyah (3/261-262)
"It is permissible for a fasting person to use a toothbrush and toothpaste as long as they are sure it will not reach the throat. However, it is preferable to avoid it during the day and use it at night. And ALLĀH knows best."
📖 Saheeh Fiqh As-Sunnah wa Adillatuhu (2/117)
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Aziz ibn Baz (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) was asked: If a man kisses his wife during the day in Ramadān, or touches her, does that invalidate his fast or not?
He replied: "If a man kisses his wife, touches her and is intimate with her, without having intercourse, whilst he is fasting, all of that is permissible and there is nothing wrong with it. This is because the Prophet (ﷺ) used to kiss his wife whilst he was fasting, and he used to touch her whilst he was fasting.
But if he fears that he may end up doing that which ALLĀH has prohibited to him, because he is easily aroused, then it is makruh (disliked) for him to do that. If he ejaculates, then he must refrain from eating and so on for the rest of the day, and he must make up that day’s fast, but he does not have to offer expiation, according to the majority of scholars.”
📖Majmu' Fatāwa Ibn Baz (15/315)
Q3: Which of the following INVALIDATES the fast?
Ans: Vomiting Intentionally
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) was asked about vomiting in Ramadān – does it break the fast?
He replied: "If a person vomits deliberately then it breaks the fast, but if he vomits unintentionally then it does not break the fast. The evidence for that is the hadith of Abu Hurayrah (may ALLĀH be pleased with him): The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "If one has a sudden attack of vomiting while one is fasting, no atonement is required of him, but if he vomits intentionally he must make atonement." {Abu Dawūd #2380}
If you could not help vomiting, then you did not break the fast. If a person feels that his stomach is queasy and that its contents will be expelled, do we say that you have to try to stop it? No. Or that you have to make it happen? No. Rather we say: Take a middle approach – do not make yourself vomit and do not try to stop it, because if you make yourself vomit you will break the fast, but if you try to stop it, that will harm you. So leave it, and if it comes out without any action on your part, then it will not matter and that will not break your fast."
📖 Fatāwa al-Siyam || page 231
Aus ibn Aus reports that the Prophet ﷺ said: "The most virtuous of your days is Jumu'ah. On that day, Adam was created and on that day he died, (on that day) the horn will be blown and the people will be dumbfounded! Increase your prayers upon me as your prayers upon me will be presented to me." The people said: "O Messenger of ALLĀH, how will our prayers be presented to you when you have passed away?" He said: "ALLĀH has prohibited the earth from eating the bodies of the Prophets." {This is related by the five, except for al-Tirmidhi}
Ibn al-Qayyim (May ALLĀH have mercy on him) says:
"It is preferred to pray to ALLĀH to send blessings on the Prophet ﷺ during the day and night of Jumuah, as the Prophet ﷺ said, 'Invoke many prayers upon me during the day and night of Friday.'
"The Messenger of ALLĀH ﷺ is the leader of mankind, and Jumu'ah is the best of the days of the week. Prayers upon him during that day are a privilege (he deserves), which belongs to no one other than him.
"This act also has another wisdom, and that is that all of the good that has passed onto this Ummah, in this life and the Hereafter, has passed through him. ALLĀH has gathered the good of this life and the next life for this Ummah, and the greatest honor and success will be granted to them on Friday. On that day, they will be granted their houses and palaces in Paradise and that is the day they will be given more when they enter Paradise. It is a day of celebration for them in this life. It is also a day in which ALLĀH fulfills their needs and answers their prayers and requests in this world. They are aware of all of that and are able to attain it because of the Prophet ﷺ and it is through him (that they received these teachings); therefore, in gratitude and appreciation for the great blessings we received through him, we should send many prayers upon him during the day and night of Jumuʿah." {Fiqh-us-Sunnah || 2/126}
May ALLĀH fill our hearts with love of His beloved Prophet ﷺ. May HE inspire our tongues to send much blessings on him ﷺ and guide us to lead our lives in accordance to his exalted and noble Sunnah.
Q2: During Ramadān, Fulānah slept while she was menstruating but woke up after Fajr to find that her menstruation had ended. What should she do?
Ans: She should leave fast and make it up on other days.
The following scenarios apply:
1. She is certain her period ended before Fajr.
In this case, she needs to refrain from fasting and make it up on other days because she did not form the intention to fast. It is obligatory to form the intention from the night before for every obligatory fast according to the view of the majority of scholars because the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever does not intend to fast before dawn, there is no fast for him." {Abu Dawūd #2454; At-Tirmidhi #730}
Ibn Qudāmah (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "If the fast is obligatory, such as a Ramadān fast, whether it is done on time or made up later, or a fast in fulfilment of a vow or expiation, it is stipulated that the intention be formed the night before according to our Imām, Mālik and ash-Shāfa‘i. … Then he quoted as evidence the hadith mentioned above." {Al-Mughni (3/109)}
2. She is certain her periods ended after fajr.
In this case, she should not fast and it is not obligatory for her to refrain from eating and drinking.
It mentioned on the Islamqa website: "If a woman’s period ends during the day, does she have to refrain from eating and drinking and other things that invalidate the fast for the rest of the day, out of respect for the holy month?
There was a difference of opinion among the jurists regarding that, and there are two views.
The view that is more likely to be correct is that of the Malikis and Shafa‘is, which is that it is not obligatory for her to refrain from eating and drinking. This is the view that was favoured by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) in ash-Sharh al-Mumti' (6/344)."
{Islamqa #405232}
3. She is uncertain about the end of her menstruation.
In this scenario, she should refrain from fasting and make it up on other days because what is certain, according to the principles of fiqh, is that her period ends after Fajr, which is the closest time to when she noticed.
Dr. Muhammad Sidqi al-Burno mentioned in Mawsu‘ah al-Qawa‘id al-Fiqhiyyah (12/316): "If a woman sees menstrual blood one hour before Fajr, then goes to sleep, and sees that her period has ended after that, but she is not sure when it ended – was it before Fajr or after? – then in principle she should assume that her period ended after Fajr.
That is because the principle is that the event should be attributed to the closest time. This is one of the basic principles of jurisprudence (fiqh). What this means is that if there is a difference of opinion regarding the time when something happened and there is no proof to define when it happened, then this event should be attributed to the closest time to the event, because that is what is certain and the more distant time is uncertain."
And ALLĀH knows best.
ALLĀH says:
تُسَبِّحُ لَهُ السَّمَاوَاتُ السَّبْعُ وَالَارْضُ وَمَن فِيهِنَّ
The seven heavens and the earth and all that is in them, glorify HIM
meaning the creatures that dwell therein, sanctify HIM, exalt HIM, venerate HIM, glorify HIM and magnify HIM far above what these idolators say, and they bear witness that HE is One in HIS Lordship and Divinity. In everything there is a sign of ALLĀH indicating that HE is One.
As ALLĀH says:
تَكَادُ السَّمَـوَتُ يَتَفَطَّرْنَ مِنْهُ وَتَنشَقُّ الاٌّرْضُ وَتَخِرُّ الْجِبَالُ هَدّاً أَن دَعَوْا لِلرَّحْمَـنِ وَلَداً
Whereby the heavens are almost torn, and the earth is split asunder, and the mountains fall in ruins, That they ascribe child to the Most Beneficent. (19:90-91)
وَإِن مِّن شَيْءٍ إِلاَّ يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدَهِ
and there is not a thing but glorifies HIS praise.
there is no created being that does not celebrate the praises of ALLĀH.
وَلَـكِن لاَّ تَفْقَهُونَ تَسْبِيحَهُمْ
But you understand not their glorification.
means, 'You do not understand them, O mankind, because it is not like your languages.'
This applies to all creatures generally, animal, inanimate and botanical.
This is the better known of the two opinions according to the most reliable of two opinions.
It was reported in Sahih Al-Bukhari that Ibn Mas'ud said: "We used to hear the Tasbih of the food as it was being eaten."
Imam Ahmad recorded that (Mu'adh bin Anas said that) the Messenger of ALLĀH came upon some people who were sitting on their mounts and talking to one another. He said to them: "Ride them safely then leave them safely. Do not use them as chairs for you to have conversations in the streets and marketplaces, because the one that is ridden may be better than the one who rides it, and may remember ALLĀH more than he does."
{Tafsir Ibn Kathīr}
#ibnkathir #Isra (17:44)
Q1: The Tarawīh prayer consists of how many rak'ahs?
Ans: Unlimited Rak'ah
There is a valid scholarly difference of opinion on the specific number of rak'ah in Tarawīh prayers as the Prophet ﷺ did not specify the number of rak'ah to be performed for Tarawīh, but it is reported that he (ﷺ) performed eleven raka'hs and it is preferable not to exceed this number, following the practice of the Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ). Abu Salamah ibn 'Abdul-Rahman asked ‘Aishah (may ALLĀH be pleased with her), "How did the Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) pray during Ramadān?" She said: "He (ﷺ) did not pray more than eleven rak’ahs in Ramadān or at other times..." {Al-Bukhārī #1909; Muslim #738}
However, some companions performed more, which proves a certain flexibility on this subject. It was narrated that Yazīd ibn Rumān said: "At the time of ‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb the people used to pray twenty-three rak’ahs of qiyām in Ramadān.{Al-Muwatta' (1/115)}
Imam al-Tirmidhi (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "Most of the scholars are of the view that what is narrated from 'Umar, 'Ali and other companions of the Prophet (ﷺ) is twenty rak'ahs. This is the view of al-Thawri, Ibn al-Mubārak and al-Shāfa'i. {Sunan At-Tirmidhi (3/169)}
Shaykh Ibn Bāz (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "It is proven that ‘Umar (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) told the one whom he appointed among the Sahābah to pray eleven rak’ahs, and it is proven that they prayed twenty-three rak'ahs based on his command. This indicates that the matter is broad in scope and that the matter was flexible according to the Sahābah. That is also indicated by the words of the Prophet (ﷺ): "The night prayers are two by two." {Majmū’ al-Fatāwā (11/322)}
Ibn Taymiyyah (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "If a person prays Tarawīh according to the madhhabs of Abu Hanifah, al-Shafi'i and Ahmad, with twenty rak’ahs, or according to the madhhab of Mālik, with thirty-six rak'ahs, or with thirteen or eleven rak’ahs, he has done well, as Imam Ahmad said, because there is nothing to specify the number. So the greater or lesser number of rak'ahs depends on how long or short the qiyam (standing in the prayer) is." {Al-Ikhtiyarat || Page 64}
As such, we should not fall into extremism by causing arguments during Ramadān or even accusing those who follow another opinion of "innovation" in Islam.
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymīn (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "It grieves us deeply that we find in the Muslim ummah a group which differs concerning matters in which differences of opinion are acceptable, and they take these differences as a means to cause division. Differences within the ummah existed at the time of the Sahabah, yet they remained united. The youth in particular and all those who are committed to Islam must remain united, because they have enemies who are laying in wait." {Al-Sharh al-Mumti' (4/225)}
ALLĀH says: "And turn not your face away from people with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth. Verily, ALLĀH likes not any arrogant boaster." {Luqman || Verse 18}
"And do not walk on the earth arrogantly. Surely you can neither crack the earth nor stretch to the height of the mountains." {Al-Isra || Verse 37}
Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, No one who has the weight of a seed of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise." A man said, "But a man likes to have nice clothes and nice shoes." The Prophet said, "Verily, ALLĀH is beautiful and HE loves beauty. Arrogance is to disregard the truth and to look down upon people." {Muslim #91}
Harithah ibn Wahb (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Shall I not tell you about the inhabitants of Paradise? Every meek and humble person, but if they swore an oath by ALLĀH, HE would surely fulfill it. Shall I not tell you about the inhabitants of Hellfire? Everyone cruel, rude, and arrogant." {Al-Bukhārī #4918, Muslim #2853}
Ibn al-Jawzi (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "I wonder at him who is fond of his own image and walks with pride while forgetting the beginning of his creation. His life starts with the small bite of bread, a couple of dates, a piece of meat and some milk that were consumed with a sip of water; afterwards is filtered through the liver and extracted from it are drops of semen that settle in the testicles, which later on are moved by the excitement of his lust to eject out of him and into the mother to remain for a while before the foetus is developed; coming out through the channel of urine as a child. As for his end, he is thrown in dust to be eaten by worms and becomes ashes the wind blows!" {Captured Thoughts || Page 763-764}
Arrogance is one of the characteristics of Shaytān, so whoever wants to be arrogant should realize that he is acquiring a characteristic of Shaytān. Moreover, arrogance may be the cause of a person being deprived of Paradise. Anyone who tries to be arrogant and put himself above others, ALLĀH will bring him down among the lowest of the low, and will humiliate him, because he is going against reality, so ALLĀH will punish him by thwarting his aims. Therefore, never lose sight of who you are and what ALLĀH has given you or favoured you with over others. Remain humble and never put others down, lest you be from amongst the humiliated on the day of Resurrection.
When and How Do We Command Our Children To Pray
- Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli (may ALLĀH preserve him upon goodness)
Ibn Qadama Al-Maqdasi (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said:
"Whoever followed other than the path of his Salaf then this leads to his loss.
Whoever lnclines away from the Sunnah then he has deviated from the path of Paradise.
So fear ALLĀH and fear for yourselves for indeed the ˹Day of Judgement˺ is difficult.
There is nothing other than Paradise, except the Hell-Fire, there is nothing after the truth except misguidance, and there is nothing after the Sunnah except Bid'ah."
📖 Tahrīm an-Nadhr fī Kutub al-Kalam #71
Amazing Recitation of Surah Qāf
- Sheikh Saud al-Shuraim
This ˹Qur'an˺ is enlightenment for mankind and a guidance and a mercy for people who have Faith with certainty.
Or do those who commit evil deeds think that WE will make them like those who have believed and done righteous deeds - ˹make them˺ equal in their life and their death? Evil is that which they judge.
And ALLĀH created the heavens and earth in truth and so that every soul may be recompensed for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.
{Al-Jāthiyah || Verse 20-22}
'Abdullāh bin 'Amr bin Al-'as (may ALLĀH be pleased with them) reported:
The Messenger of ALLĀH said, “He has succeeded who embraced Islam, whose provision is sufficient, and whom ALLĀH has made content with what HE has given him.” {Muslim}
{Riyādhus-Saliḥīn: Book 1, Chapter 56, Hadith 512}
Hafiz Salahudeen Yusuf commented: "The real success of a man will be measured by his being blessed with Divine mercy and forgiveness in the Hereafter, and this is contingent on Islam alone. If he lacks the wealth of Islam, all the worldly possessions will not ensure his success in the next world. This Hadith tells us that richness is not to be defined in terms of a lot of belongings, and that the real richness is gauged by the contentment of the soul." {Sharh Riyādhus-Saliḥīn}
1️⃣. The sign of a person's success and guidance is that he is content with the share of provision that ALLĀH Almighty has given him.
2️⃣. The greatest blessing is the blessing of faith, guidance, and good health.
3️⃣. Bare subsistence is a sign of a person's success and the guidance ALLĀH has granted him. So, O you who are afflicted with poverty, do not grieve!
Q4: How is the start of Ramadān determined?
Ans: Sighting the new moon or Counting Sha'bān to complete 30 days.
Sheikh Ibn Baz (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) was asked: "In some lands of the Muslims the people go about fasting without relying on the sighting of the new moon. Rather, they think it is sufficient to only rely on calendars. So, what is the ruling on this?"
He responded: "The Prophet ﷺ ordered the Muslims that they should:
"Start fasting on seeing the crescent (of Ramadān), and give up fasting on seeing the crescent (of Shawwal), and if the sky is overcast (and you cannot see it), complete thirty days of Sha'ban." {al-Bukhari #1909 and Muslim #1081}
He ﷺ also said:
"We are an illiterate nation; we neither write, nor know accounts. The month is like this and this, i.e. sometimes of 29 days and sometimes of thirty days." {al-Bukhari #1913 and Muslim #1080}
The Hadiths concerning this matter are numerous and all of them prove that it is obligatory to act according to the sighting or completion of the number of days (in the month as 30) when there is no sighting. Likewise they prove that it is not permissible to rely on calculations for this. Shaykhul-Islam Ibn Taimiyyah mentioned that it is the consensus of the people of knowledge that it is not permissible to rely upon calculations to confirm the new moons. This is the truth concerning which there is no doubt. And ALLĀH is the Giver of success."
{Fatāwa Islāmiyah (3/222-224)}
It says in Fatāwa al-Lajnah al-Dā’imah (10/100): "It is not permissible to rely on astronomical data to confirm the beginning or end of the blessed month of Ramadān, because ALLĀH has not prescribed that for us in HIS Book or in the Sunnah of HIS Prophet (ﷺ). What HE has prescribed for us is to confirm the beginning and end of Ramadān by sighting the new moon of Ramadān to start fasting, and the new moon of Shawwaal to end the fast and gather to offer the Eid prayers."
Praying qiyām in Ramadān is one of the greatest acts of worship by means of which a person draws closer to his Lord. Ibn Rajab said: "In the month of Ramadān the believer engages in jihad al-nafs on two fronts: during the day by fasting and during the night by praying qiyām. Whoever combines these two types of jihad will be given reward without limit." {Lataif al-Ma'arif 1/171}
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Whoever prays qiyām in Ramadān out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven." {Al-Bukhārī #2009}
But I’m sure you’ve noticed how things change throughout the month.
At the start of Ramadān, many people attend the mosque for Tarawīh, but attendance drops by two-thirds by the second week and increases again during the last ten days.
Don’t get caught in the same rut again. If you get into the habit of making qiyāmu-layl now regularly, you’ll be better equipped for these long prayers when Ramadān comes.
Sheikh Ibn Baz (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said:
"The wet dream does not corrupt the fast because it was not by the choice of the servant. However, he must perform complete bathing for sexual impurity if sperm was emitted from him. This is because when the Prophet ﷺ was asked about that he answered that the person who has a wet dream must perform complete bathing if he finds the fluid, meaning sperm."
📖 Fatāwa Islāmiyah (3/271)
Shaykh Ibn Baz (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) was asked about the ruling on a person who has blood taken when he is fasting in Ramadān for the purpose of testing.
He replied: "A test of this nature does not affect the fast, rather it is excused, because it is something needed, and it is not like the things that are known to break the fast according to Shari’ah."
📖 Majmu' Fatāwa Ibn Bāz (15/274)
Abu Bakr (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) was so affected by the Qur'ān that when he would pray by the Ka'bah and recite, he would weep, so much so that the people of Quraysh forbade him from doing so because they were afraid that he would affect the people.
During his illness (ﷺ), the Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said: "Order Abu Bakr to lead the prayer". 'Aisha said, "I told the Messenger of ALLĀH that indeed, if Abu Bakr stands in your place (to lead the people in prayer) the people will not be able to hear him due to his ˹excessive˺ weeping. So order 'Umar to lead the prayer. {Al-Bukhārī #682}
The weeping of 'Umar (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) could be heard from the last rows, as it has been reported to by 'Abdullāh ibn Shaddad, who said: "I heard the sobbing of 'Umar from the last rows while he was reciting the verse from the Qur'an: "I only complain of my grief and sorrow to ALLĀH". (12:86) {Al-Bayhaqi (2/251)}
These people are truly examples of those who contemplate the Qur'ān, not the majority who have a lock placed on their hearts as ALLĀH mentioned,
أَفَلَا یَتَدَبَّرُونَ ٱلۡقُرۡءَانَ أَمۡ عَلَىٰ قُلُوبٍ أَقۡفَالُهَاۤ
Do they not then reflect on the Qur'ān? Or are there locks upon their hearts? {Muhammad || Verse 24}
As I was reading the Qur'an, I started thinking about the verse above. What is the Qur'ān’s impact on my life? Or is there a lock on my heart too? The Qur'ān is a Reminder and a Guide, a gift from ALLĀH, to be applied to our lives - and that’s why there are so many stories, and always shown from different angles, for us to learn from these situations, ALLĀH says:
وَلَقَدْ يَسَّرْنَا ٱلْقُرْءَانَ لِلذِّكْرِ فَهَلْ مِن مُّدَّكِرٍ
And WE have indeed made the Qur'ān easy to understand and remember; then is there any one who will remember (or receive admonition) {Al-Qamar || Verse 22}
and HIS statement,
لَقَدۡ كَانَ فِی قَصَصِهِمۡ عِبۡرَةࣱ لِّأُو۟لِی ٱلۡأَلۡبَـٰبِۗ مَا كَانَ حَدِیثࣰا یُفۡتَرَىٰ وَلَـٰكِن تَصۡدِیقَ ٱلَّذِی بَیۡنَ یَدَیۡهِ وَتَفۡصِیلَ كُلِّ شَیۡءࣲ وَهُدࣰى وَرَحۡمَةࣰ لِّقَوۡمࣲ یُؤۡمِنُونَ
There was certainly in their stories a lesson for those of understanding. Never was it (i.e., the Qur’ān) a narration invented, but a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe. {Yūsuf || Verse 111}
Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said: "When the Qur'ān was substituted by other sources of guidance, corruption became common, calamities multiplied, understanding were thrown into disarray and fortitude disappeared. Surely the purpose of the Qur'ān is to guide people to the straight path. It is a light and remedy for illness of the heart. It is knowledge, culture and evidence. The Qur'ān is life, spirit, salvation, happiness, reward and recompense. It is a divine teaching, a constitution and eternal wisdom." {Character of the Bearers of the Qur'an}
People pay thousands for coaches, personal advisors, etc…but we have the Speech of ALLĀH right between our hands to guide us. Let's aim to take at least one lesson to apply in our daily affairs from the Qur'ān each day. The more we devote ourselves to the Qur'an, the more it'll unlock its treasures for us and we'll grow and come to understand things in ways we never thought before. If you are reading the Qur'ān in Arabic but don’t understand, read some of the translations and try to reflect. Also, try to listen to some tafsīr to immerse yourself in the meaning. A good exercise is to partner up with someone or with a group and relay to each other the lesson you learned each day.
We ask ALLĀH to make the Qur'ān a proof for us and not a proof against us.
The month of Ramadān is a great bounty of ALLĀH. How much are we preparing our souls and minds to receive the special guest from ALLĀH (ﷺ) which will soon be upon us? How much are we preparing our homes and our children to receive the master of all months?
Assume, for instance, a great personality, like the President of your country, has scheduled a trip to your city and is expected to arrive. The city will consequently undergo extensive renovation and beautification for the reception of the President, who is on tour.
In the same respectable manner, we prepare to meet a special guest, to get the best of Ramadān, one needs to prepare well and put a plan before Ramadān knocks on the door without being ready to receive it. There is a need for extensive renovation and beautification of our knowledge and behaviours.
It is almost the month of the year, and the actual loser is the one who witnesses Ramadān without being forgiven in it, as narrated from the Prophet (ﷺ).
Abū Umāmah (may ALLĀH be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of ALLĀH (ﷺ) said:
"ALLĀH tests you through tribulation in order to refine you, just as you refine gold with fire. Amongst you are those who are left resembling pure gold such is a person whom ALLĀH has saved from evil deeds; amongst you are those who are left resembling gold of lesser quality such is a person who falls into some degree of doubt; and amongst you are those who are left resembling black gold such a person is one who gives in to the trial." {Shu'ab al-Iman #9924}
In his discussion of the benefits of trials and tribulations, Ibn Rajab (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) listed a number of important benefits, he stated:
"From it is: an expiation of wrongdoings on account of them, as well as reward for having patience upon it.
From it is: a reminder to the servant of his sins, perchance he may repent and turn back from them to ALLĀH, The Mighty and Majestic.
From it is: the cessation of the hardness of the hearts; and the emergence of their tenderness.
From it is: the brokenness of the servant to ALLĀH, The Mighty and Majestic, and his humble lowliness to HIM, and that is more beloved to ALLĀH than many of the acts of obedience of the obedient ones.
From it is: that it necessitates for the servant to make recourse with his heart to ALLĀH, The Mighty and Majestic, and of standing at HIS door and having humility to HIM as well as humbleness, and that is from the greatest benefits of tribulation, ALLĀH has dispraised whoever did not humble himself to HIM at the time of calamities. ALLĀH, The Most High, said:
وَلَقَدْ أَخَذْنَاهُم بِالْعَذَابِ فَمَا اسْتَكَانُوا لِرَبِّهِمْ وَمَا يَتَضَرَّعُونَ
And indeed WE seized them with punishment, but they did not humble themselves to their Lord, nor did they invoke ˹ALLĀH˺ with submission. {Al-Mu’minūn || Verse 76}
And HE said:
وَلَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا إِلَىٰ أُمَمٍ مِّن قَبْلِكَ فَأَخَذْنَاهُم بِالْبَأْسَاءِ وَالضَّرَّاءِ لَعَلَّهُمْ يَتَضَرَّعُونَ
Verily, WE sent ˹Messengers˺ to the nations before you. Then WE seized them with poverty and calamities perhaps they might humble themselves. {Al-An’ām || Verse 42}
From it is: that the tribulation conveys to his heart the rapture of patience over it and of being pleased with it, and that is a very great station.
From it is: that the tribulation cuts off the heart of the believer from attention to the creation and necessitates for him the advancement to The Creator alone. ALLĀH has indeed given account concerning the polytheists of the sincerity of their supplication to HIM at the times of tribulation; so how then with regard to the believer?!
Therefore the tribulation necessitates for the servant to actualize Tawhīd with his heart, and that is the highest of the stations and the most noble of levels."
📖 Abridged from Majmu’ al-Rasāil (2/106-107)
When you talk about Ramadan, you talk about 4 people
1. The ones who have plans for it, but won’t witness it.
2. The ones who will witness but won’t complete it.
3. The ones who will witness and complete it, but would be their final.
4. The ones who will witness this coming one and the next.
Next year, ditto
No one knows where he belongs.
May ALLĀH grant us longevity upon goodness. Ameen.
اللهم بلغنا رمضان،
© Imam Jibreel Jokomba
Patience is divided into three categories:
1⃣. Patience upon the obedience of ALLĀH.
2⃣. Patience with staying away from disobedience to ALLĀH.
3⃣. Patience upon the pre-decree of ALLĀH.
Sheikh al-’Uthaymīn (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) wrote in his explanation of Riyadh us-Sāliheen:
“Sabr (patience), in the language, means to hold back and restrain oneself. As for its intent in the Sharee’ah, it is to restrain the soul with respect to three matters:
1⃣. Upon obedience to ALLĀH.
2⃣. Upon the prohibitions of ALLĀH.
3⃣. Upon the unpleasant and agonising decrees of ALLĀH.
These are the three types of sabr that the people of knowledge have mentioned:
The first type is that a person is patient upon the obedience of ALLĀH, because obedience is heavy upon the soul and some aspects of it are difficult upon a person, and it can be difficult upon the body such that a person experiences inability and fatigue. A person may even experience financial difficulty such as when paying Zakah or making Hajj, and all of these hardships necessitate patience, just As ALLĀH the Most High says:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اصْبِرُوا وَصَابِرُوا وَرَابِطُوا وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ
“O you who believe, endure patiently, and be more patient (than your enemy) and guard your territory, and fear ALLĀH so that you may be successful.” {Āli ‘Imrān || Verse 200}.
The second type is to be patient with regard to staying away from the prohibitions, and that is because the soul incites a person towards evil so he must show patience against his soul by restraining himself from lying, cheating, consuming the wealth of others, dealing with interest, fornication, drinking wine, theft and other prohibited acts. So, a person must restrain himself so that he does not commit these sins—and this also requires patience and perseverance.
The third type is being patient upon the painful decree (Qadar) of ALLĀH. The decree of ALLĀH is of two types:
1. Agreeable and pleasing. 2. Painful and unpleasant.
That which is pleasing requires being thankful to ALLĀH by obeying HIM. That which is unpleasant and painful may be that a person is put to trial in his body, or that he loses his wealth, or has family problems—the types of calamities are numerous and all of them require patience and perseverance, and a person is patient by restraining himself from expressing his displeasure on his tongue or heart or limbs.
Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi (may ALLĀH have mercy on him) said:
Fasting is of three levels: The fast of the common people, the fast of the elite, and the fast of the elite of the elite.
1⃣. As for the fast of the common people, it is the abstaining of the stomach and private parts from fulfilling their desires.
2⃣. As for the fast of the elite, it is the abstaining of the eyes, tongue, hands, feet, hearing, eyesight, and all the other limbs from sins.
3⃣. As for the fast of the elite of the elite, it is the fasting of the heart from shameful aspirations, thinking of anything other than ALLĀH, and abstaining from everything except ALLĀH in totality.
📖 Mukhtasar Minhāj al-Qāsidīn || Page 44
Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn: "NO, there is nothing such reported from Prophet ﷺ." {I'lām al-Muā'sirīn}
Sheikh al-Albānī: "His name (angel of death) in Qur’ān & Sunnah is Malak al-Maut, as for his name Izra'īl, it is baseless."
{Ahkam al-Janāiz}
Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn: "Some people name the angel of death 'Izrā'īl' but this is not correct."
The Prophet ﷺ said: "When the first night of the month of Ramadān comes, the devils and rebellious jinn are chained up and the gates of Hell are closed, and not one gate of it is opened. The gates of Paradise are opened and not one gate of it is closed. And a caller cries out: ‘O seeker of good, proceed; O seeker of evil, desist. And ALLĀH has those whom HE redeems from the Fire, and that happens every night.” {Sunan al-Tirmidhī #682}
Sheikh Salīh al-Fawzān (may ALLĀH preserve him upon goodness) said: “This hadith is evidence for the virtue of the month of Ramadān and the greatness of its special qualities. ALLĀH, the Most High, favored it over all other months, and singled it out with characteristics that are not found in other than it; making it a reason to perform righteous actions, kindness and goodness.” {Ahadith about Fasting, Rulings, and Manners: Page 24}