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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

🇦dventure🇬old (2624496317)⚠️ RUGPULL! (Tinyman v2)
Removed by: 🤡 FBIEHM..BDGVJI (creator)
💧 Liquidity removed: 593,810,426.29 AGLD / 1,284.83 ALGO (100.00% of total LP)
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

CAT (1691166331) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
1,439,002.51 CAT ➡️ 4,154.02 ALGO
Sold by: 632S5M..P7PFXI
Wallet balances: 0.00 CAT | 29,361.19 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

ET Bilu (ETBILU) TOKEN LAUNCH (Tinyman v2)
ID: 2625755977
🪙 Total Supply: 1.0 billion
💧 Liquidity: 250,000,000.00 ETBILU / 2.00 ALGO (25.00% of supply)
Creator: KZKW3H..IBX5TI (6 days, 22 hours old)
💰 Creator balance: 750,000,000.00 ETBILU
ASAs from same creator: ET Bilu, ET Bilu
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

monko (2494786278) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Tinyman v2)
New price: 0.000017 ⬆ 2.7732% ($0.000006)
9,058.00 ALGO ➡️ 533,846,761.64 $monko
Purchased by: KUPOQA..I2SPZ4
Wallet balances: 533,846,761.64 $monko | 54.10 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

Meep (2582590415) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
2,500.00 ALGO ➡️ 1,811,082,196.99 MEEP
Purchased by: DBERDV..A5CXVM
Wallet balances: 1,811,082,196.99 MEEP | 35,990.68 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

monko (2494786278) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
503,954,282.06 $monko ➡️ 8,482.25 ALGO
Sold by: AP36LY..2XAFFI
Wallet balances: 0.00 $monko | 8,504.60 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

monko (2494786278) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Tinyman v2)
New price: 0.000017 ⬇ -1.2874% ($0.000006)
250,000,000.00 $monko ➡️ 4,327.39 ALGO
Sold by: pwnmalone.algo
Wallet balances: 5,547,568,576.76 $monko | 16,313.07 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

Marcus (2466866698) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Tinyman v2)
New price: 0.000517 ⬇ -7.9963% ($0.000169)
5,000,000.00 MARCUS ➡️ 2,686.04 ALGO
Sold by:
Wallet balances: 1,607,230.77 MARCUS | 6,529.45 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

I am going to make a few changes to the different tiers and subscription options.
ARMY is free and will remain free. It is now a public discussion group (used to be private) and can now be accessed directly with /channel/AlgoScoutARMY .
ARMY is linked to the free channel (notifications only, no chat): /channel/AlgoScout .
Both free options include most of the notifications, but there is a little bit of delay.

There will only be two tiers moving forward:
- Premium: the current "premium plus" will be renamed to premium. You can access all premium channels by either paying a monthly subscription (50K SCOUT/month, same as before) or by holding 600k SCOUT (or 15k LP tokens of SCOUT/ALGO pool on PACT or Tinyman). Premium will also have access to the NFT notification channel that was previously reserved to Lounge holders. Existing subscribers of the "old" premium tier have been upgraded to the new tier for the current month.
- VIP/Lounge: no changes, same as before. Hold 1.2M SCOUT or 30k LP SCOUT/ALGO tokens. This is the tier with all the notifications (faster than everything else)

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

Steak Pool (2595619475) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
2,435.73 ALGO ➡️ 286,978.91 STEAK
Purchased by: N3L5ZM..KNMCXI
Wallet balances: 299,636.55 STEAK | 7,307.13 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

goBTC (386192725) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
0.03 goBTC ➡️ 9,527.58 ALGO
Sold by: N3L5ZM..KNMCXI
Wallet balances: 0.03 goBTC | 9,742.90 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

BlackSanta (2625111699)⚠️ RUGPULL! (Tinyman v2)
Removed by: 🤡 RV7PVG..3BKRFM (creator)
💧 Liquidity removed: 2,139,619.00 Blk / 73.67 ALGO (100.00% of total LP)
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

This channel will be deleted soon! To keep receiving AlgoScout notifications, please join the ALGOSCOUT ARMY group at /channel/+D_olX_UHg1QyZDFh (it’s free!)

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

⚠️ NEW SCOUT/ALGO FARM ON TINYMAN! More details here:

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

This channel will be deleted soon! To keep receiving AlgoScout notifications, please join the ALGOSCOUT ARMY group at /channel/+D_olX_UHg1QyZDFh (it’s free!)

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

CAT (1691166331) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
10,000.00 ALGO ➡️ 3,360,168.38 CAT
Purchased by: GYXISC..DRWLFE
Wallet balances: 8,864,876.72 CAT | 240,000.30 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

ALGOTARDIO (2614577662) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
592,625,020.68 ATARD ➡️ 3,863.64 ALGO
Sold by: 632S5M..P7PFXI
Wallet balances: 0.00 ATARD | 25,207.22 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

ALGOTARDIO (2614577662) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
351,185,197.44 ATARD ➡️ 2,663.40 ALGO
Sold by: 632S5M..P7PFXI
Wallet balances: 1,053,555,592.32 ATARD | 18,163.76 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

monko (2494786278) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
143,920,110.02 $monko ➡️ 2,400.60 ALGO
Sold by: RYFGN5..O2JX7M
Wallet balances: 0.00 $monko | 2,421.26 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

Bummer (2619875248) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
8,400.00 ALGO ➡️ 85,407,276.04 $BUMR
Purchased by: AP36LY..2XAFFI
Wallet balances: 298,426,355.29 $BUMR | 104.59 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

monko (2494786278) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Tinyman v2)
New price: 0.000017 ⬇ -1.2797% ($0.000006)
250,000,000.00 $monko ➡️ 4,275.50 ALGO
Sold by: pwnmalone.algo
Wallet balances: 5,297,568,576.76 $monko | 20,588.57 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

Meld Gold (g) (246516580) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
34,000.00 ALGO ➡️ 122.03 GOLD$
🤡Purchased by: gmt.algo
Wallet balances: 122.03 GOLD$ | 66,835.30 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

Marcus (2466866698) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Tinyman v2)
New price: 0.000536 ⬇ -10.6850% ($0.000176)
6,607,230.77 MARCUS ➡️ 3,736.56 ALGO
Sold by:
Wallet balances: 6,607,230.77 MARCUS | 3,843.41 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

monko (2494786278) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
4,000.00 ALGO ➡️ 229,101,199.66 $monko
Purchased by: godschild.algo
Wallet balances: 229,101,199.66 $monko | 94.88 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

BlackSanta (Blk) TOKEN LAUNCH (Tinyman v2)
ID: 2625111699
🪙 Total Supply: 2.5 million
💧 Liquidity: 100.00 Blk / 0.02 ALGO (0.00% of supply)
🤡 Creator: RV7PVG..3BKRFM (3 years, 9 months old funded via Coinbase Pro)
🌎 Website: template-ipfs://{ipfscid:1:raw:reserve:sha2-256}
💰 Creator balance: 2,499,792.00 Blk
ASAs from same creator: Penny, Ten, Anguilla, BlackSanta
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

Pheasant Pluckers (PHEZZIES 0.3%) TOKEN LAUNCH (PactFi)
ID: 2155822658
🪙 Total Supply: 1.0 trillion
💧 Liquidity: 440,000,000.00 PHEZZIES / 100.00 ALGO (0.04% of supply)
Creator: 7TL5PK..CVTHSU (6 months old)
🌎 Website:
Liquidity added by node.pheasants.algo
💰 Creator balance: 293,817,468.57 PHEZZIES
ASAs from same creator: BELUGA, SANTA PENGI, aXRP, < 1, MicroAlgo, One, PlanetWatch CTO, VAXtardo, Nigga Claus, soloffa, TheBoi, ALGOFAM, QUOKKA, 7-Eleven, JeffersonStateDollar, Bored Cat, Researchdeeznuts, Señor Pepe Algo, Pizza on Algo, T-REX, QUICKSPLASH, Superman, Batman, Super Woman, BeMonk, The Cats, Jake the bear, Poor Dad, INFINITY, Can Clan
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | PactFi | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

monko (2494786278) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
3,443.33 ALGO ➡️ 199,930,373.93 $monko
Purchased by: J6XM6L..G742AU
Wallet balances: 199,930,373.93 $monko | 21,813.44 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

Do not forget to sign up for Algorand Governance on Folks Finance!

This should be the last period of governance.

Commit ALGO and get gALGO at:

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

3 days left to sign-up for
Algorand Governance 11 on Folks Finance!

This is gonna be the last period of governance

Do not miss it! Commit ALGO and get gALGO at:

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AlgoScout Notifications - Free

This channel will be deleted soon! To keep receiving AlgoScout notifications, please join the ALGOSCOUT ARMY group at /channel/+D_olX_UHg1QyZDFh (it’s free!)

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