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Governance xAlgo (1134696561) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Folks)
15,000.00 ALGO ➡️ 6,819.43 xALGO
Purchased by: OKPJJQ..Q6UURE
Wallet balances: 69.16 xALGO | 10,237.99 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
goBTC (386192725) LARGE TRANSFER
🪙 0.18 goBTC (Value: 43,263 ALGO)
Vestige | Compx | Asastats sender | Asastats receiver | Tinyman
TERABRO (2637100337) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
2,186,079.52 BRO ➡️ 4,425.93 ALGO
Sold by: arbitrager.algo
Wallet balances: 11,000,000.00 BRO | 25,629.84 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
GORA (1138500612) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
10,971.10 GORA ➡️ 2,393.10 ALGO
Sold by: XP6BFX..NJL4SU
Wallet balances: 0.01 GORA | 2,505.52 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
tm.algo HAS BEEN SOLD (NFDomains)
🪙 1,000.00 ALGO
Buyer: daly.algo
Seller: nfdomains.algo
TERABRO (2637100337) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
1,000,000.00 BRO ➡️ 2,106.61 ALGO
Sold by: X7IZ6E..RRVOQU
Wallet balances: 21,000,000.00 BRO | 13,259.52 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
Governance Algo (793124631) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
13,406.06 gALGO ➡️ 13,368.95 ALGO
Sold by: F2F5WT..VYYBIA
Wallet balances: 0.00 gALGO | 13,369.76 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
(GOO) ID: 2654426422
🤡 Creator: K7FJNV..2E5GEA (5 days, 8 hours old)
🪙 Total Supply: 1.0 trillion
Creator buy amount: 250.00 ALGO
rug.ninja | Asastats | Pera Explorer
monko (2494786278) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
5,200.00 ALGO ➡️ 222,584,348.60 $monko
Purchased by: randmccoop.algo
Wallet balances: 222,584,348.60 $monko | 396.79 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
monko (2494786278) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
4,000.00 ALGO ➡️ 174,480,672.59 $monko
Purchased by: daly.algo
Wallet balances: 385,493,238.20 $monko | 366.14 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
AlgoKekius (2652191787) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Tinyman v2)
New price: 0.000000 ⬇ -14.9621% ($0.000000)
13,865,326,827.32 AKEKIUS ➡️ 2,856.81 ALGO
Wallet balances: 5,000,000,000.00 AKEKIUS | 2,907.81 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer
monko (2494786278) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
100,000,000.00 $monko ➡️ 2,338.21 ALGO
Sold by: gabriel.monko.algo
Wallet balances: 4,803,743,547.75 $monko | 4,916.58 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
(SLIME) ID: 2654315972
🤡 Creator: K7FJNV..2E5GEA (5 days, 7 hours old)
🪙 Total Supply: 1.0 trillion
Creator buy amount: 200.00 ALGO
rug.ninja | Asastats | Pera Explorer
TERABRO (2637100337) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
2,070.05 ALGO ➡️ 999,988.82 BRO
Purchased by: fomo.barb.algo
Wallet balances: 6,999,898.32 BRO | 216,201.21 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
TERABRO (2637100337) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
2,026.14 ALGO ➡️ 999,978.05 BRO
Purchased by: fomo.barb.algo
Wallet balances: 5,999,909.50 BRO | 218,271.32 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
ASA Stats Token (393537671) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
7,270,187.67 ASASTATS ➡️ 3,830.32 ALGO
Sold by: thanks.algo
Wallet balances: 0.00 ASASTATS | 7,801.78 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
goBTC (386192725) LARGE TRANSFER
🪙 0.18 goBTC (Value: 43,248 ALGO)
Vestige | Compx | Asastats sender | Asastats receiver | Tinyman
iGetAlgo (2635992378) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
2,400.00 ALGO ➡️ 9.44 iGA
Purchased by: XP6BFX..NJL4SU
Wallet balances: 15.58 iGA | 105.48 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
monko (2494786278) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
3,738.08 ALGO ➡️ 155,262,329.99 $monko
Purchased by: 5S4MUW..HQI4SM
Wallet balances: 155,262,329.99 $monko | 1.14 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
TERABRO (2637100337) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
1,000,000.00 BRO ➡️ 2,061.11 ALGO
Sold by: X7IZ6E..RRVOQU
Wallet balances: 20,000,000.00 BRO | 15,320.58 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
(WORM) ID: 2654438524
🤡 Creator: JZEYRA..YTC7XI (3 minutes old)
🪙 Total Supply: 1.0 trillion
Creator buy amount: 200.00 ALGO
rug.ninja | Asastats | Pera Explorer
we.algo HAS BEEN SOLD (NFDomains)
🪙 1,000.00 ALGO
Buyer: daly.algo
Seller: nfdomains.algo
monko (2494786278) LARGE TRANSFER
hyde.algo ➡️ daly.algo
🪙 27,179,658,218.65 monko (Value: 640,366 ALGO)
Vestige | Compx | Asastats sender | Asastats receiver | Tinyman
TERABRO (2637100337) 🟢 LARGE BUY (Vestige)
4,000.00 ALGO ➡️ 1,971,001.24 BRO
Purchased by: randmccoop.algo
Wallet balances: 1,971,001.24 BRO | 5,596.84 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
Karzio (1261301160) 🔴 TOKENS ADDED TO LP (Tinyman v2)
Added by: manny.algo
💧 Liquidity added: 100,000.00 KRZ / 0.00 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer
monko (2494786278) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
603,433,055.54 $monko ➡️ 13,816.15 ALGO
Sold by: RP2UPE..OFE4A4
Wallet balances: 603,433,055.54 $monko | 13,846.94 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
Removed by: 🤡 J4LZZU..MVSNXI
💧 Liquidity removed: 16,957,661.58 OUTSYDE / 0.00 ALGO (3.23% of total LP)
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Tinyman | Pera Explorer
TERABRO (2637100337) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
2,000,000.00 BRO ➡️ 4,028.27 ALGO
Sold by: arbitrager.algo
Wallet balances: 10,000,000.00 BRO | 21,204.20 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer
Coop Coin (796425061 1.0%)⚠️ LARGE SHARE OF LIQUIDITY REMOVED (PactFi)
Removed by: 🤡 fleshwhistler.algo
💧 Liquidity removed: 3,473.51 COOP / 270.30 ALGO (81.94% of total LP)
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | PactFi | Pera Explorer
monko (2494786278) 🔴 LARGE SELL (Vestige)
100,000,000.00 $monko ➡️ 2,345.01 ALGO
Sold by: gabriel.monko.algo
Wallet balances: 4,903,743,547.75 $monko | 2,578.38 ALGO
Vestige | Compx | Asastats | Pera Explorer