По всем вопросам обращаться: @avyalt
6. Getting Details about installed packages using pip
4. Reviewing dependencies installed in Virtual Environment
2. Validating Python Versions
30. Understanding Python Virtual Environments
6. Process REST Payload using Collection Operations
4. Getting Started with requests
2. Using curl command
29. Programming Essentials using Python - Processing REST Payloads
11. Write to JSON files using json module
9. Different JSON Formats supported by Pandas
7. Multiple JSON Documents in files
5. Process JSON String
1. Processing JSON Data - Introduction
6. Best Practices Batch Loading
4.1 Reading Data from File
5. Installing Dependencies for Web Application using pip
3. Create Virtual Environment for Web Application
1. Introduction to Python Virtual Environments
7. Process REST Payload using Pandas
5. Convert REST Payload to Python Objects
3. Overview of Postman
1. Overview of REST APIs
12. Write to JSON files using pandas
10. Common Use Cases for JSON
8. Process JSON using Pandas
6. Single JSON Document in Files
4. Create JSON String
28. Programming Essentials using Python - Processing JSON Data
5. Batch Loading of Data
4. Reading Data From File