По всем вопросам обращаться: @avyalt
7.1 Dynamically read files using os
6.1 Reading Data in Chunks using Pandas
5.1 Previewing Data using Pandas
4.1 Reading JSON Data using Pandas
3.1 Adding Pandas to the project
2.1 Overview of Retail Data
1.1 Reading Data using Pandas - Introduction
33. Data Copier - Reading Data using Pandas
12. Create GitHub Project
11. Managing Dependencies for the project
10. Setup Project using Pycharm
9. Overview of Postgres Database Commands
8. Setup Postgres Database for development
7. Create Postgres Container
5. Quick Overview of Docker
7. Dynamically read files using os
6. Reading Data in Chunks using Pandas
5. Previewing Data using Pandas
4. Reading JSON Data using Pandas
3. Adding Pandas to the project
2. Overview of Retail Data
1. Reading Data using Pandas - Introduction
12.1 Create GitHub Project
11.1 Managing Dependencies for the project
10.1 Setup Project using Pycharm
9.1 Overview of Postgres Commands
8.1 Setup Postgres Database
7.1 Setup Postgres Database
5.1 Quick Overview of Docker
4. Setup Docker on Windows 10 Pro