По всем вопросам обращаться: @avyalt
7. Copy source data files into container
5. Quick recap about Docker containers
3. Pull and validate appropriate python image
1. Dockerizing the application - Introduction
13. Push changes to remote git repository
11. Develop logic for multiple tables
9. Integrate read and write logic
7. Write logic using Pandas
5. Read logic using Pandas
4. Passing Environment Variables using Pycharm
3. Using os module for Environment Variables
2. Overview of Environment Variables
1. Overview of main function
6.1 Validate orders table using Pandas
5.1 Validate orders table in database
6. Deploying application and installing dependencies in the docker container
4. Create and attach network to database container
2. Prepare Database for validation
37. Data Copier - Dockerizing the application
12. Validate logic for table list as run time argument
10. Validate Integration logic
8. Validate write logic
6. Validate read logic
4.1 Passing Environment Variables using Pycharm
3.1 Using os module for Environment Variables
2.1 Overview of Environment Variables
1.1 Overview of main function
36. Data Copier - Modularizing the application
6. Validate orders table using pandas
5. Validate orders table in database