По всем вопросам обращаться: @avyalt
3.1 Managing HDFS Directories
2.1 Listing HDFS Files
1.1 Getting help or usage
42. Introduction to Hadoop eco system - Overview of HDFS
14. Validate Spark 3 using CLIs
12. Download and Install Spark 3
10. Validate Jupyter Lab Setup
8. Configure Spark 2
6. Scripts to Manage Single Node Cluster
4. Configure and Setup Hive Metastore
2. Download and Install Hive
41. Setup Hive and Spark on Single Node Cluster
8. Start and Validate YARN
6. Start and Validate HDFS
4. Download and Install Hadoop
3. Managing HDFS Directories
2. Listing HDFS Files
1. Getting help or usage
15. Intergrate Spark 3 with Jupyter Lab
13. Configure Spark 3
11. Intergrate Spark 2 with Jupyter Lab
9. Validate Spark 2 using CLIs
7. Download and Install Spark 2
5. Launch and Validate Hive
3. Setup Database for Hive Metastore
1. Setup Data Sets for Practice
9. Managing Single Node Hadoop
7. Configure Hadoop YARN
5. Configure Hadoop HDFS
3. Setup Password less login