По всем вопросам обращаться: @avyalt
3. Overview of Data Types
2. Create Spark Metastore Tables
45. Data Engineering using Spark SQL - Managing Tables - Basic DDL and DML
11. Conclusion - Final Solution
8.1 Joining Tables - Outer
7.1 Joining Tables - Inner
4.1 Preparing Tables
3. Define Problem Statement
2. Spark SQL - Overview
1. Basic Transformations - Introduction
11.1 Exercise - Getting Started with Spark SQL
10.1 Role of Spark or Hive Metastore
9.1 Retrieve Metadata of Tables
8.1 Managing Spark Metastore Tables
7.1 Managing Spark Metastore Databases
2.1 Create Spark Metastore Tables
1.1 Basic DDL and DML - Introduction
11.1 Conclusion - Final Solution
9.1 Aggregating Data
8. Joining Tables - Outer
7. Joining Tables - Inner
3.1 Define Problem Statement
2.1 Spark SQL – Overview
1.1 Basic Transformations
44. Data Engineering using Spark SQL - Basic Transformations
11. Exercise - Getting Started with Spark SQL
10. Role of Spark Metastore or Hive Metastore
9. Retrieve Metadata of Tables
8. Managing Spark Metastore Tables
7. Managing Spark Metastore Databases