По всем вопросам обращаться: @avyalt
4. Overview of Joins
3. Problem Statements for Joins
2. Analyze Datasets for Joins
1.2 flightmonth=200801
1. Prepare Datasets for Joins
16.1 Solutions - Problem 2
15.1 Solutions - Problem 1
14.1 Overview of Sorting Data Frames
13.1 Aggregate data using cube
12.1 Aggregate data using rollup
11.1 Aggregate data using groupBy
10.1 Total Aggregations
9.1 Dealing with Nulls while Filtering
8.1 Using BETWEEN Operator
7.1 Using LIKE Operator or like Function
3.1 Problem Statements for Joins
2.1 Analyze Datasets for Joins
1.3 Prepare Datasets for Joins
1.1 airport-codes-na
52. Apache Spark using Python - Joining Data Sets
16. Solution - Problem 2 - Get Total Aggregations By FlightDate
15. Solution - Problem 1 - Get Total Aggregations
14. Overview of Sorting Data Frames
13. Aggregate data using cube.cmproj
12. Aggregate data using rollup
11. Aggregate data using groupBy
10. Total Aggregations
9. Dealing with Nulls while Filtering
8. Using BETWEEN Operator
7. Using LIKE Operator or like Function