По всем вопросам обращаться: @avyalt
16. [Code and Instructions] - Write data to files
14. [Code and Instructions] - Process data using Spark APIs
12. [Code and Instructions] - Read data from files
10. Setup Sample Data
8. Create Function for Spark Session
6. Accessing OS Environment Variables
4. [Code and Instructions] - Getting Started with Pycharm
2. [Commands] - Setup Virtual Environment and Install Pyspark
54. Apache Spark - Development Life Cycle using Python
10.1 Creating Temp Views
9.1 Saving as Partitioned Tables
8.1 Creating Partitioned Tables
7.1 Read and Process data from Metastore Tables
6.1 Inserting into Existing Tables
5.1 Define Schema for Tables using StructType
15. Write Data to Files
13. Process Data using Spark APIs
11. Read Data from Files
9. [Code and Instructions] - Create Function for Spark Session
7. Getting Started with Spark
5. Passing Run Time Arguments
3. Getting Started with Pycharm
1. Setup Virtual Environment and Install Pyspark
11.1 Using Spark SQL
10. Creating Temporary Views
9. Saving as Partitioned Table
8. Create Partitioned Tables
7. Read and Process data from Metastore Tables
6. Inserting into Existing Tables
5. Define Schema for Tables using StructType