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An inquisitive baby elephant did not allow the Kenyan journalist to calmly finish the report
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Swissmedic and Vaccinating Doctors Criminally Sued in Switzerland for Authorizing and Administering Covid-19 mRNA Inoculations 🎉
🌍🔆 @covidpositivenews:
The Swiss are taking their medical establishment to court for authorising and administering the Covid-19 mRNA 'vaccines.'
SRF reports (Nov 14):
On July 14, 2022, a lawyer submitted a 300-page criminal complaint to the responsible cantonal public prosecutor's office on behalf of six people allegedly injured by mRNA vaccinations.
It is directed against three representatives of the Swiss licensing and supervisory authority for medicinal products and medical devices (Swissmedic) and five vaccinating doctors from the Inselspital in Bern.
A criminal investigation is to be opened against them. The lawyer has now gone public with a media conference [in German].
The lawyer for those affected, Philipp Kruse, is a declared opponent of vaccination and Covid measures. He represented people who refused to wear masks or parents who didn't want their children to take part.
The defendants are accused of violating basic duties of care under therapeutic products law by approving and administering the Covid-19 vaccination.
There are a number of other charges, including those of intentional or ev. negligent bodily injury, endangerment of life, homicide and abortion.
"In the present case, we are dealing with the largest injury to human health caused by pharmaceuticals and has already occurred that has ever occurred in Switzerland."
According to lawyer Kruse, the damage ranges from circular hair loss, derailment of the menstrual cycle to polyarthritis, muscle weakness and chronic exhaustion to the death of a 20-year-old person.
The connection to the Covid-19 vaccination was confirmed in five cases. In the case of the deceased person, the causal link had to be proven by means of pathological examinations.
For reasons of privacy protection, the criminal complaint does not contain any personal names. However, SRF was able to talk to one of those affected.
Thi Mai-Trang Jost sees herself as a vaccine victim, the 45-year-old is now in a wheelchair.
This is what Swissmedic says: Nothing.
The Federal Office of Public Health and the Federal Vaccination Commission also do not want to take a position.
The cantonal public prosecutor's office has already opened the proceedings.
Andreas Oehler adds on Substack (Nov 14):
Also of note here is that Swissmedic is the key conduit of the global vaccination programmes in partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and WHO, and also FDA.
Good luck in court!
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Interesting discussion on GoF. I personally tend towards the Drs Bailey and co theory but this is worth a listen at any rate...they cover different issues and it just shows to me how tangled everyone gets when there has to be the "one reason" for sickness. It's crazy that people think like this for so many things...
RoundingtheEarth:8/RTE-Discussions--12_-Gain-of-Function%2C-or-Gain-of-Purity_-%28w_-Jonathan-Couey%29:6" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@RoundingtheEarth:8/RTE-Discussions--12_-Gain-of-Function%2C-or-Gain-of-Purity_-%28w_-Jonathan-Couey%29:6
Walmart has an annual revenue of around $600 Billion. The agreed settlement for these multinationals is a slap on the wrist and surprise surprise...no liability.
We are in Chester this Friday for more keep it cash actions.
This will include a street hub, leafleting the public and visiting as many shops and businesses as possible to promote the use of cash and to ask them to display our window flyer.
((Today 9am to 11:30 UK time))
Global Health and the Art of Really Big Lies - Propaganda In Focus
The UK government’s threats to free speech aren’t yet thwarted
https://ift.tt/9WTG1hk FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet
In the current outrage over boat people—very many of them Albanian—arriving on the south coast of England in dinghies with much official connivance, UK Column decided that it would be timely to remind the public of a 2018 presentation given to a British audience at the late Ian R Crane's Alternative View conference by an Albanian academic, Dr Olsi Jazexhi, who works at universities in both Albania and Canada.
Dr Jazexhi makes a solid case that the culpability for the waves of desperate migrants leaving his Balkan homeland rests squarely with Western globalists, particularly Britain's own Tony Blair and the London School of Economics-trained George Soros—firm friends of the Edi Rama régime in Tirana—for rendering large parts of the country practically uninhabitable through economic despoiling and the carving-out of abysmally badly-operated fracking concessions.
This is quite a positive development. Watch this video by John Campbell on the vaccine injury Parliamentary debate
"So you see, man is not complete when he lives in a world of statistical truth. He must live in a world where the "whole" of man, his entire history, is the concern; and that is not merely statistics. It is the expression of what man really is, and what he feels himself to be.
The scientist is always looking for an average. Our natural science makes everything an average, reduces everything to an average; yet the truth is that the carriers of life are individuals, not average numbers. When everything is statistical, all individual qualities are wiped out, and that, of course, is quite unbecoming. In fact, it is unhygienic, because if you wipe out the mythology of a man, his entire historical sequence, he becomes a statistical average, a number; that is, he becomes nothing. He is deprived of his specific value, of experiencing his own unique value."
1st part of a further clip transcript from C. G. Jung – Richard Evans Interviews (1957)
2nd half here
Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUWpr0gR81A
Virologie Nights
The "Gain of Function" narrative is reaching all new heights. Boston University claimed they engineered a "virus" with an 80% lethality rate. But what actually killed these poor mice?
Let's have a look at some of the "fear-porn" promoters of these stories and why they are leading people astray with pseudoscience.
Watch the video now 👇
I just finished watching the sequel to the first documentary The Corporation. This one came out about 18 months ago. The first 58 mins is good but it takes a depressing turn into zero carbon, zero covid land and it's terrible.
Tragically, Convid1984 has cemented the power of corporations...these progressive do gooders who mostly have their hearts in the right place have fallen for the two biggest cons. Sigh!
Web archive sites show that the World Economic Forum had previously listed FTX as one of its “partners,” touting the Bahamas-based firm as a “cryptocurrency exchange built by traders, for traders.” https://nypost.com/2022/11/14/how-world-economic-forum-others-are-hiding-past-ties-with-ftx/
Читать полностью…Whitney Webb blows Glenn Beck away with some facts and truths. This is a superb interview from Whitney with 1.3M views already. Persevere through the insane number of adverts. It's worth it. And maybe share with people starting to question things. 🙏
Recent bombings in Türkiye have conveniently distracted the public from this huge story that was unfolding last week. How interesting!
Читать полностью…Canada tosses over 24 million expired COVID shots as demand plummets
Due to a lack of demand on a global scale, governments and manufacturers are throwing away millions of unused COVID shots
The Canadian government has discarded almost 25 million doses of COVID-19 shots from various manufacturers as demand for inoculation against the novel coronavirus has plummeted.
The National Post reported Friday that 7.7 million doses of Moderna’s mRNA-based COVID shot have now been disposed of after reaching their expiry date, up from 1.2 million discarded doses in June. Federal government data show a further 3.1 million Novavax COVID jabs have also been thrown out from an order of 9.7 million, alongside 13.6 million doses of AstraZeneca’s serum. However, the total number of discarded vaccines may be higher, for the data set does not account for shots which expired after being delivered to provincial governments.
Of the 9.7 million Novavax vaccines purchased, only a fraction, just 117,000, were ever distributed, while the majority of the nation’s 20 million AstraZeneca shots were left in storage after reports confirmed the Oxford-designed vaccine had been linked to dangerous blood clotting....
The vast stockpile of the Canadian government’s AstraZeneca shots were later tossed after expiring, though they had been offered to Gavi, a global vaccine drive established in 1999 by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to distribute vaccines in developing countries.
When the federal government pledged the AstraZeneca shots to COVAX, Gavi’s international COVID shot resource pool, the organization said it was “already working to distribute large volumes” of the shot “with recipient countries,” and therefore refused to accept the additional pledged doses.
However, Health Canada spokeswoman Charlaine Sleiman said at the time that, rather than dealing with a mere surplus of donations, a “limited demand for the vaccine and recipient country challenges with distribution and absorption” were to blame for the lack of uptake.
In all, the Canadian government spent over $9 billion ($6.8 billion USD) on securing more than 500 million COVID shots (150 million of which were Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA jabs) despite any of the vaccines passing clinical trials, leading Conservative MP Kelly McCauley to accuse the Liberal government of incompetent leadership.
“[T]axpayers’ dollars were effectively wasted,” McCauley charged.
Canada has seen a marked slowdown in the uptake of endless COVID booster shots. Whereas initially the vast majority of the population, some 85 percent, took the first shot, and a similarly high 82 percent consented to the second, convincing citizens to continue being inoculated against the virus has not been as successful, with under 50 percent of eligible Canadians receiving any further booster doses, according to the Government of Canada website.
Only 14.3 percent have taken a fourth shot.
Vaccine demand around that world has slowed, with Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel stating in comments made at the World Economic Forum’s Davos 2022 summit in May that the pharmaceutical firm had thrown out 30 million doses of their own shots as “nobody wants to take them.”
“We have a big demand problem,” Bancel said, explaining that though the massive pharmaceutical company has tried to urge vaccine uptake in other countries “through the embassies in Washington,” Moderna has discovered that “nobody wants to take them.”
Likewise in India, a major drug manufacturer disposed of 100 million doses of the Covishield vaccine, India’s version of the AstraZeneca shot, due to limited uptake. Reports noted that the government was unable to distribute the vast quantity of shots despite having offered them for free to over 75s as part of a 75-year independence anniversary initiative.
By the summer, the U.S. had tossed a staggering 82.1 million COVID shot doses due to lack of demand.
Читать полностью…https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/there-are-no-plans-for-an-inquiry-solely-on-vaccine-safety
Читать полностью…Full record https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfgGCgxGYkk
Читать полностью…Toronto Ends Covid Vaccine Mandate for All City Workers Dec 1st 🎉
🌍🔆 @covidpositivenews:
Toronto has announced that city workers who failed to disclose their vaccine status or remained unvaccinated can now go on unpaid leave and return to work Dec 1st.
The Toronto News Release (Nov 8) reads:
The City of Toronto announced today, that effective Thursday, December 1, the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy has been updated to reflect that mandatory vaccination is no longer required for City staff, volunteers and contractors.
The City continues to strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated against COVID-19, including a fall booster dose to prevent severe illness.
Since the start of the pandemic, the health and safety of the City’s workforce and residents has been a top priority.
In September 2021, the City introduced a mandatory vaccination policy for all City staff in order to provide a safe work environment.
Based on recent arbitration and negotiations with the unions, the approximately 350 unionized City employees who either did not disclose their vaccination status, or did not get vaccinated, will be offered reinstatement into an unpaid leave.
As such, those staff who are on unpaid leave will also be eligible to start to return to the workplace when the updated policy comes into effect on December 1.
But the Toronto Star writes (Nov 8):
Scarlett Martyn, a longtime Toronto paramedic fired by the city for failing to get vaccinated against COVID-19, isn’t sure she wants her old job back.
“None of us will ever feel the same about the city again,” Martyn said Tuesday after the city announced that its vaccine requirement for city staff will end Dec. 1 — and it offered to to reinstate about 350 unionized employees terminated last January.
“I think there’s a lot of healing to be done — these employees aren’t jumping up and down and saying ‘Yay, you’ll have us back,’” said Martyn, who unsuccessfully argued that natural immunity from having had COVID-19 sufficiently protected her fellow paramedics and members of the public.
“It was ushered in in a brutal fashion. A lot of us moved on to other jobs and bought our pensions out — I have no idea how to sort out this mess.”
In August a labour arbitrator ruled that the city’s mandatory vaccination policy for firefighters was reasonable in its attempt to limit COVID-19 spread, but unreasonable in how it was applied.
The city firing more than a dozen firefighters, rather than taking less drastic steps to protect their colleagues and members of the public, was deemed unfair.
We recently posted on an upcoming National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) into Covid-19 following their poll that 3 out of 4 Canadians report suffering harm as a result of government Covid policies in 4 areas: social, economic, health, and rights and freedoms.
CP24 continues (Nov 8):
For context, the Toronto Police Service announced the end of its vaccination policy in June of this year.
Of the 205 members who were placed on indefinite leave after they missed the deadline to get vaccinated or failed to disclose their status, at least 101 were able to return to work on June 21.
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A groundbreaking new scientific paper exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed and challenged the official COVID-19 narrative.
Published in the sociological journal Minerva, “Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics,” details the experiences of medical professionals who spoke out against public health directives, and how they responded to efforts to suppress them:
I was banned from Twitter in March 2021 (see pic of banned people above) immediately after having posted D4CE' first open letter to the EMA, in which we had expressed our concerns about the "COVID injections", all of which have unfortunately been confirmed by now.
Because of a misunderstanding about booking, tonight’s Keep it Cash ‘ workshop’ in London on how to campaign to keep cash has had to move from the Ship Inn on Borough Road to:
Please arrive before 6:30pm for a 6:30pm start:
The Trinity Pub,
292-206 Borough High Street,
Nearest tube station: Borough or London Bridge.
From Jacquie Deevoy's article on David Icke's website:
That miserable stint in the home had caused him to lose the will to live and, exactly a year after his homecoming, he died after a paramedic injected him with a drug he’d never had before. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/christmas/2020/11/23/caring-dad-home-hard-know-done-right-thing/ I told the Telegraph what had happened to my dad. The editor I deal with there didn’t even offer any condolences – she just said that sort of story wasn’t really her department and gave me the email address of an editor who she thought might be interested. I emailed this other editor three times but got no reply.
And what about Captain Tom? HE was allowed visitors and he even popped off on holiday with Cliff Richard, while our elderly relatives died alone and had ‘rule of six’ funerals held for them. Just unbelievable.
It’s been a tough time for anyone going against the narrative. I ignored all the stupid and unlawful rules but others felt they weren’t able to. As a result of the masking, social distancing, being under house arrest and getting jabbed, people lost their jobs, had their businesses shut down and suffered a deterioration in health. Many died because they couldn’t get hospital or doctor appointments. Those that died passed alone with no one to advocate for them, no one to protect them and no one to hold their hand. Behind the closed doors of care homes and hospitals, sinister and deathly protocols were being implemented. And there were no witnesses apart from the killer medics who, of course, were just doing their job. Just following orders. The numbers of suicides seemed to be on the increase (going by social media) but these weren’t being reported. And, to this day, many of those damaged or killed by the still-being-trialled Covid jabs are being ignored.
And they reckon we’re going to forget all that? They should be so lucky!
Our tyrannical government and the lapdog press would probably like me to forget that, in May 2022, I approached 28 editors with the story of the century – proof of a mass culling of the elderly in NHS facilities all over the UK. I had meetings with editors from two national newspapers and both agreed that the story was most definitely front page news. Then they went quiet. One hasn’t spoken me since.
The following month, I pitched a story about the use of blanket DNRs (Do Not Resuscitate orders) in care homes and hospitals to an editor at the Telegraph. It was commissioned. I told the story of how I’d discovered that my dad had a DNR on his notes and that it had been placed without his or my consent. I also included shocking quotes from a whistleblower doctor who revealed that, due to the hoax pandemic, DNRs were being put on anyone over 60, the disabled, people with mental health issues and children with autism. I met the deadline and filed the article. Weeks later, I was told it was not being published. No reason was given. I later offered it to an alternative news website and they published it.
I haven’t forgotten the fact that this story was rejected but I bet they wish I had.
I’m sure they’d like me to forget that I ever made this film (co-produced with Ickonic Media):
https://www.bitchute.com/video/gb0vZJjVaC2s/– in the hope that if I forget, I’ll stop sharing it at every opportunity and then everyone else will forget too.
They’d probably like me – and everyone who watched and listened to me – to forget every word I’ve said (about the fake virus, the scamdemic, the toxic clot shots, the way the police and government were breaking the law on a daily basis, the ridiculousness of the never ending rules) in the 30 or so no-holds/barred interviews I’ve done for various radio and TV internet news shows.
From Jacquie Deevoy on David Icke's website.