I am skeptical of status quo narratives, try to see through the BS and the propaganda and remain sane and humane at the same time. Come and join me.
corbettreport:0/ep429:5" rel="nofollow">https://odysee.com/@corbettreport:0/ep429:5
Читать полностью…Need to get those who support decentralisation like Jeff Snider ☝️and Richard Werner (who definitely understands the CBDC issue) to get together and discuss. Here John Titus gives the lowdown on what's what going forward.
Читать полностью…Anyone in Liverpool this Thursday? The Invisible Grey Man Chris Whitty will be in town.
Always be civil, it has a much bigger impact!
Researchers admitted a contagious vaccine for an attenuated flu virus would cause some deaths but estimated these would be less than the original influenza virus. As the U.K. government report described:
Self-spreading vaccines are less lethal but not non-lethal: they can still kill. Some people will die who would otherwise have lived, though fewer people die overall.
Are they admitting that the regular flu jabs kill then or is it purely new tech involved in these "contagious vaccines"?
Читать полностью…New York Has Started Erecting Thousands Of Giant Gray 5G Towers
As Anne pointed out and shared in chat, all Con-vid jabs are STILL under Emergency Use Authorisation in the US. So liabilities and court cases are worth a big fat oily DONUT. Why is this not one of the Big Issues?
Ps. That's a different Katherine he's referring to 😁
Important thread from Simon Elmer : The disgrace of Qatar hosting the World Cup is not whether England can perform their woke rituals, but that in a population of 2.6m only 313,000 have citizenship, the rest being slave labour from South-east Asia, 6,750 of whom died building the stadiums...
Brilliant analysis, exactly how I have pictured it but couldn't elaborate.
The virtual annihilation of small and independent businesses is planned, and even that of a large part of big industries. According to a short video from the World Economic Forum, Can the Economy Grow Forever?, most businesses must be shut down in order to switch to ‘post-growth to save the planet’ (under the guidance of AI!).
According to our policymakers, small and medium businesses have to step aside in favour of the major transnational corporations within a gigantic oligopolistic and captive market, therefore without any real competition. It’s the Robber Barons’ old dream come true. Carnegie, Morgan, Vanderbilt and of course Rockefeller—who supposedly said: ‘competition is a sin’—, all of them endeavoured some kind of ‘corporate socialism’ through a monopolistic accumulation of wealth (Antony Sutton. Wall Street and FDR: 1975).
It is also what the central bankers—empowered back in the day by the said Robber Barons—long for. They wish to get rid of mere commercial banks and consequently the credits small businesses depend upon. This coming oligopolistic market dreamt up by the managerial class would extend to everything they can monetise—that is to say to literally everything. It will be a captive market where consumers do not have any real choice regarding what they purchase.
Читать полностью…Finally, on 15 March 2020, under the cloak of the manufactured ‘crisis’, the Federal Reserve dropped interest rates to 0.25%, and offered discount loans to its preferred banks. By July 2020, the cumulative value of these loans was $11.23 trillion. https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/monetary20200315b.htm
Federal Reserve Actions to Support the Flow of Credit to Households and Businesses
The Federal Reserve is carefully monitoring credit markets and is prepared to use its full range of tools to support the flow of credit to households and busin
That’s where most of us came in. But what most of us didn’t know was that the Great Reset of the global financial system supposedly justified and even necessitated by the ‘pandemic’ was initiated 6 months before it was officially declared, and not in response to a virus.
By April 2022, the total assets of the US Federal Reserve ($8.9 trillion), the European Central Bank ($9.6 trillion), the Bank of Japan ($6.2 trillion) and the Bank of China ($6.3 trillion) had risen to $31 trillion, up from $19 trillion in September 2019.
And as deposits were made in the Federal Reserve, so the money made its way into commercial banks. Although deposits in the the latter had remained on an even upward trajectory through the GFC and bailouts of 2008, in September 2019 there was a direct correlation between the two.
However, had the $12 trillion of helicopter money dropped on the collapsing financial sector by central banks reached transactions in the real economy, it would have triggered the hyperinflation that BlackRock had warned the Federal Reserve must be avoided.
Lockdown wasn’t imposed to protect the world from a deadly virus, but because the real economy had to be shut down — with most business transactions and consumer spending suspended — in order to insulate it from the vast sums being pumped into the collapsing financial sector.
And at the same time that banks were creating trillions of electronic dollars, hundreds of millions of workers were forcibly placed on furlough for months and years on end by national governments, which effectively mortgaged in advance the future labour of their populations.
In doing so, governments made sure that the populations of the nation states that they now had the power to ‘lockdown’ were pushed further into debt for generations to come to the same financial institutions that had just been bailed out by the central banks with their money.
Just like the austerity imposed after the last Global Financial Crisis, lockdown made certain that the bailout of the banks would be paid by the workers and small businessmen whose jobs and businesses have been bankrupted or placed into debt by the governments enforcing lockdown.
So when your Jeremy Hunt tells you that rising inflation, energy prices and the cost of living is because of COVID-19 or ‘Mad-Vlad’ invading Ukraine, he’s fobbing you off with a false explanation and easy scapegoat to blame for the second Global Financial Crisis in 12 years.
Globally, we’re at the end of a 50-year cycle of debt and interest rates are zero. The last time this happened was in 1932. These are the economic conditions for the return of fascism to our politics, laws and ideology. This is the argument of my new book.
The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State — 28 September, 2022
by Simon Elmer
Thread https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1593183822279217153.html
With gratitude to Usha MA for bringing this to my attention.
Outstanding thread by Simon Elmer
As the US, and all neoliberal ‘democracies’ around the world spend billions of taxpayer monies on everything from Green tech to Ukraine, thereby inflicting unimaginable economic violence on workers, including burdening us and future generations with “increased taxes and cuts to services to reduce a fiscal deficit” blamed on everything except deliberate policies (blame ranges from the Pandemic to Putin), this is a look at the actual cause of #inflation across the world.
“…June 2019 the Bank for International Settlements, the world’s central bank, published its Annual Economic Report. This began with the statement ‘It was perhaps too good to be true’ — the ‘it’ being the recovery from the 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis.bis.org/publ/arpdf/ar2
Describing financial markets as ‘jittery’, the report warned investors about the social and political backlash against what it called the ‘open international economic order’, which the BIS predicted would continue to cast a ‘long if unpredictable shadow’ over the global economy.
‘From a historical perspective,’ it continued, ‘it is not unusual to see such surges of sentiment in the wake of major economic shockwaves: the Great Depression marked the end of the previous globalisation era. This surge will be a force to contend with in the years to come.’
In July 2019, the BIS called for ‘unconventional policy’ to ‘insulate the real economy’ from further deterioration in conditions, advocating that, by offering direct credit to the economy, central banks could ‘replace commercial banks in providing loans’.
In August 2019, the global debt-to-GDP ratio had risen to an all-time high of 322%, with total debt reaching close to $253 trillion. Germany, Italy and Japan were on the verge of a recession, and the economies of the UK and China were contracting.
Is a global recession coming? Here are seven warning signs
The US-China trade war, jitters in Germany and Brexit uncertainty point to a slump
That same month, August 2019, BlackRock, the largest investment fund in the world with $6.5 trillion in assets under management at the time (and since then risen to $10 trillion), published a white paper titled ‘Dealing with the next downturn’.
This instructed the Federal Reserve, the central banking system of the USA, to inject liquidity directly into the financial system, in order to prevent a dramatic downturn in the economy it predicted to be even worse than that of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009.
BlackRock argued that, since monetary policy (interest rates on loans and the amount of money in circulation) was exhausted, and fiscal policy (government taxation and spending) would not be sufficient to reverse such a crisis, what was needed was an ‘unprecedented response’.
It therefore recommended ‘going direct’. This meant ‘finding ways to get central bank money directly into the hands of spenders’ while avoiding hyperinflation. As an example of which, BlackRock cited Germany in the early 1920s, when fascism rose from a similar financial crisis.
Later that month, in August 2019, central bankers from the G7 nations (the USA, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan and Canada) met to discuss and approve BlackRock’s ‘unconventional’ proposals.
Central bankers rethink everything at Jackson Hole
Policymakers debate regime shift in global economic conditions in which little is certain
In September 2019, the predicted Global Financial Crisis hit when the ‘repo’ (repurchase agreement) market, whose total liabilities had reached around $4.1 trillion, experienced a sudden spike in borrowing rates from 2.43% to 10.5% in a matter of hours.
When President Xi gave President Trudeau a smiling dressing down in front of a camera at the G20 what the media missed out after the grudging handshake and Trudeau walked away like he was in a hurry to get to a loo...Xi said and it was not translated "好天真" which can mean a couple of things.
1) So innocent and/or
2) So naive
My understanding is that Xi could have meant it in one of two ways.
One: Trudeau acted all innocent even though he really wasn't (ie: immediately repeating conversations btw leaders in a private sphere to the media is not generally accepted practice.
Two: Xi believes that Trudeau is quite the naive and unsophisticated politician when it comes to international and geopolitics. (In other words...he shouldn't be playing with the big boys because he's too much of a novice)
Thoughts? I'm not sure which it could be. I tend towards 1 but...🤷🏼♀️
Digital bank money is not legal tender. Think about that for a minute.
Читать полностью…Recently I binge watched most of this series...skipped episode 3 and 5. Although I've never been that interested in the "economy" and "finance"... it's clear that the system is not working.
First time I came across Jeff Snider. I would love to hear him in discussion with Richard Werner because I think they would agree on a lot and it seems he has come to similar conclusions as Richard. Jeff reports for Epoch Times which is subscription only and I don't have one. He definitely seems like a hard core free market enterprise type...but with the market referring to SME and more local than monopoly capitalism etc.
The series explores A Century of Monetary Policy and Central Banks.
We ask that tomorrow you attend this ‘extraordinary cabinet’ meeting for Oxfordshire County Council to make our objections clear to the proposed ‘Central Oxfordshire Travel Plan’ - the so called ‘ fifteen or twenty minute neighbourhoods and planned districts’ where car journies will be restricted.
This is a terrifying and tyrannical development and people must both put pressure on the council to stop this and protest, otherwise these ‘smart cities’ (aka open prisons) will be everywhere and in your town or city next.
The cabinet meeting is on:
Tues 29th November
Council Chamber,
County Hall,
New Road,
We have been advised that some activists are organising a rally with this on the same day.
If as many as possible can do this on this topic and attend to ask the questions, we can make our presence known
Activists in Australia seeking a new legal route in the high court. Interesting developments down under and shocking stats!
Wow! Never thought of this or considered it but this is another book to add to my growing list! Along with ADHD, Autism, SIDS and juvenile diabetes... our faces also reveal the damage. 😢
Quote: It seems like everyone’s faces are crooked. Tilted smiles. Misaligned eyes. You see it everywhere you look. We didn’t used to be this way. Everyone was symmetrical. But now we’re crooked. It’s not a smirk when kids, even babies are doing it. For some reason, a lot of illnesses seem to cause a crooked face. Bell’s Palsy. Ramsay Hunt. Autism. Cerebral Palsy. Even ALS and Alzheimer’s. People with these diagnoses often have the same crooked faces. Could these disorders all be related?
What if all of them, from Bell’s Palsy to Crohn’s Disease, from Autism to Hashimoto’s and everything in between – what if these aren’t really disorders but are actually just symptoms of the same disease: A single illness that began to surface over 200 years ago when we started putting metal in our bodies. Unquote
In reference to Katherine above. This is Katherine Watt in discussion with Sasha Latypova (former Pharmer exec)
(quote from article)
"I completely washed my hands of Stew Peters after his “Watch the Water” snake venom fiasco, and “Died Suddenly” offers no redemption. This is not somebody we can trust. As far as I’m concerned, Stew Peters makes the rest of us look bad, and whether that is on purpose or not is sort of beside the point, because either way, he’s bad for the movement because in the end he discredits us even if he gets some things right. He deserves 100% of our derision and 0% of our attention."
I also don't trust Stew Peters and have not watched the documentary and don't intend to. I know what it's going to say. I know how terrible it all is. I don't think the jabbed would feel in any way "better" for watching it either. Whatever Stew Peters is, he's akin to a tabloid journalist it seems and hyping stories is his game. It could be done in a much better way I'm sure.
Читать полностью…https://www.wolfwolfensberger.com/life-s-work/deathmaking
"Dr. Wolfensberger noticed that the legalization of abortion in the US in 1973 led very quickly to admissions of infanticide of impaired newborns, by medical personnel in prestigious hospitals, and that these admissions were accompanied by calls to legitimize such infanticide as well. At about the same time, there began the first open calls for the legalization of some form of so-called “euthanasia” for impaired people. Dr. Wolfensberger perceived all these developments as signs of decadence from societal values that had once upheld the sanctity of all human life, to ones where concern with individualism (what any given person wants), sensualism (what is convenient and feels good), and utilitarianism (what yields the most benefits and brings the least costs) trumped higher values of altruism, concern for others and the common good, an acceptance of the inevitability of hardship and suffering in each human life, and moral absolutes such as the prohibition of killing."
But rather than letting the banks fail and forcing a bail-in of creditors’ funds, the US Federal Reserve, following the advice of BlackRock, initiated an emergency monetary programme, injecting hundreds of billions of dollars every week into Wall Street.
Over the next 6 months, the US Federal Reserve injected more than $9 trillion into the banking system, equivalent to more than 40% of the US GDP, effectively providing backup funds for the entire repo market long before anyone had heard of COVID-19. https://newyorkfed.org/markets/data-hub
However, the same month interest rates on the repo market spiked, September 2019, the US President decided to establish a National Influenza Task Force, a 5-year plan to accelerate vaccine development and promote vaccine technologies for a future pandemic.
In anticipation, in October 2019, Event 201, organised by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Centre and the WHO, simulated an outbreak of a novel coronavirus that, modelled on SARS, was more transmissible ‘by people with mild symptoms’.
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And in December 2019, the World Health Organization held a Global Vaccine Safety Summit for vaccine ‘stakeholders’, including national regulatory authorities, representatives from the UN, pharmaceutical companies and funding agencies from around the world.
Global Vaccine Safety Summit
Purpose of the eventThe Global Vaccine Safety Summit is a 2-day event, from 2 to 3 December 2019, organized by the World Health Organization and held at the WHO's headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.I…
Then on 17 January 2020, when total deaths worldwide attributed to COVID-19 numbered just 6, the WHO adopted the protocols for detecting and identifying SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR tests set out in the Corman-Drosten paper. eurosurveillance.org/content/10.280
Among its flaws, this set a positive ‘cycle’ threshold of 40, more than 1 trillion amplifications over that at which infectious virus can be detected. This set the template for how to turn a virus with the IFR of seasonal influenza into a pandemic. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/346483715_External_peer_review_of_the_RTPCR_test_to_detect_SARS-CoV-2_reveals_10_major_scientific_flaws_at_the_molecular_and_methodological_level_consequences_for_false_positive_results
On 11 March 2020, with the global apparatus in place, the WHO partnered with the World Economic Forum to launch the ‘COVID-19 Action Platform’, a coalition of the world’s most powerful businesses that, within two months, numbered over 1,100 companies.
The World Economic Forum has launched the COVID Action Platform to catalyse private-sector support for the global public health response to COVID-19. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/world-economic-forum-launches-covid-action-platform/
On the same day, 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization, ignoring its own previous definitions and criteria, declared SARS-CoV-2 to be a ‘pandemic’, and lockdowns were imposed across the neoliberal democracies of Western capitalism.
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020
Читать полностью…John Titus mentioned this guy Marc Cohodes as the one who flagged up FTX weeks before the shit hit the fan...I don't know anything about these things but he clearly does!
Another one with Whitney Webb, this time with James Corbett. No ads, no promo probably...just straight talk. Haven't listened yet but I'm sure it's well worth it.