I am skeptical of status quo narratives, try to see through the BS and the propaganda and remain sane and humane at the same time. Come and join me.
The Netherlands: Template for Ecomodernism’s Brave New World?
Colin Todhunter
Disaster capitalism and crisis narratives are currently being used to manipulate popular sentiment and push through a set of unpalatable policies that would otherwise lack sufficient political support.
These policies are being promoted by wealthy interests that stand to make billions of dollars from what is being proposed. They seek to gain full control of food and how it is produced. Their vision is tied to a wider agenda aimed at shaping how humanity lives, thinks and acts.
Throughout much of 2022, protests by Dutch farmers have grabbed the headlines. Plans to reduce the Netherlands’ nitrogen output by…...
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A presentation by Jacob Diaz, Mike Donio, Dr. Jordan Grant, Mike Stone and Alec Zeck addressing the fallacious reasoning, misinterpretations, and pseudoscience of virology. https://youtu.be/nPSViaPCGrM
Читать полностью…Singer Phil Minton performs his own version of the traditional British Folk song - The Cutty Wren. A song from the Peasants' Revolt (1381) which was caused by many grievances, one of which was excessive Poll Tax. The Cutty Wren were the mercenary police whom the peasants fought and occasionally killed. When this happened, the peasants would destroy the evidence as well as stave off hunger and starvation. So the song is about eating policemen. 😱
(Purists note - Mr Minton sings "John the Red Rose" instead of "John the red nose" because guitarist John Russell - who for many years ran Mopomoso free improvised music night, at the Red Rose club in London - was sitting right in front of him and he, well, got a little confused...)
With piano accompaniment and arrangement by Veryan Weston.
WATCH: David Ray Griffin, 1939 to 2022 – A Celebration of his Life and Work
OffG is sad to report the death of David Ray Griffin, who finally lost his long battle with cancer on November 25th. He was 83 years old.
Professor Griffin was a distinguished intellectual and giant of the 9/11 truth movement, authoring over fifty books (including 15 on the subject of 9/11). His contribution to exposing the truth of 9/11 cannot be overstated.
To honor Prof Griffin’s memory and celebrate his life, Richard Gage and Elizabeth Woodworth will be hosting a live streamed tribute panel tomorrow (December 9th) at 8pm UK time (3pm Eastern, 12pm Pacific).
The panel of distinguished guests…...
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Читать полностью…https://bartoll.se/2022/11/infodemic-deaths-eric-fleishman-clarence-gilyard/
They want baby-truthers to connect every death reported in the media to ‘died suddenly’ and to the “conspiracy” of the hokey-pokey clot-shot. And the only reason I can think of is the ongoing censorship by forces such as WHO, UN, WEF and Google; the “infodemic” as they call it. The alleged “pandemic” of disinformation on social media that is threatening the fabrics of society and can end up hurting and even killing people, or so they want us to believe.
I’ve touched on this fact many times. We are in the middle of an information war. Yes, the vaccine is deadly, and it’s a part of the long-term depopulation project for their Vision 2050, but the whole fake pandemic, the silly Covid Unicorn “virus” and the maiming and deadly vaccines, including all the totally harmless shots, are all part of the infodemic and Agenda 2030 – a way to usher in the totalitarian ‘Great Reset’ where everything you say and do is measured by your social credit score.
UK Citizens Advice employees push back against ideological email pronouns policy
https://ift.tt/e0QawtH FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet
If you missed UK Columns livestream yesterday and can't find it on the website, you can watch it here.
Читать полностью…The very fact that the press was allowed to witness the Asia Pacific Group's deliberations in Tokyo last week is a first, and clearly a subversive move on the part of its organizers. It would appear that the vassals are in an open mutiny, unwilling to participate in endless imperial wars. As a result, the empire’s ability to bludgeon nations into submission in decline which might prove irreversible. This will not be a sad loss for humanity - to the contrary. It could be the beginning of the end of what will prove as one of the most dangerous political, economic and social experiments in history. https://alexkrainer.substack.com/p/huge-new-cracks-appear-in-the-empires
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Google to introduce behavioral “interventions”
https://ift.tt/yvwdljY FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet
🚨🚨🚨(🇬🇧version) JAPAN - Dr. Masanori Fukushima, emeritus professor at Kyoto University in a session with the Ministry of Health: “The damage caused by vaccines is now a global problem. Half of deaths after vaccination are due to cardiovascular and heart damage. I'm sure you know this all too well. Given the high number of vaccinations and given the wide range of adverse effects, billions of lives could ultimately be in danger. All people who have hypertensive crises are victims of this vaccine. Nearly 2,000 people have died from the vaccine , but in my opinion there are many more”
Video taken from an extraordinary session held on November 25, 2022 in the House of Representatives in Tokyo, with the relatives of the victims, Pr. Fukushima, Pr. Kojima, Pr. Sano in front of the members of the Ministry of Health.
Read the full thread from the indomitable C J Hopkins of Consent Factory here
Bhakdi and vaccination
The invention of vaccination is generally considered to have paved the way for the emergence of modern civilisation, and this dogma persists across all walks of life.
This is not at all surprising, because the fact that on the one hand there is no solid proof of the effectiveness of any vaccination, yet there exists a lot of evidence attesting to its dangerousness, is not something that one learns about either at the pharma-financed universities or from the mass media mouthpieces.
However, anyone who takes an independent and unbiased look at the efficacy of vaccines will inevitably find themselves confronted with a plethora of evidence that deprives "vaccination as a dogma of progress" of any legitimacy, and which in sum seems overwhelming.
(For this, see our issue #18: "Vaccination as a modern society's dogma of progress?" - Link below) One person who can now confirm this from his own experience, and whose word may well be considered weighty due to his former position, is Sucharit Bhakdi.
Bhakdi - a highly decorated professor emeritus of microbiology - was a "vaccine believer" for decades and, in his function as a university professor, was also one of the central gatekeepers and disseminators of the demonstrably false vaccination dogma, at least for the German-speaking world.
Against this background, the statements and findings he has now made with regard to the vaccination issue are all the more explosive. Bhakdi has realised that he had been spreading false information for decades and that he - along with his colleagues and students - had become victims of a colossal fraud.
In a recent interview, Bhakdi said, "I have learnt so much about vaccination in the last two and a half years, more than I learnt in the 30 years before when I was teaching about it. And I have now understood why my colleagues don't know. It has been a search for the "why" [...] and the answer is simply that this whole "vaccination industry" is a huge scam. Probably the biggest and most dangerous vaccination scam in medicine - ever. And what we are witnessing now is the tip, the end product of the fraud".
Translation of /channel/ExpressZeitung/12410
Читать полностью…Haven't watched Graham Hancock's new series Ancient Apocalypse but climate disasters are real. Climate change happens in small and huge ways unrelated to us. It's cyclical and we are smack bang in the middle of several cycles including the 12,000 year Apocalypse type event. This is a reality check. Watch it at your discretion.
Читать полностью…Motion is filed against California’s medical “misinformation” law
https://ift.tt/UmyKh4V FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet
As Alex reported on UKC recently Germany does annual security sweeps...funny how this has come out following announcement of such a sweep.
It's also noteworthy that there are groups within US and UK that also seem to share this line... notice how Q is always brought into the narrative.
Seems clear to me that they infiltrate and weaponise opposition, feeding it with far right and extreme disinfo type thinking only to arrest individuals said to be associated with such a group.
Also the reference to a "coup" just like the Jan 6 nonsense.
had a fun interview with Whitney Webb today. The strength of this woman's mind is astounding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVouudvXNx8
Читать полностью…I wonder when they'll scrub this? Shared by Verax on Tg who focuses on UN Agenda 21 etc.
This video is from 2013. If this doesn't make someone think...what will? Madame Maxwell pushing SDGs at the UN...🧐
This is the TOKEN SUMMIT speech I gave - all in one video with much improved audio. If you saw the previous Part 1 - here is part 1, 2 and 3 together with good audio.
Robert Imberger - Studied reactor physics and thermohydraulics at the TU Aachen:
Last Sunday I was at a local weekly market. There was a stand on the subject of climate protection. I was approached as a "passer" on the CO2 problem in our world.
I thought so with me... you just got the right one.
My question to the climate representative (approx. 28.-30J):
"What is the CO2 content in the air?"
His answer: "High! Very high! Way too high!"
I: "How high?" - "What percentage?"
He: "I don't know!"
Aha, I thought... a true connoisseur!
So I continued to ask: "What else is in the air?"
He: "Oxygen!!!"
Me: "Right! And what percentage?"
"I don't know!" Was his answer.
I explained to him that it's probably about 21%. It seemed plausible to him.
I continue: "What other gases are contained in the air?"
Shake your head.... Shrug...
Me: "Precious gases! Argon, xenon, neon, krypton...! Have you ever heard of it? But they only make up just under a percent in total!"
Thoughtful amazement.
I repeated my last question...
Again (now annoyed) shrug and eye twisting...
Me: "Already heard of nitrogen?"
"Oh yes, that's right... nitrogen!!! Yes, we also have it in the air!"
Me: "And? What percentage?"
He: Shrug Again. I felt that he had had enough of me. But I didn't let up, explained to him that it was about 78%. His flyers held in his left hand sank deeper and deeper.
He, after a short mental arithmetic (feel 60s): "That can't be true, I don't believe you, because then there's nothing left for CO2!!!"
Me: "Just! You are right! At least almost!!! There is only 0.038% CO2 in our breathing air!
He just didn't believe me and left me standing.
If you want to continue counting:
We have 0.038% CO2 in the air. Nature itself produces about 96% of this.
The rest, i.e. 4%, the human being. That's 4% of 0.038%, i.e. 0.00152%.
Germany's share of this is 3.1%.
Thus, Germany influences the CO2 in the air with 0.0004712%.
In doing so, we want to take the lead role in the world, which costs us about 50 billion euros annually in terms of taxes and charges.
Just think about it
(And in the future participate in sabotaging Green politics, etc. Warning association "Environmental Aid")
I wish i could find the source for this auto-translated anecdote. When i find it i’ll share it, too 😊
Post from 2019: /channel/ExpressZeitung/186
The investigation into January 6 events in Washington is said to be the FBI’s biggest in history; and another record that was broken, reports say, is the number of phones identified via the geofence dragnet mass surveillance method, and thanks to Google.
There is still no consensus between various US courts on how valid, under the 4th, lawful search-related amendment, geofence warrants even are.
Nevertheless, of the 5,723 devices that Google identified for the FBI “initially” about 900 people have been charged for some offense related to the riot.
The thousands of others were caught in the Google/FBI net of digital surveillance because their location data showed they happened to be close to the Capitol as the events unfolded.
All this has been revealed in a filing in the case of David Rhine, one of those suspected of entering the building, behaving “disorderly and disruptively,” and “parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.”
Rhine’s attorney now wants to suppress geofence data – citing their client’s constitutional expectation of privacy regarding his Google data – and evidence has in the process revealed how it works and at what scale.
UK regulator appoints former Google exec as “Online Safety” head after online censorship bill is reintroduced
https://ift.tt/GazN4rj FOLLOW: @reclaimthenet
Heiko Khoo speaks about China's lockdown protests at a Stand Together event. He describes briefly how healthcare has evolved in China and what the government's most pressing concerns are. I tend to agree with his assessment here. I think it's pretty spot on.
Freedom To Choose Clean Blood
"Sam and Cole want to ensure their baby Will - who's 4 months old and needs open heart surgery - has un-jabbed blood.
But the government's Blood Bank won't allow them that human right of the freedom to choose what goes in Will's body.
Will needs the operation urgently. The Starship medics are refusing to help the family in their hour of dire need.
They say jabbed blood or no operation for Will."