I am skeptical of status quo narratives, try to see through the BS and the propaganda and remain sane and humane at the same time. Come and join me.
Читать полностью…Watched this fascinating talk whilst making the quince jam! Another lie through the ages, did the US really drop atomic bombs on Japan?
If you have a chance to get out in Nature this week...🌱
These New Zealanders deserve their story to be told!
Youtube has already banned this video from upload though we are appealing this decision.
Here is a download of the documentary. We invite all to download the video and upload to any platform you wish to. The video can also viewed on our website and social media platforms .
Compare and contrast. Dr Hotez knows which side his bread is buttered huh!
This narrative that anti-jabbers are mass murderers? That really takes the 🍰! I thought climate change killed more people 🤔😂
I've been a tad under the weather these last few days so have been taking it easy.
At any rate, I hope everyone has a peaceful, contented Christmas weekend with simple pleasures that lift the heart and soul. ❤️🙏
A good summary of the Ukrainian War explaining what Merkel's recent revelation shows. He doesn't mention the Nazis but it may be a good one to show "normies"
Hmmm, interesting angle 🤔
Dr Jessica Rose: VAERS Data is Being Added Retroactively
Full video:
➨ https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/vaers-data-manipulated/
Speaking at General Assembly Meeting #69 on December 12, Dr Jessica Rose (🇨🇦) revealed how VAERS data is being added retroactively due to a large backlog of adverse event reports.
"Say your grandma's asking you about the shots because you have a science degree, and you're like, 'Well, I'll check VAERS, I'll see what the severe adverse event count is doing,'" said Dr Rose.
"At week 10, you would only be aware of 7,065 adverse event reports in VAERS when it was really 26,601 after the backlog was added months later," she explained.
"And so, your assessment would have been based on incomplete data, and therefore, your assessment might have been wrong."
Jessica is a mathematician, biologist, and data analyst with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and a master’s degree in Immunology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She also holds a PhD in Computational Biology from Bar Ilan University and 2 post-doctoral degrees: one in Molecular Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and one in Biochemistry from the Technion Institute of Technology.
Watch her full presentation:
➨ https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/vaers-data-manipulated/
Find this video clip to share on Rumble, Bitchute, WCH_betterway/posts/109519855213226842">TruthSocial, WorldCouncilForHealth:3/Jessica-Rose-VAERS-Backlog:4">Odysee, Minds, & Gab.
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Something positive and inspiring ❤️🙏
Pathetic turn out of MPs but that's not surprising. Mr Andrew Bridgen is like a terrier with a bone now. Shame that it's taken so long for even this level of query and pushback from any MP. He needs to know that he has support. Other MPs should be asked what their views are on these matters with all this evidence and data and why they are silent. As Mr Bridgen says "Silence on this issue is more contagious than the virus itself"!
(Ofc, if he accepted that there's no evidence of the virus at all... he'd rephrase.)
Lady of Sadnaya Monastery. A story the Mother Superior told me about a miracle that protected the monastery from harm during the terrorist war against Syria - at one point early on in the conflict, the terrorist groups were advancing on the Monastery. The Syrian Arab Army troops were delayed and there was a terrible risk of kidnapping, desecration of the church and worse. The Mother Superior and the nuns prayed for protection. The next morning a huge black cloud descended and hid the Monastery from view, delaying the terrorist attack and giving the Syrian Arab Army time to arrive and defeat the terrorist forces before they could reach Lady Sadnaya.
Читать полностью…Anna von Reitz (the one of Granna Bites video about the US):
Don't Believe All This Stuff and Don't Get Involved In It
I have learned this by dint of hard study and observation. I have told you all that this entire set-up, the whole political scene, is foreign to America. I have told you that these people have no right to be here, pretending to occupy our offices and pretending to represent us.
You can look at it as the Carrot versus the Stick. Or you can look at it as Good Cop versus Bad Cop. Or you can look at it as HaSatan versus Lucifer. Or you can look at it as the Red Dragon (Satan) versus the Phoenix (Horus).
Their religion demands duality and cannot live without it.
That's why you see these constant physical and mental representations of duality in every aspect of your experience.
And this is why, as their ancient religion is being exposed and dismantled by Unity Consciousness, they are driven to more violently express the polarity of good and evil.
However you look at it, realize that you are looking at two faces of the same religion--- a religion that depends upon lies and illusions and actors to exist.
Its chief illusions are money and debt, which empower them to keep their game going.
No wonder that Hollywood has been a major center of its operations in America and that Hollywood has been used to create many of its most famous illusions.
No wonder, too, that people loyal to humanity have for many years produced films and books that are warnings and disclosures.
Think of the Wizard of Oz, written at the time of the 1907 Bankruptcy, disclosing the Federal Reserve scheme. Think of the Matrix and Kevin Costner's film, Water World, revealing the mind-control and piracy that is rampant right now.
No wonder, either, that when you look in the public records, you find the evidence of everything I am telling you. The road that brought us to this impasse is clearly marked, and it is a wide thoroughfare.
Which leads to perdition.
The narrow and difficult road of constant awareness and discernment is not easy to follow. It forces you to choose where you place your attention, just as you must choose where you place your feet on a rocky path. What you value, what you accept, and what you reject, determines your worthiness to exist.
This mighty challenge forces you to define things and think things through to logical conclusions. It makes you stand apart from the mindless world and yes, it may require you to stand alone.
It's not easy to leave Babylon. Think of Abraham, gathering his wives and his flocks and his sons and daughters and his nephew, Lot, and all of them fleeing to the Wilderness to escape the craziness of Ur, a city-state of Babylon.
In a different way and time, we must mentality and spiritually flee the city-states of Rome and Washington, DC, and the Inner City of London, too, leaving behind the illusions and delusions that are their stock-in-trade.
We must guard our minds and hearts more fiercely than a dragon guards his hordes of gold. We must disentangle ourselves from the snares of both sides of Mystery Babylon, which are merely the right hand and the left hand of their self-made god.
So, set your Shinola Sensors on "High" and prepare for the New Year ahead. From all sides and all directions, all nations, colors, kinds, and religions, welcome those on the Narrow Path, and remember the timeless good advice found in the Book of Philippians, Chapter 4, Versus 1-13. Let your minds and hearts dwell on all that is good.
Don't allow the magicians to distract you or the sorcerers to overcome you with fear of anything at all. These evils that surround us are the works of men, and by men they can be undone.
And this is what I'll be doing today as we have 12 quinces! 🙂🙃
If you’ve not yet seen this monologue, it’s definitely worth your few minutes to do do now, then please v share it.
I’ve never known Neil Oliver to deliberately put out falsehoods.
I believe he’s right over the target, so much so that it wouldn’t be surprising if the perpetrators are looking for ways to get him fired or to discredit him personally. They won’t make serious attempts to tackle his remarks, point by point, because they can’t. It’s correct, AC far as I can tell.
Best wishes
👉 /channel/DrMikeYeadon
An excellent 30 min presentation followed by Q&A from a year ago.
Great to see no masks on anyone in that audience. A "science" soaked in lies she says at one point. Many many lies across the whole of science. This is just one of the most blatantly obvious.
22 Memes to Help Get You Through Christmas
So this is Christmas,
And what have we done?
We’ve shared lots of meme posts,
And had lots of fun.
And told lots of people,
That the world’s all gone wrong.
But it’s all a big joke now,
So let’s all laugh along.
Zelensky was back in Washington this week, you’ll never guess why.
This Christmas, remember just 50 billion a year could help support a puppet regime and dozens of war profiteers from the military-industrial complex.
On the plus side, he’s so easy to shop for.
Not to mention, he’s the hottest-selling toy this season,…...
Read full article ...
What IS the United States or The United States? Who's in charge?
I can't recall how I came across this lady years ago. She sounded slightly bonkers...but she's now producing some easy to digest videos. Albeit, her videos are a flashback to 1970s-80s home video with no fine tuning and a wobbly, blurry camera. Nevertheless, it's insightful. This is the 4th in her series and you may want to go back to the first three to understand the basics. This will hopefully whet your appetite a bit. 😉
Edit: forgot to add, she's a treasure trove of historical information, spending decades teasing out these convoluted strands.
Interesting insight into something which seems to have been overlooked by most analysis. The Bahamas, part of the "Commonwealth" of Nations who's recognised head was her HRM the Queen. Yet it is one of the most corrupt countries with the most deadly prison in which Scam Bankman Fraud is currently located.
Women who conform themselves to the male ideal of the pretty-sterile plaything are not at all free. If the neofeminists were thinking clearly, they would recognize just why there is so little authentic backlash from the male-dominated power structure. In fact, gigantic male-run foundations like Ford, Gates and Buffett are actually contributing billions to the activist groups that push abortion, sterilization and birth control on women. This is because the neofeminists are essentially conforming to the wishes of this same power structure by making themselves accessible and disposable to men...
Pope Paul VI prophesied in his encyclical Humanae Vitae:
It is also to be feared that the man, growing used to the employment of anti-conceptive practices, may finally lose respect for the woman and, no longer caring for her physical and psychological equilibrium, may come to the point of considering her as a mere instrument of selfish enjoyment, and no longer his respected and beloved companion [¶17].
And how did this situation come about? By propaganda and marketing...think of Edward Bernays' famous marketing campaign to get the other 50% of the population (women) hooked on cigarettes...he arranged for young, glamorous socialites to march through central NY with cigarettes in their hands declaring them as "freedom torches" and hey presto...it became the glamorous thing for every woman to do! Market coverage near 100%!
The slick propaganda and marketing continued apace and filled the airwaves, print media and everything else from coast to coast and across the oceans.
The subversion of all civil movements of course occured in the Feminist Movement as well. Equating equality with sexual promiscuity and abortion instead of genuine alternatives which support women and children...and now we have collapsing populations. Ofc there are many causes but this is one part of it. Lack of knowledge about female fertility coupled with the stigma of unmarried pregnancy could have had other solutions but the dominant one was medical intervention.
Propaganda and marketing and today we are drowning in it. What isn't propaganda and marketing...is there anything that hasn't been commodified?
8 New Articles on Substack Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Read
December 14, 2022 | See yesterday
1. Jeremy Farrar Promoted to Be WHO’s Chief Scientist After Acting as Lead UK Lockdown Advisor
👉 https://michaelpsenger.substack.com/p/jeremy-farrar-promoted-to-be-whos
2. Desantis to Pursue Legal Fight Against Big Pharma in the Criminal Arena, Recruiting Additional States for 'Shadow CDC'
👉 https://dossier.substack.com/p/desantis-to-pursue-legal-fight-against
3. Steve Kirsch: 12 Questions You Can Ask Your Doctor
👉 https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/questions-you-can-ask-your-doctor
4. Professor Norman Fenton Fact-Checks Igor's Vaccine/Mortality Analysis... And Makes AMAZING Discoveries!
5. Ian Miller: Major Media Finally Admits There is No 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated'
👉 https://ianmsc.substack.com/p/major-media-finally-admits-there
6. Dr. Vinay Prasad: Do Unvaccinated People Need to Be Counseled to Drive Slower? A New Level of Stupidity
👉 https://vinayprasadmdmph.substack.com/p/do-unvaccinated-people-need-to-be
7. Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Stop the Shots, or We Must See You in Court
👉 https://shabnampalesamohamed.substack.com/p/stop-the-shots-or-we-must-see-you
8. El Gato Malo: The Masquerade Will Always Be With Us
👉 https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-masquerade-will-always-be-with
Watch Adult Human Female
This is not as hyped as it sounds. Calm, measured, data driven analysis of long term trends.
From Ian Jenkins
The figures may have changed a little, but probably not much. The point is still 100% correct:
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies—in the final sense—a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.
This world in arms is not spending money alone.
It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than thirty cities.
It is: two electric power plants, each serving a town of sixty thousand population.
It is: two fine, fully equipped hospitals.
It is: some fifty miles of concrete highway.
We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat.
We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than eight thousand people.
This—I repeat—is the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking.
This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953