I am skeptical of status quo narratives, try to see through the BS and the propaganda and remain sane and humane at the same time. Come and join me.
Transition of National Guard Activations for COVID-19 Response Activities
Federal funding for the National Guard to support the whole-of-America response to COVID-19 under Title 32 of the U.S. Code is transitioning to state active duty on July 1, 2022. In Title 32 status, the National Guard has been under the command and control of their states’ respective governors but funded at 100 percent by the Department of Defense (DoD) under a mission assignment from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). After July 1, 2022, governors may still activate National Guard personnel to State Active Duty (SAD) as necessary for ongoing COVID-19 response and may receive reimbursement from FEMA's Public Assistance (PA) program at a 90 percent federal cost share.
Читать полностью…What's Next For mRNA Vaccines?
One of the "goals" of COVID-19 appears to be convincing the public to accept minimally-tested pharmaceutical products. Not only that, but to accept them whenever they are told.
The "novel" mRNA vaccines have bamboozled both medical practitioners and the general public. What these injections do to the body remains largely speculative. However, there is a bigger issue at play and that is the ongoing gaslighting surrounding vaccines, whatever their supposed mechanism of action.
The medico-pharmaceutical industry and it's cronies are trying to keep you on the plantation by keeping their cardinal narratives intact...
Watch here 👉 https://drsambailey.com/resources/videos/vaccines/whats-next-for-mrna-vaccines/
This is the original text of my latest column on Davos, the WEF-NATO cabal, and with an Italian coda. Hope the original will be uploaded before the end of the day.
Читать полностью…FYI: approx 750 US military bases worldwide, in under 80 years.
Yet China/Russia are the threat? 🤔
Watching flights radar apps, one can see how busy the US military is, flying C17 Globetrotters back and forth btw the American continent, Europe, Far East Asia and ME...
US/NATO/EU exceptionalism...always has been. Until it is forced to stop?
Dunno if this will work...
Another clip of Andrew Bridgen talking to BBC Midland more recently.
📢BRING THE NOISE as John Watt would say! Meet at BBC Broadcasting House where you will hear the voices of the Injured and Bereaved. We have a few surprises on the day including a BIG OUTDOOR SCREEN!
Following the rally we will be leading a short silent memorial processesion in memory of those we have lost and for those whose lives have changed forever. For this PLEASE BRING ONE WHITE ROSE/FLOWER and if you choose to, PLEASE WEAR BLACK.
Can you help us by donating?
Thank You 🙏
I understand people's qualms about Dr Malhotra. I have some too...but he's only just beginning to see through the many layers of lies and hogwash in the dis-ease management allopathic medicine Big Pharma industry.
In record time, the BMGF/Mi5 daily rag spins into action rubbishing Malhotra and everyone else who sees through the "safe and effect" BS mantra. The Establishment doubles down. Their media/PR teams are in full panic mode...shut this man down NOW, they scream in unison.
Took this screen shot of a weather app because there were these weird disturbances. Both vertical, one on the right from the UK all the way down and one right down the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Any idea how that came about? This shot is when they were both at the maximum extension. Occured at the same time.
Читать полностью…Following Andrew Bridgen MP's shameful suspension. I strongly urge anyone who lives in the UK to write to your MP and Tweet them, asking them why they don't speak up, why they don't look into the excesses themselves. As Adrew said in an interview, he's heartened by all the support he's getting, but it's the other MPs that need badgering. Get on the blower to them. Shame them for their cowardly silence!
Читать полностью…The Mother of All Limited Hangouts
CJ Hopkins
The Mother of All Limited Hangouts has begun. Yes, I’m talking about the “Covid Twitter Files,” which are finally being released to the public, in almost textbook limited-hangout fashion.
I’ll get into that in just a minute, but first, let’s review what a “limited hangout” is, for those who are not familiar with the term.
The way a limited hangout works is, if you’re an intelligence agency, or a global corporation, or a government, or a non-governmental organization, and you have been doing things you need to hide from the public, and those things are starting to come…...
Read full article ...
A wide ranging discussion of the news on a weekly basis with much background info you won't get in many other places. Tony Gosling's show is rarely found on YouTube and is not always easy to locate. Here is last Friday's show.
BBC: Excess deaths in 2022 among worst in 50 years
(Article) (Archive)
Cashless Payments, Digital ID, Vaccination & Social Credit System
Public-private partnership launches biometrics identity and vaccination record system in West Africa
The programme will integrate Trust Stamp’s digital identity platform into the GAVI-Mastercards “Wellness Pass”, a digital vaccination record and identity system powered by Mastercard’s AI and machine learning technology, NuData.
Critics are concerned that the programme is more aimed at promoting the health of markets for vaccines and Mastercard’s “World Beyond Cash” programme rather than the health of individuals, and that it provides an excuse to expand the use of biometrics in National ID Registration Systems, and note that Trust Stamp is offering the same technology to COVID-19 response that it offers to law enforcement and prison systems for the purposes of surveillance and Predictive Policing.
Cashless payments, digital ID and vaccination
They will use this to force people to comply with totalitarian changes. Cleverly cloaked as public health emergencies. They already setup the stage for sectioning off areas into zones.
Operational Considerations for Humanitarian Settings
Guidance for the Prevention of COVID-19 infections among High-risk Individuals in Camps and Camp-like
Dr. Paul Thomas is the most successful doctor in the world at preventing autism. Data from his practice show:
If zero vaccines, autism rate = 1 in 715;
If alternative vaccine schedule, autism rate = 1 in 440;
If CDC vaccine schedule, autism rate = 1 in 36.
That study had large sample size (3,344 children), access to medical files, and good researchers working on it. But look closely. His alternative vaccine schedule reduces autism risk by more than 1200%. However even an alternative vaccine schedule increases autism risk by 160% versus no vaccines at all.
DIED SUDDENLY Cardiac Archive
Читать полностью…https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1614332319111970816.html
A long thread by an ex director of "end of life care" in one of the largest NHS Trusts in the UK
This is a movement that doesn't seem to have a lot of traction and yet it seems to be a central pin in the move towards digital IDs and totalitarianism.
New dates for hearing are 6&7 Feb 9:30am London near Temple tube station.
3 brilliant, bright, beautiful women discussing the financial reset, how it's going to be spun, how it'll effect people and what we can do about it.
🚨BREAKING: Cardiologist Tells BBC News COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Likely Causing Excess Deaths
🇬🇧💉@COVID19Up: In a major shift, Dr. Aseem Malhotra was allowed to tell the BBC on Friday (Jan. 13) that a likely contributory factor to excess cardiovascular deaths is COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and that the roll out should be immediately suspended pending an inquiry.
"We did it. We broke mainstream broadcast media," Dr. Malhotra said in a tweet of the interview.
Buckle up, folks... It appears to be happening! 🔥
Join the discussion:
Andrew Bridgen responds and he is NOT pulling his punches!
He is calling out ALL the liars and cheats.
Keep going Andrew!
This brave young woman Chloe Cole has an in-depth analysis of her pre-teen psyche and journey to transition followed by the awful realisation of what she had done and what had been done to her. Heart breaking. She is so brave to speak out like this on Jordan Peterson's channel.
The Kaufman Institute for Coincidence
This is WAY too good and accurate! 😂
Make sure you share this with everyone and give it a watch below as well:
WHO vaccine crisis information package - some pertinent slides.
The messaging really concerns them.
WHO Vaccine Crisis Communication Manual
"This manual was developed to support countries in effectively responding to events which may erode the public’s trust in vaccines and the authorities that deliver them."
(Full Manual)