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*"Winners recognize their limitations, but focus on their strengths losers on the other hand,recognize their strengths but focus on their weakness"*


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“I just got one last thing; I urge all of you, all of you, to enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. To spend each day with some laughter and some thought, to get your emotions going. To be enthusiastic every day, and Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Nothing great could be accomplished without enthusiasm,” to keep your dreams alive in spite of problems whatever you have. The ability to be able to work hard for your dreams to come true, to become a reality.”

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Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"

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We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better.
- J.K. Rowling

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छोटे छोटे कदम मीलों का सफर तय कर सकते हैं। छोटी छोटी बातें भी किसी के जीवन के दुखों को खुशियों में बदल सकती हैं।

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सादगी अगर हो लफ़्हज़ों में तो “इज़्ज़त ” बेपनाह और “बेमिसाल ” दोस्त मिल ही जाते हैं।

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शिकवा तकदीर का ना शिकायत अच्छी, खुदा जिस हाल मे रखे वही जिंदगी अच्छी

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मैंने समंदर से सीखा है जीने का सलीक़ा,
चुपचाप से बहना और अपनी मौज में रहना

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Not everyone close to you wants to see you succeed. There are people who operate like vipers, a venomous snake that
bites you, and follows you closely to see where you will fall.
It's called prey tracking. So sometimes you just need to keep your dreams, visions, plans, aspirations to yourself until they come to fruition. Not everyone should be there when you give birth, others are there to help you, others to snatch or kill your Baby with their words, unbelief, envy, jealousy and destructive criticism.
​1.​ Don't tell them you are studying, let them see you graduate.
​2.​ Don't tell them you are getting engaged, let them see the wedding pictures.
​3.​ Don't tell them you are starting a business, let them see you on the cover of a business magazine.
​4.​ Don't tell them you are planning to buy a house, invite them to house warming.
​5.​ Don't tell them your ideas, let them see the your ideas come to fruition.
​6.​ Don't tell them your associates, let them see your success.
​7.​ Don't tell them you are planning to buy a car, let them see it when you give them a lift.
May the LORD protect you from vipers and abortionists and give you discernment to know who they are. Keep them in the dark like mushroom

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Success is the time to Re-define our Goals,
Failure is the time to Re-define our methods...


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Accept others for
who they are and
for the choices they
have made even if
you have difficulty
understanding their
beliefs, motives
or actions.

Break away from
everything that
stands in the way
of what you hope
to accomplish
with your life.

Create a family
of friends whom
you can share your
hopes, dreams,
sorrows, and
happiness together.

Decide that you’ll be
successful *&* happy
come what may, and
good things will find
you. The roadblocks
are only minor
obstacles along
the way.

Explore & experiment.
The world has much
to offer, and you
have much to give.
And every time you
try something new,
you’ll learn more
about yourself.

Grudges only weigh
you down and inspire
unhappiness *&* grief.
Soar above it, and
remember that
everyone makes

Leave the childhood
monsters behind. They
can no longer hurt you
or stand in your way.

Hope for the best
and never forget that
anything is possible
as long as you remain
dedicated to the task.

Ignore the negative
voice inside your head.
Focus instead on your
goals and remember
your accomplishments.
Your past success is only
a small inkling of what
the future holds.

Journey to new worlds,
new possibilities, is
mostly by remaining
Try to learn something
new every day and you
will grow in Knowledge.

Know that no matter
how bad things seem,
to be they will always
get better.
The harshest Winter
always follows the
Warmth of Spring.

Let love fill your
heart instead of hate.
When hate is in your
heart, there is *NO* room
for anything else,
but when love is in
your heart, there’s
room for endless

Manage your time and
your expenses wisely,
and you’ll suffer less
stress and worry.
Then you’ll be able to
focus on the important
things in life.

Never ignore the poor,
infirm, helpless, weak,
or suffering people.
Offer your assistance
when possible, and
always your kindness
and understanding.

Open your eyes and
take in all the beauty
around you.
Even during the
worst of times,
there’s still much
to be thankful for.

Never forget to have
fun along the way.
Success means nothing
without happiness.

Ask many questions,
because you are here
to learn & be informed.

Refuse to let worry
and stress rule your
Life, and remember
that things always
have a way of working
out in the end.

Share your talent,
skills, knowledge,
and time with others.
Everything that you
invest in others will
return to you many
times Mul

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Have you ever ever in your life experienced self-doubt? What happens at that moment? Do you feel happy? Do you feel sad? Hurt? Tired? Exasperated? What kind of thoughts do you encounter – positive or negative?

We are sure that you do know how powerful one’s self-doubt can be. How it kills one’s zeal to succeed. How it affects your road to success.

Self-doubt is your worst enemy at this point!

It holds you back from doing the right thing, from seizing the right opportunities, makes it harder for you to start or even finish that portion from your polity notes.


Self-doubt is greedy, my dear aspirant. It strips you off your logic and reason, steals the hard earned confidence from your head and leaves you with fear and insecurity.

Many times aspirants wonder, “What is the secret mantra to clear CSE?”

“What is the one thing that I can do to clear and get a top rank in this exam?”

We all know the answer – Kill Your Self-Doubt!

At this juncture, when you have decided to attempt the CSE and have been sweating behind books, lamp, notes and questions, why do you even have to leave an empty space for the self-doubt to creep in? Haven’t you been strong enough to let go off the small pleasures of life for the career that you aspire?

If you have, then why compromise? Devote completely to the task at hand than worrying with negative thoughts that is a form of self-doubt. Success, happiness and fulfilment are dependent on just one thing – how we think. Now is not the time to live in self-doubt and be paranoid about success or failure.

Ease yourself out by taking out words like “I can’t,” or, “I don’t know,” or, “What if,” from your dictionary. Instead of telling yourself, “I can’t do A,” say, “I can’t do A yet. But I’m working on it.”

Stop listening to people who only have negative things to say. Let your red flag go up every time you hear yourself or another person being hopeless. Instead, surround yourself with people who have the will to take risks, are ready to work hard towards things they are passionate about.

Be your own best friend. Remind yourself of the little and big achievements in your life. Focus on them and derive affirmative energy from them. Do not let yourself suffer in times of need just as you would not let your loved one suffer. Be kind. Give yourself a chance to try again. Your doubts are only thoughts, not your future.

Your self-doubt is just a demon that will keep coming back. But it is time to take things in your own hand and get better with dealing with it. Fight it. Abolish it.

So, stop kicking yourself in the butt – God did not design us to be able to do it.

If you do not believe me, try for yourself dear aspirant. Let us know if you could do that. :P ;-)

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*आज का प्रेरक प्रसंग*


*अगर दिखाना ही है तो लोगों के प्रति परोपकारी रहो ताकि आपका यश चारों दिशाओं में गूंजे।*👇👇

गिरीशचंद्र घोष बांग्ला के प्रसिद्ध कवि-नाटककार थे। उनके एक धनी मित्र थे। वह अपनी रईसी अपने व्यवहार में भी दिखाते थे। जैसे ही वह कहीं जाते तो उनका नौकर उनके लिए चांदी के बर्तन साथ लेकर चलता था ताकि वह अपना खाना उसी में खाएं।

घोष जी को यह बात अच्छी नहीं लगती थी पर वह मित्र का दिल नहीं दुखाना चाहते थे। तब उन्होंने तय किया कि वह उसकी आदतों को सुधार कर रहेंगे।

एक दिन घोष जी ने अपने रईस दोस्त को खाने पर आमंत्रित किया। हमेशा की तरह उनके मित्र अपने नौकर के साथ पहुंचे। नौकर बर्तन लेकर आया था। लेकिन घोष जी अपने मित्र के आते ही उन्हें और लोगों के बीच ले गए। जब तक मित्र कुछ समझ पाते तब तक उनके सामने पत्तल में खाना परोस दिया। बाकी लोगों के सामने भी पत्तल में खाना रखा था।

तब उनके रईस मित्र संकोच में पड़ गए। उन्होंने नौकर को आवाज देना चाहा लेकिन तब तक सब लोग खाने लगे और उनसे भी खाने का अनुरोध करने लगे। बेचारे को उनके साथ पत्तल में खाना पड़ा। खाने के बाद जैसे ही वे उठे, तो घोष जी उनके बर्तनों में व्यंजन लेकर उनके सामने हाजिर हुए।

उन्होंने हंसते हुए मित्र से कहा- क्षमा करें थोड़ी गलतफहमी हो गई। जब तुम्हारे नौकर को घर की महिलाओं ने बर्तन लेकर आते देखा तो उन्हें लगा कि शायद तुम अपने बच्चों के लिए खाना ले जाना चाहते हो। उन्होंने इसमें खाना दे दिया है। मित्र लज्जित होकर चले गए। उन्हें गलती का अहसास हो गया। उन्होंने प्रदर्शन करना छोड़ दिया।

संक्षेप में

*धन का दिखावा बहुत ही निम्म श्रेणी के लोग करते हैं। भले ही वह धन का दिखावा कर स्वयं संतुष्ठ हो जाते है पर समाज उन्हें इस तुच्छ बात के लिए नकार देता है। जैसा की गिरीशचंद्र घोष जी के धनवान मित्र के साथ हुआ। अगर दिखाना ही है तो लोगों के प्रति परोपकारी रहो ताकि आपका यश चारों तरफ गूंजे।*


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*दो बातों की गिनती करना छोड़ दीजिये....*
*खुद का दु:ख*
*दूसरे का सुख*
*ज़िन्दगी आसान हो जाएगी...*

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9 Things NOT To Do To Someone With Mental illness

1) Don’t Speak

This seems to fly in the face of perceived wisdom. We are supposed to talk to someone when they are unwell ― ask if they’re okay, if they want to speak about anything, if something is worrying them, if they have eaten, if they want a drink, if they want to go for a short walk around the block to get a breath of fresh air, if they want to lie down. Taking is important and crucial to forming connections with people who are at breaking point, but so is silence.

2) Don’t Expect Us to Help You Understand

It often falls to the one who is unwell to explain what is wrong. Although there are lots of books and online resources exploring different mental illnesses, people still want the person suffering to explain things to them. This may be fine once the person has recovered (sometimes), but it’s not helpful during the period they are ill. Even someone with a physical illness or disease isn’t necessarily going to want to explain it to every person who asks, and it’s the same with mental illness. Do your own research. Improve your own understanding.

3) Don’t Take Anything Personally

When people become unwell, the only thing that matters is somehow getting through it ― or not, as is sometimes the case. They are fighting to get through another drawn out minute, another achingly, painful second. Fighting to not give in or not to finally give up. Fighting to hang onto the smallest, stray thread of something representing wellness and peace of mind.

4) Don’t Try To Fix Us

Having a mental illness doesn’t mean we are broken or some sort of weak, ineffectual creature that needs fixing. To be fair, we are all a little broken in this world ― those thinking they aren’t are some of the most broken of all. Living with mental illness takes strength, courage and tenacity. We have to be focused, moving with the punches as it were, and open and self-aware.

5) Don’t Try and Brush It Away

I know it’s hard ― no one wants to see a loved one or a friend suffer ― but suffering is part of life, and trying to brush it away because it makes you feel uncomfortable is not helpful and it meets your needs, not ours. Stay with us and be as brave as we are.

6) Don’t Treat Us Like Children

There seems to be something about the vulnerability and fragility of mental illness that can lead some people to treat us like kids. I have been treated like it myself, almost as if along with being ill, I have had an adjustment in intellect.

7) Don’t Tell Us How We Feel

Often, and especially if you are depressed, you will act like a magnet to those who think they know why you look so downcast.

8) Don’t Tell Us To Pull Ourselves Together

If we could pull ourselves together, we would. If there was some sort of switch or pull cord that could right all the wrongs and plaster a great big grin on our face, we would be on it in a flash. It’s not how it works. Either have patience or bog off.

9) Don’t Tell Us To Get Some Pills

The idea that psychiatrists have a collection of little shiny pills they can hand out and turn you into a shiny happy person in a day or two (sorry, REM) is a myth. There is no such thing. Medication can help, but it takes time and this reductive idea that it’s a magical cure for everything does more harm than good.


Laugh, joke, be yourself and let us be ourselves too, whatever that currently looks like. We live in a society that is afraid of anything outside of the norm, so be the person that reaches out a hand and offers a ray of hope. You might need it yourself one day, but we need it today.

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*_"ज़िन्दगी" बदलने के लिए_*
              *लड़ना पड़ता है..!_*
         *_और आसान करने के लिए_*
              *समझना पड़ता है..!*
           *_वक़्त आपका है,चाहो तो_*
         *सोना बना लो और चाहो तो.*   
                *_सोने में गुज़ार दो..!_*
        *अगर कुछ अलग करना है तो*
              *_भीड़ से हटकर चलो..!_*
           *भीड़ साहस तो देती है पर*
             *_पहचान छीन लेती है...!_*
       *मंज़िल ना मिले तब तक हिम्मत*
          *_मत हारो और ना ही ठहरो...._* 
    *_पहाड़ से निकलने वाली नदियों ने_*
     *आज तक रास्ते में किसीसे नहीं*
                    *_पूछा कि... _*
           *"समन्दर कितना दूर है.*                                

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You cannot let a fear of failure or a fear of comparison or a fear of judgment stop you from doing the things that will make you great. You cannot succeed without the risk of failure. You cannot have a voice without the risk of criticism. You cannot love without the risk of loss. You must take these risks.

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"If you want to win hearts and minds, you have to lead with your heart as well as your mind. I don’t believe we have a professional self from Mondays through Fridays and a real self for the rest of the time ... It is all professional and it is all personal, all at the very same time."

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zindagi me gam ki aandhi nahi rukti
khudaayi to har zarre me hai basti
nakaami khuda ki nahi insaan ki banayi shay hai
nakaami ko nakaami na samajhna hi hai zindadili

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मुस्कुराने के बहाने जल्दी खोजो वरना,जिन्दगी रुलाने के मौके तलाश लेगी

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दुनिया में सबसे ज्यादा वजनदार खाली जेब होती है, चलना मुश्किल हो जाता है

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दवा जब असर ना करे, तो नज़रें 👀उतारती है माँ …… ज़नाब, ये हार कहाँ मानती है

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Hadd-e-shehar se guzri to gaon gaon chali
Kuch yadein mere sath paon paon chali
Safar kiya dhoop ka to tazurba hua
Wo zindagi hi kya jo chaon chaon chali...

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People only care when it benefits them...
You can't change what you don't acknowledge...
Sometimes knowing how far you've come, gives you the motivation you need to continue. Remember that the next time you feel like giving up.
Don't let anyone's negativity ruin your day. Happiness is a choice. Stop letting people get to you and focus on what matters.
Don't let someone get comfortable with disrespecting you...
Remember that what YOU are seeking is also seeking YOU.
Be yourself, be extra, show passion, hang around people who want to win, smash your goals and love your life.
Never downgrade your dreams to match someone else's reality.

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Have u ever wonder abt ur life!!
ur hanging on to wsting time,texting hours,Reading msgs,watching tv,smoking,drinking,party,movie,clubs,desire to get a gf/bf, sulking and whining about stupid ppl,sleeping,loving the person who dont love u, if its wrong one Love is the worst disease u will face,.. Do u see a problem here ??, everyday u have two ppl fighting in u, one is laziness, other is Hardwork..
Who wins!!?? The one u feed in the morning wins..
As the time passes u see ur frnds success,owning cars,houses,companies,buildings,pools,clubs, Resorts.. Don't u wanna own them, then change ur mind.. Take a step back and look at your life man.. Career is most important thing..
Work and money are two different things.. SRK,bill gates,steve jobs,Sachin,ambani, They never ran behind money, They kept a goal and worked their ass off every dam day smashing their goals, choose what u love,
All successful ppl are beginners someday ..
You wanna be CEO, writer,dancer singer business tycoon director actor painter go after it life is short to do what u hate .. Don't surround urself with sheeps who follow same path.. Be allergic to average..
Companies pay u salary bonus gifts to forget ur dreams..
You have two choices:-
Pain of discipline or pain of regret.. Choose one and cut off everything that holds u back.. Ur problem is u think u have time .. But u dont anymore ..
Find Passion, travel around, love yourlife, be an inspiration, make ur life shine, finally remember one thing ..
"Once a beggar, is now a Billionaire"


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Even when your
dreams seem
impossible to reach,
try anyway. You’ll be
amazed by what you
can accomplish.

Use your gifts to
your best ability.
Talent that is wasted
has no value. Talent
that is made into
efforts will bring
unexpected rewards.

Value the friends and
family members who
have supported and
encouraged you *&* be
there for them as well.

Work hard every day
to be the best person
you aspire to be, but
never feel guilty if you
fall short of your goals.
Every *sunrise* offers
a second chance.

Look deep inside the
hearts of those around
you and you will see
the goodness and
beauty within.

Yield to commitment.
If you stay on track
and remain dedicated,
you will find success
at the end of the road.


Zoom to a happy
place when bad
memories or sorrow
rears its ugly head.
Let nothing interfere
with your goals.
Instead, focus on
your abilities, in
your dreams, and
a brighter tomorrow.


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23 keys to success in Life

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*"बड़ो से बात करने का तरीका आपके 'संस्कार' बताता है और छोटो से बात करने का तरीका आपकी 'परवरिश।"*

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Simple rule of Happiness 😊

*न अपेक्षा,*
*न उपेक्षा!*

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💥👆🏻"To be successful, you must eliminate doubt, embrace challenges and reject the outside negative world or people who try to tell you, you will never be good enough.

The fact is that you are just as much potential as any person in the world. "

"There are no limitations to what you can achieve other than what you choose to achieve in your mind. Never limit yourself."


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