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Give yourself a chance,
Give yourself the moment,
Give yourself the freedom,
Give yourself the power,
Give yourself the confidence,
Live for today not for tomorrow,
Live the EXTREME !!!!!!!
Because you got yourself only one life... LIVE IT !!!!


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1. "If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission." —Anonymous

2. "Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." —John Wooden

3. "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." —Anonymous

4. "If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary." —Jim Rohn

5. "Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it's safe or certain." —Anonymous

6. "Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life—think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way tosuccess." —Swami Vivekananda

7. "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." —Walt Disney

8. "Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them." —Anonymous

9. "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got." —Anonymous


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*"Essentially, happiness can be divided into 3 categories:
1. Physical happiness;
2. Mental happiness;
3. Spiritual happiness.
In order for us to fill our lives with these three types of happiness, we first must learn the steps to achieve them. The following is a brief summary of these steps.
1. For Physical Happiness:
a. Regular and proper diet.
b. Regular and proper rest.
c. Regular and proper exercise.
2. For Mental Happiness:
a. Minimize expectation.
b. Minimize ego/pride.
c. Minimize negative thoughts.
3. For Spiritual Happiness:
a. Recognize your soul (as a separate entity from the body).
Past : Do not live in the past.
(Free yourself of past memories and experiences.)
Future: Do not worry about the future. ( But, plan for the future.)
Present: Free yourself of any attachments and hatred
b. Help all living beings without any expectations.
c. Meditate regularly and surrender to the Supreme Soul."*


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Faith is the ability to trust what you are not able to see,

the ability to believe what is not yet,

the ability to 'accept as true' that, which cannot be proven.

Faith is not subject to verification. And if you want to verify, then it is not faith.

Faith is beyond human judgement. Yet, faith works; faith alone works

... Mahatria


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You do not write your life with words...
You write it with actions.

What you think is not important.

It is only important what you do with what you have.

Wish you most and more Success.


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💥👆🏻Little things affect little mind-- Benjamin Disreal.

Comfort can be one of the most dangerous emotions a body could have. What happen when a person get too Comfortable?

He stops growing,
stops working,
stops creating added value. You don't want to get too comfortable. If you feel really comfortable, chances are have stop growing.

What Bob Dylan say? "He who's not busy being born is busy dying" You're either climbing or you're sliding.

You can see success as a springboard to greater things, or you can see it as a resting place. And if it's a resting place, chances are you won't keep it for long.

One kind of complacency comes from comparison. I use to think I was doing well because I was doing well compare to people I knew. That's one of the biggest mistake you can make .

May be it just means your friends aren't doing well. Learn to judge yourself by your goals instead of by what your peers seem to be doing. Why?

Because you can always find people to justify what you're doing.
See you there, at the Top!


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Our stories are not meant for everyone. Hearing them is a privilege, and we should always ask ourselves this before we share: 'Who has earned the right to hear my story?' If we have one or two people in our lives who can sit with us and hold space for our shame stories, and love us for our strengths and struggles, we are incredibly lucky. If we have a friend, or small group of friends, or family who embraces our imperfections, vulnerabilities, and power and fills us with a sense of belonging, we are incredibly lucky."

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"There is a thief in your mind who is after your dreams . His name is *DOUBT*. It has killed more dreams than *failure* ever did!"

Reject it.


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Just like every year, you will see patriotism at its peak on 15 August and 26 january. In some cases, it will rise only for these two days, and the sad truth is, you will see the national flag lying on the roads day after these two days. I guess such people won't change. But you, whoever is reading this can change. Make sure you pick up those flags without hesitation and give some respect. For the flag doesn't fly because of the wind but due to the last breath of every warrior who died protecting it. Pick it up if it's lying down on the ground, for the flag isn't just a piece of cloth. Happy Independence Day! Jai Hind!❤🇮🇳


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Let’s take this day to think about of our past and resolve to build a better future for our country. Wishing you all a Happy Independence Day!

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स्वतंत्रता दिवस की शुभकामनाएं | இனிய சுதந்திர தினம் நல்ல வாழ்த்துக்கள் | শুভ স্বাধীনতা দিবস | హ్యాపీ ఇండిపెండెన్స్ డే | സന്തോഷകരമായ സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യ ദിനം | ਸੁਤੰਤਰ ਆਜ਼ਾਦੀ ਦਿਹਾੜੇ | शुभेच्छा स्वातंत्र्य दिन | હેપ્પી સ્વતંત્રતા દિવસ | یوم آزادی مبارک | | ಸಂತೋಷ ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯ ದಿನ | Happy Independence Day

Divided by languages, united under one flag!! How diverse we are as a nation. Lets make this diversity our strength and not our weakness. Lets pledge to put our differences aside, work towards the betterment of our nation and make it grow stronger than ever. Jai Hind!
#OneNation #OneLove #VandeMataram #ProudIndian #70yearsofFreeIndia


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*“Freedom in the mind, faith in the words, pride in our souls… Lets Salute the nation”*


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A weak man will brag about himself and posture himself above others so that he might attain even greater success.

But a great man makes everyone feel valued and heard within every interaction he has.

Great men also encourage, compliment, and support other men.


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🎯👆🏻Usain Bolt retired few days ago.

But one thing spectacular about him – After every race he kept raising the bar.

Leadership in any industry is something very similar.

Soon after you have delivered a result, the past success is completely forgotten .

Now a new milestone or goal is set that needs to be met.

Or you will become obsolete and irrelevant.

Keep raising the bar after every success! You have many Justin Gatlin's behind you.

Bottom line or What I Learned from Usain Bolt:

Leadership is about achieving results consistently.💪😊


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*"We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy."*
-Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter


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*"Vision boards are an effective tool in keeping you motivated and inspired in reaching your targets and aspirations. What better way to continue daily focus than to clarify what it is you want to manifest in your life and create your very own vision board to guide you. The best area to put your vision board is in a location that will be viewed most often by you, such as by the door you use the most to exit your home. The more that you are able to view your board, the better your results may become, of course results will very based on the actions you apply in your world!!"*


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A nice story of Adi Shankaracharya teaching his students how to empty and free their mind: “AdiSankara was walking through the marketplace with his disciples. They saw a man dragging a cow by a rope. Sankara told the man to wait and asked his disciples to surround them. “I am going to teach you something” and continued... “Tell me who is bound to whom? Is the cow bound to this man or the man is bound to the Cow?” The disciples said without hesitation “Of course the cow is bound to the man! The man is the Master. He is holding the rope. The cow has to follow him wherever he goes. The man is the Master and the cow is the slave.” “Now watch this”, said Sankara and took a pair of scissors from his bag and cut the rope. The cow ran away from the master and the man ran after his cow.“Look, what is happening”, Said Sankara “Do you see who the Master is? The cow is not at all interested in this man. The cow infect, is trying to This is the case with our MIND. Like the cow, all the non-sense that we carry inside is not interested in us. WE ARE INTERESTED IN IT, we are keeping it together somehow or the other. We are going crazy trying to keep it altogether under our control. The moment we lose interest in all the garbage filled in our head, and the moment we Understand the futility of it, it will start to disappear. Like the cow, it will escape and disappear.” Feeling Free and Relaxed is a Choice!


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Take a stance. Pick up the battle where you are. Don't retreat or hide from that feeling of uncertainty. Face it. Stare at it. Take on that storm! You are always in control of you whether you are aware of it or not. Be more hands on. Grab the steering wheel of your mind. No longer should you allow yourself to be tossed around by the winds of of self doubt, pity, blame or regrets.
Anchor your belief deep within the abyss of your "fighting spirit" and know that you are "the real deal". You can come back from your defeats. Gather yourself. Champion Up! Don't ever let go of you. Let that challenge tire itself and find someone weaker to push around. Claim your territory. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊

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*"You are never too old to set
another goal or to dream a new dream."*

*"आप कभी भी इतने बूढ़े नहीं हो सकते
कि एक नया लक्ष्य ना निर्धारित कर सकें या एक नया सपना न देख सकें।"*


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Wanna leave some suggestions for me? Go on,speak ur mind

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Hindus and Muslims, Arabs and Jews, Christians and Atheists, black and white, women and men. Forget what they taught you, remember that we are all one.

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- ON National Geographic channel India
today at 9 P.M. according to IST...

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🇮🇳*Independences* 🇮🇳

🌹What does independences mean to us? What is first thought that our comes to our mind when we hear the word independences? 🌹

🌟For me independences means setting myself free from the  old baggages,  let going the past that doesn't serve me any longer, setting myself free from grudges, resentment and envy 🌟

🍀For me independences is making my vision bigger and broader, seeing things with oneness , bringing myself to state of stillness , a feeling of completness, being non judgemental..🍀

💫For me independences doesn't mean just being strong all time but gives me a freedom to express my emotions freely and helps me understand my inner strength and wisdom...💫

💥For me independences is just being me with my soul as *I am the I am I am the soul...* 💥

*Happy Being Independent* 💥

🇮🇳Happy *Independence* *Day* to All🇮🇳


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🔵 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 @भारत के वीर@ 🇮🇳 🇮🇳

आज 71वा स्वतंत्रता दिवस के इस पावन अवसर पर
देश की सेवा करते हुए शहीद हुए भारत के वीर सपूत के परिवारों को सहायता करते है।
पैसा देकर उनके दुःखो को खत्म नहीं कर सकते, न ही जिनके पति, बेटा, पिता या भाई शहीद हुए हैं उसे वापस ला सकते हैं लेकिन उनके दुःखों को थोड़ा कम जरूर कर सकते हैं।
अगर आप शहीद जवानों के परिवारों को सहायता करना चाहते हैं तो आप 10 रुपये से लेकर लाखों रुपये तक दान दे सकते है.
सहायता देने के लिए नीचे लिंक या वेबसाइट पर जायें---

ये भारत सरकार की वेबसाइट है और फर्जी नहीं है।


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*"Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly."*

© Plutarch


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🎯👆🏻Raise your standards and expect higher than the average life.

Why does average suck?

Average means being the same as everyone else.

If you want to create an everlasting legacy you will need to create an impact upon others and you can not do that if you are the same as everyone else.

Hustle your way out of average.

"Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, most people fail in life because they aim too low and hit.. and many don't aim at all."

Average is the disease .. hustle is the cure!

Happy Independence day my fellow INDIANS🇮🇳 &
Great day ahead! 💐


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Good Morning
Happy Janmashtmi and Happy Independence Day ....😊🇮🇳

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🇮🇳😇💞Happy #IndependenceDay to all our Indian's around the Globe,Lets salute the Nation on 71th Independence Day💞😇🇮🇳

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*"16 अगस्त को तिरंगा सम्भालकर रखने की ताकत नहीं हो तो 15 अगस्त को झंडा खरीद कर देशभक्ति का प्रदर्शन न करें।"*

शब्द कटु है लेकिन उद्देश्य सरल हैं।

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Miracle Express: The return of Justin Gatlin (who?)

1. He is not Usain Bolt.

2. He was born before Usain Bolt.

3. When J Gatlin won the Athen Olympics 100m Gold 13 years ago, and world championship the subsequent year, the world believed he was the new superman God sent .

4. No he was not God sent, they said he was just another joke, as God actually sent another fellow to conquer the world, and that guy is Usain Bolt.

5. Do we have to go into details about Usain Bolt? No, as even 3 years old kids know who he is. He's the strongest and the fastest human being that God had made, ever. They say he is contemplating to compete in the new Leopards and Cheetahs Zoolympics. That, is Usain Bolt. He is perfect, unbeatable.

6. Then why the fook Gatlin was created? There's a purpose. That is for today - The comeback of Gatlin.

7. When he was introduced to the crowd in London b4 the race, he was booed, jeered and thrown durian husks.

8. He is 35 years Old, what else can he achieve? He should just go home, fly kites and eat mangosteen. I mean, can u beat Usain God? No way.

9. But I was wrong, the world world was wrong. He beats Usain Bolt.

10. Now if u see someone very old, don't rule them out just yet.

11. And if u urselves is around that age, don't think u have passed ur peak, u can be the next Justin Gatlin. Miracle can happen in anyone who believes in it and work for it.

12. Nothing is sweeter than a great comeback.


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