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*"Look for something positive in some each day, even if some days you have to look a little harder.
This time is only a bridge you must cross to get to the other side. Once there, you'll look back at this crossing with smiles and laughter."*


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*"With every rain the roses bloom...
with every flow of wind... Roses Smile...
With every opportunity your life bloom..
With every challenge your life smiles..."*


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Character develops itself in the stream of life.

© Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.

© Thich Nhat Hanh

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One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.

© André Gide

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"To paint the hearts of others with happiness, we must lose some colours of ego. "😊


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This is something we should all read at least once a week!!!!! Make sure you read till the end

_To celebrate growing older, I once wrote few lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written._

1. *Life isn't fair, but it's still good.*

2. *When in doubt, just take the next small step.*

3. *Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.*

4. *You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.*

5. *Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.*

6. *It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.*

7. *Make peace with your past so it won't mess up the present.*

8. *Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.*

9. *Take a deep breath every now and then. It calms the mind.*

10. *Get rid of anything that isn't useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.*

11. *Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.*

12. *It's never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.*

13. *When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.*

14. *Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy clothes. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.*

15. *No one is in charge of your happiness but you.*

16. *Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'*

17. *Always choose life.*

18. *Forgive others and yourself.*

19. *What other people think of you is none of your business.*

20. *Time heals almost everything. Give time a little time.*

21. *However good or bad a situation is, it will change.*

22. *Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.*

23. *Believe in miracles.*

24. *God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.*

25. *Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.*

26. *Growing old beats the alternative of dying young.*

27. *Your children get only one childhood.*

28. *All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.*

29. *Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.*

30. *Envy is waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need.*

31. *The best is yet to come...*

32. *No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.*

33. *Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."*


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*"Occasional effort can create the illusion of success. Consistent effort is what brings lasting success, achievement and fulfillment.

Are you working out once or twice every couple of weeks, or every day? Are you writing a chapter just when you feel like it, or every morning before breakfast?

Your life is too precious to merely dabble. In work, play, health, wisdom and relationships, you deserve the luscious fruits that consistent effort will bring.

A single heroic effort might be fun and impressive, but is soon forgotten. Yet small, unassuming efforts, when repeated with consistency, can bring a never-ending stream of value.

If you’ve done it once, you can do it again and again. When you do, great things result.

Give your life and your world the benefit of your best effort, not once, not twice, but over and over again. With consistent effort, build a path all the way to your most treasured dreams."*


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Time Management: Master Your Time, Master Your Life

There’s this huge lie we tell ourselves that “we don’t have enough time”. There is some truth to do that because eventually one day we won’t have any more time, but right now (right this moment) we have time. There are 24 hours in a day, if you can’t make the most of those hours then time isn’t the problem, you are!

Way too many people suffer from a disease called procrastination.

Procrastination usually arises when people fear or dread, or have anxiety about, the important task awaiting them. To rid themselves of this negative feeling, people procrastinate.

Whatever the reason, below are some tips to get you to stop wasting time and help you start making the most of the time you have.

STOP wasting time on unimportant things

Make a detailed time list of your entire day from the minute you wake up till the time you go to bed. You have to really see what your time is being spent on in order to see where you can cut back and reallocate.

Assign the amount of time you spend on each of those activities (include time spent watching TV, on Social Media, and any extracurricular activities).

Then start eliminating any activities that do not add value to your life or contribute to your goals. Add up the total time then re-allocate that time to your goal(s).

Cut your lunch hour in half or use your break time to work on your projects/goals (every minute counts)

Not having a time is an excuse. There is always time we can use if we’re willing to sacrifice areas or activities that do not require all the time we’ve allotted to them.

Cut your time spent on social media if it isn’t directly related to promoting yourself, brand, business, etc

Unless you’re using social media to increase your business/brand reach the time you spend scrolling and liking should be limited. Social media is a huge a time killer and provides no real substantial benefits. Cut your time spent on the internet and redirect to activities directly related to your goals.

Use time spent commuting (on the bus/subway) to work on your goals

We live in a world where we’re constantly waiting. So whether we’re waiting on line at the bank or the supermarket all of those 5–10 minutes spent waiting eventually add up. Start using that time!

Wake up an hour to 30 minutes earlier or go to bed 30 minutes to an hour later

Sometimes in order to accomplish those goals you have to be willing to put in a little more time and sometimes that means getting up earlier.

Don’t make excuses

It’s always easy to list the reasons for not doing something. For every excuse you give yourself, find an equally compelling reason to push forward. Chances are that you will come up with more reasons to do it than excuses not to.

Ask for help

You don’t have to do it all alone. Whether it’s your spouse, partner, or other family member, let your loved ones know what your goals are and what you’re trying to accomplish. Most times they will be willing to help if it’s something productive.

Make a daily “to do” list

Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t complete everything on your list. You’re human and sometimes you’re not going to get to everything. And that’s fine. Tomorrow is another day and let what you didn’t finish the day before be the first thing you work on the next day.

Don’t make a “to do” list that has 20 things to do

Be realistic. Two to three things is perfectly fine. In fact, experts say to keep your daily to do lists short and focus on the activities that will have the greatest impact. Doing one thing can have a greater impact than doing five. It’s important to work hard, but it’s also important to work smart. Focus on each day, one day at a time. Then you won’t feel so overwhelmed."*


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*You are meant to......*

*"You are meant to have everything you love and desire. Your work is meant to be exciting, and you are meant to
accomplish all the things you would love to accomplish. Your
relationships with your family and friends are meant to be
filled with happiness. You are meant to have all the money you need to live a full, wonderful life. You are meant to be living your dreams - all of them' If you want to travel, you are meant to travel. If you would love to start a business, you are meant to start a business. If you would love to learn to dance or learn how to sail a yacht or study Italian, you are meant to do those things. If you would love to be a musician, a scientist, a
business owner, an inventor, a performer, a parent, or whatever it is you would love to be, you are meant to be it !
When you wake up each day, you should be filled with excitement because you know the day is going to be full of
great things. You are meant to be laughing and full of joy. You
are meant to feel strong and safe. You are meant to feel good about yourself and know you're invaluable. Of course there will be challenges in your life, and you are meant to have them too, because they help you to grow, but you are meant to know how to overcome problems and challenges. You are meant to be victorious! You are meant to be happy.
You are meant to have an amazing life !"*


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*"The greatest obstacle to love is ego or pride."* Replacing such ego with humility eliminates loneliness and embarrassment if we are ready to share wisdom and guidance from others. Avoid self glorification while degrading others, eliminate unnecessary criticism of others and *Go On Going On.* You will find happiness, abundance and love. Good Morning and Have a Wonderful Saturday."*


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💥👆🏻The world isn't here to make a path for you-- your success should be YOURS to create!

Nothing is ever better than living a life according to your passion. When you follow the call of your soul, no challenge can be too tough, too insurmountable!

Always be ONE STEP AHEAD by taking every opportunity to give your 100% to your biggest dream! Don't let your life go to waste!

Don't be just another face in the crowd. Build YOUR OWN vision of success!"*


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💥What was the greatness of Hanuman? When Valmiki completed his Ramayana, Narada wasn't impressed. 'It is good, but Hanuman's is better', he said.

'Hanuman has written the Ramayana too!', Valmiki didn't like this at all, and wondered whose Ramayana was better. So he set out to find Hanuman.

In Kadali-vana, grove of plantains, he found Ramayana inscribed on seven broad leaves of a banana tree.

He read it and found it to be perfect. The most exquisite choice of grammar and vocabulary, metre and melody. He couldn't help himself. He started to cry.

'Is it so bad?' asked Hanuman
'No, it is so good', said Valmiki
'Then why are you crying?'
asked Hanuman

'Because after reading your Ramayana no one will read my Ramayana,' replied Valmiki.

Hearing this Hanuman simply tore up the seven banana leaves stating " Now no one will ever read Hanuman's Ramayana.'"

Hanuman said, 'You need your Ramayana more than I need mine. You wrote your Ramayana so that the world remembers Valmiki; I wrote my Ramayana so that I remember Ram.'

At that moment he realized how he had been consumed by the desire for validation through his work.

He had not used the work to liberate himself from the fear of invalidation. He had not appreciated the essence of Ram's tale to unknot his mind.

His Ramayana was a product of ambition; but Hanuman's Ramayana was a product of affection.

That's why Hanuman's Ramayana sounded so much better. Valmiki realized that "Greater than Ram..... is the name of Ram!!!! "
( राम से बड़ा राम का नाम ).

There are people like Hanuman who don't want to be famous. They just do their jobs and fulfill their purpose.

So lets not be like Valmiki, thinking our ''Ramayana" is the best.

*There are many unsung "Hanumans" our life...your spouse, mother, father, friends....let's remember them and be grateful to all....*


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*"Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast-you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.."*


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*"In the wind Flowers dance,
In the storm Flowers learn it's chance to Enhance.
In Easiness of life Human learns it is Happiness,
In regrets of life Human learns it's more important to care about others Happiness..."*


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We know from science that nothing in the universe exists as an isolated or independent entity.

© Margaret Wheatley

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When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.

© Barbara Winter

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Loss is nothing else but change,and change is Natures delight.

© Marcus Aurelius

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*Nothing is ever too Hard to do If your Faith is Strong & your Purpose is True...*
*So never Give-up & Let the journey Go-on Until your work is done...*
*Because Life is Run by Faith & Won by Grace.*😊


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*"Every single person is using The Secret (the law of attraction) in every moment of their lives whether they are aware of it or not. The law of attraction is impersonal and is unfailingly matching like energy frequencies. There is no time when this law is not operating just like gravity. The difference is that when you understand this magnificent law and how it works, you can begin to use it intentionally to create the life of your dreams."*


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*"When we choose to *focus on the negative,* it’s like swimming against the current; *it makes everything a struggle.* It’s not the way we are meant to live. *Focus* on the *good things* and be *filled with life and vitality!*

*Have A Nice Day!*
*Be Positive Minded*
*Live As A Conqueror*


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Never say you are killing time. I erased that use of this phrase from my philosophy. Why? Time is what keeps you alive! Respect it and use it wisely. Cash in on it with proper daily investments called disciplines. Don't neglect that ticking of life's irreplaceable clock. If and when it stops ticking make sure you have done all that you can do. Don't waste your time and don't let other careless people waste it for you. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊

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🎯👆🏻Assumption is the lowest form of knowledge.

The fact you think you know does not necessarily mean you know it all.

Don't assume that you have the info, ensure you know all that a better life requires and be committed to doing what it takes.

The right thing won't always be easiest to do.
Hustle your way through it because birthing worth having ever comes easy.
Adversity brings achievement!

A better life awaits you!

Great Sunday! 💪💐


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Simple principle of Life
Never think
I have nothing...

Never think
I have everything....

But, always think
I have something
I can achieve anything...


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*The Height of Candles may be Different. But they Yield the Same Brightness.*

*It is not your Position, but Your Ability, that Actually makes you Shine.*


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I've always been inspired by the people who have broken the chains of conformity, self doubt and fear of failing. Today my memory rewinds to a man who I spent years studying as I pursued the martial arts, Mr. Bruce Lee. He was the first Asian Hollywood Superstar/Martial Artist and he broke down so many barriers. He paved the way for people such as Jackie Chan, Jet Li and many others. I loved Bruce for his willingness to be himself and to never fall prey to circumstances and let me tell you, he had many of them! Bruce would say, "to hell with circumstances; I create opportunities". Look at your circumstances and know you are much greater than them. Believe the Champion In You! -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊

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"Getting in touch with your true self must be your first priority."
-- Tom Hopkins

Here are some different aspects of self-awareness:

Know yourself - Explore who you are: your defences, your blocks, your talents, your aspirations, etc.
Accept yourself - We are at war with ourselves when we resist or deny certain aspects of who we are. Acknowledge the truth of who you are right now - the positives and the negatives. Only when we own our present reality can we change.
Control yourself - Set clear, conscious intentions and discipline yourself to meet them.
Express yourself - Go to your heart to identify what has meaning and purpose for you. Live your truth. Identify ways you can give back to life and be in service.
We work on each of these aspects all the time. But as our lives go through cycles, we predominantly work on one of them more than the others. Which aspect are you more conscious of lately?

"Our lives improve only when we take chances ... and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves."
-- Walter Anderson

"Adventure can be an end in itself. Self-discovery is the secret ingredient that fuels daring."
-- Grace Lichtenstein


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*प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को अपने आचरण का परिणाम धैर्यपूर्वक सहना चाहिए।*

*Everyone ought to bear patiently the results of his own conduct.*


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*"You are born to win. It’s in your hands to handle the situations and rise up in life. Don’t tie yourself to something and stay in one place. Untie yourself, be brave and walk in the wild, use your brain to fly high.
If you keep on complaining about small things, you will miss big things in life.
If you keep on magnifying your small sickness and weakness, you won’t be able to do anything in life.
If you think that life should be comfortable all the time, then you will be uncomfortable all the time.
If you can’t deal with criticism and accept some of it to improve yourself then you won’t be able to achieve anything in life.
If you don’t know what you want and do in your life, then you will be confused all the time.
If you always think that everyone around you should praise you and consider you above all the other people, then you will have problem to mingle with other people.
If you don’t believe in yourself and God, then you will be surrounded with fear, doubts and confusion.
Tame your mind and control it."*


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