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*"We should remember that though another may have more money, beauty, and brains than us, when it comes to the rarer values such as
charity, self-sacrifice, honour, and nobility of heart, we have an equal chance with everyone to be the most beloved and honoured of all people.
Believe in your God-given power and goodness..."*


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*"You don't require any kind of superpower to be successful....all you need is your unstoppable INTERNAL POWER."*


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*"To create your tomorrow, go
over your day tonight when you are in bed, just before you fall asleep... and feel gratitude for the good moments...
If there was something you wanted to happen differently, replay it in your mind the way you wanted it to go. As you fall asleep, say,...
*I'll sleep deeply and wake up full of energy... Tomorrow is going to be the most beautiful day of my life...*


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*"All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with an evil thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon.... If a man speak or act with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him."*


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*"God doesn't like the flesh and blood that you offer as sacrifice. He expects nothing but your absolute faith!"*

— Quran


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*"Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: *Something is important here; or else I would not be feeling this -ve emotion...*
What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want...
In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin.
*And in that moment, your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the process of Pivoting...*


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*"We should remember that though another may have more money, beauty, and brains than us, when it comes to the rarer values such as
charity, self-sacrifice, honour, and nobility of heart, we have an equal chance with everyone to be the most beloved and honoured of all people.
Believe in your God-given power and goodness..."*


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*"Difficult is not so bad. Easy is not so desirable.

Easy makes you soft, complacent and vulnerable. Difficult makes you strong, decisive and capable.

Easy puts you in danger of being arrogant, disrespectful and bored. Difficult fills you with a wealth of gratitude that connects you to life’s richest abundance.

The more you must work for something and the more you must invest yourself, the more value it has. A difficult journey makes the destination more appealing.

Wouldn’t it be nice to stop worrying whether the day, the job and the encounter will be difficult? Wouldn’t it be great to just stride right up to the moment and meet it with confidence and joy?

Look back at what you’ve learned from life and you’ll realise you’ve learned this. What is difficult is nothing to fear."*


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Society and her situations made her Prostitute....She gave birth to a girl, who became an IAS officer later. This lady IAS officer worked for betterment of prostitutes...This officer also has taken special steps to give better education to children of those prostitutes....She arranged alternative employment to those former prostitutes.....The strong desire of one prostitute changed the entire system in her premises and brought big smiles on many faces....Prostitute "Raise after Fall" with her strong desire...So, Any one can achieve anything and everything...👍💐🇮🇳

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*"A rat swallowed a diamond and the owner of the diamond contracted a man to kill the rat.
When the rat hunter arrived to kill the rat, there were more than a thousand rats bunched up and one sitting by itself away from the pack. He killed the one by itself and that was the exact one that had swallowed the diamond.
The amazed owner of the diamond asked: "How did you know it was that rat?"
He responded: "Very easy! When idiots get rich they don't mix with others."

When God answers your long awaited prayers, maintain your normal profile. Don't be proud!"*


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*"If you translate every mistake of your life into a *Positive* one, you will never be a 'prisoner of your past' but a *Designer of Your Future."*


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*"When someone is bitten by a snake, they are asked to stay calm and not move. Panic increases the heart rate and spreads the venom faster through the body."

When poisoned by a negative thought, stay calm and don't act. Panic or anger spreads the negativity to all parts of the body quickly causing physical illness as much as mental."*


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*Wake up !!*

*Look you are changed and the change is so positive that your personality is lighting the whole world*

*You are important. Be good as you are. You are just near your Goal. Just a little effort more*


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*"If you work in a profession where tips make up a significant portion of your income, it's crucial that your customers see you as a pleasant enough person to, well, tip. It's good luck, then, that it's entirely possible to use a simple "repeated words" trick to sway people in your favor, to the point where they're way more likely to give you money.

All you need to do is repeat the last few words they said (well, that, and generally behave in a not-kicking-them-in-the-junk-because-they-asked-for-more-bread-sticks manner, but we're hoping that kind of goes without saying). And it's actually part of a broader set of techniques that every politician and con artist knows: You can bring people to your side -- and get them to do things for you -- just by imitating them."*


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*"Difficult is not so bad. Easy is not so desirable.

Easy makes you soft, complacent and vulnerable. Difficult makes you strong, decisive and capable.

Easy puts you in danger of being arrogant, disrespectful and bored. Difficult fills you with a wealth of gratitude that connects you to life’s richest abundance.

The more you must work for something and the more you must invest yourself, the more value it has. A difficult journey makes the destination more appealing.

Wouldn’t it be nice to stop worrying whether the day, the job and the encounter will be difficult? Wouldn’t it be great to just stride right up to the moment and meet it with confidence and joy?

Look back at what you’ve learned from life and you’ll realise you’ve learned this. What is difficult is nothing to fear."*


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*"You must stop talking about the problem and start talking about the solution
start speaking words of victory."*


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*"Anytime you feel negative emotion, stop and say: *Something is important here; or else I would not be feeling this -ve emotion...*
What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want...
In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin.
*And in that moment, your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the process of Pivoting...*


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*Amitabh Bacchan* says..."At the peak of my career, I was once travelling by plane. The passenger next to me was elderly gentleman dressed in a simple shirt
and pants. He appeared to be
middle class, and well educated.
Other passengers perhaps recognising who I was, but this gentleman appeared to be
unconcerned of my presence... He was reading his paper, looking out of the window, and when tea was served, he sipped it quietly.
Trying to strike a conversation with him I smiled. The man courteously smiled back and said 'Hello'.
We got talking and I brought up the subject of cinema and movies and asked, 'Do you watch films?'
The man replied, 'Oh, very few.
I did see one many years ago.'
I mentioned that I worked in the movie industry.
The man replied.." oh, that’s nice. What do you do?'
I replied, 'I am an actor '
The man nodded, 'Oh, that's
wonderful!' And that was it...
When we landed, I held out
my hand and said, " It was good to travel with you. By the way, my name is Amitabh Bacchan !'
The man shook my hand
and smiled, "Thank you... nice to have met you..I am *J. R. D. Tata!"*
I learned on.that day that no matter how big you think you. are, there is always someone *bigger than you*.

*Be humble, it costs nothing.*

*B E H A V I O R*
Is always *Greater*
Than *_Knowledge,_*
Because In Life There
Are Many Situations
Where *Knowledge*
Fails But *_Behaviour_*
Can Handle
*E V E R Y T H I N G.*

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*"One fire burns in many ways; one sun illumines the world; one dawn dispels the darkness of night; All that exists is One and It has taken all these various forms."*

— Vedas


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*"You must stop talking about the problem and start talking about the solution
start speaking words of victory."*


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*"To create your tomorrow, go
over your day tonight when you are in bed, just before you fall asleep... and feel gratitude for the good moments...
If there was something you wanted to happen differently, replay it in your mind the way you wanted it to go. As you fall asleep, say,...
*I'll sleep deeply and wake up full of energy... Tomorrow is going to be the most beautiful day of my life...*


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*"You don't require any kind of superpower to be successful....all you need is your unstoppable INTERNAL POWER."*


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💥👆🏻Whatever dream that has been planted in your mind, know that it is possible for you to achieve it.

It will not cross your mind if you can't bring it to reality. So don't dampen your dream like the majority of people do.

Yes! Many people kill and bury their dreams alive because of fear.

It might be a cliché but it is also true that, if you don't make your dream to become a reality, you will work for somebody else to make their dream to become a reality.

Work hard. But work hard on you and your dream. It's possible. You can do it.


Good morning &
Have a fantastic day ahead! 💪💐


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*"Life will never provide success directly. ​It can only provide Possibilities & Opportunities.​ It's up to U to convert them into Success...​

​Our Thoughts Determine Our Future."*


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*"The first step toward change
is awareness. The second step is acceptance....

Integrity is congruence between what you know, what you profess, and what you do."*


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*"Leap and grow your wings on the way down. Put all your bets on you, and on your ability to achieve your goals. Throw caution to the wind! If you have a catastrophic setback...know that you have the power to over come it. If you lose a job, you will find another one, or create one. If you make some mistakes...learn from them, and come back again. This is a time to use your talents, skills, and resourcefulness to make a radical change and take your life to the next level. Remind yourself everyday...that you're in it to win it. You are your most valuable asset. Do what you need to do to make it happen! You deserve."*


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*"The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance....

Integrity is congruence between what you know, what you profess, and what you do."*

Have a Great Day....


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*"Fantastic - Parenting needs to be predominant in building up Culture of belief in a Child."*


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