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*"Success has only one formula. "Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities"."*


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*"You dont need people's permission to be comfortable with who you are. God made you. If they have issues let 'em take it to God..."*


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*"Logic ridicules love, and love smiles knowingly at the whole foolishness of logic."*

— Osho


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*"Live.Talk to the person in front of you. Hold the door for people. Smile if someone catches your eye. Say thank you. Say please. Give hugs. Compliment people. Compliment yourself. Love yourself. No one will remember what type of pants you are wearing but they will remember the way you walked in them. So walk softly. Speak boldly. Love gently. Laugh loudly. Call someone if they cross your mind. Allow yourself to be happy for others, and most importantly allow yourself to be happy for yourself, through every stage and step of your life. Be happy. Life doesn't have to be perfect for it to be perfect."*


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*"Your PREDICTIONS does not give the actual results your CREATION does!"*

predictions can fail efforts don't


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*"When you are tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you..."*

Live life Daily.


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*"When you learn to translate every event of your life in to a positive one, you will stop being prisoner of your past and become designer of your future..!"*


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*"Troubles only arise with thoughts, as the whole world arises only from thoughts. Why get yourself in all of this trouble? Simply do not think. When you don't think you don't need to do anything else. This is quite enough. And don't make any effort to not think."*


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🎯👆🏻While you're starting out, people will not believe in you or respect you.

You need to prove your worth first... and even if you do get respect, your competitors and the people around you will think you are a joke based on how high your ambitions are versus your present situation...

PROVE THEM WRONG. Be willing to work harder than everyone else, wake up earlier and read every book that's reputable in your industry...

And once you are a major success people will then come around: those that laughed at you, joked about you and didn't believe in you will start telling you "I knew you'd be a success!"...

what will you do then? It's your call.

become the lion🦁

Good morning &
Great day ahead! 🏊‍♀⛷⛹‍♀🤺🤼‍♀🏋🤾🏻‍♂🏇💪💐


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🎯👆🏻The world doesn't owe you anything you have to create it.

Can I tell you this, you only have control over three things in your life,

# The thoughts you think,
# The images you visualize and
#Actions you take (your behavior).

It's not the external conditions and circumstances that stop you it is you.

Nothing in this world can stop you except the one you give power to.

You have every potentials to succeed in you. Break the shackles off.

See you at the top because that's where you belong."*

Good morning &
Have a fantastic day ahead! 🤺🤼‍♀🏋🤾🏻‍♂🏇🏊‍♀⛷⛹‍♀💪💐


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Save money not for today but for career

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Do not think it's big or small it has to do the same work

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*Positive Thinking is not about expecting the best to happen every time But accepting that whatever happens is the best for this moment.*


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*Do it with passion or not at all..*

*Whatever is worth doing; Is worth doing WELL*



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*To be Old & Wise; you must have to be Young & Stupid*
_Slow and Steady_


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*"Know you real enemy. Your enemy is not the person that confronts your weakness. Your enemy is the one who feeds your weakness."*


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*"Successful people succeed by attempting the same goal many times. Failures fail by attempting many goals only one time."*


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*"Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you any where."*

— Zen saying


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Food For Life....

*"What's The Meaning Of "LIFE"
When A Person Is Born,
He Has Breath But No Name &
When He Dies,
He Has Name But No Breath.

The 'GAP' Between This
Breath & Name Is

Every Exit Has An Entry Somewhere,
Every End Has A New Beginning,
Every Dark Cloud Has A Silver Lining."*

Never Leave Hopes,
Life Means Possibilities.


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*"What you give out, you get back. To get back good stuff, genuine love, respect and consideration, give those things out.

That’s simple and easy to remember as a concept. It works for you, only when you work to put it into practice.

Before you speak, plan or act, ask yourself. How will it affect the people around you?

That doesn’t mean you must live in fear of what other people will think or say about you. It does mean you can always improve on the amount and quality of consideration you show toward others.

When you’ve consistently done well in life, it’s because you’ve consistently remembered to be considerate. When you’ve strayed away from respect and consideration toward others, you’ve likely brought more struggle into your life.

People, organisations, communities and cultures that have respect and consideration embedded throughout them, thrive and prosper. It’s always a good thing to remember, always a good way to live."*


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`1. 👉No matter how beautiful and handsome you're just remember Baboon and Gorillas also attract tourists .
✌Stop Boasting✌

2.👉No matter how big and strong you are, you will not carry yourself to your Grave .
✌Be Humble✌

3.👉No matter how tall you are, you can never see tomorrow.
✌Be Patient✌

4.👉No matter how Light Skinned you are, you will always need light in Darkness ✌Take Caution ✌

5.👉No matter how Rich and many Cars you have, you will always Walk to Bed
✌Be Contented✌

Take Life Easy, Life is short.


Have you taken note of the CO-INCIDENCE OF LIFE:

1. CHURCH has 6 letters so does MOSQUE.

2. BIBLE has 5 letters so does QURAN.

3. LIFE has 4 letters so does DEAD.

4. HATE has 4 letters, so does LOVE.

5. ENEMIES has 7 letters, so does FRIENDS.

6. LYING has 5 letters, so does TRUTH.

7. HURT has 4 letters, so does HEAL.

8. NEGATIVE has 8 letters, so does POSITIVE.

9. FAILURE has 7 letters, so does SUCCESS.

10. BELOW has 5 letters, so does ABOVE.

11. CRY has 3 letters so does JOY.

12. ANGER has 5 letters, so does HAPPY.

13. RIGHT has 5 letters, so does WRONG.

14. RICH has 4 letters, so does POOR.

15. FAIL has 4 letters, so does PASS.

16. KNOWLEDGE has 9 letters, so does IGNORANCE.

Are they all by Coincidence? We should choose wisely, this means LIFE is like a double-edged sword.
If you think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a dead body and you will realise that it is the grace of God that woke you up. If you are grateful to God, forward this to all your friends to inform them that it is JUST BY THE GRACE OF GOD that we are alive.


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*"The one excellent thing that can be learned from a lion is that whatever a man intends doing should be done by him with a whole-hearted and strenuous effort."*

*"एक उत्कृष्ट बात जो शेर से सीखी जा सकती है वो ये है कि व्यक्ति जो कुछ भी करना चाहता है उसे पूरे दिल और ज़ोरदार प्रयास के साथ करे।"*


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Be aware of energy drainers! Do not blend in with anyone just to feel validated. Some people can be emotional parasites feeding off of your love, kindness, enthusiasm and positivity. They will use you to build and feed their own insecurities all while leaving you with just a hollow feeling inside. These are what we term as takers. If you feel this way it's time to disconnect from that scenario and reconnect with yourself.

Start getting to know what your needs and wants are. Get use to saying 'NO'! Say if I'm going to give you this then this is what I need! Place yourself around the dinner table of those who are hungry and polite enough to serve you as well with good food for thought, feeling and growth. Connect with people of like mindedness and who too have something to give to your development of becoming a powerful person. Start planning to win! There is not enough time to lose. Believe the Champion in You. -Adrian Starks
Good morning 🌅
Have a great day 😊😊

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Even a seed can grow for a tree

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U can't built a building in a day but u can dream it

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*"Understanding Someone is much better than Knowing someone. Because There are Many People Who Know Us, But Very Few Who Truly Understand Us."*


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*No one really cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy for the life you've chosen*
Have a wonderful day ahead..


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*Quality means; "Doing it right when no one is looking*

_Forget the human praise but strictly chase the elevation thereof_


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*"Greet everyday with a smile. It enhances your self confidence."*


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