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*Trust yourself, create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life*
*The darkness may not dissipate all at once, but as surely as night always gives way to dawn, the light will come*


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*If you don't step forward you will always remain in the same place*
*If you can't do great big things, do great little things*
_Be Effective_


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*Never hesitate on your instincts. Deep down, you always know what's best for you*
_Don't conform to what the Odd situation warrants_


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*Instead of complaining about your circumstances, get busy and create some new ones*


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*"If you want to build a billion-dollar business, you will take the actions necessary to do it. If you want to sit comfortably watching TV night after night - you will take the actions necessary for that. Don't be disappointed in your results they're just the outward manifestation of your priorities. Be sure of what you truly want, because you are sure to get it! Make your better Life a priority and see it come to fruition. The mark of a great man is one who knows when to set aside the important things in order to accomplish the vital ones. Set your priorities right and take steps towards them! The Principle of Priority states (a) you must know the difference between what is urgent and what is important, and (b) you must do what’s important first. Always remember; Action expresses priorities. A better life awaits you!"*


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*How Emotions Affect Our Health...* - *You are not a drop in the ocean but an ocean in every drop*.....said Rumi.

What did he mean by that .... every cell in our body is intelligent to think and act .. We have *60 trillion* cells in our body and our health depends a lot on the harmonic balance and cohesion of the cells .... with each other...

In the movie Eat, Pray, Love, Julia Roberts visits a wise man in Bali, and he advises her not to try too hard to meditate .. in fact he suggests that meditation is nothing but smiling and the line that is a kicker, is "Smile with your liver"

If you believe that this is just a metaphor, lets look at the other end of the spectrum to prove just how crucial this is..

Let us say you hold a negative emotion towards somebody, something or some event in your life .... each time you think of that your whole body re-lives the emotional upheaval of that association ..
Your mind doesn't have a mind of its own, and doesn't know if the event is happening in real time or it is being replayed.. so it produces the same stress hormones each time .. each and every cell of your body starts feeling the same emotion, of let us say "hatred" towards that event, person or experience all over again...

The body is not at ease.. this is a state where the condition of dis-ease sets in....

If you continue to live in that state, your cells are now getting conditioned to live in the same state...
The Upanishads talk about *"Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande"* .. as is the atom so is the universe....
Health of a person, depends on how well all the systems of the body and the *60 trillion cells* play the melody of harmony together..
When the cells are living in a state of hatred, they soon start exhibiting that with each other and killing healthy cells in the body...This leads to many forms of auto immune disease...
Like Rumi said.. you are not a drop in the ocean, you are an ocean in every drop...
Be careful of your thoughts, your feelings and your emotions...
*Forgive people, not because they deserve it, but because you need it... Stay happy, stay healthy...*Have a wonderful healthy life ahead filled with the abundance of good health and happiness

🙏 Happiness to all 😊


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*"What is inside you is completely yours. Choose strength, endurance, kindness and love.

Though you can make great and intelligent, sometimes that effort fails. Though you can give your absolute best, sometimes forces beyond your control render your actions useless.

Even when disappointment is piled on top of disappointment, you can face forward with hope and the highest expectations. When life utterly fails to reward, you can reward yourself with new strength to keep going.

You have your life, you have your choice of how to see it and you have your strength of will. Choose to be strong inside, and nothing can invalidate that choice.

Though you can prudently avoid many problems and cleverly solve many others, some things you just have to endure. And you can, when you make the commitment to yourself to be strong.

Just because life can be disappointing, doesn’t mean you have to be. Choose strength, endurance, kindness and love."*


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*"Dreaming about a dream is TEMPERORY , visualizing makes it CONSTRUCTIVE and standing beside and holding hands with it is what makes it SUCCESSFUL!"*

choose mindfully.


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वृद्धाश्रम की दीवार पर एक सुंदर वाक्य लिखा हुआ था..

​नीचे गिरे हुये सूखे पत्तों 🍂 पर ज़रा आहिस्ते से पैर रखते हुए गुज़रें....​

​क्योंकि कड़क धूप में आप भी कभी उनकी🌳 छाँव के नीचे खड़े हुए थे....​

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एक कार कंपनी में ऑटोमोबाइल इंजिनियर ने एक वर्ल्ड क्लास कार डिज़ाइन की। कंपनी के मालिक ने कार की डिजाईन बेहद पसंद की और इंजिनियर की खूब तारीफ की।

जब पहली कार की टेस्टिंग होनी थी तो कार को फैक्ट्री से निकालते समय उसे अहसास हुआ कि कार शटर से बाहर निकल ही नहीं सकती थी, क्योंकि कार की ऊंचाई गेट से कुछ इंच ज़्यादा थी। इंजिनियर को निराशा हुई कि उसने इस बात का ख्याल क्यों नहीं किया।

इसके दो उपाय सूझे:
पहला, कार को बाहर निकालते समय गेट की छतसे टकराने के कारण जो कुछ बम्प, स्क्रैच आदि आएं, उन्हें बाहर निकलने के बाद रिपेयर किया जाये। पेंटिंग सेक्शन इंजिनियर ने भी सहमति दे दी, हालाँकि उसे शक था कि कार की खूबसूरती वैसी ही बरक़रार रहेगी।

कंपनी के जनरल मैनेजर ने सलाह दी कि गेट का शटर हटाकर गेट के ऊपरी हिस्से को तोड़ दिया जाय। कार निकलने के पश्चात गेट को रिपेयर करा लेंगे।

यह बात कंपनी का गार्ड सुन रहा था। उसने झिझकते हुए कहा कि अगर आप मुंझे मौका दें तो शायद मैं कुछ हल निकाल सकूँ। मालिक ने बेमन से उसे स्वीकृति दी।

गार्ड ने चारों पहियों की हवा निकाल दी, जिससे कार की ऊंचाई 3-4 इंच कम हो गयी और कार बड़े आराम से बाहर निकल गयी।

किसी भी समस्या को हमेशा एक्सपर्ट की तरह ही न देखें। एक आम आदमी की तरह भी समस्या का बढ़िया हल निकल सकता है।

*ज़िन्दगी के लिए इस कहानी से सबक:*
"कभी कभी किसी दोस्त के घर का दरवाजा हमें छोटा लगने लगता है, क्योंकि हम अपने आपको ऊँचा समझते हैं। अगर हम अपने दिमाग से थोड़ी सी हवा (ईगो) निकाल देवें, तो आसानी से हम अंदर जा सकते हैं। ज़िन्दगी सरलता का ही दूसरा नाम है।"

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'मुश्किलों का आना
​Part of Life​ है'
"और उनमे से हँस कर बाहर आना
​Art of Life​ है"

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समय की अनुभूति, हमारे वर्तमान कर्तव्य पर निर्भर करती है।

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A Champion has a sacred agreement within themselves, deep down, that will not allow them to give up on something that they truly feel connected or drawn to. Do you have that agreement with yourself? I love Howard Thurman's thought on this matter:
" The spirit of a human being is not easily vanquished. It is fragile and tough. You may fail again and again and yet something will not let you give up". -Howard Thurman
Good morning
Have a great day 😊😊

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*"I remember the historic football match between *Nigeria and Brazil in Atlanta 1996.*
Brazil was the king of global football and they knew it. So, Nigeria losing to Brazil that night would not be a big deal.
Gosh! Brazil dealt with us that night. Till around 77th minutes (about 12 minutes to the end of the game) Brazil was obviously dominating the game. The score line was *Brazil 3, Nigeria 1.*
Despite the Brazil squad including star names such as *Carlos, Rivaldo, Bebeto and Ronaldo,* Nigerians watching the game still think Nigeria did not deserve such humiliation by Brazil boys, we had been beaten mercilessly.

Nigerians became angry toward the end of the match; many had turned off their Television sets, some were shedding tears. While few hoped and prayed that we would not be further disgraced with yet another goal.
But the unimaginable happened in the game.
At about 78th minutes Victor Ikepba stroked from 20 meters to score the second goal, everything changed beyond the *3:2* score line. Pressure came upon Brazil. And hope for the Nigeria players, they became more *motivated* and began to fire shots from every angle.
Then another *miracle,* at the *90th minute,* just before the final whistle, *Kanu Nwankwo* turned and flipped the ball over *Dida-The Brazilian keeper,* and it was another goal, the *equalizer.* What a wonderful match.
And there was a rule then, “the Golden Goal”. That the first to score in the extra time wins the game.
Then came the decisive goal from *'Papilo'*in just *3 minutes of the extra time.* And that was how the messy game became a message.
A lot can still be done this year to make it a glorious year, the remaining part of the year is sufficient to define the whole year. Don't loose hope now. It is too early to give up on your beautiful expectations for this year. It is not over until it is over. *Wipe off the tears and buckle your shoes.*

1. Review
2. Re-strategize
3. Relaunch.

You will win. Resist the pull of fatigue regardless of the past disappointments, delayed gratification, failures, and broken promises. Keep moving you are getting closer.

*Be motivated, hardworking, disciplined and be prayerful.*


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*"You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices."*


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*Comparison with others dimwit our rapidness in growing*
*The only person you should strive to be better than, is the person you were yesterday*


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*The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have*
*Desire! That's the one secret of every persons career. Not education, not being born with hidden talents*


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*Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn*
_Wake Up_


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*Success is not something that just happens - Success is learned, success is practised and then it is shared*


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*"Difficult roles, by great directors, are given to the best actors..."* Never complain to God about difficulties of life because he is the biggest director and he is giving you the role that you can play with a purpose!!! Always display gratitude for what that greatest director gives you. Remember Gratitude is the Best Attitude!!! Believe in yourself and have complete faith in the design of God Almighty and *Go On Going On.*

Have a Stupendous Monday.


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"Do not conform to the ways of the world but, be transformed by the renewing of your mind!" You see, change is a part of life. Change is the only 'constant' in life. Ignore it and you become history. You will not experience transformation unless you change your mindset, your attitude, and your approach to solving everyday problems. How can you continue to do the same old things everyday and expect to see real change in your life? Challenge the status quo. Exit your comfort zone, if you have to. Try new things. Go to new places, if need be. Sever relationships that are taking a heavy toll on you and begin to focus on the ones that add value to your life. You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!


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*"Everything in LIFE Can’t Make You Happy. Everything in a Day Can’t Make You Satisfied,
There is One Thing Which Makes You Feel Good … Thats the LOVE for You in Someone’s Eyes....
*Life's Little Instructions For The Day*
Be strong Enough to Let Go, Wise Enough to Move Forward, Diligent Enough to Work Hard, and Patient Enough To Wait For What You Deserve."*


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are Always Judged in the Worst Condition,..Otherwise,.
Everyone seems Good at the Tea n Coffee Table..😊


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प्रसन्न व्यक्ति वह हैं जो निरंतर​
​स्वयं का मूल्यांकन करता हैं।​
​और दुःखी व्यक्ति वह हैं जो सदैव दूसरों का मूल्यांकन करता हैं।​

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सर झुकाने की खूबसूरती भी क्या कमाल की होती हैं​

​जमीन पर सर रखों और दुआ आसमान में कुबूल हो जाती हैं​।

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नदी में गिरने से​..,
​कभी भी किसी की मौत​
​नहीं होती​ .....
​मौत तो तब होती है​..,
​जब उसे तैरना नहीं आता​ .....
​ठीक उसी तरह​
​परिस्थितियाँ कभी भी हमारे लिए​
​समस्या नहीं बनती​
​समस्या तो तब बनती हैं​..,
​हमें परिस्थितियों से​
​निपटना नहीं आता​

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*"You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up the belief that you can't have it."*


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● *BELIEVE* – while others are doubting.
● *PLAN* – while others are playing.
● *STUDY* – while others are sleeping.
● *DECIDE* – while others are delaying.
● *PREPARE* – while others are daydreaming.
● *BEGIN* – while others are procrastinating.
● *WORK* – while others are wishing.
● *INVEST* – while others are wasting.
● *LISTEN* – while others are talking.
● *SMILE* – while others are frowning.
● *COMMEND* – while others are criticizing.
● *PERSIST* – while others are quitting.


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*"Life is not about negative circumstances that happen to you, it's about what you do with the golden opportunities hidden within!"*


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💥👆🏻Playing safe make no heroes. Ordinary people play it safe that's why they are ordinary.

Life is full of risks. But that is not the problem. The problem is, too many of us fear to take risk.

We run away from the pain of risk and we carry the burden of regret all our lives. If you really want it, go and get it.

If you do what everyone else is doing, you will make no difference. But if you want extraordinary results, you must go that extra mile.

When you really want to do it, I don't see how people are going to stop you. No. Never!

You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

Good morning &
Great week ahead! 💐💪😊


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