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*"The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat."*


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*You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and shoves you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee?*

"Well because someone bumped into me, of course!"

Wrong answer.

You spilled the coffee because coffee was in the cup.

If tea had been in it, you would have spilled tea.

Whatever is inside the cup is what will come out.

Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which will happen), whatever is inside of you will come out.
It's easy to fake it until you get rattled.

So we have to ask ourselves....what's in my cup?

When life gets tough, what spills over?

Joy, gratefulness, peace and humility?
Or anger, bitterness, harsh words and actions?

*You choose!*

Today let's work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation to yourself and others, kindness, gentleness, and love..


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*"A ship does not sink by going through the water, it sinks when it allows the water to go through it.
Don't be defined by situations."*


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*Undeniable Truth*

*Beauty is not a guarantee to marriage . Falling sick does not mean you are about to die.

Getting rich is not the definition of prosperity. Building a nice house is not enjoying luxury. Sleeping on an expensive bed does not bring you sound sleep. Driving a new car is not a guarantee that you gonna reach where you are going. Wearing best clothes does not mean they are fitting you. Owning a family doctor does not guarantee permanent health. Being highly educated is not a sign of wisdom.

Marrying a rich guy does not guarantee happy marriage. Winning an argument does not mean that you are correct.

Whatever is done without the merit of Heaven is fake and temporal. He who builds without God is building for nothing ; and he who watches over a city without God, watches in vain.

Not everything is possible with men, yet everything is possible with God. Involve God in everything you do.*

*Begin with the Alfa and Omega, the beginning and the end of all what we intend to do.*


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*"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.”*

— Harriet Beecher Stow


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Quote For Life....

Life Is A One - Way Road
Where You Can See Back. BUT
You Can't Go Back.

Have The Courage
To Live A Life
True To Yourself
Not The Life Others
Expect Of You.

The Goal Isn't
About The Money,
The Goal Is Living
Life The Way
I Want To Live.

Your Positive Action
Combined With Positive
Thinking Results In


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"Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve."


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A great man once said if you
take all the money in the world and distribute them equally among people
after a while all the -monies will go back to their original owners. Why?

The poor are
mainly consumers and the rich are mainly investors.

Show me a POOR man and I'll show you a man who

P - Passes
O - Over
O - Opportunities
R - Repeatedly.

A man who sees challenges in every opportunity instead of seeing opportunity in every challenge.

Being a MAN is not a title, it's a responsibility. It means you have to answer financially in the
M - Morning
A - Afternoon and
N - Night.

You must take great risks to receive greater rewards.

You must plan and strategize, you must value profit not wages, you must be focused and you must be determined if you want good success.

Last but not least, You must involve God.

*"The worst people on earth to serve are the POOR PEOPLE"*

POOR: *meaning* "Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly"

*See the reasons below:*

1)Give them for free, they will think it is a trap.

2)Tell them it's a small investment, they will say you can't earn much.

3)Tell them to come in BIG, they will say "I don't have any money".

4)Tell them to try new things, they will say "no experience; has it been proven to work? Who has gained from it before?".

5)Tell them it's a traditional business, they'll say "it's too HARD to do".

6)Tell them it is a new business model, they will say "I don't do network marketing and how many years has this business model been existing?".

7)Tell them to run a shop, they will say "I will be tied down, I'll have no freedom".

8)Tell them to follow a 5-year business plan, they will say "it's too long. Please, I can't wait for so long".

9)Ask them what can they do? They will say "I can do ANYTHING".

10)They like to ask friends who are as hopeless as themselves to get their opinions.
11) They think more than a University Professor and do less than a blind man.

Penny wise, Pound foolish.

One major challenge POOR people have is "LACK OF ACTION!"

They enjoy their comfort zone, dwelling and swimming in their "own type of knowledge".

Anything beyond their reason "can't work, and therefore it is fraudulent"

This is the cause!

Remember: It's RISKY to take a RISK, but it's even RISKIER not to take any risk at all...


*Learn to try out new things*
*The world is not ruled only by prayer warriors but by mental warriors who act and push with all they have*

Act now!!!!!!


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People die at their dinner tables, die in their beds. They die squatting over their chamberpots. Everybody dies, sooner or later. Don’t worry about your death. Worry about your life. Take charge of your life, for as long as it lasts.”


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*"Example has more followers than reason."*


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*"The medicines that a body needs is measured in mg. Shortage of even a few milligrams of a chemical can cause problems."

Give love even if it is only a tiny amount. The chemical change caused even by a few milligrams of love can be a life saver."*


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*"There is nothing called Darkness, It's just absence of light. Similarly, there is nothing called problem, It's just absence of an Idea to find solution."*


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*"Today you are able to reason, to act and to make a difference. Today, life is going in your way.

Take stock of your situation, and decide on your best choice in this moment. Act on that choice and move quickly ahead.

Your life matters much more than the excuses, frustrations, pain and inconvenience. With your ability to contribute to all of life, you can rise above each challenge and move the world forward.

Whatever else is happening, life is going in your way. Because you can do something about it, do something with it and do something for it.

When the temptations arise to be resentful, judgmental or discouraged, remind yourself that life is going in your way. Fill your awareness with enthusiasm for all the good you can do.

You are here on this unique day, able to chart a positive course. Give your very best to make the most of your opportunity."*


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*"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."*

-Nelson Mandela

Happy Teachers day.


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💐Happy Teacher's Day💐

आदर्शों की मिसाल बनकर
बाल जीवन संवारता शिक्षक,

सदाबहार फूल-सा खिलकर
महकता और महकाता शिक्षक,

नित नए प्रेरक आयाम लेकर
हर पल भव्य बनाता शिक्षक,

संचित ज्ञान का धन हमें देकर
खुशियां खूब मनाता शिक्षक,

""शिक्षक की गोद में ही निर्माण और प्रलय दोनों पलते हैं,,,,

अतः शिक्षक कभी साधारण नही होता।


सभी साथियों को शिक्षक दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं !!
🌾🌾 🌾🌾

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🎯👆🏻Be the person you say you are. Be original!

Make a decision to be true to yourself in pursuit of your dreams! Don't engage in self-deception. Don't pretend as if you are doing something worthwhile when in actual fact you are not.

You know the targets you've set for yourself. Only you know the dreams you want to see become a reality.

Are you following them truthfully?
Are you still on the path to greatness?
Aren't you deceiving yourself thinking you're deceiving others? Polonius once said that "to thine ownself be true."

Be true to yourself. Pursue your dreams with hunger for success. Don't engage in self destructive behaviours like procrastination, self-doubt and blaming others for your mistakes.

After all is said and done, will you say you are following your dreams according to plans?

Keep thinking about it! But, to thine ownself be true! Remember you are the paper and the pen of your destiny, rewrite your story to suit your purpose on earth.

Ask God for mercy as you move forward. You deserve success....!

Good morning &
Great day ahead! 💐😊💪


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*"Be yourself, no matter what others think. You have to live your life, not they."*


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*"Don't try and fit your faith into your busy schedule, build your schedule around your faith."*


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No matter how painful
& difficult the decision
you have made in your life.

If you can sleep well at night without guilt...
Rest assured, you took the right steps..!!

"Live in peace..
Not in pieces."


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*"The strongest humans are the ones who still choose to be the part of the world that tore them a part."*



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*"Life is not always easy. You never need it to be easy. Because you are strong, and willing to grow stronger.

You know the good things demand work. And you’re always willing to do that work.

You’ve learned to accept the troubles. You’ve found that joy is possible in every moment, and multiplies when shared.

You do what you have to do, when it must be done. And you feel the incomparable satisfaction of knowing you’re always helping to push life along.

You always give and give some more. And when occasionally you turn around to look back, you’re amazed at how much progress you’ve made.

Life is good, because you are eager to accept as it comes. Life is good, because every day you renew your commitment to make it so."*


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*LIFE MO.........*

It is a major blow when death hit a person close to us, we wonder why such a cruel thing will happen to a father, brother, sister or close friends especially when they are young and were healthy before they gave up the ghost. Its usually a time for reflection for some, some wallow in pain, others in regret, while the brave once make the personal decision to let go of their lost and face life.

Many movies always end with happy smiles, happy endings. But what they fail to show us is that life doesnot always end like that, unless you fight for it. Many atimes people die fighting for the wrong things and at the end of their life they regret taking that lowroad.

You may ask what then should we fight or live for?, Hey listen, *FAMILY, OUR CLOSE RELATIONS, THOSE WE KEEP DEAR TO OUR HEART, THOSE WHOSE DEATH WILL TAKE US OFF OUR FEET*. Life is made of many beautiful moments, give this moments to your love ones, cause at the end of the road you will realise *THOSE MOMENT IS ALL THAT MATTERS.*

I don't usually do piece like this, but i think this will help someone out there to live for those they love.


*(Everyone can make it).*



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Celebrate yourselves and take some time to give yourselves a pat on the back! Yes! There is nothing wrong with acknowledging you. We don't do this enough. The Champion in You needs to know that the hard work is not going unnoticed.
Good morning
Have a great day 😊

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🎯👆🏻Don't ever allow yourself the excuse to give up on you! That is not a human option.

You can be broken but not destroyed. There is renewal power no matter where you are or who you are! Everything you do matters. Make every day count.

Success is not attracted to the uncommitted, undisciplined and inconsistent. Don't disqualify yourself by a lack of preparation and dedication.

It's time to win more with your life. Believe the Champion in You!

Good morning &
Great day ahead! 💐💪🏊‍♀🏇🤾🏻‍♂⛹‍♀🤼‍♀🤺⛷😊


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*"The problem with us is we're impatient. We always demand answers, wanting things to make sense now. The Almighty is All-Knowing. Trust Him."*


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*CONFIDENCE* is our best accessory never leave without it.

It may not bring success but it gives the power to face *CHALLENGES*..

*As cold water and warm IRON take away the Wrinkles of clothes, A cool mind and warm heart takes out the worries of LIFE.*

Have 🅰 Successful day


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*"You get introduced by your VIBRATIONS and ENERGY, not by your WORDS!"*

*be magical*


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🌴 ​शिक्षक ​TEACHER​ के एक - एक अक्षर का मतलब 🌴 :-​

​​T​ - Tact full (व्यवहार - कुशल )​
​​E​ - Efficient (कार्य - कुशल )​
​​A​ - Active (सक्रिय )​
​​C​ - Confident (आत्मविश्वासी )​
​​H​ - Honest (ईमानदार )​
​​E​ - Excellent (उत्कृष्ट )​
​​R​ - Regular (नियमित )​

🌴 ​Teacher ​शिक्षक​ का अर्थ 🌴 :-​

​​शि​ - शिखर तक लें जाने वाला,​
​​क्ष​ - क्षमा की भावना रखने वाला,​
​​क​ - कमजोरी को दूर करने वाला !​

​​जो विद्यार्थी की हर गलती को क्षमा करने की भावना रखता है और उसकी हर कमजोरी दूर कर उसको शिखर (सफलता ) तक लें जाता है वहीं सच्चा शिक्षक कहलाता है।​​

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A heartfelt thank you to all the teachers who spend their time, energy, and love to care to educate children. Happy Teachers Day!


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*"Hope Is Wishing Something Will Happen.
Faith Is Believing Something Will Happen.
Courage Is Making Something Happen.

Every Goal Is
Achievable Until
We Quit Trying.

A Good Teacher
That Consumes Itself
To Light The Way For Others.
Happy Teachers Day."*


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