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I am like a little pencil in God’s hand…. He does the writing. The pencil has nothing to do with it. -Mother Teresa
1. What’s truly important, lies within you.
2. Never forget the hand that guides you.
3. Just like pencil, have a firm grip on life. Too much pressure can break it.
4. Like eraser, remove all your mistakes and rewrite your story.
5. Unless you go through painful sharpening, the best within you will never come out.
6. Unless what is within you comes out, you cannot make an impact. Our personality can impress, but being a genuine person can inspire.
7. The outside of pencil is beautiful, wooden casing and inside is a substance i.e lead. Similarly, we have outside, our looks, personality, our valuables and inside i.e. our morals, characters, values.🌹

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What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
1. Never give up whatever is the situation. Whether they take a route around or over that obstacle, they just keep moving tirelessly toward their goal.
2. Don’t get scared of hard work or heavy task. Ants are determined for their work.
3. Ants make the most of every opportunity. Many people live their lives without taking advantage of their opportunities.
4. Ants are great planners, when it is winter; they store up enough food. Ants are better planners than some individuals.
5. Ants are persistent, whenever an obstacle is placed in the way of ants; they always find a way round such obstacles.
6. Ants have an amazing sense of discipline. They march one after the other without any accident.
7. They do teamwork. Ants work well together. They do not stop until they accomplish their work.

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If you do a job another’s way, he or she must take the responsibility. If you do it your way, you must take the responsibility.

The “loneliness at the top” that senior officials often feel comes from the certain knowledge that they alone are responsible for the failure or success of the organization. They may share their authority with associates, but not their responsibility. When a sports franchise suffers a losing season, the general manager and the coaches are held accountable. They, not the individual players, are responsible for the failure of the team; the team merely followed orders. When you become the leader, when you set the course, you must accept responsibility for the outcome.

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Food For Life This Week....

Walking Is The Best  Exercise.
Walk Away,From Arguments
That Lead You To Nowhere
But Anger.
Walk Away,From People
Who Deliberately
Put You Down.
Walk Away,From Any Thought
That Reduces Your Worth.
Walk Away, From
Failures & Fears
That Stifle Your Dreams.
The More You Walk Away
From Things That
Poison Your Soul,
The Happier Your
Life Would Be.
Gift Yourself A Walk
Towards Happiness.

Have A Gr8 Week.🤠✨💐


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✨Respect yourself! Hold your head up high! It's not arrogance. It only means you know your worth.

You see, how others treat you is a reflection of how you treat yourself!

How do you carry yourself around?
What environment do you create around you?
Does it attract good people and things into your life? It's really important.

Treat yourself good. Hold yourself to higher standards and keep your word. It's time to rise above the level of mediocrity.

You see, eagles don't mingle with pigeons. If you have some goals that you are reaching for, you can't do that by being around negative people.

They will cause you to lose your nerve and your focus. But how do you avoid negative people when you yourself are negative?

So, start from yourself. You can do it. I BELIEVE IN YOU!

Good morning & Have A
Great week ahead ! 💐💪🏻✨🎯🏅


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खाली पेट - (लघुकथा)

लगभग दस साल का बालक राधा का गेट बजा रहा है।
राधा ने बाहर आकर पूंछा
"क्या है ? "
"आंटी जी क्या मैं आपका गार्डन साफ कर दूं ?"
"नहीं, हमें नहीं करवाना।"
हाथ जोड़ते हुए दयनीय स्वर में "प्लीज आंटी जी करा लीजिये न, अच्छे से साफ करूंगा।"
द्रवित होते हुए "अच्छा ठीक है, कितने पैसा लेगा ?"
"पैसा नहीं आंटी जी, खाना दे देना।"
" ओह !! अच्छे से काम करना।"
"लगता है, बेचारा भूखा है।पहले खाना दे देती हूँ। राधा बुदबुदायी।"
लड़के ! पहले खाना खा ले, फिर काम करना।
"नहीं आंटी जी, पहले काम कर लूँ फिर आप खाना दे देना।"
"ठीक है ! कहकर राधा अपने काम में लग गयी।"
एक घंटे बाद "आंटी जी देख लीजिए, सफाई अच्छे से हुई कि नहीं।"
"अरे वाह! तूने तो बहुत बढ़िया सफाई की है, गमले भी करीने से जमा दिए।यहाॅं बैठ, मैं खाना लाती हूँ।"
जैसे ही राधा ने उसे खाना दिया वह जेब से पन्नी निकाल कर उसमें खाना रखने लगा।"
"भूखे काम किया है, अब खाना तो यहीं बैठकर खा ले।जरूरत होगी तो और दे दूंगी।"
"नहीं आंटी, मेरी बीमार माँ घर पर है।सरकारी अस्पताल से दवा तो मिल गयी है,पर डाॅ साहब ने कहा है दवा खाली पेट नहीं खाना है।"
राधा रो पड़ी..
और अपने हाथों से मासुम को उसकी दुसरी माँ बनकर खाना खिलाया..
फिर... उसकी माँ के लिए रोटियां बनाई .. और साथ उसके घर जाकर उसकी माँ को रोटियां दे आयी ..
और कह आयी .. बहन आप बहुत अमीर हो ..
जो दौलत आपने अपने बेटे को दी है वो हम अपने बच्चो को भी नहीं दे पाते ..


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Nice learning ::: Jack Ma, the richest man in China said: "If you put Bananas and Money in front of Monkeys, monkeys will choose Bananas because monkeys do not know that money can buy a lot of Bananas. IN REALITY, if you offer JOB and BUSINESS to people, they would choose JOB because most people do not know that BUSINESS can bring more MONEY than wages. "Profit is better than wages, for wages can make you a living but profits can bring you a fortune." Focus on your goal and vision in 2018. It doesn't matter now what you didn't achieve in 2017, its gone. Your 2018 MUST be greater than 2017.

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Just because we couldn't do something yesterday does not mean you can't achieve it today.
Reminded that we are one day stronger, never think we are helpless , never give up.
Become one of the rare people that don't know how to quit.

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The wisdom of the wise
and the experience of ages may be
preserved by quotation.
— Benjamin Disraeli

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You can avoid procrastination by changing your learning to see your future in your present. “Moving the priorities of your future-self into the present can become such a natural perspective that you are more likely to start something as early as possible than wait too long.” A Nowist leans towards the future from an “active, practical, let’s-make-this-work view of the world.” They only review the past for insights that will help them move forward. They understand cause and effect. “Not everyone sees clear connections between how actions in the past have created the situation in the present, or how actions in the present will shape, or create, the future.” I we can’t make these connections we are “isolated, disconnected and therefore cut off from the power of the #Now.”

We all exist in the #Now. It is only in the #Now that we can think, do, or change anything in the future. A Nowist is an active optimist. They believe they can make good things happen and take action to create a better future.

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“For better or worse, humans are holistic. Even the human body does best when its spiritual and physical sides are synchronized… People’s bodies perform best when their brains are on board with the program… Helping your mind to believe what you do is good, noble, and worthwhile in itself helps to fuel your energies and propel your efforts.” — Rabbi Daniel Lapin

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“Nobody's going to do your life for you. You have to do it yourself, whether you're rich or poor, out of money or raking it in, the beneficiary of ridiculous fortune or terrible injustice. And you have to do it no matter what is true. No matter what is hard. No matter what unjust, sad, sucky things befall you. Self-pity is a dead-end road. You make the choice to drive down it. It's up to you to decide to stay parked there or to turn around and drive out.”

- Cheryl Strayed

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Aravind J K:
✒️✒️✒️Moral Stories🖌🖌🖌

🌹🌹🌹Learn to Appreciate🌹🌹🌹

Once upon a time, there was a man who was very helpful, kindhearted, and generous. He was a man who will help someone without asking anything to pay him back. He will help someone because he wants to and he loves to.  One day while walking into a dusty road, this man saw a purse, so he picked it up and noticed that the purse was empty. Suddenly a woman with a policeman shows up and gets him arrested.

The woman kept on asking where did he hide her money but the man replied, “It was empty when I found it, Mam.” The woman yelled at him, “Please give it back, It’s for my son’s school fees.”  The man noticed that the woman really felt sad, so he handed all his money.  He could say that the woman was a single mother.  The man said, “Take these, sorry for the inconvenience.”  The woman left and policeman held he man for further questioning.

The woman was very happy but when she counted her money later on, it was doubled, she was shocked.  One day while woman was going to pay her son’s school fees towards the school, she noticed that some skinny man was walking behind her.  She thought that he may rob her, so she approached a policeman standing nearby.  He was the same policeman, who she took along to inquire about her purse.  The woman told him about the man following her, but suddenly they saw that man collapsing.  They ran at him, and saw that he was the same man whom they arrested few days back for stealing a purse.

He looked very weak and woman was confused.  The policeman said to the woman, “He didn’t return your money, he gave you his money that day.  He wasn’t the thief but hearing about you son’s school fees, he felt sad and gave you his money.”  Later, they helped man stand up, and man told the woman, “Please go ahead and pay your son’s school fees, I saw you and followed you to be sure that no one steals your son’s school fees.”   The woman was speechless.


Moral: Life gives you strange experiences, sometime it shocks you and sometimes it may surprise you. We end up making wrong judgments or mistakes in our anger, desperation and frustration. However, when you get a second chance, correct your mistakes and return the favor. Be Kind and Generous. Learn to Appreciate what you are given.🍀🍀🍀



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You are either honest or dishonest. There can be no compromise between the two.

Officials who deal with fraud and theft say they are often amazed at the small amounts of money some people will steal. Some people will sell their integrity for a pittance. To those individuals, dishonest behavior is not an occasional occurrence — it is a way of life. Those who lie about insignificant things or steal trivial amounts of money will develop the habit of lying and stealing. As you look back on your own behavior, can you do so with pride in the knowledge that you have always been honest? If you cannot, perhaps it is time to think about the times when you chose dishonest behavior. Why did you do it? Was it worth it? Wouldn’t the consequences of being honest and truthful have been far better in those circumstances? Learn from your mistakes and vow that from this day forward you will always be honest.

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The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.​
​Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. Starve your distractions & feed your focus. Do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.​
​Remain focused; Put your future in safe hands-your own.​

😊 ​Smile For Change​ 😊



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What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

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✨🙏अवश्य पढ़ें✨🙏 -

एक सहेली ने दूसरी सहेली से पूछा:- बच्चा पैदा होने की खुशी में तुम्हारे पति ने तुम्हें क्या तोहफा दिया ?
सहेली ने कहा - कुछ भी नहीं!
उसने सवाल करते हुए पूछा कि क्या ये अच्छी बात है ? क्या उस की नज़र में तुम्हारी कोई कीमत नहीं ?
लफ्ज़ों का ये ज़हरीला बम गिरा कर वह सहेली दूसरी सहेली को अपनी फिक्र में छोड़कर चलती बनी।।
थोड़ी देर बाद शाम के वक्त उसका पति घर आया और पत्नी का मुंह लटका हुआ पाया।। फिर दोनों में झगड़ा हुआ।।
एक दूसरे को लानतें भेजी।। मारपीट हुई, और आखिर पति पत्नी में तलाक हो गया।।
​जानते हैं प्रॉब्लम की शुरुआत कहां से हुई ? उस फिजूल जुमले से जो उसका हालचाल जानने आई सहेली ने कहा था।।​
रवि ने अपने जिगरी दोस्त पवन से पूछा:- तुम कहां काम करते हो?
पवन- फला दुकान में।। रवि- कितनी तनख्वाह देता है मालिक?
पवन-18 हजार।।
रवि-18000 रुपये बस, तुम्हारी जिंदगी कैसे कटती है इतने पैसों में ?
पवन- (गहरी सांस खींचते हुए)- बस यार क्या बताऊं।।
मीटिंग खत्म हुई, कुछ दिनों के बाद पवन अब अपने काम से बेरूखा हो गया।। और तनख्वाह बढ़ाने की डिमांड कर दी।। जिसे मालिक ने रद्द कर दिया।। पवन ने जॉब छोड़ दी और बेरोजगार हो गया।। पहले उसके पास काम था अब काम नहीं रहा।।
एक साहब ने एक शख्स से कहा जो अपने बेटे से अलग रहता था।। तुम्हारा बेटा तुमसे बहुत कम मिलने आता है।। क्या उसे तुमसे मोहब्बत नहीं रही? बाप ने कहा बेटा ज्यादा व्यस्त रहता है, उसका काम का शेड्यूल बहुत सख्त है।। उसके बीवी बच्चे हैं, उसे बहुत कम वक्त मिलता है।।
पहला आदमी बोला- वाह!! यह क्या बात हुई, तुमने उसे पाला-पोसा उसकी हर ख्वाहिश पूरी की, अब उसको बुढ़ापे में व्यस्तता की वजह से मिलने का वक्त नहीं मिलता है।। तो यह ना मिलने का बहाना है।।
इस बातचीत के बाद बाप के दिल में बेटे के प्रति शंका पैदा हो गई।। बेटा जब भी मिलने आता वो ये ही सोचता रहता कि उसके पास सबके लिए वक्त है सिवाय मेरे।।
​याद रखिए जुबान से निकले शब्द दूसरे पर बड़ा गहरा असर डाल देते हैं।। बेशक कुछ लोगों की जुबानों से शैतानी बोल निकलते हैं।। हमारी रोज़मर्रा की ज़िंदगी में बहुत से सवाल हमें बहुत मासूम लगते हैं।।​ जैसे-
​तुमने यह क्यों नहीं खरीदा।।​
​तुम्हारे पास यह क्यों नहीं है।।​
​तुम इस शख्स के साथ पूरी जिंदगी कैसे चल सकती हो।।​
​तुम उसे कैसे मान सकते हो।।​ वगैरा वगैरा।।
इस तरह के बेमतलबी फिजूल के सवाल नादानी में या बिना मकसद के हम पूछ बैठते हैं।।
जबकि हम यह भूल जाते हैं कि हमारे ये सवाल सुनने वाले के दिल में नफरत या मोहब्बत का कौन सा बीज बो रहे हैं।।
आज के दौर में हमारे इर्द-गिर्द, समाज या घरों में जो टेंशन टाइट होती जा रही है, उनकी जड़ तक जाया जाए तो अक्सर उसके पीछे किसी और का हाथ होता है।। वो ये नहीं जानते कि नादानी में या जानबूझकर बोले जाने वाले जुमले किसी की ज़िंदगी को तबाह कर सकते हैं।।
ऐसी हवा फैलाने वाले हम ना बनें।। लोगों के घरों में अंधे बनकर जाओ और वहां से गूंगे बनकर निकलो।।
​(आंख बंद करके एक बार विचार जरूर करें)​🙏

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एक घटना मुझे याद आती है। एक गांव के पास एक बहुत सुंदर पहाड़ था। उस सुंदर पहाड़ पर एक मंदिर था। वह दस मील की ही दूरी पर था और गांव से यह मंदिर दिखाई पड़ता था। दूर-दूर के लोग उस मंदिर के दर्शन करने आते और उस पहाड़ को देखने जाते। उस गांव में एक युवक था, वह भी सोचता था, कभी मुझे जाकर देख आना है। लेकिन करीब था, कभी भी देख आएगा। लेकिन एक दिन उसने तय ही कर लिया कि मैं कब तक रुका रहूंगा; आज रात मुझे उठ कर चले जाना है। सुबह से धूप बढ़ जाती थी, इसलिए वह दो बजे रात उठा। उसने लालटेन जलाई और गांव के बाहर आया। घनी अंधेरी रात थी, वह बहुत डर गया। उसने सोचा, छोटी-सी लालटेन है, दोत्तीन कदम तक प्रकाश पड़ता है, और दस मील का फासला है। इतना दस मील का अंधेरा इतनी छोटी-सी लालटेन से कैसे कटेगा? इतना है अंधेरा, इतना विराट, इतनी छोटी-सी है लालटेन पास में, इससे क्या होगा? इससे दस मील पार नहीं किए जा सकते। सूरज की राह देखनी चाहिए, तभी ठीक होगा। वह वहीं गांव के बाहर बैठ गया।

ठीक भी था, उसका गणित बिलकुल सही था। और आमतौर से ऐसा ही गणित अधिकतम लोगों का होता है। तीन फीट तक तो प्रकाश पहुंचता है और दस मील लंबा रास्ता है। भाग दे दें दस मील में तीन फीट का, तो कहीं इस लालटेन से काम चलने वाला है? लाखों लालटेन चाहिए, तब कहीं कुछ हो सकता है।

वह वहां डरा हुआ बैठा था और सुबह की प्रतीक्षा करता था। तभी एक बूढ़ा आदमी एक और छोटे-से दीए को हाथ में लिए चला जा रहा था। उसने उस बूढ़े से पूछा, पागल हो गए हो? कुछ गणित का पता है? दस मील लंबा रास्ता है, तुम्हारे दीए से तो एक कदम भी रोशनी नहीं पड़ती है! उस बूढ़े ने कहा, पागल, एक कदम से ज्यादा कभी कोई चल पाया है? एक कदम से ज्यादा मैं चल भी नहीं सकता, रोशनी चाहे हजार मील पड़ती रहे। और जब तक मैं एक कदम चलता हूं, तब तक रोशनी एक कदम आगे बढ़ जाती है। दस मील क्या, मैं दस हजार मील पार कर लूंगा। उठ आ, तू क्यों बैठा है? तेरे पास तो अच्छी लालटेन है। एक कदम तू आगे चलेगा, रोशनी उतनी आगे बढ़ जाएगी।

जिंदगी में, अगर कोई पूरा हिसाब पहले लगा ले तो वहीं बैठ जाएगा, वहीं डर जाएगा और खत्म हो जाएगा। जिंदगी में एक-एक कदम का हिसाब लगाने वाले लोग हजारों मील चल जाते हैं और हजारों मील का हिसाब लगाने वाले लोग एक कदम भी नहीं उठाते, डर के मारे वहीं बैठे रह जाते हैं।💯%✅

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How 2 people with dreams built a Billion Dollar Company

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The best way to predict your future is to CREATE it.

✏️Don't sit back and let anyone or anything dictate what you can do with your life

✏️Make a decision today which is going to make you proud of tomorrow🖌🖌 Good night and great dreams👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😀🌹😀👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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Story of the man without limbs, Nick Vujicic ❤️

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Loafing on your job hurts your employer, but it hurts you more.

Some people expend far more energy getting out of work than they would spend doing the job well. They may think they are fooling the boss, but they are only fooling themselves. An employer may not know all the details of every job or every task an individual performs, but a good manager knows the results of effort. You can be sure that when promotions or plum assignments become available, they won’t be offered to loafers. If you do your job cheerfully and well, not only are you more likely to be recognized and rewarded, but you also learn how to do your job better. As you become more proficient, you become more valuable to your employer. You also acquire the most valuable of all assets — the confidence that comes from knowing you possess skills that will increase your value to any organization.

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You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.

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People who grab opportunities that are available now, who don’t waste time looking back, and are regret-minimizers, are what McKeown calls Nowists.

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Now is a good time to think about your #Now. How will you use your #NOW?

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If you’re struggling, you deserve to make self-care a priority. Whether that means lying in bed all day, eating comfort food, crying, sleeping, rescheduling plans, finding an escape through a good book, watching your favorite tv show, or doing nothing at all — give yourself permission to put your healing first. Quiet the voice telling you to do more and be more, and today, whatever you do, let it be enough. Feel your feelings, breathe, and be gentle with yourself. Acknowledge that you’re doing the best you can to cope and survive. And trust that during this time of struggle, it’s enough.”

- Daniell Koepke

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There are 2 choices to reflect upon.
1. Being busy making a living or 2. Being productive in creating your Life
Adrian Starks

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🎯👆Keep doing what you are doing.

Your growth might not be instant, your capacity might not be built immediately but it is being built consistently, so keep at it!

People might not see your progress but that doesn't mean there isn't any made.

Maintain your consistency! Consistency is key.

Not everything works at it's first trial, but eventually everything works as long as you keep on working.

So keep doing what you are doing! A better life awaits you!

Happy Sunday 💐🤠✨🙏


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