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CLOCKWISE-Winner’s Routine is a 5 day power-packed workshop , where you will get 15 scientific techniques to increase productivity & kill Procastination and set up a mindful routine to increase your brain capacity.

Visit the website & register yourself-

Click here to get enrolled -

Thank you
Jatin Gulati
Clockwise-Winner’s Routine

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Don’t take advantage of someone’s generosity just because they don’t know how to say no.

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Gadget - iPad pro
App - procreate

My new drawing


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🛑Day 1 -
Unleash your brain capacity!
🛑Day 2 - 10X your Memory in 3 weeks
🛑Day 3 - 5 hacks to razor sharp focus and stopping social media distractions
🛑Day 4 - Habit formation for consistency
🛑Day 5 - 5 fatal mistakes IAS aspirants make! 5 Mantras to 2X your chances of clearing Prelims this time!

✅Watch this sample video :click here

🎖Register now :

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Life changing WORKSHOP starting from 1th July

Level 1 - 600rs. ( Discounted price )
Duration -21 days

Life changing Workshop include

• Self improvement transformation
• Let go fear and awkwardness
• To become super confident
• Overcoming bad inner voice
• Rid from negative emotions
• Attract luck and positivity
• Healing
• Mind magic and manifestation
• Changing limiting beliefs
• Remove your block
• Attract abundance

Some benefits:

Are you stuck in past?
Are you complaining continue?
Are you think continuously, you are bad?
Are you do overthinking?
Are you stuck in negativity?
Are you stop believing in yourself?
Are you ...... So on....... List is continuing.

Some other benefits

1. It's on whatsapp group or telegram group ( no charge of transportation, no time boundation )
2. Life time connectness with us.

Limited seat !
More details -
Review of Workshop -

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Gadget - iPad pro
App - procreate

My new drawing


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Imagine being loved the way you love.

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Gadget - iPad pro
App - procreate

My new drawing


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Medals and titles will not count when you get to heaven, but you may be looked over carefully for the sort of deeds you have done.

It is a fundamental principle of Christianity, and many other religions, that in the afterlife the only real measure of success will be how you have lived your life, not how much money you have accumulated. Whatever your faith may be, a good rule of everyday behavior is to live your life so that when it is over you can take pride in the knowledge that you have made a difference in the lives of those who have known you. It’s easy in the crush of everyday life to lose sight of the true riches of life, the things that really matter. Psychologist Ilona Tobin defines true success as “giving and receiving love, having physical and mental health, enough wealth to provide you with options, and the time to enjoy them all.” Whatever your personal definition of success may be, make sure that it includes a healthy measure of the truly important things in life.

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Happy Republic Day


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🌹🌹The Five-Minute Technique: effective one to avoid Procastination🌹🌹
Another great technique to help you get started on your task is called the “five-minute technique.” As the name of the technique implies, all you do here is commit yourself to working on your chosen task for just five minutes.
One of the reasons we procrastinate is because we dread spending hours working on a task we don’t like. The very thought of working on the task for a long period of time (e.g., doing the taxes, cleaning out the garage, preparing the annual company report) tires us out. It saps away our mental energy. Thus, we make excuses such as “I’ll do it tomorrow when I have more time” or “I’m too tired right now, so I’ll save it for tomorrow.” I’m ashamed to admit that these are both excuses I have made far too often.
Fortunately, there’s a solution. The five-minute technique helps decrease the perceived pain of working on the task. It’s painful to think about working on an unpleasant task for two hours, but it’s much easier to think about doing it for only five minutes.🌷
Good Morning. Have a great day ahead😀😀

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Raise your level of thinking!

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Wisdom is not based upon age. It’s based upon how we learn from our failures and accomplishments and how we apply those learned experiences to our daily lives. -Adrian Starks

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Your progress in life begins in your own mind and ends in the same place.

Every great accomplishment began with the germ of an idea in the mind of a great person, then was shaped for practical usefulness and finally transformed into reality. Make your mind a fertile ground for ideas through constant study and learning, and condition through constant practice to discipline yourself to follow through on your good ideas. The most brilliant concept in the world is only a dream unless you take action. Even a mediocre idea that is put into practice is far more valuable than a flash of genius that languishes in a fallow, undisciplined mind.

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🛑Day 1 -
Unleash your brain capacity!
🛑Day 2 - 10X your Memory in 3 weeks
🛑Day 3 - 5 hacks to razor sharp focus and stopping social media distractions
🛑Day 4 - Habit formation for consistency
🛑Day 5 - 5 fatal mistakes IAS aspirants make! 5 Mantras to 2X your chances of clearing Prelims this time!

✅Watch this sample video :click here

🎖Register now :

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Life changing WORKSHOP starting from 1th July

Level 1 - 600rs. ( Discounted price )
Duration -21 days

Life changing Workshop include

• Self improvement transformation
• Let go fear and awkwardness
• To become super confident
• Overcoming bad inner voice
• Rid from negative emotions
• Attract luck and positivity
• Healing
• Mind magic and manifestation
• Changing limiting beliefs
• Remove your block
• Attract abundance

Some benefits:

Are you stuck in past?
Are you complaining continue?
Are you think continuously, you are bad?
Are you do overthinking?
Are you stuck in negativity?
Are you stop believing in yourself?
Are you ...... So on....... List is continuing.

Some other benefits

1. It's on whatsapp group or telegram group ( no charge of transportation, no time boundation )
2. Life time connectness with us.

Limited seat !
More details -
Review of Workshop -

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8 stages of Yoga:

1 Yama: universal moral commandments
2 Niyama: self purification thru discipline
3 Asan: posture
4 Pranayam: breath-control
5 Pratyahar: withdrawal of mind frm external objects
6 Dharana: concentration
7 Dhyan: meditation
8 Samadhi: State of superconsciousness.

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“Study hard what interests you the most in the most undisciplined, irreverent and original manner possible.”
― Richard Feynmann

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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know.
It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
— Mark Twain

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Showing kindness is NOT flirting.

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You are everything
and everything
is in you.

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It’s simple, very simple.
You don’t need to be perfect.
Just be better than yesterday.

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🎯👆You don't have endless tomorrows. So, make today count. Make every second of your life count.

No more "buts." It's time to act! There are seven days of the week. And "someday" is not one of them. Enough of the procrastination. Start now.

It is better to try and fail than living the rest of your life regretting the things you could have done but, you didn't do!

Don't waste your time crying and complaining about your past failures. Be strong. Take courage and go after your dreams. You can do it.


Good morning & Have A
Great Saturday ahead 💐💪🏻🤠✨🎯


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Most welcome to our prestigious group
💕😊 You all dear friends😊💕


Link of this group :-

               ⚜ Rules⚜

1⃣ Respect each other

2⃣ Be Polite, Languages allowed - Hindi and English only

3⃣ Don't add any member in other groups without their permission

4⃣ Posting videos, audios, documents, Pictures, Thoughts, Quotes, Articles, Text, Stories and all type of stuff which are  related to positivity, Motivation, Inspiration, Morality, Humanity, learnable lessons are all allowed.

5⃣ Irrelevant Chat is Forbidden {Prohibited} and Don't ask for anything here, Only appreciate what you like...✨ BUT.. but...
If You have any Personal Problem like STRESS/DEPRESSION/ANXIETY or need any advice related to LIFE, then write(post) your Question/Query with #admin...

6⃣ Avoid talking and arguing about one's religion, nationality and political views

7⃣ Advertising(sharing links, channels, groups, stuff with channel link) without administrator's Permission is forbidden.

8⃣ And You can't change group's name and Icon

9⃣ Any problems or questions?? Talk to the administrators.

🔟 Don't message any member in private... Without their permission... If anyone get *annoying messages* from other members, please take screenshot and send it to one of group's admin, Admin will ban that person instantly, Who irritates you by private messaging...

*"Those members will be banned without any Warning,, who break rules..."*

⚜ Positive India Group' Admin Panel 🔱

🤗💕 Thank You

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हम गणतंत्र भारत के निवासी, करते अपनी मनमानी।

दुनिया की कोई फिक्र नहीं, संविधान है करता पहरेदारी।।

है इतिहास इसका बहुत पुराना, संघर्षों का था वो जमाना;

न थी कुछ करने की आजादी, चारों तरफ हो रही थी बस देश की बर्बादी,

एक तरफ विदेशी हमलों की मार,

दूसरी तरफ दे रहे थे कुछ अपने ही अपनो को घात,

पर आजादी के परवानों ने हार नहीं मानी थी,

विदेशियों से देश को आजाद कराने की जिद्द ठानी थी,

एक के एक बाद किये विदेशी शासकों पर घात,

छोड़ दी अपनी जान की परवाह, बस आजाद होने की थी आखिरी आस।

1857 की क्रान्ति आजादी के संघर्ष की पहली कहानी थी,

जो मेरठ, कानपुर, बरेली, झांसी, दिल्ली और अवध में लगी चिंगारी थी,

जिसकी नायिका झांसी की रानी आजादी की दिवानी थी,

देश भक्ति के रंग में रंगी वो एक मस्तानी थी,

जिसने देश हित के लिये स्वंय को बलिदान करने की ठानी थी,

उसके साहस और संगठन के नेतृत्व ने अंग्रेजों की नींद उड़ायी थी,

हरा दिया उसे षडयंत्र रचकर, कूटनीति का भंयकर जाल बुनकर,

मर गयी वो पर मरकर भी अमर हो गयी,

अपने बलिदान के बाद भी अंग्रेजों में खौफ छोड़ गयी,

उसकी शहादत ने हजारों देशवासियों को नींद से उठाया था,

अंग्रेजी शासन के खिलाफ एक नयी सेना के निर्माण को बढ़ाया था,

फिर तो शुरु हो गया अंग्रेजी शासन के खिलाफ संघर्ष का सिलसिला,

एक के बाद एक बनता गया वीरों का काफिला,

वो वीर मौत के खौफ से न भय खाते थे,

अंग्रेजों को सीधे मैदान में धूल चटाते थे,

ईट का जवाब पत्थर से देना उनको आता था,

अंग्रेजों के बुने हुये जाल में उन्हीं को फसाना बखूबी आता था,

खोल दिया अंग्रेजों से संघर्ष का दो तरफा मोर्चा,

1885 में कर डाली कांग्रेस की स्थापना,

लाला लाजपत राय, तिलक और विपिन चन्द्र पाल,

घोष, बोस जैसे अध्यक्षों ने की जिसकी अध्यक्षता,

इन देशभक्तों ने अपनी चतुराई से अंग्रेजों को राजनीति में उलझाया था,

उन्हीं के दाव-पेचों से अपनी माँगों को मनवाया था,

सत्य, अहिंसा और सत्याग्रह के मार्ग को गाँधी ने अपनाया था,

कांग्रेस के माध्यम से ही उन्होंने जन समर्थन जुटाया था,

दूसरी तरफ क्रान्तिकारियों ने भी अपना मोर्चा लगाया था,

बिस्मिल, अशफाक, आजाद, भगत सिंह, सुखदेव, राजगुरु जैसे,

क्रान्तिकारियों से देशवासियों का परिचय कराया था,

अपना सर्वस्व इन्होंने देश पर लुटाया था,

तब जाकर 1947 में हमने आजादी को पाया था,

एक बहुत बड़ी कीमत चुकायी है हमने इस आजादी की खातिर,

न जाने कितने वीरों ने जान गवाई थी देश प्रेम की खातिर,

निभा गये वो अपना फर्ज देकर अपनी जाने,

निभाये हम भी अपना फर्ज आओ आजादी को पहचाने,

देश प्रेम में डूबे वो, न हिन्दू, न मुस्लिम थे,

वो भारत के वासी भारत माँ के बेटे थे,

उन्हीं की तरह देश की शरहद पर हरेक सैनिक अपना फर्ज निभाता है,

कर्तव्य के रास्ते पर खुद को शहीद कर जाता है,

आओ हम भी देश के सभ्य नागरिक बने,

हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, सब छोड़कर, मिलजुलकर आगे बढ़े,

जातिवाद, क्षेत्रवाद, आतंकवाद, ये देश में फैली बुराई है,

जिन्हें किसी और ने नहीं देश के नेताओं ने फैलाई है

अपनी कमियों को छिपाने को देश को भ्रमाया है,

जातिवाद के चक्र में हम सब को उलझाया है,

अभी समय है इस भ्रम को तोड़ जाने का,

सबकुछ छोड़ भारतीय बन देश विकास को करने का,

यदि फसे रहे जातिवाद में, तो पिछड़कर रह जायेंगे संसार में,

अभी समय है उठ जाओं वरना पछताते रह जाओगें,

समय निकल जाने पर हाथ मलते रह जाओगे,

भेदभाव को पीछे छोड़ सब हिन्दुस्तानी बन जाये,

इस गणतंत्र दिवस पर मिलजुलकर तिरंगा लहराये।।

🤠❣🇮🇳 आप सभी को गणतंत्र दिवस की हार्दिक और तहेदिल से शुभकामनायें🇮🇳🤠❣

Long Live INDIA🇮🇳😌❣

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Dare to dream a new dream!

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You should never let the word "impossible" resonate with you. Don't even accept it into your treasures of self building vocabulary. It doesn't belong there because it will only erode your self esteem leading you down the slippery slopes to join those who were unwilling to keep climbing until they make it!

You are always possible. Don't shy away from an attempt just because it didn't work for someone else. Never let anyone casually deny you of your purpose and ability to do what they were unwilling to do or continue trying until they saw better results. This is your life but you will need to own it and claim your space. Believe the Champion in You! -Adrian Starks

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If you don’t know why you failed, you are no wiser than when you began.

There’s an old adage that those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So it is with our failures. Unless we learn from our mistakes, we are likely to repeat them until we learn from such experiences and correct our course — or give up and accept temporary defeat as permanent failure. Every setback you encounter in life contains valuable information that, if you study it carefully, will eventually lead you to success. Without adversity, you would never develop wisdom, and without wisdom, success would be short-lived indeed. When you make a mistake, say, “That’s good! I’ve gotten that out of the way. I will never do that again.” You will no doubt make other mistakes, but they won’t bother you nearly as much when you treat them as learning experiences.

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Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose’s birth anniversary

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