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Guilty as charged. We judge ourselves too much. Yeah we do. We stand in front of the jury of our past and point the finger because we made some unrecognizable mistakes during those moments. We failed at something or something failed at us. There we stand taking the blame and the shame. Then we wonder why we are not free and able to live out our life's task.
The first thing is to forgive the past. If not you will be imprisoned with fear, anger or resentment. You wont be free to give to life with your talents and gifts. The Dream will merely be an allusion for you. Let that past go so you can grow. Be not the judge. Be not the accuser. Be the person who wants to be free to live as you choose. It's not easy creating a better life for yourself but neither is it impossible. You must be free in your mind, your powerful heart and undeniable spirit. These are the keys to unlock your winning potential. Believe the Champion in You. -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a great day....😊

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if you have any positive story or something inspiration you can share...😊

group of positive india..

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dear friends if anybody of you have a testseries and subscribe material so please share with us . sharing is caring so you can share with @vimalr06 .

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I am 21 years old and am already bored of life. What should I do? by Ritisha Vimal

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On 14th May we all celebrate the mothers day. If you have any memory, message and letter for mother, you can share with us.
If you have any gift, photos then you can also share.

Use # your name, if you want to share in the positive India channel.

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Stay focused. Stay steady. And always be ready. Opportunities surround you.
-Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a good day...😊

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So you've already managed to climb out of bed, start your day and get to work and guess what... you're not feeling as energized, motivated and focused as you usually are!
Let's fix that up right now before you waste a whole day and your chance to get a few big things done.
1. Hydrate your body!
No, not with coffee or supplements or whatever you guys take now days...with good old fashioned water and maybe throw in a lemon if you're not a big water drinker!
Being dehydrated and not drinking enough water can often lead to you losing your edge and not feeling as energized and it's always good to make sure you are flushing your system with lots of water. So now you have an excuse for all those extended bath room breaks you take through out the day...
2. Get moving! I know I say it almost every day but motion creates emotion! So get moving... stand up and make your calls, get animated, go outside for a brisk walk around the block every hour and do whatever you can to change your state by moving around.
I always find going for quick walk, with my headphones in and a few of my favourite songs playing always helps me to feel a bit more energized and motivated.
3. Focus your mind. So much of our energy and performance level is dictated to us by our focus and what we allow our mind to focus on. So here is a quick exercise you can try at your desk or work station right now.
Grab a blank sheet of paper and a pen. Close your eyes for 2 minutes, clear your mind and think about nothing.... be still for that moment in time. When you open your eyes again I just want you to stare at that blank sheet for a minute, that blank sheet of paper represents a fresh start and a blank canvas!
Now, I want you to write down the 3 things you are absolutely going accomplish today - not a list of 27 things or your to do list. Just 3 simple things you are going to do next.
That's it! Those 3 things will give you clarity and as they say "clarity is power" and it's absolutely true when it comes to feeling more energized. Get those 3 things done and you'll build some momentum and want to keep pushing on!
I hope that helps you to feel a bit more energized during your day!

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This is your life. You only get one to live. Live it now and let's get you to Champion Up! Everyday is another day to make some key changes that will get you going in a better and a more fitting direction. Your life won't change overnight. Stay involved and keep your resilience. You don't get out of life what you have or how fast you think you should get it. You get from it what you are and are willing to give. So give your time, energy and passion. Believe the Champion in You. -Adrian Starks
Good morning 🌅
Have a good day....😊

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Look clearly at what is and then, look past it. Look, with eyes of wonder and positive expectation, at what can be.

See the world in all its rock solid reality and then, look a little further. Discover what good effort and strong purpose can build from such a reality. Fall completely in love with life in this moment. Then push that love into the future and make from it a great vision. Dare to expect the highest and best from yourself. Dare to see the good that has not yet manifest, and dare to make it be. When others talk of trouble and toil, listen, understand, empathize. Then step forward with a great and shining vision, and make life better for everyone who lives it. Know that the best is always yet to come. Live with vision, and live to make it happen.

— Ralph Marston

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if you have any positive story or something inspiration you can share...😊

group of positive india..

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#women #respect #honesty #yqbaba

Follow my writings on #yourquote

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Photo from Niranjan Kaushik

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माॅं ना बुरी होती है... और ना गलत होती है....
माॅं सिर्फ मॉं होती है....
I love you Aai.... FoReveR..
Thanks for making myself so much confident and beautiful 😍🌹🌹🌹...

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On 14th May, we all celebrate the mothers day. If you have any memory, message and letter for your mother, you can share with us. If you have any gift, photos then you can also share.

Mention your Message, Name with hashtag #MothersDay2017

Best Entries would be published in our Channel ❤️

Join & Share:

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❤️ Daily Dose Of Motivation ❤️

Don’t let your joys become needs. Set them free and enjoy them even more. There are activities, people, foods, drinks and experiences you enjoy. Yet if you get to the point where you must have them, where you need them, their joy disappears.

Life has enough chores and burdens. Don’t corrupt and reshape joy into a burden by needing to have it. Instead, allow joy. Give, encourage, support and enable joy to find a place in your world. Let joy be, without strife, desperation, needs or conditions. Let joy be, and let joy pull you toward it. By very definition, anything you need you do not have. Get away from the need for joy, and get onwith the living of it.

— Ralph Marston

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if you have any positive story or something inspiration you can share...😊

group of positive india..

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dear friends if anybody of you have a testseries and subscribe material so please share with us . sharing is caring so you can share with @vimalr06 .

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What should you do if you are confused by your own thoughts? by Ritisha Vimal

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if you have any positive story or something inspiration you can share...😊

group of positive india..

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If you've been feeling a bit lazy lately and haven't really wanted to get up and do the things you know you should do, here are a few tips that might help you to get motivated and feel energized again.
1. Workout! Whenever you feel lazy or feel your energy levels dropping get your body moving! Motion creates emotion and you want to be proactive and beat laziness before it gets hold of you and throws you on the couch and holds you hostage makes you eat that bag of corn chips. So get moving, put your running shoes on and walk or hit the gym or do some star jumps!
2. I always find whenever I get lazy it's time to put on some tunes that get me pumped up and just start writing. Get into the habit of writing when you start feeling lazy, get your goals down, get your ideas down, watch a video and just take mindless notes. Writing is a great way to release stress and focus your mind on something bigger and more exciting and usually that snaps me out of being lazy in 20 minutes or so!
3. Go out and do something! It's so easy to be lazy at home, as you know! So go outside and see something, walk somewhere, meet a friend for a coffee or go to your favourite stores and just get inspired and focus your mind on what's possible. Put yourself in an environment that inspires you and limits your opportunities to feel lazy & uninspired.
4. One of the best things you can do when you are feeling lazy is to just clean up and tidy up around you. Nothing changes your state like a fresh and clean environment and nothing makes your subconscious brain come alive more than seeing a before and after snap shot of something you've personally just done!
5. This is one of my favourite things to do when I really get stuck and that's to go out and volunteer and help someone out. Shifting your focus onto someone else's challenges and being able to help someone always snaps you out of your funk!
6. Finally, grab your note pad and pen and hop online and start planning your next adventure or big purchase. You always have to have something to look forward to in life and that's an easy way to start feeling excited & motivated to get up off your butt!
That's it! Go get back in the game!

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Change your blueprint. Today I reposted a rare video of one of the greatest inspirations to walk on this ever changing planet. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of knowing your worth and understanding that you can and must determine your blue print. The blueprint is the personal story we have all told ourselves repeatedly through our experiences. Here are some examples: This is as good as it gets, maybe if I'm lucky, it's just not in my favor, I'm not qualified enough, i come from a different background, I'm too old, I'm too young, I'm not that intelligent or I'm over my head and the list goes on.
Change your personal blue print this week. Start changing how you feel about where you can go with yourself. Everything starts with an idea and then a belief. Believe you are somebody great that is on the verge of having a powerful breakthrough! Don't worry about what you don't have but only be concerned with what you are going to get. We get from life what we are. Life doesn't happen to you because it wants to happen for you. Remember that nothing on this Earth can stand in the way of a plan backed by persistence and determination. What's your life's plan? It's up to you. As Lao Tzu would say, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step". Step up Champion, it's time to start working more intently on your vision. -Adrian Starks
Good morning
Have a good day...😊

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So many people don't live for today. They are completely consumed with the future, and yet it is how we live today that creates our future.

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If you could have one thing that would make your life better, what would it be? by Ritisha Vimal

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