Android Themes for all! If you'd like to see your Android theme featured here or learn how to make your own, join our Android Themes group ( Want other cool themes? -
Fellow themers,
We didn't forget the last challenge, sadly we were just too busy with other things to give this specific one the attention it deserved.
While we now work on bringing you the awaited results, here's our next challenge:
As we all know, we are currently living in unusual circumstances and most of us stay home for our own safety and safety of others, away from nature so we decided to bring nature into Telegram itself! A breath of fresh air!
The rules are quite simple, you have to create a theme related to plants.
What are the requirements?
It is recommended to support iOS and Android. The bare minimum is one mobile platform and Telegram Desktop. Support for the MacOS version is optional. Feel free to join @TelegramThemes if you need help!
Topic: Plants
Deadline: 20th May 2020 at 23:59 UTC(+0)
Requirements: Cross-platform theme (more info above)
Submissions: @ThemeChallengeBot and type /start
Good luck and happy theming!
Sent by: @rchelle
#christmas #challenge
✅ Android, iOS, TDesktop, macOS;
#android #ios #tdesktop #macos
Thanks for all of your contributions to the christmas theme challenge. We picked two themes which were more special than the others - if you still want to share your theme, please do it in @TelegramThemes. We will start our next challenge soon! 🙌
Congratulations to the winners! 🎉
By Rochelle
✅ iOS, Android, TDesktop, macOS
#ios, #android, #tdesktop, #macos
Christmas Challenge
Winter is upon us and Christmas is coming soon - so that's the topic of our latest theme challenge! However, things have changed - Telegram now has support for Cloud Themes and with it comes new responsibilities for theme creators taking part in our challenges! You should now support multiple platforms with one theme.
The deadline for submissions is the 24th December at 23:59 UTC(+0), we will start showing the best submissions soon after that.
The task
Create a Christmas theme which works on multiple platforms.
Submitting themes
Send “/start“ to @ThemeChallengeBot and check out the introduction.
Once you’re confident, submit the link of your glorious Holiday themed masterpiece.
What are the requirements?
It is recommend to support iOS and Android. The bare minimum is one mobile platform and Telegram Desktop. But it is optional to support the MacOS version.
“What if I only use Telegram on one device?“
Well, I'm glad you brought this up!
If you’d like to collaborate on testing or porting or just want to discuss cloud themes in general feel free to join our group @TelegramThemes.
We would love to see multiple people working together on one theme.
Topic: Christmas
Deadline: 24th December at 23:59 UTC(+0)
Requirements: Cross-platform theme (more info above)
Submissions: @ThemeChallengeBot and type /start
Good luck and happy theming!
M87 Black Hole
#dark #black #hole #gas #shadow #easteregg #EHT
Flowers by @temas_telegram.
#pink #flowers
Looks like custom themes will be arriving to Telegram X soon. We can't wait 😎.
Armageddon by @GraffitiDecorations (
#dark #pink #blue
June Theme Challenge
After a little break we’re back with a brand new theme challenge! While we love the darker themes that came from the last two challenges, it’s time to make things brighter and more colourful. A lot more colourful…
So, we’ve decided to dive into the history of art and make this month’s Theme Challenge Pop Art! Based on the 1950’s art movement that sought to blur the line between pop art and fine art, we want to see themes that are inspired by its vivid and colourful reimagining of pop culture.
Submit your theme to @AndroidThemesGroup with the hashtag #themechallenge. The deadline for submissions is the 30th June at 23:59 GMT, and the best submissions will be showcased soon after.
(For more information on theme challenges, check out this post -
Universe by @LinebeckThemes
#dark #purple #blue #planets #themechallenge
Happy new year fellow themers! 🎉
The dawn of a brand new year calls for something new and exciting, so here's the deal:
The task
For this challenge we give to you three color palettes. Pick one and turn it into a masterfully composed theme by Feb. 20th 2020.
Here are your choices:
Palette 1:hex: #150F28, rgb: 21, 15, 40
Palette 2:
hex: #236B72, rgb: 35, 107, 114
hex: #368F8A, rgb: 54, 143, 138hex: #6C567B, rgb: 108, 86, 123
Palette 3:
hex: #C06C84, rgb: 192, 108, 40
hex: #F6737F, rgb: 246, 115, 127hex: #FD7B69, rgb: 253, 123, 105
hex: #F5F2E7, rgb: 245, 242, 231
hex: #4AC5C8, rgb: 74, 197, 200
You need to use all three colors of a chosen palette. You are allowed to use shades (lighter/darker versions), black, white and greyscale. Don't add any new colors or your theme might be disqualified.
What are the requirements?
It is recommended to support iOS and Android. The bare minimum is one mobile platform and Telegram Desktop. Support for the MacOS version is optional. Feel free to join @TelegramThemes if you need help!
Topic: Choose a palette
Deadline: 20th Feb 2020 at 23:59 UTC(+0)
Requirements: Cross-platform theme (more info above)
Submissions: @ThemeChallengeBot and type /start
Good luck and happy theming!
#christmas #challenge
✅ Android, iOS, TDesktop, macOS;
#android #ios #tdesktop #macos
By @dotvhs
✅ iOS, Android, TDesktop, macOS
#ios, #android, #tdesktop, #macos
For a good start, we would like to present you two themes created by people from our community. Those themes are not taking part in the challenge, they are here to inspire you and on top of that both are fully cross-platform! Feel free to leave comments about them in our group.
Without further ado, here are the themes:
Spring by @aranscg
#spring #sakura #cherryblossom
April Theme Challenge
Remember when monthly theme challenges were a thing? We neither, but that's why we decided to give you a little bit of a head start on this one now that we bring you an all new challenge!
This month's theme challenge will obviously be all about eggs and spring(s)! - What do you mean "this isn't obvious at all"?
Fine, let us try to explain: When reviewing themes to post on this here channel we recently happened across an Easter egg in the Telegram Android client, which naturally got us thinking: What if there have been more Easter eggs all around us all along? Needless to say we've been on a wild Easter egg hunt all throughout the Telegram Theme Basement, spring-loadedly jolting from one corner of the room to another ever since and none of us have seen any sunlight for days.
We know it is customary for people all around the globe at this time of year to hide their eggs, but we would like to challenge you to instead present your most polished ones for everyone to see!
And please do also send some bright and colorful motifs to show us what nature has in store for us outside of our dusty, window-less Telegram Theme Basement this time of year, we are far too busy hunting eggs to even consider going outside to check for ourselves!
We're eggcitedly awaiting your eggcelent theme submissions to @AndroidThemesGroup with the hashtag #themechallenge. The deadline for submissions is the 30th April at 23:59 GMT, and the most egglightened submissions will be showcased soon after.
(For more information on theme challenges, check out this post -
DNA Wild Theme by @DNATG.
#dark #blue #purple
Anime Theme by Mysterious Cat
#light #blue
"Well, it's an anime, so you shouldn't think so hard about it."
Warframe by @OZthemes
#dark #purple #eggplant
T4T SKULL by @T4Tthemes4telegram
#light #pink
Dark Saturn by Nelson Bravo (@GraffitiDecorations)
#dark #green #planets #themechallenge
Challenge Planet by @lj_tg
#dark #grey #planets #themechallenge