We do not Forgive! We do not Forget! Do not expect Mercy! Expect us!
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Die Wahrheit über TARTARIA
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WARNUNG! Dieses Video behandelt ein verstörrendes Thema!
Dies ist eine HYPOTHESE und sollte als solches behandelt werden!
Die Idee dazu stammte von Youtuber Istoria Pi
Kannibalismus zeigt sich auf zwei sich ausschliessende Arten: Endo-und Exokannibalismus. Beim Exokannibalismus gehören die Opfer einer anderen Gruppe an, getötete Feinde oder Kriegsgefangene, an denen man Rache üben oder deren Stärke und Mut man übertragen möchte. Auf den Fidschi-Inseln beispielsweise wurden als feige verachtete Feinde nicht verspeist. Der Endokannibalismus dagegen meint den rituellen Verzehr von Verstorbenen der eigenen Gruppe
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Die Schlammflut Teil 1
Dies war das aller erste Video des Tartaria Teams.
Der Sound ist nicht so gut und wurde ein wenig angepasst.
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Starting with individuals, who has any peace? We have seen that the meek, mild and humble people are the most trampled upon. Because they don't fight back. What a sweet set up for bullies! It doesn't pay to bully the strong and fighting people. One can receive more than one gives. It's the strong who get any peace. It's a tribute to fear. It's not goodwill and cheer that makes peace. It's fear. Fear of retribution. That's how the peace destroying bullies of mankind are. They're only peaceful when they're afraid not to be. You don't have to worry about the naturally peaceful people. They don't want trouble.
Now, we know who are the enemies of peace. They're in control of all the "free and unfree" governments of the world. They are overrich, overfed, and overpay themselves. They, themselves, are not necessarily in the governments. They are in control by way of the money market. As long as they are in control, they'll never be peace. Indians have approached the tycoon controlled governments with their grievances. The Indians are motivated by the highest of motives - peace. The governments are motivated by the basest of motives - profits. It's not profitable to grant the Indians peace for the Indians are no threat to the peace of the profiteers. It's profitable to grant peace to Indians only when the Indians are a threat to the profiteers' peace. No sweet words can make governments honor solemn international treaties they made with Indians. Why does the "great white father" speak so patronizingly to Indians? Because "the Indians have no bargaining power."
The United States government even funds a school for medicine men (spiritual advisors) to keep Indians from having bargaining power. The said spiritual advisors advise the young spirited Indians, "Don't do anything to make the white man mad. He's too strong." Spiritual advisors do their best to kill the fighting spirit of young Indians by their voices of doom and pessimism. They urge spiritual ceremonies and to wait for the Creator to do their work for them.
On the positive side, Warrior Societies are being reorganized in various places all over the continent. They are learning ways to obtain bargaining power. Uncle Sam is strong alright. Less strong is Canada and Mexico, but they too feel just as secure from the Indians. Is this feeling of security valid? Just as a chain is as strong as its weakest link, Uncle Sam and these other countries have many weak links. So much so, that they are actually at the mercy of the Indians or any other potential enemy. It's not any secret. May people in the United States are in turmoil over it. To indulge their profits weakness, all the nuclear nations have installations which are actually monsters that can destroy their makers. All the opposition needs to do is sabotage these plants and start a reign of terror worse than the Inquisition which took 600 years to destroy 300 million infidels and heretics. This is giving away no secret as millions of people in the United States are aware of it and are fighting to get all nuclear installations dismantled. If they want a professional opinion, the governments should as their war departments. "What can Warrior Societies do?" They'll be told that the Warrior Societies can do plenty.
Yes, the oppressive governments have to be good to Indians now. Restoring some of the dispossessed lands back to the Indians is in the category of being good. So, the Indians can grow their own food, provide their own livelihood, have their own style proven governments, their own education, justice, housing, etc. These, boys and girls, are the prospects in the near future. All Indians have to do is work at it.
part 2
Indian Girls - The Real History of ThanksTaking
Happy Thanksgencoide....
Vorname Adem: Herkunft, Bedeutung & Namenstag
türkischer männlicher Name mit hebräischer Herkunft; türkische Form von Adam Die genaue Bedeutung ist nicht sicher geklärt; wahrscheinlich ist adam das hebräische Wort für "Erdling" und bezeichnet im Tanach den ersten Menschen. Im 1. Buch Mose wird dieser Name in Bezug gebracht zum hebräischen Wort "adamah" (=Erdboden),
United States Africa Command
U.S. Africa Command (Office) Kelley Kaserne, Unit 29951 PlieningerStrasse 289 70567 Stuttgart-Möhringen Germany If you'd like to contact a directorate, staff agency, or individual by phone, please call Stuttgart Military Community Assistance at (314) 430-1110 (DSN) or +49 (0)711 680-113.
Two Anglican Church sources: Spring 2012
After news of the shut down of the Mush Hole dig circulated throughout the internet, two other Anglican church insiders approached Kevin Annett with information.
One of these insiders still worked in the Toronto Diocese office of the Anglican church, and another was an employee of the church in a liaison capacity with the Archbishop of Canterbury’s office until the fall of 2009.
The present employee told Kevin that in mid January, 2012, Primate Fred Hiltz had been issued a direct order by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to “permanently bury or destroy” any evidence that might implicate the church or “Her Majesty” in the death of children at the Brantford Mush Hole school. Hiltz commented on the request to his secretary, who passed in on to the employee.
The second, former church employee told Kevin that before he resigned from his position liaising with London, he had been told of a “serious leak” in the church archival system that implicated unnamed members of the Royal family with “mishaps” at an Indian school in Canada.
The former employee did not know whether this referred to the allegation from eyewitness William Combes that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip had been seen taking ten aboriginal children from the Kamloops Catholic residential school in October, 1964 during a verified state visit, after which none of the children were ever seen again. But the employee said,
“It was serious enough for the Archbishop to intervene personally and order a clean sweep of the archives in Canada and London”.
The Mush Hole Dig: Phase Two – November 21-24, 2011
The excavation team laid out a 30 by 30 foot excavation grid about fifty yards due east of the old school building, on lightly forested ground where witnesses Geronimo Henry and Roberta Hill had seen children buried. The grid was marked in 3 ft. increments and was located and aligned with a GPS locator.
On Day One of the dig, the first grid in the upper left corner of the site, designated Grid A1, was cleared of all underbrush and topsoil, and excavated to a depth of one foot.
Within this first top layer, Level One, two sizable bone fragments were discovered almost immediately, in association with many pieces of glass, coal and bricks. The bones were between two and three inches in length and one of them appeared to be part of a spine, either of animal or human origin. The other, longer bone had clearly been cut or chopped up.
On Day Two (November 22), new and significant evidence was obtained as a second level was opened between a depth of 12 and 24 inches. This evidence involved many small white and brown buttons made of bone and wood rather than plastic: clearly of a pre-1950 vintage.
These buttons were later positively identified by Mush Hole survivors Geronimo Henry, Roberta Hill and Lorna McNaughton as coming from the uniforms of girls at the school during the 1940′s.
The same style of buttons were continually found in association with more bone fragments, some as large as four inches in length, and several teeth. These bones and teeth, along with considerably more bits of brick and charcoal, proliferated the deeper the team dug, to a final depth of 22 inches. One of the bones had an apparent burn mark, and several other bones bore the signs of having been cut up.
In addition, other articles of clothing were unearthed at this Level Two, including the sole from an early-vintage shoe and pieces of a green-colored woolen blanket that survivor Roberta Hill verified as the kind used in the Mush Hole dormitories. One larger piece of blanket several square feet in size was discolored with a rust-colored stain.
Days Three and Four (November 23-24) unearthed even more significant evidence as the excavation extended to the base of Level Two to a depth of 22 inches; and to a length of 8 ft. 6 inches outside the first Grid A1 into Grid A2.
This evidence consisted of more bone and school button fragments entangled in the roots of a small tree that was uprooted in Grids A1-A2. The significance of finding school buttons tangled in the tree roots is indicated in the statement of Mush Hole survivor Roberta Hill:
“Whenever children died on our dorm they were buried east of the school, and a tree was planted on top of their grave. The staff used to talk about doing that among themselves.”
After Day 4 of the dig, it was decided to temporarily halt the excavation to allow specialists the chance to analyze and identify the artifacts, and to issue a public statement about what we had unearthed.
Die "Ursprachen"
Eine Sammlung an Audios von angeblichen Ursprachen
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Freie Energie
Eine Hypothese über die unerschöpflichen Energiequellen unserer Erde.
Freie Energie, Formelzeichen F, eine thermodynamische Zustandsgröße, die die Fähigkeit eines Systems charakterisiert, Arbeit zu leisten.
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Die Kolonie Teil 1
Eine Hypothese über die Kontrolle der Menschheit!
Der zweite Teil wird bald erscheinen und zuerst im Vedunela Youtube Kanal zu finden sein!
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Die Riesen (Teil 1)
Als Riesen werden in vielen Erzählungen, Mythen, Sagen und Märchen menschenähnliche, aber besonders große und mächtige Wesen bezeichnet. Riesen leben in der Erzählung gewöhnlich nach anderen Regeln als Menschen oder als Herrscher, einige haben magische Kräfte.
„Riese“ auch eine Bezeichnung für einen hochwüchsigen Menschen, respektive Fälle von Riesenwuchs (Hypersomie, Gigantismus). Ob das die einzige Wurzel des Mythos ist, ist aber fraglich.
Die inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung mit Riesen steht häufig für den Kampf gegen eine überkommene, archaische und als nicht mehr tragfähig betrachtete Denk- und Handlungsstruktur oder gegen Feinde der von den Menschen vertretenen Ordnung. So sind etwa die Titanen der griechischen Mythologie die unzivilisierten Vorgänger der Olympischen Götter. Fast alle Völker auf der Welt besitzen oder besaßen Geschichten über Riesen, so existieren unter den Ureinwohnern Nordamerikas Erzählungen von den Riesen als Urmenschen.
MAY, 1979
The most important things in the world are peace and happiness. Their requisites are food, shelter, clothing (temperate zones), proper human relationship, order (to keep the peace) and economic system which abolishes poverty. One is not at peace when one is not happy. There are those who are happy when they are not at peace. These are the oppressors and war profiteers. They have no use for peace.
People all over the world are concerned about the elusiveness of peace. There are many promoters of peace. They urge all the people to follow them in the ways of peace. There are thousands of religions which proclaim peace. They have followers. Some of the great religions have hundreds of millions of followers. In spite of all this peacemaking, there is a singular lack of peace in the world. There are those who talk of peace and make profits in the billions out of war and other kinds of strife. There is a universal cry of peace but not every one in the world is interested in peace. Not all will follow the promoter of peace.
It would seem that nature created certain peaceful people and others who will be rapacious and ravenous. They shall prey on their fellow men. A study of nature reveals that all humans are born greedy but many grow out of it. What makes it hard to grow out of a greedy nature in the white man's culture of possession, centered around what he has, what he can get and the means by which to get it. All his institutions, from education to government is based on possession. The Indian culture is known as the culture of the human. Ancient red man sought to glorify the human, physically, mentally and morally. No competition is this culture, which made its advancement in technology very slow. The competition in white man's culture is frenzied and even panicked which, while it has made it possible for the white man to make great advances in technology, makes peace impossible. The culture of possession makes greed compulsive.
The culture of the human makes the Onkwehonwe receptive to peace overtures. It also makes them easy victims to the tricky practitioners of the culture of possession. The Onkwehonwe respond instinctively to peace proposals. They are a pushover to the peace promoter, bonafide or rogue. The clue to the solution of the peace problem is right there. The Onkwehonwe want peace. In order to make anyone do what they want them to do, you have to make them want to do it. The idea is to make the unpeaceful want peace. Since so many of the white people also want peace then the work is comparatively "simplified". You now have to go after those who do not want peace. The problem is they don't need peace. They got the "free world" by the tail. For them, it's not profitable to have peace. The thing to do is to make them want peace. Simple, sez you. To billions of others it's a mystery but to you, it's as clear as glass.
There are those who advise us that the only way to achieve peace is by peaceful means. To approach the peace destroyers with words dripping with honey and show them the errors of their ways. In accents swept, tell them that profits are not everything. It's more profitable to have peace than to have huge profit disregarding the fact that it's huge profits that make them happy. It's their happiness they're concerned with, not yours. Indians have been using this method for the last two centuries. Despite the sweet approach, they've been losing more lands, rights and people. Yes, many of our people are joining the white race. Maybe they hope to darken the race. White may seem a sickly and sterile color but it doesn't stop their aggressiveness. If all Indians join them, that's the end of the red race. The situation may be nature's way of ridding the Indian race of it's weaklings.
part 1
Читать полностью…Children Bones Found At Canada Church-Run Residential Schools - Kevin Annett
Crimes at Mohawk School in Canada
Bone samples
Button samples
Mush Hole Dig – November, 2011
A cousin of Mohawk elder Yvonne Hill stated on October 6, 2011 that a sealed underground tunnel runs from the same sub-basement chamber through the school’s furnace room to a former Greenhouse on the grounds of the Woodland Cultural Center, and “that’s where they buried the kids who died”.
(Note: the same spot at the Woodland Center is where skeletal remains of children were unearthed and then concealed in 1982 and 2008, see above).
The furnace room’s connection to the alleged underground tunnel may be related to the common practice in Indian residential schools of incinerating the bodies of children and newborns who had died or been killed on the premises.
The GPR survey of the Mush Hole grounds encompassed in total four grid areas to the north and northeast of the building. The total size of the surveyed grids was 400 square meters.
On Day 6 of the GPR survey (October 4), Dale Bomberry, head of Operations for the non-traditional, government-funded Six Nations Confederacy, suddenly denied further use of the GPR equipment to the ITCCS team. Clynt King was ordered by Bomberry to cease his activities and all of the data from the GPR survey was seized by Bomberry.
On Day 8 (October 6), Six Nations Confederacy chief Bill Montour was called to Ottawa for “consultations” with the government.
The same day, threats of physical violence were issued against Kevin Annett by three employees of the Confederacy – Tom Powless, Sean Toulouse and a cousin of Dale Bomberry. That evening, the underground cistern was opened and explored by unknown persons.
On Day 9 (October 7), members of the Men’s Fire, a Mohawk security force working closely with the ITCCS team, discovered many boxes of residential school files in the basement immediately above the apparent sub-basement chamber described above. Within minutes, the Men’s Fire members were stopped by Confederacy staff and photographed on video camera.
The same day, Chief Montour announced that no further support for the Mush Hole inquiry would be offered by the Confederacy, despite Montour having endorsed the survey and dig two days earlier.
Consequently, this first phase of the inquiry was suspended on October 11 to allow the sponsoring Mohawk elders and the ITCCS team the chance to assess events and plan how to continue in the face of growing sabotage and resistance by government-funded “chief and council”.