We do not Forgive! We do not Forget! Do not expect Mercy! Expect us!
Baue eine bessere Welt für morgen mit positiven Gedanken heute. Wenn du denkst, dass es machbar ist.
Wir gewinnen.
Denk dran.
Drones that don't have any known security weaknesses could be the target of electromagnetic fault injection (EMFI) attacks, potentially enabling a threat actor to achieve arbitrary code execution and compromise their functionality and safety.
"This would allow an attacker to gain code execution on the main processor, gaining access to the Android OS that implements the core functionality of the drone," Gabriel Gonzalez, director of hardware security at the company, said in a report published this month.
EMFI aims to induce a hardware disruption by placing a metal coil in close physical proximity to the Android-based Control CPU of the drone, ultimately resulting in memory corruption, which could then be exploited to achieve code execution.
"This could allow an attacker to fully control one device, leak all of its sensitive content, enable ADB access, and potentially leak the encryption keys," Gonzalez said.
MNN. June 27, 2023.
Here’s how it goes. A band council entity is set up. They offer to help their people. Somebody or a community group get some monies to “benefit the community”, but the band council or its nominee own all the assets from it and can tell us what we can or cannot do. The band council and its entities use our funds to ingratiate, enrich themselves, get into conflict of interest situations and possible fraud.
Remember, the band councils are corporate agents of Canada that were set up on Oct. 25, 1924 to help Canada take and control our land and resources.
The band council cannot be part of any community since they are a foreign for-profit crown corporation. The employee/mentor dupes the people.
The conflict of interest is because the band council employee cannot have anything from this grant application process for himself. It was his idea and he has been working with his ‘band council superiors’ to push this project through.
The Supreme Court [Beverly McLachlan] unanimously ruled that the tsilhqot’in does have a claim of 750 sq. Km [680 sq. mi.] of land. This decision is a precedent for all turtle island.
The colonial Supreme Court held that aboriginal title constitutes a beneficial interest in the land, the underlying control of which is retained by the Crown. Why? We are caretakers of turtle island. Indigenous people are sovereign and have all duties and responsibilities to decide everything. Also, to proactively use and manage the land, including its natural resources. But the foreign entity, the Crown, gave themselves the right to override aboriginal title in the so called “public interest”!!
This scam is practiced on every native until all our land is completely taken from us. Everything the intruders do is void as no land can be conveyed. A foreign for-profit private crown corporation does not have any right to deal with the “general public”, including band councils. A private company can only deal with their own employees, property and dependants. “Public” funds are used to enrich themselves by requisitioning this legitimate native property without using their own assets to do it. In fact, the funds could be coming from our “Indian Trust Funds”.
The band councils work dilligently for Canada.
Sections 35/52 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 and its band councils do not exist according to our way. Original people are caretakers and sovereigns of all turtle island for all future generations. The Crown has no claim on anything.
This is a new way to genocide us by “reconciliation ” with Canada through forced citizenship without physical slaughter as they did in the past.
Rumormillnews 224893 CGI’S empyyreal:CRD in Sook BC, Canada engaged in money laundering, unjust enrichment and fraud with proof. Sat. 24-Jun2023H
#free turtle island! 🐢🥷
Let's try to expose Scammers today!
The newly discovered Chinese nation-state actor known as Volt Typhoon has been observed to be active in the wild since at least mid-2020, with the hacking crew linked to never-before-seen tradecraft to retain remote access to targets of interest.
The findings come from CrowdStrike, which is tracking the adversary under the name Vanguard Panda.
Volt Typhoon, as known as Bronze Silhouette, is a cyber espionage group from China that's been linked to network intrusion operations against the U.S government, defense, and other critical infrastructure organizations.
An analysis of the group's modus operandi has revealed its emphasis on operational security, carefully using an extensive set of open-source tools against a limited number of victims to carry out long-term malicious acts.
Hans haut raus: Brisante Burger, uralte Dips und beeinflusste Bestellung...
Children for Sale: Texas' Trafficked Kids | Unreported World
Китайский вирус WispRider стал массово заражать ПК по всему миру — он распространяется через флешки
По компьютерам во всем мире активно распространяется вирус WispRider, сообщили эксперты Check Point Research. Заражение происходит через USB-накопители, а ответственность за эпидемию специалисты возложили на хакерскую группировку Camaro Dragon, известную также под названиями Mustang Panda, Luminous Moth и Bronze President — её связывают с Китаем.
Powerful JavaScript Dropper PindOS Distributes Bumblebee and IcedID Malware
A new strain of JavaScript dropper has been observed delivering next-stage payloads like Bumblebee and IcedID.
Cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct is tracking the malware as PindOS, which contains the name in its "User-Agent" string.
Both Bumblebee and IcedID serve as loaders, acting as a vector for other malware on compromised hosts, including ransomware. A recent report from Proofpoint highlighted IcedID's abandoning of banking fraud features to solely focus on malware delivery.
Supreme Court rules against Navajo Nation in Colorado River water rights case
The case revolved around a 1868 treaty, which the Navajo Nation said included a sufficient supply of water for their reservation.
MULTI#STORM Campaign Targets India and U.S. with Remote Access Trojans
A new phishing campaign codenamed MULTI#STORM has set its sights on India and the U.S. by leveraging JavaScript files to deliver remote access trojans on compromised systems.
"The attack chain ends with the victim machine infected with multiple unique RAT (remote access trojan) malware instances, such as Warzone RAT and Quasar RAT," Securonix researchers Den Iuzvyk, Tim Peck, and Oleg Kolesnikov said.
"Both are used for command-and-control during different stages of the infection chain."
The multi-stage attack chain commences when an email recipient clicks the embedded link pointing to a password-protected ZIP file ("") hosted on Microsoft OneDrive with the password "12345."
Deutsch-österreichisches Kooperationsprojekt
Die deutsch-österreichische Kooperation GADMO wird damit Teil des europaweiten Netzwerks European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO). Diese EU-geförderte, unabhängige Koordinationsstelle wurde 2020 ins Leben gerufen und soll die Kräfte von Faktencheck-Organisationen, Forschung und weiteren Expertinnen und Experten im Kampf gegen Desinformation bündeln.
Unmasking the Shadows: The Epic Tale of the Anonymous Hacker Team
Interior Sec. Haaland supports digging into Paiute Massacre Site for Lithium
Cyber Attack on McDonald’s From 2022 Concludes With Final Data Dump
A data dump from an alleged cyber attack on McDonald’s in 2022 concluded with the last bit of information being released on the dark web.
According to threat researcher Dominic Alvieri, the latest post by Snatch ransomware is believed to be the ultimate data dump stemming from the alleged 2022 cyber attack on the fast food chain.
This particular cyber attack on McDonald’s marks the second incident following a breach in June 2021.
According to Ransomwaremap, the cyber attack on McDonald’s last year was attributed to the Snatch ransomware group. The Daily Mail also reported that the hackers claimed to have stolen 500 gigabytes of data from the company.
A modified version of the Telegram Androis app found to be maliciously patched with Triada malware
Just got back from #vidcon2023 so I'm going to call scammers
Autopsy rules homicide in death of Raymond Mattia
She did what to a dog!?!?? #police #news #crime
How scammers steal iPhones
P#DO gottlos in Wahnsinn getrieben - Taxi der Schande 2
9D DB 1E 34 00 00 00 03 #oceangate #submarine #marianastrench
Читать полностью…Supreme Court rules against Navajo Nation in water rights dispute
The tribe is blocked from pursuing a lawsuit claiming the federal government has a duty to assert the tribe’s water rights.
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled against the Navajo Nation over claims that the federal government has failed to assert the tribe's desperate need for water access in the arid West.
The justices, divided 5-4, said a lawsuit the tribe filed against the federal government must be thrown out.
Writing for the majority, Justice Brett Kavanaugh said that an 1868 treaty with the Navajo Nation did not require the U.S. government to take active steps to secure water access.
"And it is not the judiciary's role to rewrite and update this 155-year-old treaty," he added.
Conservative Justice Neil Gorsuch joined the three liberal justices in dissent.
The tribe was merely asking the federal government to identify its water rights and was not seeking dramatic further steps, Gorsuch wrote.
As tribal members have had to do throughout their difficult history, "they must fight again for themselves to secure their homeland and all that must necessarily come with it," he wrote.
Buu Nygren, president of Navajo Nation, said in a statement that although the ruling was disappointing, he was encouraged that four justices sided with the tribe. He pledged to continue efforts to obtain water rights to the lower basin of the Colorado River in Arizona.
Justice Kavanaugh may not realize it-but his opening statement is premised on the Doctrine of Discovery
Anonymous Nachricht an WhiteHat-Ausverkauf, Polizei-Kollaborateure und Militärindustrien aufgepasst.
Читать полностью…MULTI#STORM Campaign Targets India and U.S. with Remote Access Trojans
A new phishing campaign codenamed MULTI#STORM has set its sights on India and the U.S. by leveraging JavaScript files to deliver remote access trojans on compromised systems.
"The attack chain ends with the victim machine infected with multiple unique RAT (remote access trojan) malware instances, such as Warzone RAT and Quasar RAT," Securonix researchers Den Iuzvyk, Tim Peck, and Oleg Kolesnikov said.
"Both are used for command-and-control during different stages of the infection chain."
The multi-stage attack chain commences when an email recipient clicks the embedded link pointing to a password-protected ZIP file ("") hosted on Microsoft OneDrive with the password "12345."
Tribal activists oppose Nevada mine key to Biden's clean energy agenda as 'green colonialism'
The blockage maintained in the Laurentides wildlife reserve
Three weeks ago, before the forest fires broke out and restrictions came into effect, Indigenous people from the Mashk Assi collective forced the closure of several logging sites located in the Laurentides wildlife reserve. They denounce the destruction of the forests south of Lake Kénogami.
This blockage is still in effect on Nitassinan. In particular, a permanent camp has been set up at kilometer 216 of Route 175 to monitor the comings and goings in the forest.
These Innu, who do not benefit from the support of the Mashteuiatsh band council , sent eviction notices to the forestry companies present on their ancestral territory.
Since May 29, indigenous activists have been regularly patrolling Nitassinan to ensure that there are no loggings.
"We are ready to go to court if it is not respected" , mentioned the committed artist Michael Paul.
#free turtle island! 🐢🥷