1947: Canadian U.N. diplomat and future Prime Minister Lester Pearson helps to redefine genocide in the proposed United Nations Convention in order to make it inapplicable to Canadian Indian residential schools. Enabling legislation to allow its application in Canada is blocked in Parliament.
1958: The government again attempts to close residential schools and meets hostile resistance and threats of political action by all three churches operating the schools.
The plan is dropped.
1960: Revisions to the Revised Statues of British Columbia legally define an aboriginal as “an uncivilized person, destitute of the knowledge of God and of any fixed and clear belief in religion or in a future state of rewards and punishments”
1937-38: School records confirm that children infected with tuberculosis are admitted to west coast Indian schools, and officials refer to the fact that the Indian Affairs department “will not hospitalize Indians suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis.”
January 1939: Cowichan Indian children are widely used in medical experiments conducted by “German speaking doctors” at the Catholic Kuper Island School in British Columbia. Many of them die, according to two survivors, but the RCMP suppresses inquiries by local police.
1929-1933: Sexual Sterilization laws are passed in both provinces' legislatures, allowing any inmate of an Indian residential school to be involuntarily sterilized at the decision of the school Principal, a church employee.
Thousands of children and adults are sexually neutered by these laws.
1929-1933: The Canadian government relinquishes its traditional legal guardianship over Indian children and grants such power to the residential school Principal, a church employee.
18February 1934: An attempt by the government to abolish residential schools is thwarted because of massive pressure and threats brought by all the churches running the schools.
July 1, 1920: Incarceration in the residential schools is made mandatory under a federal law passed
through Order in Council. Every Indian child seven years and older must attend a school or its parents will go to jail.
17February 1919: Despite the continuing high death rates and murderous conditions in the residential schools, Duncan Campbell Scott abolishes all medical inspection in them and prohibits further studies of health conditions in the schools.
Within a year, the death rates in western native communities will nearly triple.
This mortality is also caused by a routine practice of sending sick children home to infect their families with smallpox and tuberculosis.
November 1910: Despite Bryce's findings, Duncan Campbell Scott of the DIA institutionalizes church control over the schools through a joint contract with the Catholic and Protestant churches.
This contract provides government funding and “protection” for the schools, including the use of the RCMP to incarcerate and hunt down Indian children.
In return, the churches have complete day to day control of the schools and hire and fire their Principals and staff.
1903: The flood of reports of an enormous death rate in the western residential schools provokes the DIA to cease publishing “total spectrum” death reports among children, meaning that many such deaths will now be officially censored by the government.
1905: Indians in western Canada has been depopulated to less than 5% of their original number.
Over 100 residential schools are in operation, two thirds of them run by the Roman Catholics.
1907: DIA medical officer Dr. Peter Bryce conducts a tour of all western residential schools and issues a damning report that claims “conditions are being deliberately created to spread infectious disease.”
Bryce documents that an average 40% to 60% of school children are dying because of a “routine practice” of housing the sick with the healthy, and denying them all medical treatment.
He claims that the staff is deliberately hiding the evidence of this genocidal practice.
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Читать полностью…Многоуважаемый Президенту Путину,
Наши лучшие приветствия и мир вам и русскому народу от народа могавков, 50 начальников конфедерации ирокезов и всех наших союзников из Анишнабе, Кри, Микмака, Алгонкина, Делавэра, Вендата, Умпанои и немногих оставшихся Таино из Борикена таких как наш брат Джон Роблес.
Как Асеракова (начальник войны) на территории Канекоты, я пытался устроить встречу с послом России в Оттаве ,надеясь на то, что это станет исторической встречей для обсуждения поясов вампey, которые Россия по-прежнему проводит, и которые доказывают, что наш древний альянс застыл в мире через этот ремень.
Сотрудники посольства говорят мне, что существуют протоколы, но они никогда не заявляли, что именно представляют из себя эти процедуры . Наш собственный протокол и дипломатический союз между нашими народами воплощены в этих поясах.
Лонгхаус (наше правительство) приняло решение, о том,что я начинаю диалог с президентом Российской Федерации для людей могавков, поскольку я являюсь прямым потомком «Этовокам», который фактически встретился с Петром Великим и закрепил соглашения между нашими народами.
Я посылаю вам привет от острова Великой Черепахи от имени народа могавков.
Наши главы родов отправились в Лондон в Англию летом 1710 года, чтобы провести первую Мировую конференцию с европейскими монархами, и приехал русский царь Петр Великий и встретился с нами!
Он принял несколько поясов Уэмпийского договора, которые сейчас находятся в музее «Петр Великий» в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия.
Меня просили наши люди и руководители начать диалог с этими поясами с вами сейчас.
Ваш предшественник Петр был великим человеком, и он увидел величие в нашем учении о мире.
В этом мире, в котором мы живем, потребность в истинном мире на земле имеет первостепенное значение и в пределах нашего понимания. Позвольте нам встретиться с вами и освежить и укрепить наши связи в покое о мире и согласии..
Асеракова (начальник войны), территория Канекота, старейшина нации могавков, действующая под руководством 50 начальников конфедерации ирокезов и всех наших союзников из Анишнабе, Кри, Микмака, Алгонкина, Делавэра, Вендата, Умпаноа
1940-45: Under the cover of war, involuntary experimental research is commenced on many residential school children by the Defense Research Board (DRB) in Ottawa.
The research includes drug testing, deliberate starvation, behavior modification, pain threshold studies, chemical weapons testing and sterilizing methods.
These tests are conducted in the schools, at military bases, and at special laboratories and Indian hospitals run jointly with the United, Anglican and Catholic churches, and will continue for decades.
1946-48: Hundreds of Nazi SS doctors and researchers are granted citizenship in Canada under the joint British-American “Project Paperclip”, and work under cover identities and military supervision in the aforementioned experimental programs.
October 1935: A genocidal “two standards of health care” system in residential schools is confirmed by Dr. C. Pitts in a letter that states “... were I to apply the standards of health to them (Indians) that is applied to children of the white schools, that (sic) I should have to discharge 90% of them and there would be no school left.” Pitts is referring to the Lejac Catholic School in northern British Columbia, and admits that a lower standard of health care is applied to them.
Читать полностью…July 19, 1924: A state church is created by an Act of Parliament – the United Church of Canada – to “Canadianize and Christianize the foreign born and the heathens.” This foundational genocidal purpose is affirmed not only through the church’s operation of residential schools and Indian hospitals where Indian children die en masse, but in their foundational policy statements concerning their aim to “dispossess” aboriginals of their traditions.
May 1925: Provincial laws in British Columbia and Alberta – where most “unassimilated” Indians are concentrated – strips aboriginal people of the right to consult or hire a lawyer, or even represent themselves in a court of law. Neither is any lawyer allowed to take on an aboriginal client.
June 8, 1920: Prime Minister Arthur Meighen states in Parliament that no provision for the health of Indians was ever included in the federal Health Act or Department. “It was purposely left out of the Act.”
Читать полностью…1910: Later government records reveal that during the first decade of the 20th century, the net population of Indians in Canada declined by over 20%, an unprecedented level “not explained by any demographic or environmental factors.”
The use of residential schools as a breeding ground for infectious disease that is then disseminated through native communities is one factor in this depopulation.
November 15, 1907: The Ottawa Citizen and Montreal Gazette newspapers quote Dr. Bryce's report under the headline “Schools aid white plague – Startling Death Rolls Revealed”.
November 1909: After conducting further investigations that confirm the murderous practices by residential school staff, Dr. Peter Bryce calls for the churches to be removed from operating the residential schools.
Bryce is then fired from his position by Scott and banned from the civil service, although in 1920 he will publish his account in his book “A National Crime”.
1840: The Act of Union creates a single nation of the former French and English speaking enclaves of Lower and Upper Canada. The Act establishes what will become Canada on an explicitly “assimilationist” basis dominated by the English and committed to eliminating all distinctive cultures, whether French speaking or aboriginal.
1850: Indigenous nations in eastern Canada have been decimated by deliberately-introduced diseases to barely ten percent of their pre-contact numbers.
Local Indian schools run by the Church of England, like the Mohawk school in Brantford, experience enormous death rates of over 40%.
Tribes west of the Lake Head remain untouched by this plague, except on the west coast where Europeans are beginning to settle.
1857: The Gradual Civilization Act is passed in the Canadian legislature, legally eradicating all indigenous people who do not “enfranchise” and surrender their land titles and nationhood.
1859: Roman Catholic missions are established throughout what will become British Columbia under Jesuit direction. Bishop Paul Durieu creates a model to exterminate traditional Indian leaders and culture and replace them with church-controlled puppet leaders: a model that will serve as the basis for the later Indian residential school system.
1862: Major smallpox epidemics are deliberately introduced among Chilcotin, Cowichan and other west coast tribes by Church of England missionaries like John Sheepshanks.
Over 90% of the Indians inoculated by Sheepshanks and others will die within weeks, and land speculators like Sheepshanks' fellow investors in the Hudson's Bay Company will then occupy the land emptied of Indians.
1869-70: The first failed uprising of the mixed-blood Metis people near Winnipeg prompts the Canadian government to proclaim its sovereignty “from sea to sea” and commence the building of a national railway, along with massive European immigration onto western Indian lands.
1870: The British Crown through the Canadian Parliament establishes a “clergy reserve” system granting huge swaths of stolen indigenous land to any Anglican or Catholic missionary who settles on such land, usually near to the advancing Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR).
1873: The Royal Northwest Mounted Police, forerunner of the RCMP, is established as a para-military force with absolute jurisdiction across Canada. Its mandate includes forcibly removing all Indians from within fifty miles of the CPR and incarcerating them on impoverished “reservations”.
1876: CPR lawyer and Prime Minister John A. MacDonald proclaims through Order in Council the Indian Act, which reduces all Indians and Metis people to the status of non-citizens and “legal wards of the state in perpetuity”.
Henceforth, no Indian can vote, sue in court, own land or enjoy any civil or legal rights.
This “legal ward” status of all reservation Indians continues to the present day in Canada.
1886: Following the crushing of the Second Metis Rebellion the CPR is completed, linking the west and east coasts.
The same year, all west coast aboriginal ceremonies like the Potlatch are outlawed and hundreds of traditional native leaders are murdered or jailed.
1889: The Indian residential school system is launched along with the federal Department of Indian Affairs (DIA), which sponsors the “schools” in partnership with the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist and Presbyterian churches (the latter two will form the United Church of Canada in 1925.)
In Alberta, the death rate in such “schools” exceeds 40% in the very first year they open, compared to a mortality of barely 5% on the reservations from which the children are taken.
1891: The first official report that documents massive deaths in the residential schools is issued to the DIA by Dr. George Orton, who claims that the cause is rampant tuberculosis among children that is being “encouraged by school staff”. Orton's report is ignored by the DIA.
Offener Kinderhandel in Deutschland
Im April findet in Berlin erstmals die Kinderkaufmesse für Männer „Men having babies“ statt. Etliche Anbieter verkaufen Babys auch an alleinstehende Männer. Bei Leihmutterschaft findet KEINERLEI Überprüfung der Käufer statt. Auch das Alter spielt keine Rolle.
Zuvor findet im März die Kinderwunschmesse "Wish for a Baby" statt. Im Oktober ist sie in Köln. Diese Messe findet seit langem jedes Jahr statt. Auch hier werben Leihmutterschaftsagenturen.
Teilt diesen Skandal bitte an eure Kontakte und in eure Gruppen, damit jeder davon erfährt, dass der Kinderhandel in Deutschland ganz offen betrieben wird!
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To the Honorable President Putin,
Our best greetings and peace to you and the Russian people from the Mohawk Nation, the 50 chiefs of the Iroquois confederacy and all of our allies of the Anishnabe, Cree, Micmac, Algonquin, Delaware, Wendat, Wampanoa and the few remaining Taino of Boriken such as our brother John Robles.
As the Aserakowa (War Chief) of the Kanekota territory I have been trying to arrange a meeting with the Russian Ambassador in Ottawa for what would be a historic meeting to discuss the Wampum Belts that Russia still holds and that prove our ancient alliance cemented in peace through that belt.
The embassy staff tell me there are protocols to follow but have never stated what exactly they are. Our own protocol and the diplomatic union between our peoples and nations are embodied in those belts.
The Longhouse (our government) made a decision that I begin a dialogue for the Mohawk people as I am a lineal descendant to "Etowokam" who actually met with Peter the Great and sealed the agreements between our peoples.
I send greetings to you from Great Turtle Island on behalf of the Mohawk people.
Our chiefs travelled to London England in the summer of 1710 to hold the first Peace Conference with the European Monarchs and the Russian Tsar Peter the Great came and met with us there! He accepted some Wampum Treaty Belts which are now in “Peter the Great” museum in St. Petersberg, Russia.
I have been asked by our people and leaders to start a dialogue regarding these belts with you now.
Your predecessor Peter was a great man and he saw the greatness in our teachings about peace.
In this world we live in now the need for true peace on earth is paramount and within our grasp. Please allow us to meet with you and refresh and cement our ties in peace.
Niawen kowa
Aserakowa (War Chief) Kanekota territory, Elder of the Mohawk nation, acting under the authority of the 50 Chiefs of the Iroquois Confederacy and all of our allies of the Anishnabe, Cree, Micmac, Algonquin, Delaware, Wendat, Wampanoa
Летом 1710 года наши вожди отправились в Лондон, чтобы провести первую мирную конференцию с европейскими монархами, на которой присутствовал русский царь Петр Великий. Он принял несколько договорных поясов Вампум, которые сейчас находятся в музее "Петра Великого" в Санкт-Петербурге, Россия.
Приветствия и мир господину Путину и российскому народу были переданы от народа канионкехака/ирокезов, 50 вождей ирокезской конфедерации ротиношонни, наших союзников анишнабе, кри, мигмак, алгонкинов, вампаноагов и оставшихся таино из Борикена, таких как наш брат Джон Роблес.
Асеракову территории Канекота попросили организовать встречу с послом России в Оттаве, чтобы обсудить пояса Вампум, которые все еще хранятся в России, и напомнить им, что наш древний союз продолжается в мире через эти пояса.
Сотрудники посольства сообщили ему, что существуют протоколы, которым необходимо следовать, и у нас есть свои собственные протоколы по вампуму.
Сегодня истинный мир на земле находится в пределах нашей досягаемости. Связь между русским народом и онквехонве находится в вампуме. Вампум - это система памяти и воспоминаний, которая намного совершеннее любой системы, существующей в Европе. В системе вампума невозможны никакие обманы.