An die Bauern & Patrioten - Proteste ab dem 8.1.2024 - Anonymous
*PS HITMAN17 EOF wir begrüßen euch in unserer Reihen.
"Es gibt eine Agenda der Regierung. Eine neue Weltordnung, die Russland zur Zielscheibe machen soll. Es ist das Ziel der neuen Weltordnung, seit Russland diese Khasaren 800 n. Chr. gestoppt hat. Damals begann der Blutschwur und sie schworen, Russland zu zerstören"
"Die Herrschenden werden aufhören zu herrschen, wenn die Kriechenden aufhören zu kriechen"
Friedrich Schiller"
Wir sehen euch 😉
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The first known author, Enheduanna .
Akkadian poet Enheduanna (2285-2250 BC) is the first known author and was the daughter of Sargon of Akkad (Sargon the Great, 2334-2279 BC). It is not known whether Enheduanna was, in fact, a blood relative of Sargon or whether her title was figurative.
This ancient clay tablet from Babylon is inscribed in Sumerian cuneiform and dates back to the 20th-17th century BC. It mentions King Sargon's daughter, Enheduanna, as the author of a hymn to the goddess Inanna.
In the first column, the tablet has lines written by the teacher, with 2 students repeating the hymn in columns 2 and 3. Enheduanna emerges as a truly creative talent, a poet as well as princess and priestess. She is, in fact, the first non-legendary author named in history.
It is clear that Sargon had enormous trust in Enheduanna, elevating her to the position of high priestess of the most important temple in Sumer (in the city of Ur) and leaving her with the responsibility of merging the Sumerian gods with the Akkadian ones, in order to create the stability that his empire needed to prosper.
Furthermore, she is credited with creating the paradigms of poetry, psalms, and prayers spread throughout the ancient world and thus leading to the development of the genres recognized today.
Scholar Paul Kriwaczek writes:
"Her compositions, though rediscovered only in modern times, remained models of supplicatory prayer for centuries. Through the Babylonians, they influenced and inspired the prayers and psalms of the Hebrew Bible and the Homeric hymns of Greece. The faint echoes of Enheduanna, the first author literary mentioned in history, were also heard in the hymnody of the early Christian church."
Her influence was as impressive as her literary legacy. Entrusted with a great responsibility by her father, Enheduanna not only exceeded those expectations but changed the entire culture. Through her written works, she altered the very nature of the Mesopotamian gods and people's perception of the divine.
How to remove Pegasus spyware
Removing Pegasus spyware from your smartphone will not be easy. Furthermore, there are no guarantees the infection is cleared due to continuous Pegasus spyware updates from NSO Group.
The discussed Mobile Verification Toolkit is the only way to remove (some) Pegasus spyware versions from iPhone or Android. The process requires access to macOS or Linux operating systems and good technical skills, but you shouldn't expect anything less when dealing with malware of such complexity.
Wir kämpfen nicht für unsere Freiheit, wir kämpfen für Profit und Völkermord. Wir können NICHT länger "unsere Truppen unterstützen", wenn sie unschuldige Menschen in unschuldigen Ländern ermorden. Schüttelt die Gehirnwäsche ab. Wie viele von Ihnen waren während 911 in der Schule? Lasst mich raten. Sie haben den Fernseher in den Raum gerollt, damit ihr es live sehen konntet.... schon wach? #Krieg #Iran #iraq #Afghanistan #Palästina #SriLanka #Syrien #Libanon #Vietnam #Frankreich #Deutschland #Spanien #Italien #Nigeria #Myanmar #kuwait #OffCircuitSec #WeDoNotForget #OpNato #OpStopTheWars #OneLove #911 #WTC #building7
The goddess on the right is the winged Ereshkigal, on a seal dating to 1650 and 1350 BC. The seal addition features three afterlife scorpions beneath the star and moon symbol, with two goddesses wearing stacked aurochs horn crowns offering the scorpions (and thus Ereshkigal) obedience.
The goddess pair is not identified, but among the candidates are Belet-seri ("Lady of the Desert") who kept the records of Ereshkigal, and the oracular goddess Geshtinanna ("Lady of the Vine"), whose subterranean duties included greeting and recording the names of new arrivals.
The cow-horned crown of Ereshkigal is worn exclusively by female deities. The horns allude to the sin of the moon god (Nanna) who rules the womb, and the underworld is the largest of all wombs.
Her spear or staff of authority symbolizes warlike ability. The other hand holds a kophesh ("Bovine Leg"), a largely ceremonial sword with a curved sickle near the end, also indicating authority. She is at the gate to the Underworld
1. Planet or Goddess?
Seven of the eight planets in the solar system are named after Roman gods or goddesses. The only exception is ours, whose name comes from the old English word "ertha", meaning earth.
2. Water all around
About 70 percent of the planet's surface is covered in water, with oceans accounting for about 96.5%. The remaining 30 percent is made up of islands and continents.
3. Earth? A mixture of iron, oxygen and silicon
If you were given the chance to divide the Earth based on composition, you would get four big piles - 32.1% iron, 30.1% oxygen, 15.1% silicon and 13.9% magnesium. Are you in doubt? Most of the iron (88%) is hidden in the Earth's core, and oxygen makes up 47% of the Earth's crust.
4. Slow motion spin
The Earth's rotation is very slow, approximately 17 milliseconds per hundred years. Which ultimately means that our days will get longer. However, it will take another 140 million years or so for the day to increase from 24 to 25 hours.
5. The "denseest" place in the world
Density varies in each part of our planet – the core is denser than the crust, for example – but the average density of the planet is around 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter.
6. Much more time
Despite the fact that we learn in school that there are 365 days in a year, the truth is a little different. The total number of days is actually 365.2564 days. And since mathematical rounding does not apply here, the numbers after the decimal point are converted to a leap year, when the year has 366 days.
7. Rain forest = paradise on earth
Everyone knows that plants and animals thrive in rainforests. But you would guess that a third of all known species live in the Amazon rainforest. To be more precise, you will find here 40,000 species of plants, 427 different mammals (including giant otters or jaguars), 1,300 birds, 378 reptiles, more than 400 amphibians and about 3,000 freshwater fish.
8. Expedition to the North Pole
Fairytales that Santa lives here are refuted by the fact that there is no solid ground under the North Pole. The surface is permanently covered with a layer of sea ice. The question, however, is what will happen next. The Arctic is melting much faster than expected. And it seems that by 2040, the ice around the North Pole could disappear for good.
9. Smooth surface
Compared to other planets in our solar system, Earth has relatively few visible craters. This is because the Earth is geologically active and has processes such as tectonics and erosion that change its surface.
10. Our most…
The highest point on Earth is Mount Everest, which reaches a height of 8.8 km. On the contrary, the lowest point is the Challenger Trench, which is located in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean and its depth is 10.9 km.
By Libor Onderka
The Opéra Garnier in Paris...
It is a building built between 1861 and 1875 by the architect Charles Garnier, who gave it its name.
Its creation was commissioned by Napoleon III, following an attack he and his wife suffered while they were about to go to the theatre.
This tragedy pushed the emperor to desire a new theater that met the highest safety standards.
A curiosity related to this building:
during the excavations for its construction an underground lake was discovered and it is here that, in the work of the writer Gaston Leroux, the famous Phantom of the Opera is said to be hiding.
This building is one of the largest and most representative of the city, so much so that with its grandeur and richness it has become a symbol of beauty for the Ville Lumière.
Timeline of Treason: The Bush Family Connections To The Nazis
Zeitleiste des Verrats: Die Verbindungen der Bush-Familie zu den Nazis
Folge dem Kanal @Anonymous_Germany
Facebook vs. #opchildsafety
Approximately 500,000 online predators are believed to be active daily. Kids aged 12 to 15 are particularly vulnerable to being groomed or manipulated by adults encountered on the internet. According to the FBI, more than half of the victims of online sexual exploitation fall within the 12 to 15 age range. About 89 percent of inappropriate advances toward children take place in Internet chatrooms or through instant messaging.
In my opinion, what Meta needs is to promote respect for the law and put children first before revenue. It is written somewhere that the love of money is the root of all evil. That is why we should demand that Meta does the right thing.
If not, I hope people everywhere will boycott Meta, even if it takes a personal sacrifice on behalf of its users. Disconnecting from it might prove difficult. I do not want to support a platform that provides insulation from prosecution to child predators and sex traffickers.
Enough is enough.
1972: The government destroys thousands of Indian Affairs records including personnel files with information on residential school history and aboriginal land deeds, making the verification of school crimes and native land claims impossible.
1975: A majority of residential schools formerly run by the churches are now either closed or under the management of local Indian band councils. Nevertheless, many of the same crimes and tortures against children continue, often at the hands of aboriginal staff members.
1982: The Government funds and establishes the puppet aboriginal organization known as the 20“Assembly of First Nations” (AFN), consisting of 600 self-appointed state funded tribal “chiefs”.
The AFN claims to “represent” all aboriginals in Canada, but it refuses all calls for indigenous sovereignty or to investigate the residential schools genocide.
Mesopotamia: Akkadian period: The Victory Stele of King Naram-Sin is today a stele erected in honor of the victory of Naram-sin, king of the Akkad Empire, over a rebellious Zagros people, the Lullubi, dating back to the 23rd century BC.
Today it is preserved in the Department of Oriental Antiques of the Louvre Museum.
Doxbin – Emmanuel Lemor doxes von OffCircuitSecurity
How to detect Pegasus spyware?
Pegasus is exceptional in its sophisticated undetectability methods. The spyware uses advanced encryption and code obfuscation to prevent detection and has a self-destruct feature to erase any traces of its infection. These features prevent traditional antiviruses from identifying Pegasus malware.
However, the Amnesty International Security Lab has released a Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) to perform a forensic iOS or Android analysis to identify traces of compromise, including Pegasus spyware. Currently, it's the only tool that can confirm Pegasus spyware infection, although some versions may just as well avoid it. We must also warn you that using this tool requires at least some computing and Python knowledge.
Privacy: Everybody know who you are, but nobody know what you are doing.
Anonymity: Everybody know what you are doing, but nobody know who you are.
~Ghost Anna*😏
Earth is the third planet of our solar system, counted from the point of view of the Sun, from which it is distant on average 150 million kilometers and is so far the only known planet on which life exists. From our earthly perspective, our planet may seem huge, with an endless ocean of air, but to astronauts it appears more like a tiny blue planet with a thin atmosphere, with brown continents and white clouds.
Many of us might like to go on a journey into space, also so that we can admire the wonderful planet Earth not only from space pictures. And at the same time, it is interesting to realize that we are all space travelers on a spaceship, our planet Earth, which is constantly in motion, orbiting the Sun, at the same time rotating on its own axis and, together with the Solar System, orbiting the center of our Galaxy.
Explanation of the name, its origin
Gaia, also Gé, mother of the Earth, daughter of Chaos, from which everything was created, wife of Uranus. She bore him the Hekatoncheiras, the "hundred giants", Briareus, Kotta and Gya. Their descendants were the Cyclops. Furthermore, Gaia gave birth to Uranus the Titans: Oceanus, Koius, Hyperion, Crius, Iapetus and Cronus. Daughters of Gaia and Uranus were also the Titans: Téthys, Rheia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Dione and Theia. Uranus bound his children and threw them into Tartarus. Gaia persuaded the Titans to avenge their father. The deed was done by the youngest Titan, Kronos, who mutilated Uranus with a sickle. Gaia received the blood of Uranus and from her were born the Erinyes, Tisiphon, Alékto and Megaira; then the nymphs Meliaia, and the twenty-four Giants. Gaia contributed to the unleashing of the Gigantomachy, the war of the Giants against the Olympian gods. She also bore offspring to the god Pontus: they were Nérus, Forkys, Thaumás, Eurybia and the Telchins. With the god Poseidon, she gave birth to Charybdis and the dragon Python. Knowledge of divination was valued among Gaia, which was later taken over by her daughter Themis and finally by the god Apollo. Gaia was worshiped by the ancients as the goddess of life, but just like the goddess of the underworld, the goddess of death, all creatures born from her always ended up in her again. She was honored especially in Athens, where she had a temple and an altar on the Acropolis, but also in other cities and regions.
Perugian cippus in travertine with notarial deed in Etruscan – from San Marco, Perugia – 3rd/2nd century BC. - MANU, National Archaeological Museum of Umbria, Perugia, IT
The cippus testifies to an arbitration, dating back to the 3rd/2nd century BC, between two Etruscan families, the Veltinia and the Afonia (Afuna), for a question of land and a crypt tomb that stood there. The arbitration action was promoted by Lart Afonio who agrees to cede 3 napure (land measures) as a clearance area for the Veltini tomb and probably also as an access road to it, and undertakes to guard the tomb and the funerary furnishings with scrupulously, he had the Cippo built and sculpted at his own expense.
Furthermore, the award declares that the tomb belongs and will also belong in the future to the Veltinia family in accordance with Etruscan law (which therefore considered it inalienable), despite the fact that it insisted on the possession of Lart Afonio. The award also declares that the stele belongs to Afonio, evidently because he had had it built and sculpted at his total expense and thereby assigned the problem of its custody to him. Finally, the award requires Veltinio to respect, as long as he is alive, the arbitrator's provisions and also not to bring a lawsuit against Afonio (Afuna) in the future as prescribed by the award itself.
Anonymous: Message of Truth about Ukraine and Russia. #OPNATO
#OffCircuitSec #Lulzsec repost from
Listen Closely.
All is known. Predicted the "war" update is uploading
#OpRussia (gov CIA mockingbird)
Stop pushing government agendas Stop hacking for the CIA Stop fighting for the suffering of the people of Ukraine and Donbass Your not a freedom fighter...your helping the fascist brutal nazi regime that are committing genocide on their own people. Did you hack or attack the Palestine people during Oplsrael?
That's the equivalent of your actions now. Fucking disgraceful plot chasing bandwagon riding frauds. If your operation has the support of the tyrannical pedophile government maybe you should reconsider your decision and please get fact not properganda. and make it be known and clear the OffCircuit security teams had never supported this disgraceful operation. we have been working with Anonymous Ukraine for 5 months now. check video dates as proof.
Wir waren schon einmal hier
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Es scheint, als würden sich derzeit wieder ein paar der alten Hasen, aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, zusammentun, um wieder im Clearweb mit Veröffentichen aktiv zu werden und damit auch dem Namen des Kollektivs in DACH wieder den ursprünglichen Sinn zu verleihen.
Dieser Kanal wird hiermit auch wieder als Plattform für neue und die Erinnerung an alte Veröffentlichungen dienen, während wir (zumindest vorläufig) auf einem neuen BitChute Kanal alte und neue Videos veröffentlichen werden.
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We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us
Trigger Warning: graphic content
Warmongers, Weapon Sellers, Peace Disablers... we are coming for you.
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
(Look Mummy)
(There′s an airplane up in the sky)
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Di-di-di-did you see the frightened ones?
Di-di-di-did you hear the falling bombs?
Di-di-di-did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath the clear blue sky?
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Di-di-di-did you see the frightened ones?
Di-di-di-did you hear the falling bombs?
The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on
Goodbye blue sky
Goodbye blue sky
Abuse material found in openly accessible data set
Child sexual abuse material (CSAM) has been located in LAION, a major data set used to train AI.
The Stanford Internet Observatory revealed thousands of images of child sexual abuse in the LAION-5B data set, which supports many different AI models.
The report shows that AI models such as Stable Diffusion and Google’s Imagen “were trained on billions of scraped images in the LAION-5B dataset.” This dataset is said to have been created through “unguided crawling that includes a significant amount of explicit material.”
These images have allowed AI systems to produce realistic and explicit images of imaginary children while also altering images of clothed individuals into nude photos.
October 1989: Nora Bernard, an east coast native survivor of the Shubenacadie Catholic residential school, commences the first lawsuit against both the church and the government for harm she suffered.
Nora refers to “our genocide”.
She will be murdered in December, 2007 just prior to the launching of the government cover up known as the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC).
October 1990: AFN head and government employee “Chief” Phil Fontaine, in response to the Nora Bernard residential school lawsuit, speaks publicly of “abuses” in the schools and establishes a benign, AFN monopoly over the issue that never mentions the death of children or genocide.
1962: A government plan later entitled the “Sixties Scoop” covertly begins to privatize residential schools by transferring huge numbers of Indian children into non-aboriginal homes through state-subsidized foster agencies.
Thousands of children have their identity and family life destroyed in this manner without setting foot in a residential school.
1965: Government document destruction teams obliterate countless residential school records related to the identity and deaths of students, in anticipation of the phasing out of the schools.
1969: Indian Affairs minister and future Prime Minister Jean Chretien affirms an “assimilationist” policy of legally exterminating native nations in a federal “White Paper” introduced in Parliament.
1970: Native protests against the White Paper, including the seizure and occupation of Bluequills residential school in Alberta by aboriginal parents, forces the government to begin the process of turning over residential schools to the control of local tribal councils.