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470 We do not Forgive! We do not Forget! Do not expect Mercy! Expect us!

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Anonymous (D)

Petrus Nazgul - The Hacking Collective

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Anonymous (D)

Petrus Nazgul - New Day

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Anonymous (D)

Found in the Celtic Hill Tomb by the Prince of High Asperg in Germany

The bronze kettle has a capacity of 500 l and was filled with freshly prepared med about three quarters of the tomb. In the cauldron there was a golden ball and a drinking bowl as well as some mead left over from the excavation.

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Anonymous (D)

Transperson spricht über den aktuellen Genderwahn.

Saskia Michalski:,,Meine GESCHLECHTSLOSIGKEIT muss ANERKANNT werden!"

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Anonymous (D)

The Cabbage Patch Fairy - Der verlorene Film und der erste Film, der jemals gedreht wurde! Alice Guy

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Anonymous (D)

The Dresden Codex is a Mayan book written in the Americas, dating back to the 11th or 12th century.
The codex was rediscovered in the city of Dresden, Germany, hence the book's current name. It is located in the museum of the Saxon State Library.
Its pages are made from the inner beating bark of a wild Ficus species, 20cm high, and can be folded accordion style; when opened the codex is 12 feet (3.7 m) long. It is written in Mayan hieroglyphics and refers to an original text from about three or four hundred years earlier, describing local history and astronomical tables.

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Anonymous (D)

There is no perfect person.. there is someone who matches our imperfections..

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Anonymous (D)

The Presets - Girl and the Sea (Petrus Nazgul Voice Cover Test)

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Anonymous (D)

Petrus Nazgul - Forget It (Video Edit)

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Anonymous (D)

We. Are. Anonymous. Message from Offcircuitsecurity

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Anonymous (D)

"If miserable people greedy for personal profit attack the public good, with every intention of having to extract their own gain, it will not be possible to have a well-governed city, since, since power is the object of discord, a fratricidal and internecine war sooner or later it will ruin the contenders, and with them the whole rest of the state."


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Anonymous (D)

Excavation of the Oseberg Viking ship in 1904.

The Oseberg ship (Norwegian: Osebergskipet) is a well-preserved Viking ship discovered in a large burial mound at the Oseberg farm near Tønsberg in the county of Vestfold og Telemark, Norway. This vessel is commonly recognized as among the finest artifacts to survive from the Viking Age. The ship and some of its contents are on display at the Viking Ship Museum in Bygdøy, on the western side of Oslo, Norway.

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Anonymous (D)

Happy Women's Day, you fucking queens. You ladies are the backbone of our community, and without you, we would be lost. You are the mothers, the sisters, the wives, and the friends that make our lives worth living.
Shout out to all the fly honey hackers, femme fatales of fraud, and cyber vixens holding it down in the underground. Y'all are out here snatching souls, lifting wallets, and causing chaos looking too fine while doing it. Mad respect!!!❤️👍🏻

So, on this special day, we salute you, you fucking queens. We honor you, we celebrate you, and we thank you for all that you do. You are the heart and soul of our community, and we love you for it.🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡

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Anonymous (D)

Nick Trikakis

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Anonymous (D)

"The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, the world will be destroyed by those who watch them without doing anything"... Albert Einstein.

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Anonymous (D)

Petrus Nazgul - Mein kleiner grüner Kaktus


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Anonymous (D)

"Only those who have overcome their fears will be truly free.."

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Anonymous (D)

'Murica is giving TikTok the boot?🫡🤖

up, TikTok is a greasy spy app controlled by those slanty-eyed commies in China. You know Xi and the rest of the rice farmers are using it to steal all our data and hypnotize our thots and tweens with their cringey dances. We gotta purge that malware quick before China turns our females against us! Can't have those fortune cookie motherfuckers tickling our women's ladybits through their fancy algorithms. TikTok needs to die!

And you already know TikTok is filled to the brim with liberal propaganda trying to turn our youth into pinko Antifa supersoldiers. It's a hub for the woke feminist agenda, BLM terrorism, and tranny story hour degeneracy. You see a hottie shaking her ass on TikTok? Guaranteed she's also a raging SJW looking to castrate men and install communism. We gotta protect our children's impressionable minds from this brain poison! No more TikTok!🥳

Plus those slants use TikTok to spread their "Holocaust never happened" and "Israel isn't legitimate" bullshit.Can't have your greatest allies, the Jews,😈😘 face that kind of slander! TikTok must be exterminated with extreme prejudice to protect God's chosen people.😝

FUCK China, FUCK communists, FUCK liberal indoctrination, and FUCK TikTok. Kick that trash app to the curb and let freedom ring brother! 🦅
Now let's go shoot some guns and pound brews to celebrate this patriotic occasion.🦅
America is right to kick out that fucking spy app, TikTok, and its chink owners, ByteDance. It is a threat to national security, it promotes "progressive" horseshit, and it violates the First Amendment rights of its users.
It is time for America to take a stand against censorship, surveillance, and oppression, and to protect the interests of its citizens.🦅

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Anonymous (D)


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Anonymous (D)

"Good music is not wrong, and it goes straight to the bottom of the soul to look for the pain that devours us." (Stendhal)

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Anonymous (D)

GERMANY - The deadly sharp wooden spikes from Roman Forts found near BadEms, Germany, have been revealed in all their menacing splendor after conservation at the LeibnizCenterforArchaeology (LEIZA) in Mainz. The 23 wooden pikes had been in storage for nearly three years and posed a multi-layered problem. They had to stabilize the wood to prevent it from drying out, shrinking or cracking. They also had to remove thick layers of sediment that were stuck to the wood with unusual strength.

The spikes were discovered during a 2019 excavation at the site of two previously unknown early imperial military camps on the River Lahn. Found in a V-shaped trench still in their original position, upright or angled, ready to impale an unwary attacker, the carved wooden spikes have been preserved in exceptional condition by the water-logged clay soil. Known from ancient sources such as the Gallic Wars of Julius Caesar, these are the first (and so far only) examples of this type of defensive barrier ever found.

They were made of oak and had an average length of 65 cm (26 in) and a diameter of 4.5-6 cm (1.7-2.3 in). They were sharpened on both ends and had two notches, one at the bottom and one at the top, which made it more difficult for anyone unfortunate enough to fall into them to extricate themselves than a simple sharp point. The lower notch appears to have been used to hammer it into the dense clay soil, as the wood fibers in the notch were crushed by the impact. They were installed at an angle outward, and upward, bristling in all directions at once, just like the thorns of barbed wire.

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Anonymous (D)

Petrus Nazgul - Dreams

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Anonymous (D)

David K - Meet You (Thomas Lizzara Remix) (Petrus Nazgul Voice Cover Test)

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Anonymous (D)

Petrus Nazgul - Ghosts

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Anonymous (D)

Sunburn Festival - GOA - India 🇮🇳

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Anonymous (D)

This Viking Age-based stone from the 1000s has a runic inscription that is believed to reveal various places the owner, probably a merchant, visited. It is a magnificent testimony to the extensive travels and expeditions of the Scandinavians of the Viking Age. You can see it at the museum in Gotland, Sweden.

The runes say:
ormiga : ulfua-r : krikiaR : iaursaliR : islat : serklat
This translates to: Ormika, Ulfair, Greker (Greeks), Jerusalem, Isle (Iceland), Serkland (Viking name for the vast lands around the Caspian Sea).

The first two words, Ormika and Ulfair, are names and most likely the companions who made the journeys.

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Anonymous (D)

It's Time We Bring This Back For Pedophiles

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Anonymous (D)


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Anonymous (D)

Petrus Nazgul - Dark Bells

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Anonymous (D)

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth will be a revolutionary act.

~George Orwell

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