We do not Forgive! We do not Forget! Do not expect Mercy! Expect us!
Die Kinder haben genug gelitten duch die Pedophilen im Internet.
Jetzt AI/KI?
Russland hat mit dem Internet genug gelitten/degradiert.
Jetzt AI/KI?
#Oplsrael engaged. #WeAreAnonymous
#WeAreLegion #WeDoNotForgive #WeDoNotForget #WeAreOne
You Can Not Stop Us.
#RageAgainstTheWarMachine #OpMayDay #Anonymous #OffCircuitSec #OpFakeAnon #Antifa EXPOSED #OpRussia exposed #OpQ exposed as antifa operation with collaboration of #FakeNews #MainstreamMedia
Fakes exposed #DaisyNuke #KarmaNuke #DaisyVeteran #MaykaylaHoward #MarkAns #LukeAns #AaronCodes #YourAnonNews #AnonymousOfficial #YourAnonOne #YourAnonOps
#OpLittleBirds < #TheStorm #ProjectMayhem
Die alte Welt Dresden, Deutschland 1850-1945 Fotografien - Die verschollene Architektur der Sachsen
Читать полностью…❗️Предположительно, девушку, которая вручила статуэтку Татарскому зовут Мария Ярун, она из Ивано-Франковска, на творческом вечере она представилась Анастасией, сейчас она в больнице — СМИ
Читать полностью…В Питере убили российского военкора Владлена Татарского.
Теракт произошёл в кафе, где проходила фан-встреча Владлена. Предварительно, взрыв в кафе случился из-за детонации бомбы, которую на встречу с военкором пронесла девушка. Она спрятала ее в статуэтку и подарила Татарскому.
Сообщается о множестве пострадавших с осколочными ранениями. Смерть Татарского подтвердил «Министр молодёжной политики ДНР» Кирилл Макаров.
👉 Топор +18. Подписаться
⚡️⚡️⚡️Момент взрыва в кафе в Петербурге
UPD: Раньше кафе, в котором произошел взрыв, принадлежало Евгению Пригожину, здесь в выходные собирается дискуссионный клуб «Кибер Z фронт».
❗️Первые кадры с места взрыва в кафе в Петербурге
В помещение неизвестный пронес СВУ, начиненное поражающими элементами. Ранения разной степени тяжести получили множество человек, в том числе осколочные.
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Part 4 of
The right to offend Colonizers and Collaborators:
Discussions with Kanenhariyo and Kanahus about relations between Indigenous peoples and the Colonial authorities, and the right to offend Collaborators.
Part 2 of
The right to offend Colonizers and Collaborators:
Introductions of panel members, and general thoughts about statement by Laith Marouf.
Part 1 of
The right to offend Colonizers and Collaborators:
Public Statement by Laith Marouf
"From Turtle Island to Palestine, Colonialism is a Crime"
Grandt, Michael - Die Grünen - Zwischen Kindersex, Kriegshetze und Zwangsbeglückung 2015
Читать полностью…Ghost Squad Hackers Anon Ghost 387 - Mr.Anonymity720 - S1ege
Читать полностью…Kleine Faschisten überall.
So genannte Anons.
Die nicht zulassen, dass andere ihre eigenen Ideen haben.
Sie haben ein Ego.
Sie sind gegen die Redefreiheit.
Freiheit des Denkens.
Ihr seid nicht von der Idee.
Sie sind eine Fälschung.
Und wir sehen dich.
Erwarte uns.
San Francisco 1906 (New Version) in Color [VFX,60fps, Remastered] wsound design added
«Взрыв, пламя, все бегут». Что известно о взрыве в кафе, где погиб Владлен Татарский
Взрыв на Васильевском острове, унесший жизнь военкора и блогера Владлена Татарского (настоящее имя Максим Фомин), стал уголовным делом об убийстве, совершенном общеопасным способом (ч. 2 ст. 105 УК РФ). «Фонтанка» рассказывает, что еще известно к этому часу.
По данным МВД, информация о взрыве в кафе на Университетской набережной, 25, поступила в полицию 2 апреля в 18:13. На место сразу же выехали сотрудники правоохранительных органов и экстренных служб. Мы показывали видеозаписи с места событий, на которых можно увидеть, что заведение получило серьезные повреждения, тротуар был усыпан осколками выбитых окон, очевидцы рассказывали о пострадавших, которые лежали на земле.
Спустя некоторое время в телеграм-каналах появилась информация, что в кафе, где произошел взрыв, в это время проходил творческий вечер военкора Владлена Татарского, активно освещавшего СВО. Позже полиция и Следком подтвердили, что он — единственный на данный момент погибший. Пострадали, по последним данным, 25 человек, среди которых, по информации «Фонтанки», один подросток. В больницу попали 19 человек.
Очевидица событий рассказала «Фонтанке», что на вечере присутствовало около 100 человек. По одной из версий, взорвалась некая статуэтка, которую Татарскому подарила одна из гостей. «Взрыв произошел на высоте 60 сантиметров от пола. Сработало безоболочное взрывное устройство мощностью от 300 до 450 грамм в тротиловом эквиваленте. Взрыв произошел с правой стороны от места где сидел военкор», - сообщил РБК источник в МВД.
❗️По предварительным данным, Военкор Владлен Татарский погиб в результате взрыва статуэтки с бомбой, которую ему подарила девушка — министр молодёжной политики ДНР Макаров.
Читать полностью…❗️Политолог Константин Долгов заявил, что по имеющейся у него информации, была вероятность, что на встречу, где прогремел взрыв и погиб военкор Татарский, мог заехать Евгений Пригожин.
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Final part of
The Right to Offend Colonizers and Collaborators panel.
Members discuss the bizarre spectacle of a joint parliamentary committee being held at Congress, where twitter was berated about Laith Marouf's accounts and tweets.
Part 3 of
The Right to Offend Colonizers and Collaborators Panel.
Margaret Kimberley, Dr. Wilmer Leon, and Jooneed Khan discuss how CBC is appealing a decision that bans its right to use the N-word, while claiming it would be racist to use the F-word against French people....and the death of Colin Powell.
Laith Marouf and the Right to Offend Colonizers and Collaborators: A Panel Discussion
TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – On Friday, September 16th, Real People’s Media held a panel discussion with award-winning journalist, broadcasting policy expert, and Palestinian activist Laith Marouf. The panel consisted of Jooneed Khan, a legendary war correspondent; Kanenhariyo Seth LeFort, War Chief at Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory; Kanahus Manuel of the Secwepemc nation and the Tiny House Warriors; Margaret Kimberley, co-founder and senior columnist of the Black Agenda Report; Stanley Cohen, longtime legal warrior for the liberation of Indigenous peoples in Turtle Island and Palestine; and Dr Wilmer Leon, professor of political sciences and nationally syndicated columnist and radio host.
The panel discussion took place at the exact same time that the Inter-Parliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism, made up of by pro-Zionist politicians from Australia, Canada, Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United States grilled social media executives from Meta, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok about Laith Marouf’s social media posts, and discussed community guidelines and content moderation practices that would censor both anti-Semitism and legitimate critiques of Zionism and the state of Israel.
The Task Force is proposing that social media platforms adopt the non-binding “working definition” of anti-Semitism, published in 2016 by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. As part of this definition, “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour” is considered “anti-Semitism.” This definition would effectively criminalize all criticism of the atrocious human rights abuses carried out by the Israeli state by conflating them with anti-Semitism.
The panel was convened in the wake of a national and international media storm that saw Mr. Marouf banned from Twitter, and condemned as an anti-Semite and racist for tweeting against “Jewish White Supremacists,” the political ideology of Zionism, and the Apartheid state of Israel. The organization Mr. Marouf is a Senior Consultant for – the Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC), “supports the self-determination of Indigenous, racialized, and disAbled peoples in the media through research, relationship-building, advocacy, and learning” and works “to disrupt settler colonialism and oppression in the media.”
In 2021, CMAC was funded by Heritage Canada to help Indigenous and racialized media workers and their communities to map out an anti-Racism strategy for the Broadcasting sectors in Canada. Since the Zionist attacks started, CMAC has been defunded, and Marouf was denounced by Ahmed Hussen the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Youth, Minister of Crown and Indigenous Affairs Marc Miller, as well as Prime Minister Trudeau.
As Davide Mastracci put it in an article entitled, Laith Marouf, The Israel Lobby And Anti-Racism Funding, “There’s a lot at stake here, and it would be an error to let this scandal pass without any critical input. Marouf won’t be the only, or even main, target of this campaign for very long. Not because the pro-Palestine movement is secretly filled with antisemites, but rather because many parties have a vested interest in portraying it as such, and are using this moment to put as much pressure on the government as they can to act accordingly.”
Statement by Laith Marouf
Good Day and thank you for listening,
My statement today concerns the personal attacks and false accusations made against comments I posted on my personal Twitter account.
First, I humbly bow to the Indigenous land defenders, those who I lived amongst for decades. Our struggle is one, and the freedom of Palestinians will not be complete until every Indigenous Nation is liberated and sovereign on its lands.
I just came back from the liberated territories of Lebanon, where the French, Americans and the Zionists were routed out in humiliating defeats; our peoples send their greatest admiration to the Indigenous land-defenders, and have hopes of Nation to Nation relations and trade.
I would like to address my Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities living in the Colony of Canada; do not be afraid, the end of the Zionist Colony is nigh, and all Zionist propagandists that haunt your life and police your speech will be out of jobs very soon.
My communities, I would like to remind you that you are living on lands usurped from the great Indigenous Nations, and all the privileges you receive from electricity to healthcare are only possible with the continued looting of Indigenous resources in the Colony of Canada and abroad.
May I remind you, that your homelands are living wars orchestrated and supported by the Colony of Canada. Rise up and stand for Justice. You would be delusional if you think a Colonial state perpetuating Genocide on its Indigenous inhabitants will give you any form of equality. You will not be free until the Indigenous Nations are free.
To followers of the Jewish Faith in this Colony, the faith of Prophet Moses of Egypt. It is time for you to stand up and take down those who desecrate Judaism and pervert it with Zionism, a cult of genocide and colonization. My communities do not need you to stand in our support only; we need you to take down those Zionists who appointed themselves as your leaders.
To all media workers, academics, students, and activists in this Colony who work against racism; have no fear; the Zionists are shaking in their boots, scared of the achievements, courage and selflessness you exhibited in the past years, as you stood against their bullying and intimidation. They want to make an example of me, a lighting rod; by launching a smear campaign against me, and falsely accusing me of racism and hate-speech.
The battleground set by the Zionists today, is about the limits of so-called “fundamental freedoms” within the colonial setting of Canada; meaning what is acceptable within the public space, can a Zionist be comfortable spewing their hate and supremacy against Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims on-air? Can a Palestinian, or Arab or Muslim or Indigenous person express their disgust with those who condone, aid and commit genocide against their people on Twitter? They want us to be “civilized”, while they are genociding our peoples live on air.
Today, the Zionist Lobby wants to have the Prime Minister of this Colony, police the tone of my speech on a Social Media platform; one that is wholly owned by the Saud Family and their Zionist bedfellows. Across Canadian Mainstream Media, I was condemned by Prime Minister Trudeau, he smeared me and falsely claimed my tweets are hate speech, xenophobic and anti-Jewish; he called me vile.
The accusations made by the Zionist Lobby, repeated by politicians in Canada, and parroted by the media mark a bigger struggle; one that is a fight about the right to be disgusted with genocide and supremacy, and their perpetrators and propagandists. The right to offend our oppressors is the essence of “freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression.” ...
From Turtle Island to Palestine, Colonialism is a crime. Salam, Nia:wakowa!
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