Anonymous ist und wird immer der WAHRE Antifaschist sein.
Wir werden uns an allen Fronten gegen die globalen zionistischen Nazis erheben. Sie werden nicht länger von Subversion versteckt. Wir sehen Sie alle, von den Medien über Online-Influencer bis hin zu gefälschten Anons, die die Agenda der Regierung vorantreiben und Mockingbird-Erzählungen wiederholen, für die Sie es getan haben.
Versteck dich in deinem Loch, Schlange.
Erwarte das Unerwartete!
Time for unity!
Until the philosophy,
Which holds one race superior
And another inferior,
Is finally and permanently
Discredited and abandoned,
Everywhere is war.
Until there is no longer first class
Or second class citizens of any nation.
Until the color of a man抯 skin,
Is of no more significance then
The color of his eyes,
I e got to say “war”.
That until the basic human rights,
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race,
I e got to say “war”
Until that day the dream of lasting peace,
World-citizenship and the rule of
International morality will remain
Just a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never obtained.
And everywhere is war.
Until the ignoble and unhappy regime
Which holds all of us through,
Child-abuse, yeah, child-abuse yeah,
Sub-human bondage has been toppled,
Utterly destroyed,
Everywhere is war.
War in the east,
War in the west,
War up north,
War down south,
There is war,
And the rumors of war.
Until that day,
There is no continent,
Which will know peace.
Children, children.
We find it necessary.
We know we will win.
We have confidence in the victory
Of good over evil
MNN. Aug. 7, 2023. On the “Indigenous lead” site where the unmarked burial of indigenous children are being sought at the New Vic site, McGill and SQI Security are refusing to hire a professional Indigenous security firm. The “cultural monitors” and elders working alongside the archaeological work crew were attacked by SQI & McGill security and now the indigenous refuse to return to work until their safety is guaranteed. Also, SQI wants to interpret the GPR Report that found ‘anomalies’ of remains in the GEOSCAN Report, a private company. SQI & McGill have terminated the Tripartite Panel that was set up by Quebec Superior Court to oversee the search for the children, so they could start working on the Royal Vic Project. The court needs to uphold its orders.
Remembr, no guards wwre there when our children were being murdered and buried.
SQI & McGill do not have the expertise to interpret the findings, which needs to be done by trained archaeological forensic experts. One of the members of the Panel has quit and another states that the anomaly found by GEOSCAN is a burial site and SQI office technocrats cannot determine that. This could prejudice all GPR searches that are carried out in Canada by indigenous people.
SQI & McGill have given us no choice but to consider enforcing the Settlement Agreement that we signed in April.
Many experts find this extremely damaging to the whole investigation. Canada is allowing SQI to act above the law and above a court order. It appears that international human rights organizations will now be needed. Canada continues on its criminal path while Quebec acts as a cheerleader rooting for the colonizer.
Quebec spends public money in their fight against us the Mohawk Mothers. Once again they are trying to silence us about their murder of our children whose spirit is at our side right now. They reject professional expertise.
The public has to now ask the question, “What the f… is really going on?”
The Mohawk security group in Kahnawake has a right and is qualified to work anywhere on turtle island. McGill University, Royal Victoria Hospital, Allan Memorial Hospital and the City of Montreal all squat on unceded Kanienkehaka Mohawk land, which they must acknowledge by law before every meeting so they never forget. They are rejecting an indigenous company from providing security to the “Indigenous lead” process taking place to find indigenous children that may be buried on Mohawk land. We wonder if this was part of Prime Minister Duncan Campbel Scott’s “100 year plan” to be rid of the “Indian problem” permanently. We are reminded of a song which Sinead O’Connor sang during the well known “Pope-incident” in Saturday Night Live in 1992, when she shouted, “Children, children. Fight! Fight!”.
SQI is our message to Quebec: It’s time for you to “STOP & QUIT IMMEDIATELY”
#free turtle island! 🐢🥷
MOVEit Hack Can't Catch a Break | Weekly Cybersecurity News
LK-99 Superconductor Breakthrough - Why it MATTERS!
Is this the Biggest Discovery of the Century?
Isis-Theater Geheimgesellschaften & Okkulte Theater, Mentale Programmierung - Filmgeschichte
The Battle for Africa is on! After Niger military officers removed the pro-French president from power, Burkina Faso and Mali promised to support their neighbour in case of foreign intervention.
The race for the African continent and its natural resources began in the late 19th century. By WWI, the spheres of influence had been finally divided with France controlling almost all the Western part, including Mali. Locals claim they will never forget the horrors of being a French colony. ‘They killed us; they raped us. They used us as their tools,’ says DR Amadou Maiga, economic sciences PhD.
Großer russischer TV-Dokumentarfilm entlarvt LGBT-Lobby, moralischen Verfall des Westens (eng)
"Vergesst Arbeitgeberverbände, die Pharmaindustrie oder die Agrar-Lobby: Die LGBT Community soll die mächtigste Interessengruppe auf dem Erdball sein."
Es wird immer ekelhafter 🤮 jetzt fordern Pädos schon das LGBTQ ein P dran setzt für Pädophile 😡🤮
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Читать полностью…Nichts haben Sie die letzten zwei Jahre gelernt...
"Querdenker" Demo in Berlin...
Von LGBT Flagge bis zu FFF ist alles vertreten gewesen..
Es wird immer "besser"....
New 'Deep Learning Attack' Deciphers Laptop Keystrokes with 95% Accuracy
A group of academics has devised a "deep learning-based acoustic side-channel attack" that can be used to classify laptop keystrokes that are recorded using a nearby phone with 95% accuracy.
"When trained on keystrokes recorded using the video conferencing software Zoom, an accuracy of 93% was achieved, a new best for the medium," researchers Joshua Harrison, Ehsan Toreini, and Maryam Mehrnezhad said in a new study published last week.
Side-channel attacks refer to a class of security exploits that aim to glean insights from a system by monitoring and measuring its physical effects during the processing of sensitive data. Some of the common observable effects include runtime behavior, power consumption, electromagnetic radiation, acoustics, and cache accesses.
Superconductivity is enjoying a viral moment after a group of South Korean scientists released research papers that introduced the concept of transporting electricity with near-zero resistance. The secret recipe involves a four-day process that combines lanarkite minerals (Pb₂SO₅) and copper phosphide (Cu₃P). The result is a superconductor called LK-99, and it has been fiercely debated online ever since.
In an intriguing video, scientists can be seen carefully placing a segment of LK-99 atop a magnet, causing one side of the flat disk to lift. At the same time, the opposing edge seemingly remains tethered to the magnetic force. If this genuinely is the world's first room-temperature superconducting material, we could quickly find ourselves in Nobel Prize-winning territory. But while many are prematurely declaring this discovery as the holy grail of physics, others are treating it with extreme skepticism.
Вопиющий случай с избиением инвалида-ветерана СВО в Забайкалье.
Жестоко избит участник СВО, который потерял ногу во время боевых действий. Двое подонков ногами запинывали инвалида, сорвали и выбросили ордена, в то время как остальные 6 участников (среди них две девушки) происшествия весело их подбадривали.
‼️‼️Тыловые крысы, отсидчики призывного возраста или получившие лже-бронь, все те, кто поднимет руку на фронтовика должны наказание отбывать на передовой. А потом уже поговорим.
➡️@lugovoyandrey | 💬ЧАТ
Africans need to finally be recognized as intelligent sentient human beings and not backwards savages that need to be controlled... For their resources of course... Good bye AFRICOM ))) LULZ
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