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Anonymous (D)






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Anonymous (D)

In the meantime, Kievan Rus' underwent succession struggles and was dismembered.  Only the city of Novgorod escaped destruction, continuing the Scandinavian dynastic line (that of the Ruriks, which takes its name from the forefather Heinrich, certainly not a Slavic name) until the death of the son of Ivan the Terrible in 1598.

The social chaos that followed the Tatar-Mongol invasion in the Kiev area was resolved only when the Lithuanians conquered the city of Kiev, incorporating it into their large state, which in turn later merged into the Polish-Lithuanian Grand Duchy which dominated the region until 1795. The Kiev area, therefore, is not only not the cradle of the "Russian" state in the modern meaning of the term but has had, compared to the other Russian principalities, a destiny of its own.  The Kiev Scandinavian elite, after the Mongol invasions, was replaced by the Polish-Lithuanian one, while Slavic people returned to populate the region.  The eastern border of the Polish-Lithuanian state ran, roughly, on what had been the border of Kievan Rus'.  Within that border the local Slavic people were able to develop a culture distinct from the Russian one.  They were called Ruthenians, Russians, Little Russians, and are the ancestors of today's Ukrainians.

When the Russian principalities drove out the Tatar-Mongols in the 15th century, what arose was a Russia different from the previous one.  The Mongol rule, which lasted two centuries, had a certain influence on Russian culture and mentality, thus marking a departure from the Slavic-Viking Russia of the early Middle Ages.  However, the Eastern Slavs retained the name "Russians" which in the past was attributed to the Scandinavians.  Today the largest Slavic people, the Russians, bear the name that their ancestors gave to their Scandinavian rulers.  And the first kingdom of these rulers, that of Kiev, was not an eminently Slavic kingdom.

Kievan Rus' is certainly the first "Russian" state, but of that Russia which had not yet experienced the Tatar-Mongol invasions which would have significantly changed its culture and mentality.  A "Slavo-Norman" Russia that has gone into ruin which is certainly linked to modern Russia - the one that arose in the 15th century from the driving force of the principality of Muscovy - but which is not its direct progenitor.  All things considered, Kievan Rus is to today's Russians what the Roman Empire is to Italians.  And like the Roman Empire, Kievan Rus' also had multiple filiations: modern Ukraine is an indirect heir but largely distinct from its cousin Russia.

The legacy of Kievan Rus is great precisely because it is not directly connected to modern nation states.  Its kings were responsible for the conversion to Christianity in the Greek-Byzantine form (which we call "orthodox") and the formation of a specific culture of the Eastern Slavs.

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Anonymous (D)

Bill Gates mRNA "Air Vaccine" Approved for Use Against Non-Consenting Humans:

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Anonymous (D)

"Do not spoil what you have by wishing for what you do not have; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." " Epicurus

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Anonymous (D)

1030 year old Viking ax head, found in Denmark.

The intricate details of the ax are still visible. The small iron ax is richly decorated with designs in silver, niello and gold foil - one side has an intricate pattern of tendrils, which may be a depiction of the Christian tree of life or the world ash tree Yggdrasil from Norse mythology, l 'another a speckled-bodied bird - a phoenix or Gullingambi, the rooster perched atop Yggdrasil. The top of the ax shows a human face with round eyes and a spiral beard.

The ax head has a 10cm long blunt edge.

The rich decorations assume that it was most likely a ceremonial or prestige weapon rather than a simple battle or throwing axe.

The ax was found in a grave in Mammen, Denmark. Chronological studies propose the date of the tomb around 970.
(National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen)

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Anonymous (D)

1st century Roman cavalry helmet discovered in Xanten, Germany. Partly gilded with silver sheath over an iron core. - Museum of Bonn, Germany.

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Anonymous (D)

The babylonian card of the world (VIe siècle avant JC), also common under the name of Imago Mundi, is the oldest "card of the world" on clay tablet written in akkadian.
She was discovered in Sippar, south of Iraq, 100 km north of Babylon, on the east bank of the Euphrates.
These clay cards present a worldwide representation of the era, centered on Babylon.
It is considered as one of the most common premiere cards in the world.

This card shows the Babylonian perspective of the land and the sky through the eyes of the Babylonian eux-mêmes, placing the town of Babylon in the center of the card. As other civilizations did with Athens or Jerusalem, Babylon was placed in the center because it was the center of the life of thousands of people here and alive. There is the second perspective that comes without the use of modern technologies such as satellites, card creation tools and long-distance transport. Your point of view and your ideas about the world here you can see through this small tablet, also incomplete soit-elle.

Author of the town of Babylon on the map you will find seven villas and seven islands, entourées of two circles here representing the plans of many located near Babylon at the time. The cunéiform writing at the top of the tablet indicates that placement; The parameters of the water on the card are labeled as a sea salt and a river of love.

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Anonymous (D)

It is a cross with four arms of approximately the same length, at a uniform angle. You can point right or left, the oldest was 10,000v. B.C., in Asia and Europe, less often found in Africa and America. The character does not have uniform functions and meaning. However, some ethnologists explained it in the 19th century as a sign of the alleged Indo-German race. Since the cross represents the ideology, rule of violence and crimes of National Socialism, political use has been banned in Germany, Austria and other states since 1945. In Germany, crosses under Article 86 (3) STGB can be indicated only for "citizen education" and other similar purposes. I just hope Facebook doesn't delete this album for me because there is no room for glorification. soll...It is a cross with four arms of approximately equal length, at uniform angle. It can be pointed to the right or left, the oldest was found 10,000 BC, in Asia and Europe, more rarely also in Africa and America. The sign does not have uniform functions and meaning. However, some ethnologists transformed it in the 19th century into the sign of a supposed Indo-European race. Since the swastika represents the ideology, tyranny and crimes of National Socialism, political use was banned from 1945 in Germany, Austria and other states. In Germany swastikas according to Article 86 (3) StGB may only be displayed for "civic illumination" and other similar purposes. I just hope Facebook doesn't delete this album for me, because there should be no room for glorification.

Photo by Stephan Beberhold

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Anonymous (D)

Fractals Documentary: The Colors Of Infinity by Arthur C. Clarke [1995] [Remaster]

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Anonymous (D)

An die Bauern & Patrioten - Proteste ab dem 8.1.2024 - Anonymous

*PS HITMAN17 EOF wir begrüßen euch in unserer Reihen.
"Es gibt eine Agenda der Regierung. Eine neue Weltordnung, die Russland zur Zielscheibe machen soll. Es ist das Ziel der neuen Weltordnung, seit Russland diese Khasaren 800 n. Chr. gestoppt hat. Damals begann der Blutschwur und sie schworen, Russland zu zerstören"

"Die Herrschenden werden aufhören zu herrschen, wenn die Kriechenden aufhören zu kriechen"
Friedrich Schiller"

Wir sehen euch 😉
Danke für Spiegelung der wichtigsten Videos 💪

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Anonymous (D)

The first known author, Enheduanna .⁣

Akkadian poet Enheduanna (2285-2250 BC) is the first known author and was the daughter of Sargon of Akkad (Sargon the Great, 2334-2279 BC). It is not known whether Enheduanna was, in fact, a blood relative of Sargon or whether her title was figurative.

This ancient clay tablet from Babylon is inscribed in Sumerian cuneiform and dates back to the 20th-17th century BC. It mentions King Sargon's daughter, Enheduanna, as the author of a hymn to the goddess Inanna.

In the first column, the tablet has lines written by the teacher, with 2 students repeating the hymn in columns 2 and 3. Enheduanna emerges as a truly creative talent, a poet as well as princess and priestess. She is, in fact, the first non-legendary author named in history.

It is clear that Sargon had enormous trust in Enheduanna, elevating her to the position of high priestess of the most important temple in Sumer (in the city of Ur) and leaving her with the responsibility of merging the Sumerian gods with the Akkadian ones, in order to create the stability that his empire needed to prosper.

Furthermore, she is credited with creating the paradigms of poetry, psalms, and prayers spread throughout the ancient world and thus leading to the development of the genres recognized today.

Scholar Paul Kriwaczek writes:

"Her compositions, though rediscovered only in modern times, remained models of supplicatory prayer for centuries. Through the Babylonians, they influenced and inspired the prayers and psalms of the Hebrew Bible and the Homeric hymns of Greece. The faint echoes of Enheduanna, the first author literary mentioned in history, were also heard in the hymnody of the early Christian church."

Her influence was as impressive as her literary legacy. Entrusted with a great responsibility by her father, Enheduanna not only exceeded those expectations but changed the entire culture. Through her written works, she altered the very nature of the Mesopotamian gods and people's perception of the divine.

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Anonymous (D)

How to remove Pegasus spyware

Removing Pegasus spyware from your smartphone will not be easy. Furthermore, there are no guarantees the infection is cleared due to continuous Pegasus spyware updates from NSO Group.

The discussed Mobile Verification Toolkit is the only way to remove (some) Pegasus spyware versions from iPhone or Android. The process requires access to macOS or Linux operating systems and good technical skills, but you shouldn't expect anything less when dealing with malware of such complexity.

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Anonymous (D)



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Anonymous (D)

Wir kämpfen nicht für unsere Freiheit, wir kämpfen für Profit und Völkermord. Wir können NICHT länger "unsere Truppen unterstützen", wenn sie unschuldige Menschen in unschuldigen Ländern ermorden. Schüttelt die Gehirnwäsche ab. Wie viele von Ihnen waren während 911 in der Schule? Lasst mich raten. Sie haben den Fernseher in den Raum gerollt, damit ihr es live sehen konntet.... schon wach?
#Krieg #Iran #iraq #Afghanistan #Palästina #SriLanka #Syrien #Libanon #Vietnam #Frankreich #Deutschland #Spanien #Italien #Nigeria #Myanmar #kuwait #OffCircuitSec #WeDoNotForget #OpNato #OpStopTheWars #OneLove #911 #WTC #building7

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Anonymous (D)

The goddess on the right is the winged Ereshkigal, on a seal dating to 1650 and 1350 BC. The seal addition features three afterlife scorpions beneath the star and moon symbol, with two goddesses wearing stacked aurochs horn crowns offering the scorpions (and thus Ereshkigal) obedience.

The goddess pair is not identified, but among the candidates are Belet-seri ("Lady of the Desert") who kept the records of Ereshkigal, and the oracular goddess Geshtinanna ("Lady of the Vine"), whose subterranean duties included greeting and recording the names of new arrivals.

The cow-horned crown of Ereshkigal is worn exclusively by female deities. The horns allude to the sin of the moon god (Nanna) who rules the womb, and the underworld is the largest of all wombs.

Her spear or staff of authority symbolizes warlike ability. The other hand holds a kophesh ("Bovine Leg"), a largely ceremonial sword with a curved sickle near the end, also indicating authority. She is at the gate to the Underworld

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Anonymous (D)

It cant rain all the time

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Anonymous (D)

- SLAVIA: Kievan Rus', a Viking state -

Kievan Rus' is the first Russian state, founded - according to ancient chronicles - around the middle of the 9th century.  It extended over part of current Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian territory, and had Kiev as its capital.  From the shattering of that state, which occurred four hundred years later due to the Tatar-Mongol invasions, new principalities were formed from which, in the 15th century, that of Moscow emerged.  Kievan Rus' would therefore be the "cradle" of modern Russia, and this is how nationalists of every era have described it, however omitting an important detail.  As everyone knows, the Russians are a Slavic people, but the term "rus" did not indicate the Slavs.

Rus' was the term with which the Slavs who lived in the plains of present-day Russia, along the Volga, Dnieper and Dniester, called the Scandinavian populations, those that we call Vikings or Normans and that the Byzantines called Varangians.  The term "rus" however does not belong to the Slavic language, it is a term that derives from Balto-Finnish.  Yes, since between the Vikings and the Slavs of the plains there were the lands of the Balto-Finns, and the Slavs - not knowing what to call those people - borrowed the name from their neighbors.  It is no coincidence that even today, in Finnish, Sweden is called "Ruotsi".

The first to notice it was a Danish linguist, Vilhelm Thomsen, in 1876: “Rus is the name assigned to Sweden by all the peoples of the Baltic: in Finnish Sweden is called Ruotsi, in Estonian Rôts, in Livonian Ruotsi, and Rôtsi among the Votes [ancient Baltic people].  Not only must the name correspond to the Slavic Rus' but there is also no doubt that it originates from the Finnish name".  Francis Conte, a Slavist from the Sorbonne in Paris, explains the etymology of the term "Ruotsi": it derives from the ancient Norse "rôdhr", then "rods-menn", or "the men who row".  And truly those Scandinavians were expert navigators and with their light ships (dreki) they traveled the rivers of the great plain, raiding but also trading and, above all, founding cities.  Among these Novgorod and Kiev, important centers of the state that were being built, and which took the name "Rus" from them.

No surprise.  We know that the populations of the early Middle Ages were composed of groups of various ethnic origins, united during long migrations, and who recognized themselves as a single gens when they shared cultural characteristics that had changed in the meantime both in the group of origin and in the group of origin.  At the head of a gens there was a political leadership that Reinhard Wenksus, a German anthropologist, calls a "core of tradition": a core of socially eminent individuals of leaders, warriors and sometimes priests capable of presenting themselves as an axis of aggregation and holders of the characteristics of a changing and adaptable ethnic identity.  Kievan Rus' was nothing other than this: a Viking elite leading a predominantly Slavic population but which was also made up of steppe populations, as narrated in the Tale of Bygone Times, written in 1116 by the historian of Kievan Rus' , Nestor of Pecherska.  The idea that originally the Russian state was not so "Russian" has always been rejected by Soviet and Russian historians and scholars because it prevents any nationalistic arguments and claims on the territories of present-day Ukraine.

To be fair, it should be underlined that the eminently Scandinavian phase of Kievan Rus' was only the first but, although Slavicized in customs, the Kievan aristocracy (the boyars) remained predominantly of Norman origin throughout the early Middle Ages and beyond.  In the 12th century, Kievan Rus was a wealthy Norman-Slavic state and Kiev is believed to have been the largest city in Europe at the time, with around ten thousand inhabitants.  After the Tatar-Mongol invasions nothing remained of its ancient grandeur.  The entire principality of Kiev was hit by a series of invasions that destroyed its social and political fabric.

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Anonymous (D)

Was ist die größte Lüge, die jemals erzählt wurde?

Alle Lügen, die erzählt werden, um Hass zwischen "den Menschen", zwischen Rassen, Männern und Frauen, Links und Rechts zu schüren... sind darauf ausgerichtet, die Taktik der "TEILE UND HERRSCHE" durchzusetzen!


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Anonymous (D)

The big difference between money and time: you always know how much money you have but you don't know how much time you have left.

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Anonymous (D)

The Babylonian limestone kudurru, dating back to 1125-1100 BC. in Babylon, Mesopotamia, shows symbols and inscriptions. The upper portion features sun disks, horned headdress shrines, turtles and more. The lower part shows forks, scorpions and shrines. The sides bear a serpent emblem. Records a grant of lands to Gula-eresh, overseen by Amurru-bel-zeri, issued by Zakiru and Adad-shum-ibni. On display at the British Museum in London.


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Anonymous (D)

An astonishing Assyrian plaster relief panel from 645 BC. approximately depicts the Assyrian army with bows and arrows on the chariot in battle. This historic artwork comes from the Ashurbanipal Palace in Nineveh, Assyria. The first recorded data on the use of chariots by humans emerged from a clay tablet discovered in the archaeological context of Uruk during the period 3200-3100 BC. in Sumer, Mesopotamia. This tablet currently resides in the Louvre Museum in Paris.

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Anonymous (D)

We are all ONE

United Humanity For Love, Truth, Justice, Prosperity, and the right to self determination unrestricted by corporate controlled tyrant governments and institutions not elected but manipulating the global structure.

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Anonymous (D)

Fraktale Die verborgene Ordnung der Natur Mandelbrot und seine Welt

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Anonymous (D)

Zu denjenigen, die das Video Daisy's Destruction erwarben und veröffentlichten, gehörte einer der größten Verbreiter von Material über sexuellen Kindesmissbrauch, Scullys australischer Landsmann Matthew David Graham, besser bekannt unter seinem Online-Pseudonym Lux.
Graham, der als „König des Hurtcores“ sowie als „einer der größten Kinderpornografie- und Hurtcore-Vertreiber der Welt" bekannt wurde, wurde im Alter von 22 Jahren verhaftet und betrieb eine Reihe von "hurtcore"-Seiten zum sexuellen Missbrauch von Kindern, darunter „Hurt2theCore“, die als "die berüchtigtste Hurtcore-Site im gesamten Dark-Web" gilt.
(Hurtcore, eine Zusammensetzung aus den Wörtern "hardcore" und "hurt", ist eine Bezeichnung für eine besonders extreme Form der Kinderpornografie, die in der Regel entwürdigende Gewalt, Körperverletzung und Mord im Zusammenhang mit sexuellem Kindesmissbrauch beinhaltet)

Graham behauptete, er habe das Video "im Namen der Freiheit" auf seiner eigenen Website veröffentlicht.
Jahre später, im Jahr 2021, erlangte das Video Daisy's Destruction erneut traurige Berühmtheit, nachdem es im Besitz von Josh Duggar, einem amerikanischen verurteilten Sexualstraftäter und ehemaligen Reality-TV-Star. gefunden wurde.

Scully sah sich insgesamt 75 Anklagen gegenüber und wurde laut dem deutschen Nachrichtensender n-tv beschuldigt, 75 Kinder sexuell missbraucht zu haben.
Er wurde zusammen mit anderen angeklagt, die bei der Herstellung seiner Pornografie geholfen hatten, darunter vier Männer: Der Deutsche Christian Rouche, die Filipinos Alexander Lao und Althea Chia sowie der Brasilianer Haniel Caetano de Oliveira.

Margaret Akullo, die damalige Projektkoordinatorin des Büros der Vereinten Nationen für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung und Expertin für die Untersuchung von Kindesmissbrauch, beschrieb den Fall als "entsetzlich" und als den schlimmsten, von dem sie je gehört hatte.
Seine Verbrechen wurden als so schwerwiegend angesehen, dass einige Staatsanwälte die Wiedereinführung der Todesstrafe als Strafe für Scully befürworteten, obwohl diese auf den Philippinen seit 2006 abgeschafft ist.

In einem Interview mit Tara Brown in 60 Minutes im März 2015 sagte Scully, dass er im Gefängnis ein Tagebuch schreiben würde, in dem er über seine Beweggründe für die Vergewaltigung kleiner Kinder nachdenken würde.

Im Oktober 2015 wurde die Asservatenkammer, in der Scullys Computerprotokolle und Videos aufbewahrt wurden, durch ein Feuer schwer beschädigt, wodurch wichtige Beweismittel vernichtet wurden.
Es gibt die Vermutung, dass Scully einen örtlichen Polizeibeamten bestochen haben könnte, um das Feuer zu legen.

Am 13. Juni 2018 wurden Scully und seine Freundin zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt.
Im November 2022 wurde er ein zweites Mal zu 129 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.

(Netzfund, bearbeitet und ergänzt)

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Anonymous (D)

Mesopotamia: Akkadian period: The Victory Stele of King Naram-Sin is today a stele erected in honor of the victory of Naram-sin, king of the Akkad Empire, over a rebellious Zagros people, the Lullubi, dating back to the 23rd century BC.

Today it is preserved in the Department of Oriental Antiques of the Louvre Museum.

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Anonymous (D)

Doxbin – Emmanuel Lemor doxes von OffCircuitSecurity

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Anonymous (D)

How to detect Pegasus spyware?

Pegasus is exceptional in its sophisticated undetectability methods. The spyware uses advanced encryption and code obfuscation to prevent detection and has a self-destruct feature to erase any traces of its infection. These features prevent traditional antiviruses from identifying Pegasus malware.

However, the Amnesty International Security Lab has released a Mobile Verification Toolkit (MVT) to perform a forensic iOS or Android analysis to identify traces of compromise, including Pegasus spyware. Currently, it's the only tool that can confirm Pegasus spyware infection, although some versions may just as well avoid it. We must also warn you that using this tool requires at least some computing and Python knowledge.

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Anonymous (D)

Privacy: Everybody know who you are, but nobody know what you are doing.
Anonymity: Everybody know what you are doing, but nobody know who you are.
~Ghost Anna*😏

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Anonymous (D)

Behind every strong person is a story that gave them no other choice.

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Anonymous (D)

Earth is the third planet of our solar system, counted from the point of view of the Sun, from which it is distant on average 150 million kilometers and is so far the only known planet on which life exists. From our earthly perspective, our planet may seem huge, with an endless ocean of air, but to astronauts it appears more like a tiny blue planet with a thin atmosphere, with brown continents and white clouds.

Many of us might like to go on a journey into space, also so that we can admire the wonderful planet Earth not only from space pictures. And at the same time, it is interesting to realize that we are all space travelers on a spaceship, our planet Earth, which is constantly in motion, orbiting the Sun, at the same time rotating on its own axis and, together with the Solar System, orbiting the center of our Galaxy.

Explanation of the name, its origin

Gaia, also Gé, mother of the Earth, daughter of Chaos, from which everything was created, wife of Uranus. She bore him the Hekatoncheiras, the "hundred giants", Briareus, Kotta and Gya. Their descendants were the Cyclops. Furthermore, Gaia gave birth to Uranus the Titans: Oceanus, Koius, Hyperion, Crius, Iapetus and Cronus. Daughters of Gaia and Uranus were also the Titans: Téthys, Rheia, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Dione and Theia. Uranus bound his children and threw them into Tartarus. Gaia persuaded the Titans to avenge their father. The deed was done by the youngest Titan, Kronos, who mutilated Uranus with a sickle. Gaia received the blood of Uranus and from her were born the Erinyes, Tisiphon, Alékto and Megaira; then the nymphs Meliaia, and the twenty-four Giants. Gaia contributed to the unleashing of the Gigantomachy, the war of the Giants against the Olympian gods. She also bore offspring to the god Pontus: they were Nérus, Forkys, Thaumás, Eurybia and the Telchins. With the god Poseidon, she gave birth to Charybdis and the dragon Python. Knowledge of divination was valued among Gaia, which was later taken over by her daughter Themis and finally by the god Apollo. Gaia was worshiped by the ancients as the goddess of life, but just like the goddess of the underworld, the goddess of death, all creatures born from her always ended up in her again. She was honored especially in Athens, where she had a temple and an altar on the Acropolis, but also in other cities and regions.

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