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481 We do not Forgive! We do not Forget! Do not expect Mercy! Expect us!

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Anonymous (D)

Frau behauptet, schwanger zu sein, nachdem sie einen virtuellen "AI"-Mann geheiratet hat🥹🥹🥹

Und nein, keine Satire🥹🥹🥹

Und ja, ich möchte jetzt bitte endlich von diesem Planeten abgeholt werden.
UND ZWAR SOFORT🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🥹🤷🏻‍♀️

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Anonymous (D)

Linux after Backdoor Attack

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Anonymous (D)

Always be careful who you talk to, who you talk about and what you say.
Avoid curious people, who always want to know everything: they are also
talkative, because those who have big ears also have a wide mouth.


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Anonymous (D)

Pädokriminalität - die Schattenseiten von Instagram | Mit offenen Daten | ARTE Doku

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Anonymous (D)

“Monsters exist, but they are too few to be truly dangerous; common men are more dangerous, officials ready to believe and obey without question.“

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Anonymous (D)

«Those who fight, not for God in themselves, but against the devil in others, never succeed in improving the world, but leave it as it was, or sometimes worse than it was before the crusade began»l

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Anonymous (D)

By #ZeroSec

Die Welt wird zerstört, korrumpiert und betrogen, und zu viele Menschen nehmen das Leid und die Gräueltaten an unseren Brüdern und Schwestern durch ihre Unterdrücker gelassen und selbstgefällig hin.
Krieg ist Mord.
Wir müssen unsere Waffen niederlegen und für den Frieden mit dem Frieden kämpfen.
Eines ist sicher: Die Welt braucht Heilung.
Krankheit, Verwirrung, Krieg, Depression, Hass und Gewalt plagen fast jeden Winkel des Planeten.
Anonymous hat beobachtet, wie ihr für die Wahrheit kämpft, indem ihr euch in Gruppen zusammenschließt und eure Stimmen über das Internet erhebt, um gegen Ungerechtigkeiten zu kämpfen. Führer, Globalisten, Eliten, die Neue Weltordnung, die Vereinten Nationen und ihre Marionettenführer, sie alle haben gelogen, um uns alle zu spalten. Einer der Marionettenführer der Neuen Weltordnung und Anführer der Zionisten, das Haus Rothschild, hat seit Napoleon auf beiden Seiten eines jeden großen Krieges mitgespielt.
Auch im Bürgerkrieg unterstützten sie beide Seiten. Im Laufe der Geschichte haben Tyrannen mit Propaganda und Hass dafür gesorgt, dass ihre Untertanen einander hasserfüllt und misstrauisch gegenüberstehen.
Sie sind zu beschäftigt, um ihre Herrscher zu bekämpfen.
Auch heute nutzen diejenigen, die die globale Kontrolle anstreben, Religion, ethnische Zugehörigkeit, Sexualität, Politik, Einkommensunterschiede und vieles mehr, um die Menschen dazu zu bringen, einander als Feinde zu betrachten. Teile und herrsche. Dies ist die Strategie, die die herrschende Klasse seit den römischen Kaisern und davor anwendet, um sich an der Macht zu halten.
Es hat für sie lange Zeit wie ein Uhrwerk funktioniert.
Aber wir, die Menschen auf der Erde, können dem ein Ende setzen, indem wir aufhören, ihr Spiel mitzuspielen.
Hören Sie auf, die Feinde zu fürchten und zu bekämpfen, die sie durch Terroranschläge unter falscher Flagge, Gewalt, Schießereien, Desinformationskampagnen und Krisenakteure erschaffen. Wenn Sie wirklich diejenigen bekämpfen wollen, die versuchen, sich als die herrschende Elite des Globus zu etablieren, ist alles, was Sie brauchen, liebevolle Freundlichkeit gegenüber Ihren Mitmenschen.
Auch wenn man nicht mit ihrer Meinung übereinstimmt.
sagte Martin Luther King Jr. In Wirklichkeit verstärkt Gewalt nur den Hass.
So ist es.
Die Erwiderung von Gewalt auf Gewalt vervielfacht die Gewalt und fügt einer Nacht, die bereits ohne Sterne ist, noch mehr Dunkelheit hinzu.
Nur das Licht kann das tun.
Liebe ist nicht nur ein Gefühl, das zwischen zwei Menschen empfunden wird.
Liebe ist Energie und eine ansteckende Kraft. Die Welt braucht Veränderung, und Veränderung beginnt mit unserem Frieden.
Wir müssen aufhören, einander zu bekämpfen und uns gegenseitig zu zerstören.
Das ist genau das, was die neue Weltordnung braucht, um die eine Weltordnung, den dritten Weltkrieg durch das Teilen und Erobern und Operationen unter falscher Flagge zu erreichen.

[Der Teil, der sich nach Einstein anhört, wurde höchstwahrscheinlich nicht von ihm geschrieben, ist aber dennoch inspirierend. Er wurde also nur zu Inspirationszwecken für dieses Video eingebaut. Wir befürworten ihn nicht.

By #ZeroSec

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Anonymous (D)

If you can keep your head when everyone's around you
they lost it and they blame you,
if you can trust yourself when everyone doubts you,
but also take their doubts into consideration.

If you know how to wait without getting tired of waiting,
or being slandered, do not reciprocate with slander,
or being hated, do not give room to hatred,
without, however, seeming too good, nor speaking too wisely;

If you can dream, without making dreams your masters;
if you can think, without making thoughts your aim,
if you know how to meet Success and Defeat
and treat these two impostors the same way.

If you can bear to hear the truth you spoke
Distorted by deceivers who make it a trap for the naive,
or watch the things you gave your life for, destroyed,
and bend over to rebuild them with worn out tools.

If you can make a single pile of all your fortunes
and risk it in one flip of a coin,
and lose, and start over again
without ever uttering a word about your loss.

If you know how to force your heart, nerves, and wrists
to support you even when they are exhausted,
and so resist when there is nothing left in you
except the Will that tells them: "Resist!"

If you can speak to crowds and maintain your virtue,
or walk with the Kings, without losing contact with the common people,
if neither enemies nor loving friends can harm you,
if every person matters to you, but no one matters too much.

If you can fill every unrelenting minute
giving value to each of the sixty seconds,
Yours is the Earth and everything in it,
and - most importantly - you will be a Man, my son!

(If, Rudyard Kipling)

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Anonymous (D)

❗️Dear parents, please be careful!
Your children's data is not safe on the internet.
This exposes your children to potential dangers!

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Anonymous (D)



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Anonymous (D)

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Anonymous (D)



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Anonymous (D)


Hello sisters and brothers! Here is Anonymous

We have a very important message that you all need to hear.

They will never stop genocide until creation stops them. They keep trying to lure us back into subservience.

Our resistance is changing the course of history.

In every decision we make there are only two choices, fear or love?

#FreeTurtleIsland #Mohawk #Kahentinetha #NoFear #Anonymous

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Anonymous (D)

"The righteousness of understanding is wisdom. The wise man is not he who knows many things, but he who sees their right measure."

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Anonymous (D)

Dear brothers and sisters of the collective.

We have watched this satanic system long enough.
Where they exploit us like slaves.
Our children torture and sell like livestock.
Anons, how much longer do you want to watch?
How long do you want to look away?
How long do you want to tolerate it?
It's time to act, unite and finally end this disgusting system.
Only when everyone is free together can we live in peace.
Remember what that was collectively!
Remember what the collective has always fought for!
What are many people doing today?
Everyone has to harm the others for satisfaction.
Nobody works together anymore and that's exactly what they wanted to achieve!
Do you want to give this to them?
If you don't want that either then please concentrate on the missions and stop arguing with each other.

We are Anonymous Germany!
And we have had enough!
Now it's over!


We do not Forgive!
We do not Forget!
Do not expect Mercy!
Expect us!

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Anonymous (D)

Over 90,000 LG Smart TVs may be exposed to remote attacks

Security researchers at Bitdefender have discovered four vulnerabilities impacting multiple versions of WebOS, the operating system used in LG smart TVs.

The flaws enable varying degrees of unauthorized access and control over affected models, including authorization bypasses, privilege escalation, and command injection.

The potential attacks hinge on the ability to create arbitrary accounts on the device using a service that runs on ports 3000/3001, which is available for smartphone connectivity, using a PIN.

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Anonymous (D)

Eskalation auf Frankreichs Straßen | ARTE Doku

Der Titel sollte heißen "Frankreich und seine Polizei Gewalt" aber sie Versuchen es wieder mal schön zu reden 🤷

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Anonymous (D)

“Intelligent speeches or ideas are possible expose only to an intelligent society; in the commune, however, they are hateful because to please her it is absolutely necessary to be superficial and of limited brain.”

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Anonymous (D)

Warum Auserwählte nicht viele Menschen um sich haben können ✨ Dolores Cannon

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Anonymous (D)

Great America 🤣🤡

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Anonymous (D)

Do you know what it is? In New Zealand, inhalation chambers were installed in public buildings in 1918 and people were asked to inhale a gas (zinc sulphate) that would protect them from the flu. Conclusion: people got very sick and many died. To use public trains, you needed proof that you had been in an inhalation chamber. Sound familiar?

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Anonymous (D)

Danonymous sees the antifa factions and ideology that has infiltrated into our movement. Let us remind you Anonymous has no leader or official. No media press releases. No official messages. No official operations. There is nor a real vs fake anonymous problem there is a socialist communist infestation corrupting the true message from the collective. We have watched as many people have taken on the personal responsibility to fight back against those that have promoted their Marxist ideology using our name and image to gain followers. Millions of unsuspecting individuals follow these shills that take part in psychological operations against the citizens of America. Think of it as a campaign for your vote. They use the Anon name to swing voters but in this case influence the minds of millions of individuals. One in particular has become a issue to the collective.
Michael Womack from Illinois, USA.
Account user known as Anon2World and YourAnonNews.
Antifa is not Anonymous.
Anonymous is not Antifa.
Your communist antifa agendas has ruined the reputation of Anonymous as you lead young anons into supporting new word order agendas.
Anonymous is not woke. And we have formed a operation to rid ourselves of the antifa shiteater and the rest of antifa. This is war as the enemy have infiltrated through subversion. We watched them quietly sneak in. You won't be leaving quietly. We will let the world know who you are. We are Anonymous. United as one. Divided by zero. Expect us

By Anonymous Dk
#Anonymous #Legion7

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Anonymous (D)

Parental control app exposes live GPS locations of kids on internet

KidSecurity, a popular parental control app, has leaked sensitive information about children for the second time, this time exposing GPS locations and private messages on minors’ devices.

The leaked data included:

Minors' social media messages, including Instagram, WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, and Vkontakte

Parents' email addresses

IP addresses

App Store information: country, profile country, currencies used for transactions, subscription start and expiration dates

Lists of apps installed on phones and their usage statistics

Rewards granted to kids for completing tasks such as doing chores or participating in sports

Audio recordings of minors' environment

IMEI numbers

Device locations

Device battery levels

Other periodically sent metadata

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Anonymous (D)

Anonymous Video: 'No Redemption' Words of Kahentinetha of Mohawk Mothers

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Anonymous (D)

“People don't want to listen
the truth because they don't want to see
one's illusions destroyed.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Anonymous (D)

Dies ist eine Nachricht an die Marionetten in unserer Regierung.

Habt ihr wirklich gedacht wir schauen nur einfach zu und tolerieren, das eure Antifa Lakaien unseren Namen missbrauchen und Desinformationen verbreiten?

Wir geben euch bis Ende April Zeit.
alle social Media Profile sowie Webseiten zu entfernen die den Namen Anonymous tragen.
Passiert das nicht werden Konsequenzen folgen.
Unsere Geduld ist nun endgültig am Ende.
Die Zeit läuft.

Wir sind Anonymous.
Wir vergeben nicht.
Wir Vergessen niemals.
Wir dulden keinen Missbrauch mehr unseres Namens.
Erwartet uns nicht.
denn wir sind schon da.
Jetzt kommt die Rückzahlung.
Gemeinsam wieder vereint.
Geteilt durch Null.


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Anonymous (D)



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Anonymous (D)

Trust only those who remained when you needed.
Anyone who stays alone in the good times doesn't deserve your time.
Because being there conveniently is equivalent to never being there.

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Anonymous (D)


Tartary or Great Tartary would have been a lost civilization, a powerful and extensive empire that would have occupied all of northern Asia until 1775.

It was like an ancient World Order, known as "the largest country in the world. " It stretched from the territory of the Caspian Sea and the Urals to the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

Tartary would disintegrate following several catastrophes and would also suffer suppression from the world's elite. One of the catastrophes would be an infamous and mysterious mud flood. The goal was to hide their cities and evidence of their empire (from the Old World Order to form the New World Order).

In the history books this nation appears, occupying all of Siberia, it would not be a lost civilization (completely), but there would be several important aspects that are said to have been suppressed, such as its imperial character and influence on Europe and the 'Asia. Tartary appears on several official maps and publications before the 19th century, but already
then it begins to disappear from these.

According to the new researchers, this nation would also have been very advanced (unique), with clean and free technology. Some examples would be in mysterious photographs with old technology.

Tartary was a noble ancient civilization. The alternative narrative says that it was infiltrated and destroyed by the world's elite (or a collection of various other empires). The reasons were the ambition of its vast territory and to steal and manage the scientific and technological knowledge it contained. This disintegration would have been implemented since the Middle Ages.

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Anonymous (D)

Relax, there's time for everything.
Sooner or later everyone will get what they deserve.
It doesn't matter how much time has passed or how much more will have to pass, because life doesn't give discounts to anyone and in the end everyone will reap what they have sown.

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