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481 We do not Forgive! We do not Forget! Do not expect Mercy! Expect us!

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Anonymous (D)


BRD Amtseid verarsche #Anonymous (deutsch, german)

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Anonymous (D)

WW Zitate Deutsch

By #Anonymous HITMAN17

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Anonymous (D)

WW2 Deutschland

By #Anonymous HITMAN17

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Anonymous (D)

Folding knives have a rich history dating back to the Viking Age, with many examples found at various archaeological sites. One such place is Novgorod, celebrated as Russia's first capital in the 9th century and now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This city was strategically located as part of the network of river and portage routes, providing access to the Baltic Sea in the west, the Black Sea in the south, and the Caspian in the southeast via the Volga River. However, archaeological evidence from excavations in Novgorod yielded nothing before the second quarter of the 10th century.

The folding knife is not a new tool in Norway, and many folding knives found here date back to the Viking Age. Some Viking knives had friction catchers, but most of them used a catch to hold the blade open. Some were simple and basic, others had fine blades and beautifully sculpted handles. A particular type of "folding" knife from this period had a swivel to present one of two cutting edges. This design has proven excellent for small scale wood or antler carving. The combination of a short straight edge and a slightly curved edge made these knives versatile tools during the Viking Age.

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Anonymous (D)

Egoism consists in the fact that man deludes himself that he exists only in his own person, not in others. Death, however, gives him a better suggestion: it totally annihilates his person and makes him continue to live only in others; the existence that remains to man after death, in fact, is his existence as a thing in itself, will to life, and it now appears only in those appearances that have not fallen outside the series of appearances, that is, in the beings not yet dead

A. Schopenhauer, The Berlin manuscripts

Arthur Schopenhauer

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Anonymous (D)

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Anonymous (D)

Sicherheitsrisiko Migration? - Stefan Schubert (Ex-Polizist)

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Anonymous (D)

Korruption im Vatikan Dokumentation

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Anonymous (D)

Karma Says..

If you feel like you're losing everything, Remember that trees lose their leaves every year and still they stand tall and wait for better days to come.

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Anonymous (D)

Jon Levi - Hydro Electric Dams (Elephant in the Room)

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Anonymous (D)

Everyone may not be good, but there's always something good in everyone.

Never judge anyone shortly because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.

Oscar Wilde

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Anonymous (D)

Evil knows good, but good does not know evil.

Franz Kafka

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Anonymous (D)

Wie Doxxt man sich selber Part. 1

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Anonymous (D)

If you can remember that you've been through a lot, never forget that you've overcome it all.

M.L. Pilate

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Anonymous (D)


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Anonymous (D)

Anonymous - Die verschwiegene Geschichte Deutschlands nach 1945

➖ Schuldkult ➖

➖Grafischer Inhalt➖

Telegram: fuf media, ....

Die Wahrheit wird siegen!

Wir sind Anonymous.
Wir sind nicht zu teilen.
Wir sind eins.
Erwartet uns nicht.
Wir sind schon hier.

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Anonymous (D)

We are everywhere here

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Anonymous (D)

autsch - wir haben doch noch gar nicht angefangen - LULZ

By #Anonymous HITMAN17

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Anonymous (D)

Let them chat, because true power lies in the weight of what is left unsaid.

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Anonymous (D)

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Anonymous (D)

Plastik Müll Destillerie

‼️Achtung ‼️ Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Prototypen, zur Sicherheit sollte man einen Eimer Wasser in der Nähe behalten‼️

Gas Rohre 2x 30cm, 2x 15cm
Eck Gas Nippel 1x
Reduktions Nippel 2x
T Gas Nippel 1x
Beilag Scheiben 21er 4-6x
Farb Mischdose leer 1x
Glas ca 750ml 1x
Plastik Flasche 1,5L 1x
Kamin Silikon 1500° 1x

Kurz Anleitung.
Rohre verbinden, Löcher in die Deckel des Glases und der Leeren Farb Mischdose bohren sowie in den Deckel der PET Flasche.
Zwischen des Deckels der Farb Mischdose und des Gas Rohres kommen auf jeder Seite 2 oder 3 Beilag Scheiben die dann am Ende mit einem Reduktions Nippel fixiert werden.
Die PET Flasche einfach auf das Gas Rohr drehen.
Den Deckel des Glases ohne Beilag Scheiben mit einem Reduktions Nippel fixieren, er darf ruhig locker bleiben um Überdruck zu vermeiden.

‼️Wichtig ‼️Mit dem Silikon die Öffnung am Deckel der Farb Mischdose zwischen dem Gas Rohr und den Beilag Scheiben abdichten sonst entzündet sich der Dampf.
‼️Vorsicht ‼️Den mindestens Abstand von 30cm pro Gas Rohr sollte man schon einhalten da sich sonst der gesammelte Diesel im Glas entzündet.

Am ende das destillierte Produkt Mehrmals durch herkömmliche Kaffee Filter filtern bis man klaren Diesel hat.

Viel Spaß beim Müll vernichten ☺️🥳

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Anonymous (D)

Wie man von einem ä auf i kommt ist rätselhaft 🤔👻

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Anonymous (D)

You must be light for those who deserve it... And shadow for those who treat you as an option..
Leave half measures to "half" people......
Good night All 🌹❤️🎭

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Anonymous (D)

"Democracy exists where there is no one rich enough to buy another and no one poor enough to sell themselves."

(Jean Jacques Rousseau)

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Anonymous (D)

Linke: Inwiefern betrifft dich das jetzt persönlich? 🤡

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Anonymous (D)

The Kiffness x Cala - I Go Meow (Singing Cat)

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Anonymous (D)

Wie Doxxt man sich selber Part. 2

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Anonymous (D)

One day fear knocked on the door, courage went to open it and there was no one left.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Anonymous (D)

This Viking Age spear was discovered in Gotland, Sweden, with runic inscriptions. The spear, dating from 800 - 1100 AD, has a silver grip bearing the inscriptions. The inscription is found in Rundata under the signum G 225. The runes and transliteration are as follows:

A) ᚱ ᚿ ᛁ : ᛆ ᚭ ᚦ ᚦ ᚦ ᛁ ᚱ
B) ᛓ ᚢ ( ᚴ*) ᚠ ᛋ ⋮ ᚠ ᛅ ᛅ

In Old Norse, we read:

A) Rani on that side.
B) Bōtfōss fā ði.

This means "Rani owns this spear. Colorful Bótfúss." This discovery offers a fascinating glimpse into the Viking Age and the culture of the time.

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Anonymous (D)

The act of disobedience, as an act of freedom, is the beginning of reason.

Erich Fromm

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