We do not Forgive! We do not Forget! Do not expect Mercy! Expect us!
Die Nacht, als die Flut kam | Doku HD ARTE
Die Geheimnisse des Ahrtal Teil 2
AdSuG.22 - Eine Rothschild packt aus - Project Camelot Interview auf deutsch
Dieses Interview wurde anlässlich des Super Soldier Summits im Mai 2013 von Kerry Lynn Cassidy für das Whistleblowerportal Project Camelot geführt. Erin Green Hicks alias Erin Rothschild erzählt ihre Geschichte aus der Perspektive von Zeitreisen und ihrer Erfahrung, als Rothschild aufgewachsen, gefoltert worden und durch Illuminati Mind-Kontrol und satanische Rituale gegangen zu sein. Das Team von ExtremNews hat das Interview jetzt auf deutsch übersetzt und vertont.
Project Ibis, Project Monarch, Project Paperclip, Milabs, Bewusstseinstransfers, Leben in parallelen Dimensionen, Schattenregierung, Deep State, Reptiloide, rituellen Missbrauch, Dr. Mengele / Dr. Green, Trauma-basierte Mind Kontrol, MK-Ultra, Kindesmissbrauch, dissoziative Identitätsstörung (DIS), Supersoldaten, 'Chosen One', Pentagon, MJ-12, Aleister Crowley, Erinnerungslücken, Weltfrieden, Area 51, uvm.
It was unfortunate that the previous channel was suspended before we can provide this post, though we are very proud and excited to presend the 2nd publish of OpDrugWar. Lots of time, work, effort was put into this
Once again focused against the mexican cartels, we provide a very great leak. Going over various different things we have found locations of weapon cache's, money storage's, one of the planes and pilots used to fly money in and out the country, various documents going over their operations, exposes revealing the already obvious connection between the government and the cartels and so much more.
It is already obvious how much passion, effort and love we put into the art of hacking. Life is a lot more than just a day to day and eventually the passing of genes, find your art, your freedom and chase your goals and dreams, fight for something you believe in and pass it on to the future through your ART!
We Run Shit Cause We Can
~GhostSec 👻
Kreise am Himmel über Berlin - Schwarze Rauchringe
Berlin 1949 color - Berlin Airlift pilot filming - Luftbrücke - Airports - Wiesbaden
Churchill war ein deutschen Hasser
„Staatsschutz“, BPE Kundgebung [Dortmund 8.6.24]
Und selbst gedoxxt 🤣🤦
The Old World; Ultimate 1-Hour Compilation (500+ Photographs From Across the Earth)
Durch Mord zur absoluten Macht - Hitler dezimiert die SA | Doku ARTE
Jon Levi - science of religion (fragments of history)
Jon Levi - Proof on Record
Wird das größte Geheimnis um das Ahrtal nun gelüftet?
Teil 1
Torturing a Scammer Till They Give Up
The Kiffness x Rylyn Clark - Three Little Birds (Bob Marley Cover)
We are all the same. People with broken hearts and bad memories. We all do our best to survive. So let's be nice, the people we meet are just like us.
Читать полностью…We have to love, that’s what sustains us...
What is Offcircuitsec?
Fake Anon?
Anonymous has no sec? Lulz😅😅😅
Dare to be different
Dare to think for yourself
Dare to speak your mind
Freedom of speech
Freedom of expression
Those that seek to take away those rights are no better then the tyrants we fight against
We are Anonymous
We are the collective
Do not take our rights We fight for Expect us to be different
By #offcircuitsec1010100
R I P 😔
You were an example of life, generosity and altruism, your kindness and goodness will always live in us, there are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will forever be in our hearts 🎭❤️
Ukrainische Neonazis
döp dö dö döp - #Anonymous HITMAN17
we are one
Wenn Knast zum Geschäft wird
Verschwundene Berufe der Vergangenheit entdecken
Sumerer: Der Funke, von dem alles begann