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1. BRAZEN(Adjective): Bold and without shame; shamelessly or impudently daring.
Synonyms: Audacious , Brash
Antonyms: Timid, Meek, Modest
Sentence: His brazen disregard for authoritygot him into trouble with the law.
2.SCAVENGING(Noun): The act of searching for or collecting bdiscarded or leftover items, especially food or materials, in order to survive or utilize them.
Synonyms: Foraging, Rummaging
Antonyms: Wasting, Discarding
Sentence: Some animals are skilled at scavenging for edible plants and insects in their environment.
3. RAMS(Noun): A heavy object used to break down doors or walls in ancient warfare.
Sentence: The ancient city's gates werereinforced with iron to withstand attacks from enemy rams.
4. ERRANT(Adjective): Behaving badly in some way, especially by disobeying your parents or leaving home; not behaving in an acceptable way
Synonyms: Wandering, Wayward, Stray
Antonyms: Obedient, Directed, Focused
Sentence: The errant golf ball flew off course and landed in the neighboring fairway.
5. WAFTS(Noun, verb) : To float or be carried gently through the air, often with a pleasant smell or sound.
Synonyms: Gust, Draft , Sweep
Antonyms: Stillness, Calm
Sentence: As they walked through the garden, they could feel the cool wafts of the evening breeze.
6. NABBED (Verb) : To catch or seize someone or something suddenly or quickly, typically in the context of capturing a criminal or getting hold of an object.
Synonyms: Apprehend, Seize, Arrest
Antonyms: Release, Free, Let Go.
Sentence: The police officer nabbed the thief as he was trying to escape with a bag full of
stolen goods.
7. SPATE(Noun) : A large number or quantity of things happening in a short period.
Synonyms: Surge, Flood, Deluge, Torrent
Antonyms: Drought, Scarcity, Dearth
Sentence: After days of heavy rain, the river swelled, causing a spate of floods in the
8. HEIST(Noun , Verb): A robbery or theft, especially one involving a significant amount of money, valuable items, or a large-scale operation.
Synonyms: robbery, burglary, plunder,burglarize
Antonyms: Restitution, Reimbursement.
Sentence: The daring heist at the jewelry store shocked the entire city, as the thieves
made off with millions in diamonds and gold.
1. FORMIDABLE (ADJECTIVE): (डर पैदा करने वाला):: intimidating
Synonyms: forbidding, redoubtable
Antonyms: comforting
Example Sentence:
Hers is a formidable opponent.
2.DIGNIFIED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रतिष्ठित): stately
Synonyms: noble, courtly
Antonyms: undignified
Example Sentence:
She maintained a dignified silence.
3.PHENOMENAL (ADJECTIVE): (अभूतपूर्व): exceptional
Synonyms: extraordinary, remarkable
Antonyms: ordinary
Example Sentence:
The town expanded at a phenomenal rate.
4. OPPRESSIVE (ADJECTIVE): (दमनकारी): harsh
Synonyms: cruel, brutal
Antonyms: lenient
Example Sentence:
They survived an oppressive dictatorship.
5.IMPROBABLE (ADJECTIVE): (असंभाव्य): unlikely
Synonyms: not likely, doubtful
Antonyms: probable
Example Sentence:
This account of events was seen by the jury as most improbable.
6.TIRESOME (ADJECTIVE): (थकानेवाला): boring
Synonyms: dull, tedious
Antonyms: interesting
Example Sentence:
Weeding is a tiresome but essential job.
7.AUGMENT (VERB): (बढ़ाना): increase
Synonyms: add to, supplement
Antonyms: decrease
Example Sentence:
He augmented his summer income by painting.
8. RIFE (ADJECTIVE): (व्याप्त): widespread
Synonyms: general common
Antonyms: scarce
Example Sentence:
Male chauvinism was rife in medicine.
9.CONSEQUENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): (अहम): resulting
Synonyms: resultant, ensuing
Antonyms: casual
Example Sentence:
A loss of confidence and a consequential withdrawal of funds.
10.GLOSSY (ADJECTIVE): (सतही आकर्षक): expensive
Synonyms: high-quality, stylish
Antonyms: cheap
Example Sentence:
That is just another glossy TV miniseries.
1-DISASTROUS (Adjective) : (विनाशकारी)
Synonyms: Catastrophic, Calamitous
Antonyms: Fortunate, Auspicious
Example sentence: The earthquake had a disastrous impact on the city, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.
2-PERNICIOUS (Adjective) : (हावनकारक)
Synonyms: Harmful, Destructive
Antonyms: Beneficial, Benign
Example sentence: The pernicious effects of smoking on health are welldocumented.
3-OVERLOOK (Verb): (नज़रअंदाज़ करना)
Synonyms: Ignore, Neglect
Antonyms: Notice, Pay attention to
Example sentence: She accidentally overlooked the important email in her inbox.
4-REBUT (Verb) : (प्रविकार करना)
Synonyms: Refute, Counter
Antonyms: Confirm, Agree
Example sentences: The defense attorney attempted to rebut the prosecution's claims
with strong evidence.
5-Peculiar(Adjective) : अजीब :
Synonyms : Distinctive , Anomalous
Antonyms : Normal , Ordinary
Example Sentence:The dog's peculiar behavior worried them.
6-Divested(Verb) : वंचित कर देना
Synonyms : Dismantle , Bereave
Antonyms : Hold , Keep
Example Sentence:She managed to divest herself of responsibility.
7-Concurred (Verb) : सहमति जताई
Synonyms: Collaborate , Accord
Antonyms: Clash , Disagree
Example Sentence: He said the mayor should not be reelected, and the voters concurred.
8-Vitiated (Verb) : बिगाड़ना
Synonyms: Deprave , Pervert
Antonyms : Establish , Allow
Example Sentence: A mistake of fact in some circumstances could vitiate the contract.
9-Remission(Noun) : माफ़ी
Synonyms: Suspension , Revocation
Antonyms: Accusation , Allegation
Example Sentence:He was given remission for good behavior.
10-Husk (Noun) : भूसी निकालना
Synonyms: Shell , Covering
Antonyms : Inside , Interior
Example Sentence: Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel.
1. PLACARDS(Noun): A large notice or poster, often used for advertising or
promoting an event.
Synonyms: Billboard , Notice
Sentence: The protesters held placards with powerful slogans, demanding action against climate change.
2. PROSTRATE(Adjective, Verb) : Lying flat on the ground, face down, as an act of submission , Overwhelmed, physically or emotionally exhausted
Synonyms: Supine , Helpless , Subjugate
Antonyms: Erect , Strengthen , Rise
Sentence: After completing their prayer, they prostrated themselves before the altar.
3. RANSACK (Verb) : To search thoroughly or vigorously through a place, often causing disorder
Synonyms: Pillage , Plunder
Antonyms: Systematize , Tidy
Sentence: The burglar ransacked the house, tearing apart furniture and drawers in search of money and jewelry.
4. DOUSE(Verb): To pour a liquid, usually water, over someone or something, often to extinguish a fire or to make something wet.
Synonyms: Dench , Splash
Antonyms: Ignite , Spark
Sentence: The firefighters quickly doused the flames, preventing the fire from spreading further.
5. BENUMB(Verb) : To dull or deaden someone's emotions or reactions.
Synonyms: Deaden , Stun
Antonyms: Invigorate , Activate
Sentence: The shocking news seemed to benumb her mind, leaving her speechless.
6. DANGLE (Verb) : To hang something loosely and allow it to swing or sway.
Synonyms: Hang , Swing
Sentence: The keys dangled from the doorknob, just out of the child's reach.
7. STACK(Noun , Verb) : A large quantity or number of things arranged in an orderly manner.
Synonyms: Mound , Pile, Heap
Antonyms: Disarray , Sparsity
Sentence: The warehouse had a stack of boxes waiting to be shipped.
8. FIERY(Adjective): burning or emitting flames
Synonyms: Fervent , Blaze
Antonyms: Cool , Apathetic
Sentence: The fiery dragon breathed out flames, scorching everything in its path.
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Читать полностью…1. EVACUATE (VERB): (ख़ाली करना): Remove
Synonyms: Clear, Move out
Antonyms: Hold
Example Sentence:
Several families were evacuated from their home.
2. PENURY (NOUN): (दरिद्रता): Impoverishment
Synonyms: Indigence, Need
Antonyms: Wealth
Example Sentence:
He could not face yet another year of penury.
3. JUDICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवेकसम्मत): Wise
Synonyms: Sensible, Prudent
Antonyms: Injudicious
Example Sentence:
The judicious use of public investment should be ensured
4. CONUNDRUM (NOUN): (समस्या): Problem
Synonyms: Difficult, Quandary
Antonyms: Solution
Example Sentence:
One of the most difficult conundrums for the experts.
5. APPOSITE (ADJECTIVE): (उचित): Inappropriate
Synonyms:Pertinent, Applicable
Antonyms: Appropriate
Example Sentence:
He stated an apposite quotation.
6. STIMULATE (VERB): (उकसाना): Encourage
Synonyms: Prompt, Prod
Antonyms: Discourage
Example Sentence:
The reader could not fail to be stimulated by the ideas presented.
7. FLAK (NOUN): (आलोचना): Criticism
Synonyms: Censure, Disapproval
Example Sentence:
You must be strong enough to take the flak if things go wrong.
8. CIRCUMSPECT (ADJECTIVE): (एहतियाती): Cautious
Synonyms: Wary, Careful
Antonyms: unguarded
Example Sentence:
The officials were very circumspect in their statements.
9. BREACH (NOUN): (उल्लंघन): Contravention
Synonyms: Violation, Breaking
Antonyms: Agreement
Example Sentence:
They had to go through a breach.
10. RENOWNED (ADJECTIVE): (प्रसिद्ध): Famous
Synonyms: Celebrated, Famed
Antonyms: Unknown
Example Sentence:
Britain is renowned for its love of animals.
1-Spillover(Noun) : छलकन: A quantity of something overflow
Synonyms: Deluge , Plethora
Antonyms: Insufficiency , Necessity
Example Sentence: She felt her own tears spill over at the depth of his pain.
2-Pertinent(ADJECTIVE) : संगत: Relevant to something
Synonyms: Connected , Apposite
Antonyms: Improper , Unfitting
Example Sentence: He asked me a lot of very pertinent questions .
3-Threshold(Noun): चौखट: A limit at which an arrangement changes
Synonyms: Commencement , Baseline
Antonyms: Conclusion , Closure
Example Sentence: You know when you cross that threshold, there's no going back.
4-Upend(Verb) : समाप्त कर देना: Turn something upside down
Synonyms: Flipped , Overturned
Antonyms: Give up , Collapse
Example Sentence: I upended the bucket to use as a stool.
5-Buoyed (Verb): प्रसन्न रखना: To sustain or encourage
Synonyms: Blissful , Elated
Antonyms: Dejected , Melancholy
Example Sentence: Celina greeted her with an approving smile that buoyed her.
6. BLIGHT (NOUN): (यातना): affliction
Synonyms: scourge, bane
Antonyms: blessing
Example Sentence:
The vacant properties are a blight on the neighbourhood.
7. ASSERTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (मुखर): confident
Synonyms: forceful, self-confident
Antonyms: retiring
Example Sentence:
The job may call for assertive behavior.
8. UNACCEPTABLE (ADJECTIVE): (अस्वीकार्य): intolerable
Synonyms: insufferable, unsatisfactory
Antonyms: acceptable
Example Sentence:
His behaviour was unacceptable.
9.THRIVE (VERB): (फलना-फूलना): flourish
Synonyms: prosper burgeon
Antonyms: increase
Example Sentence:
Education groups tend to thrive on organization.
10. VACANT (ADJECTIVE): (भावशून्य): blank
Synonyms: expressionless, deadpan
Antonyms: expressive
Example Sentence:
I came across a vacant stare.
1. AFFLICT (VERB): (पीड़ा देना): Trouble
Synonyms: Bother, Burden
Antonyms: Comfort
Example Sentence:
His younger child was afflicted with a skin disease.
2.RADICAL (ADJECTIVE): (विस्तृत): Thoroughgoing
Synonyms: Thorough, Complete
Antonyms: Superficial
Example Sentence:
A radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework is needed.
3.RELISH (NOUN): (प्रसन्नता): Gusto
Synonyms: Enjoyment, Delight
Antonyms: Dislike
Example Sentence:
I was appointed to a post for which I had little relish.
4.PRODIGIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विलक्षण): Enormous
Synonyms: Huge, Colossal
Antonyms: Small, Insignificant
Example Sentence:
The stove consumed a prodigious amount of fuel.
5-COERCIVE (ADJECTIVE): (बलपूर्वक): Persistent
Synonyms: Insistent, Pressing
Antonyms: Powerless
Example Sentence:
The governor has a hereditary army for coercive purposes.
6.SOMBER (ADJECTIVE): (गंभीर): Solemn
Synonyms: earnest, serious
Antonyms: cheerful
Example Sentence:
He looks at her with a somber expression.
7.DELETERIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक): Harmful
Synonyms: Damaging, Detrimental
Antonyms: Beneficial
Example Sentence:
Divorce is assumed to have deleterious effects on children.
8.BRAZEN (ADJECTIVE): (निर्लज): Bold
Synonyms: Shameless, As bold as brass
Antonyms: Timid
Example Sentence:
He was brazen about his illegal business.
9.UNSETTLE (VERB): (अस्थिर करना): Discompose
Synonyms: unnerve, upset
Antonyms: reassure
Example Sentence:
The crisis has unsettled financial markets.
10.INTERIM (ADJECTIVE): (अन्तरिम): Provisional
Synonyms: temporary, pro tem
Antonyms: permanent
Example Sentence:
An interim arrangement was made at the end.
1-Pomp(Noun) : धूमधाम : A show of magnificence : splendor
Synonyms: Ceremonial , Grandeur
Antonyms : Dullness , Simplicity
Example Sentence:: The official was accompanied by all the pomp of his high position.
2-Culminate(Verb) : नतीजा निकलना: Bring to a head or to the highest point
Synonyms: Climax , Conclude
Antonyms: Commence , Start
Example Sentence:At the end of the night, the concert will culminate in a huge fireworks display.
3-Forged(Verb) : जाली : To make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive
Synonyms: Bogus , Inauthentic
Antonyms : Genuine , Real
Example Sentence:He was accused of forging his father's signature on the check.
4-Crucial(Adjective) : महत्वपूर्ण: Extremely important
Synonyms: Decisive , Pivotal
Antonyms: Optional , Trivial
Example Sentence:During the hot summer months, it is crucial that you drink lots of water.
5-Distress(Noun) : विपत्ति: A feeling of extreme worry, sadness, or pain
Synonyms : Anguish , Torment
Antonyms : Happiness , Comfort
Example Sentence: She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and psychological distress.
6-Scrutiny(Noun) : छानबीन: A searching study, inquiry, or inspection : examination
Synonyms : Exploration , Inspection
Antonyms : Deviate , Inactivity
Example Sentence: Because of their past crimes, everything they do now will be subject to scrutiny.
7-Prominence(Noun) : प्रमुखता : The state of being easily seen or well known
Synonyms: Stature , Prestige
Antonyms: Obscurity , Nadir
Example Sentence:An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
8-Retribution(Noun) : बदला : Punishment for a crime
Synonyms: Retaliation , Revenge
Antonyms: Pardon , Sympathy
Example Sentence:She was asked whether a civilian government should seek retribution against military officers involved in human rights abuses.
9-Blockade(Noun) : नाकाबंदी : Action preventing things moving somewhere.
Synonyms: Barricade , Obstruction
Antonyms: Assistance , Advantage
Example Sentence:The bank robbers used furniture as a blockade to prevent the police from quietly entering the building.
10-Incarcerated (VERB): (क़ैद कर देना):Imprison
Synonyms: jail, lock up
Antonyms: release, free
Example Sentence:
Many are incarcerated for property offences.
1-Discrepancies(Noun) : अंतर: A difference between two things that should be the same
Synonyms: Disparity , Variance
Antonyms : Similarity , Accord
Example Sentence:The police were confused by the discrepancy between the testimonies of the two witnesses who saw the same event.
2-Sapping(Verb) : निर्बल बनाना : Making someone or something weaker over a period of time
Synonyms: Deplete , Debilitating
Antonyms: Energized , Active
Example Sentence: The two cooks who arrived before us are both ill with something that is sapping their strength
3-Rein(Noun) : नियंत्रण: To control or direct
Synonyms: Curb , Restrict
Antonyms : Continue , Release
Example Sentence: He returned from that work and came back to his desk and his business, and took up again the reins of his many affairs.
4-Rebound : पलटाव : To return to an earlier and better condition; improve
Synonyms: Boomerang , Overcome
Antonyms: Ruin , Destroy
Example Sentence: Older athletes find it harder to rebound from injuries.
5-Flagged(Verb) : कमज़ोर होना : Becoming smaller or weaker
Synonyms : Abate , Deteriorate
Antonyms : Enhance , Revive
Example Sentence: The conversation flagged, and the soldiers began settling down to sleep.
6-Engendered(Verb) : उत्पन्न : To cause something to come into existence
Synonyms : Provoke , Kindle
Antonyms : Cease , End
Example Sentence:The restaurant hoped the act of giving out free ice cream would engender customer loyalty.
7-Omnibus(Noun) : सर्वसंग्रह कार्यक्रम : Dealing with numerous objects or items at once
Synonyms: Panoramic , Comprehensive
Antonyms: Specific , Incomplete
Example Sentence: In our neighborhood, most of the children ride an omnibus to school each day.
8.Contractions(Noun) : संक्षिप्तीकरण: The process of becoming smaller.
Synonyms: Recession , Shrinkage
Antonyms: Expansion , Growth
Example Sentence: The contraction of the ship’s metal fastenings and consequent snapping of the wood caused cracking sounds during the cold night.
9-Decelerated(Verb) : गिरावट : To reduce the speed of : slow down
Synonyms: Brake , Apprehend
Antonyms: Hasten , Hurry
Example Sentence: The government has made every effort to decelerate inflation.
10. Subversive(ADJECTIVE): (विनाशक): disruptive
Synonyms: inflammatory, insurgent
Antonyms: loyal
Example Sentence:
He is a subversive creature.
1-Arbitrary(Adjective) : एकपक्षीय , मनमाना : Not done for any particular reason.
Synonyms: Capricious , Whimsical
Antonyms : Rational , Accountable
Example Sentence: Patriotism is a arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.
2-Impending(Adjective) : नजदीक का : (esp. of something unpleasant) About to happen soon
Synonyms: Imminent , Looming
Antonyms: Past , Distant
Example Sentence: The impending crisis over trade made everyone nervous.
3-Heeds(Verb) : सावधानी: To pay attention to advice, a warning, etc
Synonyms: Obey , Listen
Antonyms : Disdain , Disregard
Example Sentence:He was heeded as though he were a prophet come down from the mountains.
4-Cliques(Noun) : षड्यंत्रकारियों इत्यादि का दल : A narrow exclusive circle or group of persons
Synonyms: Coterie , Clan
Antonyms: Dissociate , Shun
Example Sentence:Our golf club is run by a very unfriendly clique (of people).
5-Dispel(Verb) : दूर हो जाना : To remove fears, doubts, or false ideas
Synonyms : Dissipate , Banish
Antonyms : Welcome , accept
Example Sentence: She made an official statement to dispel any rumors about her retirement.
6-Punitive(Adjective) : दंडात्मक : Intended as a punishment
Synonyms : Retaliatory , Vindictive
Antonyms : Beneficial , Rewarding
Example Sentence:The UN has imposed punitive sanctions on the invading country.
7-Punitive(Adjective) : दंडात्मक : Intended as a punishment
Synonyms : Retaliatory , Vindictive
Antonyms : Beneficial , Rewarding
Example Sentence:The UN has imposed punitive sanctions on the invading country.
8-Bodes(Verb) : भविष्य-कथन करना : To be a sign of something good or bad for the future
Synonyms: Portend , Presage
Example Sentence: The harsh reviews do not bode kindly on the playwright's latest stage production.
9-Perceived(Verb) : महसूस किया : To attain awareness or understanding of
Synonyms: Discern , Grasp
Antonyms: Avoid , Dodge
Example Sentence: A key task is to get pupils to perceive for themselves the relationship between success and effort.
10-RELEGATE (VERB): (कम करना): Downgrade
Synonyms: lower, put down
Antonyms: upgrade
Example Sentence:
They aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role.
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Читать полностью…1-Leverage (Noun) : शक्ति : The power to influence a person or situation.
Synonyms: Influence, authority
Antonyms : impotence ,weakness
Example Sentence: "industry consolidation has raised costs by giving healthcare systems leverage over insurance companies"
2-Lingering(Adjective) : सुस्त : Lasting a long time
Synonyms: Enduring , Surviving
Antonyms: Ending , Temporary
Example Sentence:He hoped that he made the right decision by selling his home, but lingering doubts still filled the man's mind.
3-Cartography(Noun) : मानचित्रण: The art or process of drawing or making maps
Synonyms: Physiography
Example Sentence:I managed to get a job two weeks after I got out of prison -- at a computer cartography firm.
4-Carved(Verb) : नक़्क़ाशीदार : To make or shape by or as by cutting
Synonyms: Sculpt , Etch
Antonyms: Combine , MEnd
Example Sentence:She carved a flower out of a radish.
5-Resorted(Verb) : सहारा लेना: To do or use (something) especially because no other choices are possible.
Example Sentence: The angry protestors resorted to violence. make or shape by or as by cutting
6-Timber(Noun) : लकड़ी : Wood that is going to be used for building
Synonyms : Lumber , Plank
Example Sentence: Trees provide timber for building, as well as food and shelter for animals.
7-Pursuit(Noun) : लक्ष्य : Process of trying to achieve something
Synonyms: Chasing , Hounding
Antonyms: Retreat , Surrender
Example Sentence: The police officer is in pursuit of the escaped prisoner.
8-Miscreants(Noun): बदमाश: Someone who behaves badly or does not obey rules
Synonyms: Culprit , Offender
Antonyms: Innocent , Saint
Example Sentence:The principal took the miscreant out of my classroom and placed him in the in-school suspension room.
9-Gheraoed(Verb) : घेराव किया : Protest involving surrounding someone until demands are met.
Synonyms: Strike , Stoppage
Example Sentence: Hundreds of farmers living in border areas on Tuesday gheraoed the office of the Deputy Commissioner of Amritsar to press for their demands of being provided basic facilities
10-Intercept(Verb) : बाधा डालना : To stop, seize, or interrupt in progress or course or before arrival.
Synonyms: Impede , Ambush
Antonyms: Release , Allow
Example Sentence: The police intercepted him as he was walking out.
Читать полностью…1. STEWARD(Noun): A person who manages or supervises the affairs and resources of another, especially a person who oversees the property and resources of a household
Synonyms: Caretaker, Manager, Supervisor
Antonyms: Owner, neglected, abandoner
Sentence: The estate's steward efficiently managed the vast property and ensured everything ran smoothly.
2. SNUBBED(Verb) : to reject or dismiss someone in a rude or disdainful manner.
Synonyms: spurn, disregard
Antonyms: Acknowledge, greet, welcome
Sentence: He snubbed the invitation to the party, preferring to stay home instead.
3. SUBJUGATION (Noun) : The act or process of bringing someone or something under control
Synonyms: Domination, control, oppression
Antonyms: Emancipation, Independence
Sentence: The subjugation of the native population by the invading forces led to years of oppression and hardship.
4. UNBRIDLED(Adjective) : not controlled or limited; free from any restrictions
Synonyms: unconstrained, uninhibited
Antonyms: limited, bounded
Sentence:His unbridled ambition drove him to take risks and pursue his dreams without hesitation.
5. REPATRIATED(Verb) : To send or bring someone back to their own country or homeland, often peferring to the return of a citizen or refugee to their native country.
Synonyms: reinstate, resettle.
Antonyms: Exile, expatriate, deport
Sentence:The government initiated a program to repatriate refugees who had fled during the conflict.
6. ANOMALY (Noun) : Something that deviates from what is considered normal, usual, or expected; an abnormality or irregularity.
Synonyms: Aberration, deviation, oddity
Antonyms: normality, regularity
Sentence: The unusually high number of accidents in the area was considered an anomaly that required further investigation.
7. ROIL (Verb): to make cloudy or confused; to disturb or disquiet.
Synonyms: Agitate, Disturb, Churn
Antonyms: Calm, Soothe
Sentence:His angry outburst began to roil the atmosphere in the room, creating tension among the people present.
8. NOMENCLATURE(Noun): a system of naming things, especially in science
Synonyms: Naming , Terminology
Antonyms: Unsystematic
Sentence: The scientists used a standardized nomenclature to classify and name the newly discovered species of butterfly.
Читать полностью…1. SUBVERT(Verb): To destroy the moral, social, or political stability of something, often with the intention of replacing it with something else.
Synonyms: Corrupt, Disrupt
Antonyms: Preserve, MAintain
Sentence: The group planned to subvert the government by launching a series of coordinated attacks.
2. TURMOIL(Noun) : A state of great disturbance, confusion, or agitation.
Synonyms: Chaos , Confusion
Antonyms: Peace , Calm
Sentence: The city was in turmoil as protests and riots spread across the streets.
3. DEPRAVED (Adjective): Morally corrupt, wicked, or morally degraded; characterized by morally reprehensible or evil behavior.
Synonyms: Sinful , Vile
Antonyms: Virtuous , Moral
Sentence: The depraved individual was responsible for a series of heinous crimes that shocked the community.
4. ATROCITY (Noun) : A heinous or monstrous action that causes great suffering or
harm to others.
Synonyms: Barbarity , Brutality
Antonyms: Kindness , Decency
Sentence: The atrocity committed against innocent civilians during the war shocked the entire world.
5. DESPERADO(Noun) :A bold, reckless, and often violent criminal or outlaw, especially one who is on the run from the law.
Synonyms: Bandit, criminal
Antonyms: Conformist
Sentence: The town sheriff and his deputies were on the hunt for the desperado who had robbed the bank and fled.
6. POIGNANT (Adjective) : Evoking a strong sense of emotion, especially sadness, pity, or compassion.
Synonyms: Sorrowful , Stirring
Antonyms: Detached , Insensitive
Sentence: The film's poignant ending left the audience in tears as they empathized with the character's struggles.
7. PARTAKE(Verb) : To participate in or share in something, especially an activity or event.
Synonyms: Participate , Engage
Antonyms: Shun , Decline
Sentence: The whole family will partake in the celebration of their grandparents' 50th wedding
8. INTERCEPT(Verb) : To stop or seize something that is in motion or on its way from one place to another.
Synonyms: Ambush, Obstruct
Antonyms: Permit, Free
Sentence: The security forces managed to intercept the smugglers and seize the illegal
1-Triggered (Verb): उत्प्रेरित
Synonyms: Activated, initiated
Antonyms: soothed, pacified
Example sentence: The loud noise triggered a panic among the crowd.
2-Electrocution (Noun): विद्युत धारा से मौत
Synonyms: Electric shock, electrical fatality
Example sentence: The worker suffered severe electrocution while repairing the electrical wires.
3-Agile (Adjective) : फुर्तीला
Synonyms: Nimble, quick
Antonyms: Clumsy, slow
Example sentence: The agile gymnast performed a series of impressive flips and twists.
4-Docile (Adjective) : विनम्र
Synonyms: Submissive, obedient, meek
Antonyms: Defiant, stubborn
Example sentences: The new puppy was very docile and quickly learned to follow commands
5-Replicated(Verb) : दोहराया
Synonyms: Clone , Duplicate
Antonyms: Originate
Example Sentence:Researchers tried to replicate the original experiment.
6-Antipathy(Noun) : घृणा
Synonyms: Antagonism , Enmity
Antonyms: Esteem , Appreciation
Example Sentence:She'd often spoken of her antipathy towards London.
7-Citadel(Noun) : दुर्ग
Synonyms: Fortress , Castle
Antonyms: Cabin , Shack
Example Sentence:Guards hid the royal family in a secret room in the citadel during the invasion.
8-Stakes : दांव पर लगा होना
Synonyms: Spike , Stave
Antonyms: Whole , Certainty
Example Sentence:: The fact is there's a lot of money at stake here, a lot more than you probably realize.
9-Turbulence(Noun) : अशांति
Synonyms: Instability , Turmoil
Antonyms: Calm , Peace
Example Sentence: The era was characterized by political and cultural turbulence.
10-Assassination(Noun) : छलघात
Synonyms: Killing , Neutralize
Antonyms: Revive , Resurrect
Example Sentence: They discovered a secret plot to assassinate the governor.
1. LURCH (Noun ,Verb) : लुढ़कना : A sudden movement forward or to one side
Synonyms: Wobble, Totter
Antonyms: Steady
Sentence: The ship experienced a dangerous lurch when it encountered strong waves.
2. EGREGIOUS(Adjective) : भयंकर : Outstandingly bad or shocking
Synonyms: Atrocious, Flagrant
Antonyms: Admirable, Laudable
Sentence: The politician made an egregious mistake during his speech, causing public outrage.
3. FARING(Verb) : To get along, to progress, or to experience a particular situation or condition.
Synonyms: Coping , Progressing
Antonyms: Floundering
Sentence: The team is faring better this season compared to the last one.
4-ACCLIMATISED (Adjective) : अनुकूलित
Synonyms: Adapted, Adjusted
Antonyms: Unfamiliar, Unaccustomed
Sentence: She quickly acclimatized to the fast-paced city life after moving from a small town.
5. CHAFE(Noun) : The act or result of irritating or rubbing the skin, causing discomfort, soreness, or irritation.
Synonyms: Abrasion, Discomfort
Antonyms: Soothing, Comforting
Sentence: The athlete wore special clothing to prevent chafing during the marathon.
6. RAMPAGE (Noun, Verb): कोधपूर्ण आचरण : A violent or frenzied behavior, often involving wild and uncontrollable actions of destruction or aggression.
Synonyms: Tumult, Mayhem, Uproar
Antonyms: Control, Restrain
Sentence: The protestors went
7. SACROSANCT(Adjective) : Too important or valuable to be interfered with, criticized, or violated.
Synonyms: Hallowed , Revered
Antonyms: Profane , Ordinary
Sentence: The privacy of people's personal information should be treated as sacrosanct and protected from unauthorized access.
8. AUTISM(Noun) : बल प्रयोग : A neurological condition that affects a person's social communication, behavior, and ability to interact with others.
Sentence: Sarah's brother has autism, which sometimes makes it challenging for him to express his feelings.
Читать полностью…1-Jostled(Verb) : धक्रका देना: To knock or push roughly against someone in order to move
Synonyms : Hustle , Scramble
Antonyms : Retard
Example Sentence: She was cheered and clapped by tourists who jostled to see her.
2-Disdain(Noun) : तिरस्कार: A feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior
Synonyms : Scorn , Derision
Antonyms : Admiration , Respect
Example Sentence: He disdained all people less well educated than himself.
3-Frenetic(Adjective) : अतिउत्तेजित : Marked by fast and energetic, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity
Synonyms : Wild , Frantic
Antonyms : Calm
Example Sentence:One of the things I do feel about today's films is that they are too frenetic.
4-Sweepstakes(Noun): A form of betting in which the winner gets all the money bet by everyone else
Synonyms: Gambling , Raffle
Example Sentence: Sweepstakes winners will enjoy a week-long stay in luxury accommodations in Las Vegas.
5-Dogged(Adjective) : हठी : Very determined to continue doing something
Synonyms: Tenacious , Obstinate
Antonyms : Hesitant , Flexible
Example Sentence: Her dogged determination to uncover the truth about the scandal led to her winning a reporting prize.
6-Jubilation (Noun) : आनंदोत्सव: a feeling of great happiness and triumph
Synonyms: joy, glee, cheer, happiness
Antonyms: despondency, disappointment, sadness, sorrow,
Example Sentence: Exam results day may bring jubilation or despair to thousands of Swindon youngsters next month.
7-Allocation(Noun) : बंटवारा: An amount or share of something that is given to someone or used for a particular purpose
Synonyms: Allotment , Issuance
Antonyms : Keep , Withhold
Example Sentence: The allocation of space in this office is unusual.
8-Entitlement(Noun) : अधिकार : A situation in which you have the right to do or have something
Synonyms : Prerogative , Privilege
Example Sentence: Governments create entitlements due to public demand for them, and public demand exists where the need is not filled.
9-Procured(Verb) : प्राप्त करना : To get something, especially after an effort
Synonyms: Acquire , Annex
Antonyms : Lose , Forfeit
Example Sentence: We procured maps and directions from the tourist office.
10-Flawed(Adjective) : त्रुटिपूर्ण: A defect or imperfection
Synonyms: Inaccurate , Distorted
Antonyms : Perfect , Flawless
Example Sentence: These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.
1-Collapse(Verb) : दुर्घटना : To break apart , to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely
Synonyms: Slump , Crumble
Antonyms : Rise , Inflate
Example Sentence: He collapsed following a vigorous exercise session at his home.
2-Credibility(Noun) : विश्वसनीयता: The fact that someone can be believed or trusted
Synonyms: Trustworthiness , Reliability
Antonyms: Fakeness
Example Sentence: Our credibility had to be earned each time and be absolute.
3-Enforce (Verb) : लागू करना : To make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted
Synonyms: Impose , Effectuate
Antonyms : Discourage , Dissuade
Example Sentence: The new law was generally admitted to be difficult to enforce.
4-Harsher(Adjective) : कठोर : Very strict and unkind
Synonyms: Rasping , Strident
Antonyms: Soft , Lenient
Example Sentence: The wind was harsher, colder than it was just a few minutes ago.
5-Unprecedented(Adjective): अभूतपूर्व : Not known, experienced, or done before
Synonyms : Unrivalled , Miraculous
Antonyms : Familiar , Common
Example Sentence: Before the storm, there was an unprecedented demand for food supplies that left many stores empty.
6-Brutal(Adjective) : क्रूर : Cruel and violent
Synonyms : Vicious , Ferocious
Antonyms : Gentle , Humane
Example Sentence: The brutal attack on the young man left him with a broken jaw and two black eyes.
7-Obsolete(Adjective) : अप्रचलित, पुराना : No longer used or needed
Synonyms: Outdated , Antiquated
Antonyms: Current , Modern
Example Sentence: New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete
8-Rendered(Verb) : प्रस्तुत करने वाला : Represented visually or interpreted by performance or execution
Synonyms: Furnish , Supply
Antonyms: Hold , Conceal
Example Sentence: He witnessed a car accident and stopped to render aid.
9-Stringent(Adjective) : कठोर: Extremely limiting or difficult; severe
Synonyms: Draconian , Rigorous
Antonyms: Amenable , Pliable
Example Sentence: We need to introduce more stringent security measures such as identity cards.
10-DREAD (NOUN): (भय): fear
Synonyms: apprehension, trepidation
Antonyms: confidence
Example Sentence:
The thought of returning to London filled her with dread.
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Читать полностью…1. MONUMENTAL (ADJECTIVE): (स्मरणार्थ): Huge
Synonyms: Great, Enormous
Antonyms: Small
Example Sentence:
Monumental efforts have been made to control the spread of virus.
2 .CHAOTIC (ADJECTIVE): (अस्तव्यस्त): Disorderly
Synonyms: Disordered, Disorganized
Antonyms: Orderly
Example Sentence:
The circumstances in the economy are chaotic.
3. DIRECTIVE (NOUN): (निदेश): Instruction
Synonyms: Direction, Command
Antonyms: Following
Example Sentence:
My only directive to our group was a strong suggestion to act on.
4. UNANIMOUS (ADJECTIVE): (एकमत): United
Synonyms: Like-minded, At one
Antonyms: Divided
Example Sentence:
The doctors were unanimous in their diagnoses.
5-INFIRM (ADJECTIVE): (कमजोर):Frail
Synonyms: Weak, Feeble
Antonyms: Strong
Example Sentence:
Those who are old or infirm aren't allowed to travel.
6. ADHERE (VERB): (पालन करना): Abide by
Synonyms: Stick to, Hold to
Antonyms: Flout, Ignore
Example Sentence:
All drivers must adhere to speed limits.
7. CONTEND (VERB): (संघर्ष करना):Face
Synonyms: Cope with, Grapple with
Antonyms: Surrender, Allow
Example Sentence:
She had to contend with his uncertain temper.
8. INCONSPICUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अगोचर): Unnoticeable
Synonyms: Unobtrusive, Unremarkable
Antonyms: Conspicuous, Noticeable
Example Sentence:
That was an inconspicuous red-brick building.
9. STAMPEDE (NOUN): (भगदड़): Panic
Synonyms: Rush, Flight
Antonyms: Retreat, Standing
Example Sentence:
The herd was fleeing in a wild stampede.
10. DISCOURSE (NOUN): (बातचीत): Discussion
Synonyms: conversation, talk
Antonyms: Silence
Example Sentence:
They understand the language of political discourse only.
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Читать полностью…1-Cascade(Noun): झरना : To fall or hang down, especially in large amounts or in stages
Synonyms: Waterfall , Deluge
Antonyms: Cheerful , Happy
Example Sentence:Her hair cascaded down around her shoulders.
2-Malaise(Noun) : बेचैनी , अस्वस्थता : A feeling of general discomfort, uneasiness or lack of wellbeing
Synonyms: Melancholy , Depression
Antonyms: Comfort , Well-being
Example Sentence: An infected person will feel a general malaise..
3-Grim(Adjective) : गंभीर ,अप्रफुल्लित : Unpleasant and causing worry
Synonyms: Stern , Aloof
Antonyms: Gentle , Kind
Example Sentence: His face looked grim, and we knew his news wouldn't be good.
4-Stigma(Noun) : कलंक : A mark of shame or discredit : stain
Synonyms: Taint , Blemish
Antonyms: Honor , Praise
Example Sentence:The stigma of alcoholism makes it difficult to treat.
5-Imminent(Adjective) : प्रायः अप्रिय बात : (esp. of something unpleasant) likely to happen very soon
Synonyms: Impending , Forthcoming
Antonyms: Avoidable , Escapable
Example Sentence:These patients are facing imminent death.
6-Etched(Adjective) : नक़्क़ाशी करना : To cut a pattern, picture, etc. into a smooth surface
Synonyms: Inscribe , Engrave
Example Sentence:She continued to bang away on her keyboard, the smile etched on her face.
7-Gargantuan(Adjective) : विशाल : Tremendous in size, volume, or degree
Synonyms: Enormous , Gigantic
Antonyms: Dwarf , Miniature
Example Sentence:The student misses payments and suddenly has a gargantuan interest rate.
8-Dire(Adjective) : भयानक: Very serious or extreme
Synonyms: Dreadful , Terrible
Antonyms: Calm , Fortunate
Example Sentence: His childhood was passed in dire poverty.
9-Intervention(Noun) : हस्तक्षेप : The act of interrupting somebody when they are speaking in order to say something
Synonyms: Interference , Mediation
Antonyms: Unite , Connect
Example Sentence:Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further.
10-Cohesive(Adjective) : जोड़नेवाला : United and working together effectively
Synonyms: Tenacious , Adhesive
Antonyms: Detached , Divided
Example Sentence: He skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole.