I already post bezuu designs ena I have already answer minor questions emayasfelegu questions and am done post aregalew teyakew emimeles kalone almelesem this is me man sry am tired of this shit plus question fertew post emayaregu endalu akalew ...alememeles mebtachew endehone yewekut alakewem malet keferan alememeles mebtachen yehun🙏😇 stars lemen hone ? Ayneh ye aynehen shape lemen yaze? Anyways chaw man am done
Читать полностью…Functions ...formal composition ...thermal issues anyways we have discussed abt this design droo ezi group west so
Читать полностью…Adey abeba stadium concept mendenew belo yalteyeke hezb hula sew simoker yeserawen post siyareg serawen lemawered wedyaw concept emenelat negeres ...concept kebad selehone ena lematlalat selemimech 😊 its mot telet btw but lemesak endetemechek argew🙏
Читать полностью…የዓለም ደረጃን የሚያስደንቅ የሕንፃ ንድፍ ከየት ማግኘት እንደሚችሉ በጭራሽ ያስቡ 🤔
ወደ ሩቅ አይመልከቱ ፣ በ @reegyarchitectsbot ቤትዎን ወይም የሥራ ቦታዎን ወይም ማንኛውንም ሌላ ዲዛይን የተቀረፀ ንብረት ማግኘት ይችላሉ ፡፡ ይህ በእጆችዎ ውስጥ ርካሽ አስተማማኝ እና አስደናቂ የስነ-ህንፃ ተቋም ነው ፡፡
የወደፊት ቤትዎን በሚያስደንቁ አብነቶች ይፍጠሩ ፣ ወይም የበለጠ ፈጠራ ያግኙ እና የራስዎን ዲዛይን እራስዎ ያግኙ 😉
〽️የመኖሪያ ቦታ 🏘
〽️የሥራ አካባቢ 🏢
〽️አፓርታማዎች 🏫
🔰ወይም በባለሙያ የተሠራ የህንፃ ዲዛይን ያግኙ
✅ ወድያው ሪጂን ይሞክሩ ✅
ለደንበኞች አገልግሎት / የአስተያየት ጥቆማ አጠቃቀም @reegyhelpbot
Is there any one who has any reference regarding with substance abuse rehabilitation center
Читать полностью…Selam selam🙋♂️
beteseboche endet nachihu plz somebody ye library thesis file yalew sew pls 🙏 tebaberugn
hello there, where can I find traditional Ethiopian furniture and decorative materials...if anyone has already modeled these pls share, thank you
Читать полностью…I was talking about real questions and answer 😊...u r not asking me to understand my answers u r asking to find my mistakes ...and i knw the deference 😊 pls teyake seteyek mels lemestet sayhon yemer lemawek teyek...endefelek asebew sry emayebal neger kalku emalakew bezu neger selale new🙏😇
Читать полностью…Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. Frank Lloyd Wright
Читать полностью…Hey guys I was thinking about buying a PC and iam so confused on which should I buy with good graphics and lower price
Which should I buy ????