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Ares, Information Service

🔻Missile boats R-14 and R-18 were first to perform live fires by Moskit cruise missiles in the Sea of Japan water. The missiles hit a naval ship shield imitating a surface ship of the mock enemy.

🔻After several seconds, the diesel electric submarine Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky performed the submerged launch of a Kalibr-PL cruise missile.

🔻Then, the Pacific Fleet corvette Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhapov hit the target by a Kh-35 cruise missile of the Uran missile system to weaken the enemy's air defence means.

🔻The nuclear submarine Omsk delivered one more strike at a hard-to-hit target at a distance. Two Granit ant-ship cruise missiles were launched at the target from the submerged position.

🔻The Pacific Fleet Bastion and Bal coastal missile systems fired Oniks and Kh-35 cruise missiles respectively from the coast of the Sea of Japan to hit the mock enemy.

🔻 The Northern Fleet frigate Admiral Golovko launched a Kalibr cruise missile at a naval target at a distance of more than 200 kilometres from the Barents Sea waters.

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Océano 2024. El ejercicio se llevará a cabo del 10 al 16 de septiembre en las aguas de los océanos Pacífico y Ártico, así como en los mares Mediterráneo, Caspio y Báltico.

🔻Ocean 2024. The exercise is taking place on September 10–16 in the waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean, Caspian, and Baltic seas.

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Ares, Information Service

Los precios al consumidor (#IPC) aumentaron 4,2% en agosto de 2024 respecto de julio y 236,7% interanual

Consumer prices (#CPI) increased by 4.2% in August 2024 compared to July and by 236.7% year-on-year

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Ares, Information Service

Mercado Libre down ⬇️

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Como he estado diciendo durante bastante tiempo: "Argentina no es una amenaza para las Islas Malvinas, incluso con aviones F-16", Uk Defence Journal

🔻As I have been saying for quite some time: "Argentina no threat to Falklands, even with F-16 jets", Uk Defence Journal

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Hezbollah atacó los cuarteles de Branit del ejército israelí en la frontera del sur con el Líbano

🔻Hezbollah targeted the Israeli army's Branit barracks on the southern Lebanese border

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Los organizadores estiman se llevó a cabo la protesta más grande en Tel Aviv a medida que se intensifican los reclamos para llegar un acuerdo para la liberación de rehenes. Los grupos detrás de las manifestaciones estiman 500,000 personas en la protesta principal, y 250,000 en otras manifestaciones en todo el país. TOI

🔻Organizers claim largest-ever rally in Tel Aviv as calls for hostage deal intensify. Groups behind demonstrations estimate 500,000 at main protest, 250,000 at other rallies around country. TOI

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Informes de fuertes daños como resultado de un ataque con cohetes de Hezbolá contra la ciudad de Kiryat Shmona

🔻Reports of heavy damage as a result of Hezbollah rockets attack against Kiryat Shmona

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Ares, Information Service

🔻El Ministerio de Defensa de Rusia anuncia la liberación del asentamiento de Kalinovo en DPR. TASS

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Los combatientes que firmaron un contrato con el Ministerio de Defensa se están sometiendo a capacitación en un campo de entrenamiento en la región de Voronezh.

🔻The fighters who signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense are undergoing training at a training ground in the Voronezh Region.

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Estados Unidos retirará tropas de Irak para septiembre de 2025

🔻The US will withdraw troops from Iraq by September 2025

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Drones FPV ucranianos usando munición termita

🔻Ukrainian FPV drones using thermite munition

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Ares, Information Service

🇺🇸Boeing C-40 Clipper

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Ares, Information Service

👉Los investigadores alemanes sospechan que Polonia está saboteando la investigación sobre el ataque a los gasoductos Nord Stream

👉German investigators suspect Poland of sabotaging the investigation into the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines.

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Boeing Starliner llegó a White Sands Space Harbor, Nuevo México

🔻Boeing Starliner arrived to White Sands Space Harbor, New Mexico

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Northern Fleet’s frigate Admiral Golovko launched Kalibr missiles to hit mock enemy targets during the Ocean 2024 drills.

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Vladimir Putin se reunió en el Kremlin con el presidente de la Asamblea Nacional de Vietnam Tran Thanh Man

🔻Vladimir Putin met at the Kremlin with President of the National Assembly of Vietnam Tran Thanh Man

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Ares, Information Service

Hasta las 6 a.m. (UTC+8) de hoy se detectaron 29 aviones del EPL, 8 buques de la PLAN y 1 buque operando alrededor de Taiwán. 20 de los aviones cruzaron la línea media y entraron en la ADIZ del norte, centro y suroeste de Taiwán.

29 PLA aircraft, 8 PLAN vessels and 1 official ships operating around Taiwan were detected up until 6 a.m. (UTC+8) today. 20 of the aircraft crossed the median line and entered Taiwan's northern, central and southwestern ADIZ.

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Ares, Information Service

En el trimestre septiembre-octubre-noviembre 2024 (SON), hay 55% de probabilidad de que las condiciones sean neutrales y 41% de chances de desarrollo de La Niña

In the September-October-November 2024 period(Son), there are 55% probability that the conditions are neutral and 41% of development chances of La Niña

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Ares, Information Service

🇺🇸BLKCAT6 Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Hezbollah atacó equipos de espionaje en los sitios de Birkat Risha y Al-Jardah del ejército israelí en la frontera del sur con el Líbano

🔻Hezbollah targeting of espionage equipment at the Israeli army's Birkat Risha and Al-Jardah sites on the southern Lebanese border

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Los Hutíes dicen haber derribado un nuevo MQ-9 estadounidense utilizando defensas aéreas mientras realizaba actos hostiles en el espacio aéreo de la gobernación de Ma'Rib

🔻Houthis claim a new downing of an American MQ-9 aircraft by air defenses while it was carrying out hostile acts in the airspace of Ma'rib Governorate

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Ares, Information Service

🔻SU-34 de las fuerzas aeroespaciales rusas llevaron a cabo un ataque aéreo contra una concentración de personal y equipos militares de las fuerzas armadas ucranianas en la zona fronteriza de Kursk

🔻Su-34 of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a strike on a concentration of personnel and military equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the border area of ​​the Kursk region

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Ares, Information Service

🔻"Creo que eventualmente este conflicto se resolverá en una mesa de negociación, pero cuando llegue ese punto, es difícil predecir", Secretario de Defensa Lloyd J. Austin III

🔻"I think eventually this conflict will be resolved at a negotiation table, but when that point comes, it's hard to predict", Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Un Lancet atacó a un obús estadounidense M777 de las Fuerzas Armadas ucranianas en la región de Kharkiv

🔻Lancet loitering munition attacked an American M777 howitzer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kharkiv region

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Ares, Information Service

🔻El Canal Mar Blanco-Báltico ha reanudado las operaciones

🔻The White Sea-Baltic Canal has resumed operations

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Ares, Information Service

🇺🇸BLKCAT6 Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton

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Ares, Information Service

Datos, análisis y Estrategia de adopción de inteligencia artificial

Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence Adoption Strategy

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Informes de la destrucción de un depósito de municiones en la región de Voronezh

🔻Reports of a destruction of an ammunition depot in the Voronezh region

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Ares, Information Service

🇺🇸Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton

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