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🔻Dos bombarderos rusos (Tu-95) y dos aviones de combate volaron desde el continente, se dirigieron al sureste hacia el espacio aéreo de Japón, cambiaron de rumbo frente a la costa de la península de Noto en la prefectura de Ishikawa, volaron en círculos sobre el mar de Japón y luego se dirigieron al noroeste hacia el continente.

🔻Two Russian bombers (Tu-95) and two fighter planes flew in from the continent, headed southeast toward Japan's airspace, changed course off the coast of Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, circled over the Sea of ​​Japan, and then headed northwest toward the continent.

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Ares, Information Service

👉En total, se detectaron 19 aviones del PLA de varios tipos (incluidos Su-30, KJ-500, etc.) a partir de las 12.50 horas de hoy. De ellos, 16 cruzaron la línea media del estrecho de Taiwán y entraron en la ADIZ norte, central, sudoeste y este.

👉Overall 19 PLA aircraft in various types (including Su-30, KJ-500, etc.) were detected from 1250hr today. Out of which, 16 crossed the median line of the #Taiwan Strait and entered the northern, central, southwestern and eastern ADIZ

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Ares, Information Service

🔻FDI en el sur del Líbano

🔻IDF in southern Lebanon

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Masacre de Beit Lahia en Gaza

🔻Beit Lahia massacre in Gaza

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Fotografías de los 4 muertos en Irán producto del ataque Israelí

🔻Pictures of 4 Iranian army dead as a result of the Israeli attack

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Israel bombardea Beirut, Líbano

🔻Israel bombs Beirut, Lebanon

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Irán afirma que gran parte de los misiles ALBM de Israel fueron destruidos en los cielos de Irak

🔻Iran says much of Israel´s ALBM missiles were destroyed over the skies of Iraq

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Arabia Saudita realizó ejercicios militares con Irán en el Mar de Omán

🔻Saudi Arabia held military exercises with Iran in the Sea of Oman

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Ares, Information Service

🔻La alerta de terremoto se activó tras una explosión controlada por las FDI de un depósito de armas de Hezbolá

🔻Earthquake alert was triggered by a controlled IDF explosion of Hezbollah cache weapons

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Ares, Information Service

👉FDI: “Ahora puedo confirmar que hemos concluido la respuesta israelí a los ataques de Irán contra Israel”.

👉IDF: “I can now confirm that we have concluded the Israeli response to Iran’s attacks against Israel.”

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Ares, Information Service

👉Calma en Tehran
👉Calm over Tehran

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Parece que el ataque principal aún no ha comenzado aún.

🔻Looks like the main attack hasn't started yet.

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Fuentes iraníes publicaron imágenes de intercepciones sobre Teherán. Sin confirmar

🔻Iranian sources published footage of interceptions over Tehran. Unconfirmed

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Fuentes iraníes publicaron imágenes de intercepciones sobre Teherán. Sin confirmar

🔻Iranian sources published footage of interceptions over Tehran. Unconfirmed

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Los sonidos que se escuchan en las cercanías de Basora y las zonas fronterizas con Irán son causados ​​por la respuesta defensiva de Irán a los ataques hostiles.

🔻Sounds heard in the vicinity of Basra and border areas with Iran are caused by Iran's defensive response to hostile attacks

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Buque chino navegando cerca de Japón
Buque de inteligencia de clase Dongdiao (número de buque "791")

🔻Chinese sailing near Japan
Dongdiao-class intelligence gathering ship (ship number "791")

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Las FDI atacaron Gaza

🔻IDF attacked Gaza

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Aviones de la IAF atacaron aproximadamente 130 lanzadores listos para disparar en el sur del Líbano

🔻IAF aircraft struck approximately 130 ready-to-fire launchers in Southern Lebanon

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Destrucción masiva como resultado del bombardeo de las FDI en la ciudad de Nabatieh al-Fawqa en el sur del Líbano.

🔻Massive destruction as a result of the IDF bombing of the town of Nabatieh al-Fawqa in southern Lebanon.

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Ares, Information Service

🔻La resistencia islámica en Irak: lanzamiento de drones hacia un objetivo militar en el Golán ocupado.

🔻Islamic Resistance in Iraq: Launching drones towards a military target in the occupied Golan.

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Informes indican que la base estadounidense en el campo de gas de Koniko en Siria fue atacada.

🔻Reports state that the US base in the Koniko gas field in Syria was attacked.

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Fuentes israelíes afirman que Israel atacó cuatro baterías S-300, una fábrica de drones y fábricas utilizadas para producir combustible sólido para misiles balísticos.

🔻Israeli sources state that Israel attacked four S-300 AD batteries, a drone factory and factories used to produce solid fuel for ballistic missiles

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Fuentes iraníes sobre el ataque de EEUU e Israel contra Irán:
👉Irán tiene derecho a la legítima defensa contra la agresión del régimen sionista
👉El régimen sionista atacó a Irán utilizando el espacio a disposición del ejército estadounidense en Irak. Israel lanzó misiles ALBM a cien kilómetros de las fronteras de Irán contra los radares en las fronteras y contra algunas instalaciones militares. El daño a los radares fueron muy limitados gracias al desempeño de las defensas aéreas iraníes.
👉Cuatro militares iraníes muertos como resultado del ataque de EEUU e Israel contra Irán

🔻Iranian sources regarding the US-ISRAEL attack against Iran:
👉Iran has the right to legitimate defense against the aggression of the Zionist regime
👉The Zionist regime attacked Iran by using the space at the disposal of the American army in Iraq. Israel launched ALBM´s one hundred kilometers from the borders of Iran against radars in the borders and against some military facilities. Very limited damage to radars was done thanks to Iranian air defenses performance.
👉Four Iranian military personel dead as the result of the US-Israel attack against Iran

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Fuentes iraníes: Israel atacó centros militares en las provincias de Teherán, Juzestán e Ilam. En algunos lugares se produjeron daños limitados.

🔻Iranian sources: Israel attacked military centers in Tehran, Khuzestan and Ilam provinces. Limited damage was done to some places.

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Ares, Information Service

🇮🇱🚨🇮🇷 IDF - FDI 👇
👉Based on intelligence, IAF aircraft struck missile manufacturing facilities used to produce the missiles that Iran fired at the State of Israel over the last year. These missiles posed a direct and immediate threat to the citizens of the State of Israel. Simultaneously, the IDF struck surface-to-air missile arrays and additional Iranian aerial capabilities, that were intended to restrict Israel's aerial freedom of operation in Iran. 

👉Based on intelligence, IAF aircraft struck missile manufacturing facilities used to produce the missiles that Iran fired at the State of Israel over the last year. These missiles posed a direct and immediate threat to the citizens of the State of Israel. Simultaneously, the IDF struck surface-to-air missile arrays and additional Iranian aerial capabilities, that were intended to restrict Israel's aerial freedom of operation in Iran. 

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Todos los vuelos en Irán han sido cancelados hasta nuevo aviso.

🔻All flights in Iran have been canceled until further notice

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Irán está listo para responder a la agresión de Israel

🔻Iran is ready to respond to Israel's aggression

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Informes de aviación de combate sobre Irak

🔻Reports of fighter jets over Iraq

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Aeronave hostil contra Shlomi

🔻Hostile aircraft against Shlomi

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Ares, Information Service

🔻Informes indican que la defensa está activa en el centro de Teherán.

🔻Reports state that defense is active in the center of Tehran

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