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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Slavic male (?) headbands

Pseudo experts will always attack something popular regardless of legitimacy. Often they’ll bother to throw some short, memorable insults, mostly in meme format. Today we will examine one such case. Anti-headband.
Since various decorated headbands are popular among modern Pagans there are those who go against this. Female ones are supposedly fine, but there is an argument against male headbands. They say that hippie movement is the real origin of this accessory.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

This day, June 8, in 793 Lindisfarne island

Art by Marek Szyszko

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

God of War and Wind
by Moccus art

my commission

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)


Slavic God of Smithing and Fire by M.Suharev

Nice iconography except for the beard which only volkhvs had before Byzantium influence.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Scythian God Papaeus by A.Guselnikov

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Primary Chronicle recorded the following myth:

There were three brothers: one was called Kyi, the other Shchek and the third Khoriv, and their sister was called Lybed. And they founded a stronghold in the name of their eldest brother and named it Kyiv.

First Novgorod Chronicle, contains a further fragment:

They were pagans, they made offerings to lakes, springs and forests, like other pagans.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Kuker by Elitsa Panayotova

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Limestone statue depicting a wolf, from Noves, in Bouches-du-Rhône, France; 2nd or 3rd century B.C. 🇫🇷 The statue, known as “La Tarasque de Noves” was found under a 19th century cemetery and is now on display in the Musée Lapidaire, in Avignon, France.

After its initial discovery, locals had imagined it as a depiction of a mythical reptilian monster known as “La Tarasque”; hence the name given to it. But more careful recent observations have led to the conclusion that the statue was meant to represent a wolf: The long snout, thick hair along the back, non-retractable claws, and a broad, tapering tail (tucked under the right leg), are all traits characteristic of a wolf.

The Noves wolf sits upright like a king, grimly enjoying a meal of human flesh and triumphantly displaying the severed heads of two victims, in classic Celtic warrior fashion. The long beards on the victims’ faces appear to imply that they were intended as members of nobility, perhaps even as kings. The ancient stonemasons carved a penis and testicles onto the wolf, probably to leave no room for doubt as to its intended gender (there are only two), as well as to emphasize the attribute of virility.

Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!): /channel/CelticEurope

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Christcucks try to play the victim card again. I left one comment. Go say hi too if you still have facebook.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Ares hates those who hesitate


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Slavic God of smithing and fire

by DarBarNir

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

When king Olaf Tryggvason was making Norway christian by fire and sword, there lived a man named Raud the Strong. He was a follower of our Gods and had little time for the newly-mandated faith. Raud was not only strong, he was rich and influential—which made him an especially tempting target for royal wrath. Tryggvason had him captured and demanded his conversion. Raud refused, so Olaf forced him to swallow a snake, resulting in his death. This got rid of an influential Asatruar and cleared the way for the king o confiscate Raud’s land for himself.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Germanic man by dewitteillustration

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Slavic God of War and Wind

Stribog was one of the most venerated Slavic Gods which is seen by both The Tale of Bygone Years and The Tale of Igor’s Campaign mentioning him. It’s difficult to be sure what kind of God Stribog was seen as by the Ancients, but the most common reconstruction today claims him to be a God of War and the Progenitor of winds. He is also a lord of seafarers who rely on his progeny for safe travels.

Art by Daniil Grytsyuk

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

There’s plenty of things to analyze in Pamfir, especially from Pagan perspective (oath-breaking, family, secret names, rituals, rebirth etc), but I don’t want to spoil it and the majority of my subscribers will have to wait for subtitled version to come out.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Donarkeule and Thor’s hammer pendants

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The more I have come to value the unique nature of my own, European-descended people, the more I have come to appreciate other peoples and cultures. While this appreciation comes to some extent from the things we share as part of our common humanity, this is not the whole story. Indeed, it is our differences that I value more than our similarities. Differences are good, and ought to be respected and preserved. Blending human cultures into a miso-mash of "diversity" destroys the flavor, the unique quality of all of them.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Swarog the Smith
by Evgheny Jelezoglo

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Odin stood up,
that father of gods,
and he saddled
his horse Sleipnir.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

From the beginning of the Asatru resurgence in America, we have been very open in our practice. We have allowed outsiders to attend, to take photographs, and to take part. I believe that this was a mistake, and I have been guilty of it myself. There is a difficult balance here. On the one hand, we need to give people some idea of what we do. Secrecy builds distrust, and people’s imagination will fill in the gaps with all sorts of fantasies, most of them unpleasant. Nevertheless, it is vital to protect the dignity of what we do and to maintain an awareness that this faith is ours, not something that can be expropriated by passersby.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Kukeri look as scary as they are to banish evil spirits

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Werewolf in folklore

Slavic folklore and Hollywood werewolves are very different. Traditional werewolf is called oboroten (from "oborot" turn), pereverten (from "perevertati" to turn) or vovkulaka (wolf’s skin) etc and has full control over his animal state. Also, he turns into a big wolf at best, never a monster.
There’s no single method and/or ritual, but the most popular one includes sticking a knife (usually copper) into an old stump or ground and jumping over it while reciting a spell. Or wearing a magic belt/cloak/cape.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

But whatever difference of opinion might subsist between the Orthodox, the Ebionites, and the Gnostics, concerning the divinity or the obligation of the Mosaic law, they were all equally animated by the same exclusive zeal, and by the same abhorrence for idolatry, which had distinguished the Jews from the other nations of the ancient world.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Why christianity was created

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Wotanism is out true spiritual heritage. The Wotan spirit, whether conscious or unconscious, is a part of the physical and mental make-up of every White man, woman and child, and it is as old in essence as the race itself.

Ron McVan

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Kyi the legendary Pagan founder of Kyiv

With his two younger brother and a sister Kyi built three cities on three hills and became the first ruler of Kyiv named after himself. A river flowing in Kyiv was called after the sister.

Art: Kyi by Olena Kulchitska

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Germanic warrior with a spear by dewitteillustration

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The winds, progeny of Stribog, blow from the sea, like arrows onto Igor’s brave soldiers

The tale of Igor’s Campaign

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Christianity exploits, distorts, and in time destroys the Christian god-seeker (nation or person) for the benefit of the least worthy. Consider: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth" and similar "divine" directions. Christianity also leads to mongrelism and chaos. It is shocking, but some who understand have been silent because of fear, some because of material profit; most have not understood.
Be an Odinist and learn how it feels to be beyond the confusion of the great untruth.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Just finished watching Pamfir. A truly powerful movie.
Cinematography is great, actors did a very good job, authentic Hutsul speech is at times hard to understand even for me, but the dialogues are well-written and have many memorable lines.
Pagan Malanka festival is a real highlight worth seeing.

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