A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Shkuro’s Notes of the White Partisan
In Don, Kuban and Terek there’s no jewish population. Individual jews—doctors, lawyers and members of intelligentsia who live in the cities don’t differ from russian elite. Therefore, at the start of the civil war cossacks didn’t know about jews and were not aware of the jewish question at all. As my men moved to the North and West of Don region we happened upon towns with high jewish population. Cossacks stationed at the locals’ houses heard a lot of frustrated people talking about the jews’ leading role in Bolshevism, that many commissars and chekists are jewish and that they boast saying:
—We gave you God, we’ll give you a king too.
Cloud over the burial mound by O.Shupliak
Читать полностью…Christmastide fortunetelling (1888) by Mykola Pymonenko
Читать полностью…Also, since the public perceived christianity as traditional and patriarchal (even though christian doctrine is against distinctions be they racial, ethnic, social and even sexual) early on many neo-Pagans tried to appeal to women and overcompensated by empowering them to the point of absurdity. Even outside of Wicca there’s a sentiment that unlike christianity which suppresses women, Paganism gives them freedom. But said freedom is limited to being good mothers. Some may make an argument about magic, but that’s a simplification of sources which never state that magic was a female domain only. If anything there’s plenty of examples of men cursing, blessing and divining in no way less effectively than women. And female warriors, while historical, were still a rare minority.
Читать полностью…Going to write about some mistakes made by modern Pagans early on (80-90s). Some of those haunt us to this day after all. Already dealt with the topic before, but it’s always something worth coming back to (and it was a while ago).
Читать полностью…Ancient Pagans believed that one can just randomly meet Gods outside or see them after a ritual. There are countless tales of both heroes and common men dealing with the Gods directly. This genuine belief and connection are impossible with abstract reconstructions of perennials school where gods have no real connection to races and lands (Blood and Soil). Just goes on to show that it’s nothing but a new age trend e-pagans promote. Like all internet trends it will die off soon.
Читать полностью…If you think that the Gods as presented in myth and lore are just human interpretations of abstract higher powers you are not a Pagan. Such syncretic/perennial worldview is based on modern secular theories none of your ancestors even heard of. It’s the same idea atheists have about the Gods being human inventions except syncretists/perennialists add that there are some unknown real gods out there who are either unable or unwilling to show themselves and clarify what they truly are. Or they are intentionally deceiving humans by taking different forms to appeal to different people. That just means they are manipulative liars. Some gods you believe in, heretics.
Читать полностью…What is Syncretism?
Oxford dictionary defines it as, "the amalgamation or attempted amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought." Amalgamation is defined, "the action, process, or result of combining or uniting."
Syncretism in practice would be combining the Germanic Wotan (head of the Aesir, creator of Midgard) with the Hindu Shiva (the destroyer of the world, who's not the head of the pantheon). Why would somebody combine them? Because they have a slight connection with death, they both carry pointy sticks (Wotan with a spear and Shiva with a trident) And some people claim they are "cognate", EVERYTHING else doesn't match.
The earliest known case of syncretism documented comes from plato, who wrote in his timaeus that, "Nephthys is secretly Athena." Why? Because both are slightly connected with death. Never mind that they have completely different legends, completely different genealogies. None of that matters only vague similarities matter when combining old Gods into new Gods.
One star reviews for the book above. Sadly, they are a minority (5%)
Читать полностью…Speaking of Nuadu, look at this nigger attempt to blackwash him. All jokes about shitskins’ insecurities aside, I wonder what their forebears and ancestral gods think about this. Probably cringe at how pathetic these attempts to steal foreign faith are.
Читать полностью…Hence comes the name Loch Ce
I declare it without deceit
from Nuadu’s druid-splendid his valour-
is named the lake above all lakes.
Druid’s Lake
Loch Ce,—what was the cause of its breaking forth
when it was as yet a plain level and smooth?
I ask of you all, who was the Ce
from who everyone names the lake?
to what ruler of famous Banba belonged
the renowned druid who caused the lake to spread?
Fort of Fences
I was instructed, through lore of battles,
in the true tale of Ford of Fences
It was a home of shields and skenes,
with plenty of stake-fences and of troops:
blood-stained were its braves
on raids with the kingly Maines
There was a druid among Crimthand's men who found a way to deal with the fierce Fidga.
If ye desire their sudden destruction,
here is the means to subdue and behead them:
whomsoever the Fidga men shall hit,
let him be plunged in a pool of white milk:
from the strife of dreadful numerous weapons
he shall rise smooth and sound of wounds
Assisted by one of his men who used divination magic Eochaid managed to find a spring of secret water fountain which healed him
To the King who suffered, better than any prince,
let not my earnest supplication be scanty!
Fireflies and stars by O.Shupliak
Читать полностью…https://norroena-smp.blogspot.com/p/seidr-is-black-magic.html
Читать полностью…In the sources female magic amounts to divination performed by young girls to glance at future husbands (not very strong and independent, isn’t it?) and protective charms to cast on a sick child (again, directly tied to a female’s role as a mother).
Even Germanic seidr is not some fem-magic, it’s just black magic explicitly described as evil as opposed to galdr and spá which are not only mentioned more, but also considered as normal as magic can be.
Mistakes of early revival
Mistake #1 trying to be nothing but anti-christianity
We all know that christianity is a sect of judaism created to destroy nations. But what was it in mid 20th c.? Sure, the subversive elements were there, but some parts were taken from Paganism. Hardcore, bible-accurate christianity was (still is) not popular. Therefore trying to be the opposite has led to bizarre anti-religious guys who do not kneel, do not believe in Gods and even go as far as saying that Paganism is science, not faith.
Bust of Heracles
By Lucas Faydherbe
1617 – 1697
There are many different solar deities in European traditions. The supposed original sun god perennialists "reconstruct" is male, but in some tradition the solar deity is female like Sol in Germanic one. So this true solar god either doesn’t care what humans think he is or is just a plaything in mortal hands powerless to stop them from turning him into whatever they want. It makes the supposed progenitor gods so powerless they may as well be nothing but memes i.e. ideas (because they are) or so distant and careless there’s no point in worshipping them.
Читать полностью…What is Perennialism?
According to perennialism.org, "The perennial philosophy states that at the heart of each authentic tradition lies One Universal, Timeless Truth that transcends all time and space. This Truth is beyond being. This Truth is the source of Scared Revelation. This Truth is God."
Often utilized in new age movements, modern perennialism originates from the theosophical society's Helena Blavatsky. The goal of theosophy is, "To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste, or colour; to encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science; and to investigate unexplained laws of Nature and the powers latent in human beings."
Essentially, they claim that in the far distant past all humanity had one religion. And that mystery religion could be rediscovered through comparative mythology & combining faiths into a new one universal religion, which they claim is ancient.
Evola and Guénon use this & dubb it "traditionalism™"
Despite jews pouring millions into promoting niggers as strong and cool, their actions say otherwise. They are cowardly and weak people who never achieved much, despite living in a place full of natural resources and fertile soil.
Meanwhile Northern Europe is mostly ice and hard land, yet look what it’s people archived.
One can almost pity blacks. Most of them abandoned their land and traditions, don’t speak their native languages and can’t even play jazz without using White man’s instruments.
Just look at his. Hilarious! Here’s Amazon’s description:
This book provides a coup de grace or final blow to the fake theory of ‘Celts’ inhabiting ancient Britain or Ireland. The inhabitants of these islands were not ‘Celts’ – this book provides conclusive proof that the inhabitants were closely related to Africans and southern Mediterranean people, such as the African Guanches, Copts, Etruscans, and Pompeiians. These islands were inhabited by a cosmopolitan population, evidenced by high status African burials – such as Beachy Head Lady.
Abbe Paul Yves Pezron (1639-1796), a Breton theologian from France invented this fake ‘Celtic’ identity.
With this last one I have something important to point out. Note how the poet consistently refers to Ce as the druid of Nuadu specifically. The man also died of wounds he got in battle. It suggests that ancient Irish priesthood wasn’t as uniform as the mainstream image of a sickle-wielding herbalist implies. It’s just a theory of mine and I currently have no contact with the followers of Celtic tradition I used to know, but maybe there was a special type of a warrior druid who was a devout follower of Nuadu, the silver-handed God of war.
Читать полностью…The druid of Nuadu, heartener of the fray
from his grave comes the name of the lake
From Mag Tured yonder he came,
when poisoned spears dealt wounds
smitten by a keen-edged weapon
There is a stone that thou hast seen in the plain:
there was he laid under ground:
when his stone was cast upon the cairn
under the corpse rose up the mighty lake
In fear at the coming of the chieftains,
the kings of the raths, the noble Maines,
made round the ford to guard it
fences of black-thorn and of red-thorn
From these fences in sooth,
in the meadows of noble Elga,
is named Ath Cliath, with its strong tribes,
where I was wont to wend.
There were brought a hundred and fifty tender kine
to one spot and to one hill;
their milk was drawn without price paid
on the cold hill of Ard Lemnacht
The Milk Lake
Ard Lemnacht
King Crimthand feuded with a powerful tribe of the Fidga.
Every man of them was match for hundreds
overwhelming was their stature and their numbers
No mischance dared touch them at all,
no clang of arms in conflict could hurt them
One day the king was visited by a man who had heard that "there was none in Erin to whom Eochaid would say no". What the cruel man asked for was the king’s only eye.
Give me thine eye grey and bright,
said the surly malignant druid
thou among all men art specially distinguished
by fame for generosity among the Gaels
The King of Clare and Codal put
(it was a deed of praise and of horror)
his finger under his grey ball-like eye
so that it lay on the palm…