A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
One of the best idols I own is that of Mokosh. Accurate iconography is the best iconography.
By the way, it’s written and pronounced with o, so Makosh is wrong. Been only written like that once as a mistake and linguistically Mokosh is definitely the correct pronunciation from mokry (moist, wet).
III-IV century limestone idol from modern Ukraine possibly depicting Perun (judging by the club) and a modern wooden reconstruction.
Читать полностью…Jarl Haakon was a devout follower of the Gods and a defender of the traditional freedom that went with Asatru. He brought back the ancient rights of chieftains and farmers, rebuilt the temple that had been destroyed, and allowed the folk to once more follow their ancestral way. Peace ruled the country, and the people prospered. Even the crops in the fields seemed to respond to the restoration of freedom and holiness. This period lasted many years, then a dispute broke out with some of the residents of the Trondelag area.
I recommend reading Lucian’s account on Alexander and his ruse but in a nutshell it was a simple fraud. Alexander used his acting skills and knowledge to create a cult. He even made a high-quality doll to represent his made-up deity by the name of Glykon. As Lucian puts it Alexander:
...had long ago prepared and fitted up a serpent's head of linen, which had something of a human look, was all painted up, and appeared very lifelike. It would open and close its mouth by means of horsehairs, and a forked black tongue like a snake's, also controlled by horsehairs, would dart out. Besides, the serpent from Pella was ready in advance and was being cared for at home, destined in due time to manifest himself to them and to take a part in their show…
One of my miniature axes. This one has a kolovrat symbol on it which is not accurate, but makes sense since both kolovrat and those axes are seen as religious symbols by the majority of modern Slavic Pagans despite it not being historically accurate since the former is just a rare swastika variation and the former has no religious meaning whatsoever (in fact most of the finds date to post-conversion times).
Читать полностью…Welsh God Arawn by Moccus.art
Читать полностью…Pagan artisan Anton Lubiy Vognedar teaching kids how to make idols
Читать полностью…A horned Odin figure from the Uppakra Temple.
Compared to Celtic and Slavic art styles, Germanic art was often more minimalistic and surrealistic. This meant that with depictions of Gods, features such as a damaged eye for Odin, or Thor gripping his beard, were more immediately recognizable.
The Odinist says there is a spirit expressed in all creatures and things.
Put your hand on your horse as you are homeward bound on a moonlight night through the bush, and remember that Christianity says your horse is an automaton or a machine; remember it when you are calling in the cows; remember Christianity's idea when your dog races over the paddock to meet you.
Slavic God of smithing and fire
by Brother Bjorn
Swarog was sometimes misinterpreted as a Deus Pater by early neo-Pagans, but with time absurd theories began dying out and most modern Slavic Pagans agree on his role of a Smith God similar to Vulcan.
Asatruar, if they are true to their faith, constantly seek self-improvement.
Ancestry places us where we stand. A person is born of a race, a tribe, a lineage. What your Ancestors have achieved is expressed in your blood. Paganism is the only faith which acknowledges and venerates this sacred connection.
Читать полностью…🇬🇧 Northern landscape.
🇩🇪 Nördliche Landschaft.
🇷🇺 Северный ландшафт.
❄️ @thetruenortherner
Molfar is a Hutsul wizard capable of controlling weather, cursing, healing, divination and dealing with spirits.
Читать полностью…Sandstone statue of a Gallic ruler, discovered outside a burial mound near the hill-fort of Glauberg, in Hesse, Germany; 5th century B.C. 🇩🇪 The statue displays features that seem to indicate a dual role: Warrior and priest. He bears warlike paraphernalia such as sword, a shield, and a Greek-style linothorax set of armor. Additionally, his powerful legs are emphasized, a common feature of warrior statues of the Mediterranean regions. The torc around his neck makes it clear that the individual portrayed is a member of nobility. His priestly function is highlighted by the “leaf crown”, a diadem with exaggerated mistletoe-leaf shaped protrusions. This combined warrior-priest role was what defined the office of king in the Celtic world.
Southern Hesse is replete with Celtic archaeological finds; the region seems to have been the boundary between Celtic and Germanic peoples for millennia during the prehistoric and early historic eras.
Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!): /channel/CelticEurope
Two idols of mine representing a wiseman and a warrior archetypes
Читать полностью…What the Uppakra Temple may have looked like in its glory days. The excavation of the foundation revealed four large pillars around a central fire pit, not unlike the Ranheim Temple in southern Norway. The doors were on the sidewalls, like the temple described in the Eyrbyggja Saga.
The layout is similar to a few surviving stave churches; many of which may have originally been pagan temples that were repurposed into churches. According to Bede’s Ecclesiastical History, most pagan temples weren’t destroyed, but rather were repurposed.
Before the 5th century, most Germanic peoples worshipped in sacred groves and outdoor weohs; these temples were likely influenced by contact with the Roman Empire. As Hilda Ellis Davidson pointed out, the small Roman temples unearthed in England follow a similar construction pattern.
The Uppakra Temple is the most complete Germanic temple we’ve found yet, and can serve as a reference for building new ones.
Art by Vänehem Illustration.
There is an idea among the hoi polloi that the barbarian is a lower being than the civilized man. I would argue for the opposite. A barbarian enjoys more freedom, even though he pays for it with greater struggle. A civilized man is incapable of surviving in the harsh environment beyond the city walls. Too educated to even cut his own hair, let alone hunt for sustenance, build shelter and craft tools.
Читать полностью…Fake gods and their creators
We all know that today misinterpretation of sources and, at times, pure malicious intend lead to the creation of fake gods. An academic theory deified by those of us too eager to expand the pantheon and not bothering with historical accuracy. But what you may not know is the fact that this is in no way a modern issue, even though it is more common nowadays.
Meet Glykon, a fake deity created circa 2AD by a self-proclaimed prophet Alexander. It is worth noting that like many spiritual con artists both ancient and modern Alexander dabbled in occult (read as subversive) teachings of the East and apparently even spoke Hebrew. Oh, and he probably was a homosexual too. Typical occult teacher.
An Aryan from Andronovo culture on the left and a pre-European Iranian native from Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex on the right.
Читать полностью…Pagan artisan Anton Lubiy Vognedar and an idol of Swarog the Smith
Читать полностью…https://telegra.ph/Are-Modern-Jews-Really-Descended-From-Khazars-04-27
Читать полностью…There is an important distinction here, though, because in performing that function in Homer's Hades the king did no more than continue his characteristic activity in this life.
More advanced moral notions came later. The idea of judgment of dead souls on their conduct in this life was probably not formulated in Greece before the 6th century B.C. under influence of Pythagorean and Orphic thought.
Recently I came up with a new(ish) reconstruction of the Slavic version of pan-European Chaoskampf myth.It is well-know that Perun, club-wielding Thunderer fought Chaos Serpent (not Veles)
We also know that Indra before his fight with Vritra had Tvashtr the Smith forge him lightning bolts "Tvasta sharpened his far-whirling bolt" (Rigveda 1.32.2)
We also know that Vulcan and his cyclops forged lightning for Zeus. gave Zeus the thunder and made the thunderbolt (Theogony lines 139-145)
This is enough to assume that in Slavic Chaoskampf myth Swarog played a similar role and helped Perun with his smithing skills
The Lore teaches us how Odin hung nine days on the World Tree, starving, weakened by thirst, and wounded with a spear, to win this sacred knowledge. Those humans who can muster comparable will and determination to Overcome can rise to the level of the Gods themselves.
If you ask a Christian the meaning of "sell and give to the poor", "turn the other cheek," "blessed are the meek" and similar, and show him the logical conclusions of these sayings, and he says "Ah, you do not understand," or "It means something else," or "You ought to see the original Greek" or uses some other favored evasion of the issue, then you will know you are talking to a dangerous confuser, conscious or unconscious.
Lugh the Skilled God of Celts
Читать полностью…Know the difference and don't let subversives and fools tell you otherwise
Читать полностью…Dmitri Borovikov’s portrait by Arta Est Arma
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