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In the Middle Ages people often received catechesis. They did not receive the sacrament of baptism, which is one of the most important sacraments in christianity. They demonstrated that theoretically would like and maybe would be willing to be baptized.
Famous emperor Constantine the Great, under whose rule christianity became a state religion in Byzantium, who opened the temples and took part in religious life of the country wasn’t baptized. He took baptism only on his deathbed.
F. Uspenski
The skins of various quadrupeds having been used by the most ancient inhabitants of Greece for clothing and defense, we cannot wonder that the goat-skin was employed in the same manner.
In order that a goat-skin might serve this purpose, two of its legs would probably be tied over the right shoulder of the wearer, the other extremity being fastened to the inside of the shield. In combat the left arm would be passed under the hide, and would raise it together with the shield, as is shown in a marble statue of Athena, preserved in the museum at Naples, which, from its style of art, may be reckoned among the most ancient in existence.
Nowadays many Slavic Pagans, dare I say most, either don’t consider Lada a deity at all, or think that it was a female deity. Personally I think the latter is rather absurd and baseless, since the word itself has nothing associating it with feminine and as a recreated (academic, armchair mythology) Lada is redundant being a copy of Mokosh both in iconography and role in the pantheon.
Читать полностью…In Slavic languages a non-domestic animal can be called divъ(jь) or dikъ(jь). Meat of wild animals is called divina, dich, dichina etc .
For example, in Lithuanian dieva zuosis means wild goose, goose of Dievas. Also dieva vērši means wild bull, bull of Dievas.
So it’s possible that domesticated animals were seen as belonging to men while wild ones belong to the Sky/Div.
Hittite language has a similar expression šiunaš ḫuitar which means wild animals and animals who belong to Sius, a major deity of Hittite religion.
Mullein (Verbascum) is known in Slavic languages as divizna. According to Bulgarian philologist and linguist V.I. Georgiev the name derives from PIE Diwes-h₁ewsmn̥ (heat of Sky/Deus)
Читать полностью…There is a theory that Div, a deity mentioned in the Tale of Igor’s Campaign, was a God of Sky. The two lines mentioning Div in TIC go as follows:
Div calls from the treetop, orders unknown land to listen
(дивъ кличетъ връху древа, велитъ послушати земли незнаемѣ)
Div already fell on the land
(уже връжеса дивь на землю)
As you can see in both Div is mentioned alongside land (ground/field depending on the translation). This support the theory of Div being a Sky God paired with Earth Goddess.
The Mythology Of Universalism
One of the mistakes many people in the field of comparative mythology make is erroneously using linguistics to build a cosmological framework that unifies various mythologies.
Words, names, and titles are naturally polysemic; that is, they contain within them the possibility of multiple meanings.
For a simple example of this, consider the word "Tyr," which, depending on context, may refer to a single God, a specific god, and could even be used as a name or even a title of a god or deity.
Linguistic arguments are the weakest form of argument in comparative mythology, especially when the architecture of the linguistic field is entirely based on speculation. These fields and subjects, while a serious and very helpful field of study, are entirely based on theories.
It is disingenuous for anyone to claim a definitive cosmological structure by basing their assertions on a theoretical linguistic connection between two different cultures completely separated by time and geographic distance.
Comparative mythologists also make a mistake by assuming correlations in mythological structures as the very basis of their methodology. Even the most rigid comparativist falls prey to confirmation bias. Instead of understanding differences, they often hyperfocus on small points of similarities that conform to their preconceived notions.
Instead of understanding the belief from within the spiritual/cultural context the mythology is native too, the modern comparativist offers a theoretical worldview by automatically assuming a shared origin from the very beginning of their research into the mythology. There is no objective truth in this method of study despite what is claimed. The theories often asserted are subjective from the outset of study when the comparativist begins looking for similarities. This methodology is used to create theoretical mythologies that transform native cosmologies into a universal belief system. This method by itself is a logical fallacy.
This fallacy can be likened to one seeing a field of flowers and instead of seeing a field of roses, dandelions, sunflowers etc. ; one only sees a field of flowers.
If you need a non-modern example of universalistic paganism look at cicero
Читать полностью…Speaking of non-ethnically exclusive ethnic religions, nowadays there’s an artificial, (((academia))) promoted pan-Paganism. Obviously they don’t want us having any real Blood and Soil religion, so there’s a coordinated attempt to create a new strain of abrahamism rebranded as something pre-christian. Call it perennialism, platonism, evolian/guénonian traditionalism, soft paganism etc etc. In essence it’s all the same. Trying to remove the ethnic exclusivity and belief in real Gods replacing the latter with abstract archetypes (Sky-Father, Thunderer etc).
The trick they use is turning comparison into equation e.g. Japanese Susanoo fought a giant snake, Germanic Thor fought a giant snake=>they are basically the same.
Of course promoters of this idea refer to heretics like socrates-plato, cicero etc.
Come to think of it christianity is an ethnic religion, since it’s jewish (bible’s characters are jews and the main events take place on jewish lands) but it’s not ethnically exclusive (anyone can larp as jews).
Читать полностью…Triumph of Time
John Elliott
Truly, it can be said that mountain men are closer to Pagan Revivalism than most
Читать полностью…What some newcomers to Paganism don’t realize is that rejecting everything christian is not enough and can even lead to loosing some Pagan elements (e.g. kneeling). We have to learn to separate negative theology in general, not only abrahamic sects. There were many subversive cults back in the day and some of them predate christianity. Just being BC is not a guarantee. Example: Stoics came before christians, yet they were not Pagan at all. Marcus Aurelius was one and he completely contradicted Hellenic belief about afterlife.
Читать полностью…^ Nice, informative video. Give it a watch.
Читать полностью…Looking for someone who can draw a portrait. Obviously I prefer a folkish Pagan.
Читать полностью…According to ancient mythology, the aegis worn by Zeus was the hide of the goat Amaltheia, which had sucked him in his infancy.
Hyginus relates that, when he was preparing to resist the Titans, he was directed, if he wished to conquer, to wear a goat-skin with the head of the Gorgon. To this particular goat-skin the term aegis was afterwards confined. Homer always represents it as part of the armor of Zeus, whom on this account he distinguishes by the epithet aegis-bearing. He, however, asserts, that it was borrowed on different occasions both by Apollo and by Athena.
In many Slavic folk songs one can hear a refrain div-lado. Most think it has no meaning, but in one Croatian song written down in XVIII c. Lado is addressed as holy God and asked to listen.
It’s possible that lado is related to aldi, aldius, elder etc. from IE *aldhós (grown up).
The theory suggests that Div Lado is therefore fully semantically parallel to Dуéus Pətḗr.
Speaking of Gods and flowers, Iris Germanic aka bearded iris is known in Slavic languages as perunika i.e. Perun’s flower.
Читать полностью…The first line also mentioned treetop. Possibly indicating that Div is the God who sits high on his throne on top of the world tree (similar to Odin in Asgard). I’ve already written on the topic of Slavic Axis Mundi (which was probably an oak tree).
Читать полностью…Will translate a lot of new research on Div. An obscure Slavic deity mentioned in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.
Читать полностью…O'Gravy does not worship gods; he worships the comparative method, by which he hopes to reconstruct Celtic paganism. Like him, I too am disappointed by the fact that Celtic paganism is unreconstructable, but the answer is not to create a sprawling, elaborate metaphysical cope that lets us pretend that it's not. His "method" draws absolutely no bounds between any tradition whatsoever, and can be used to conclude anything at all, which is precisely what he needs it to do.
Читать полностью…Among the active promoters of non-ethnically exclusive Paganism many are literal jews or their servants e.g. boaz villalonga (aka modern platonist) and tom rowsell (aka STJ).
Читать полностью…Someone forwarded me a video claiming to "debunk" the Axial age. The Axial age is an influential thesis with a large body of scientific literature and empirical support, much of that literature written since the Seshat database opened a decade ago. On the "yes there was an Axial age" side of the ledger we have:
- transition from emphasis on religious orthopraxy (rite-focused, exoteric) to orthodoxy (inward/attitude-focused, doctrinal)
- transition from Weberian "magical" religious paradigms to Weberian "ethical" religious paradigms
- new "big gods" appear (transcendent moralizing deities concerned with minute human affairs)
- law/morality/religion begin to address themselves to all men
- de-territorialization of religion — "God" is everywhere
- man becomes free to choose which deity to worship — no longer bound to ethnic/tribal gods
- shame culture (external, social locus of moral authority) gives way to guilt culture (internal, individual)
- rise of asceticism — de-emphasis on this-worldly goods as object of highest interest
- linear history appears
On the "no there wasn't an Axial age" side we have the claim that all Indo-European religions knew "The Absolute". The evidence:
- although clear evidence of such knowledge enters many centuries after the historical record opens (in any branch), we suspect this knowledge was hidden
- related concepts (e.g. Brahman, karma) only took on the connotation of The Absolute later, but secretly they always meant this
- there was a big-thing-at-the-beginning in all IE mythologies, this must have been The Absolute
The comparative method is extremely powerful, but used incautiously it can also produce a lot of noise. None of what is claimed on the "no" side would pass muster in a real academic department. A doctorate supervisor would, right at the proposal stage, reject the thesis that the PIEs had the "Axial acquisitions". Even the minority of anthropologists who reject the Axial age do so not because they're trying to push neoplatonism back into the Bronze age, but for precisely the opposite reason—because too many non-IE cultures went through the same transition later.
The Axial age is just the time when the list of things above happened for the first time. To debunk it you'd have to dispute that, and no serious person does.
Nice definition. You can also replace the word Paganism with something like an Ethnic religion or Traditional religion, but let’s be real Pagan is the most popular term and there’s no reason to drop it just because christians use the word as an insult.
Читать полностью…One of the most baffling things is the amount of open, honest subversives in the right circles. You’d think that people would at least catch up to obvious shills like Shapiro, Dugin, Peterson, Jones etc. The majority are sheep even one the right side.
Читать полностью…American frontiersman is one of many examples of Aryan spirit and deserves respect.
Читать полностью…Imagine thinking that socrates (a freak and a heretic) had a better insight into the nature of the Gods than Homer, who was divine himself.
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